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ATTACK - eVols

ATTACK - eVols


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1 r<br />

"<br />

17 '<br />

MORE f AYS<br />

You now get more labor-savin- g features with THE HOOSIER KIT-<br />

CHEN CABINET than all the conveniences combined In most kitchen<br />

cabinets.<br />

Mrs. Christine Frederick's famous Food Guide answers your eternal<br />

qoestlon, "What shall I cook for dinner?" Tbe shsXer flour sitter.<br />

new Hoosier patent, cleans the flour It sifts; complete book<br />

keeping aystem la provided by the Hoosier bill file and Improved want<br />

list; an ingcnius cook book bolder keeps your book always open or<br />

closed before you; the emergency shelf for extra canned good a provides<br />

for unexpected gruests.<br />

FT<br />

In all, there are 40<br />

conveniences In the<br />

Hoosier Cahiiut.. fYet, because<br />

of enormous sales, the<br />

priee remains the same. You<br />

now. can buy the Hoosier for<br />

less than a common cupboard<br />

cabinet, and there la no mea-<br />

sure of the extra satisfaction<br />

It gives you. .<br />

The extras come In better<br />

health, in more time, less fa-<br />

tigue, fou save mile; of<br />

steps and hours of time that<br />

most 1.women.: upend ( needlessly<br />

In their kitchens. This<br />

saving alone haa made 700,<br />

- 000 women buy Hoosiera.<br />

You need one too. Get it tomorrow..<br />

:.k v'<br />

Coyne Furniture Go., Ltd.,<br />

"<br />

Young Building ' Bishop Street<br />

and now you can own<br />

Kodak Anastigmat f.8<br />

(a kodak that practically dots Graflex work in everything!<br />

but tpeedj end has tnoush speed for moat requirement!)- --<br />

for just a little higher price than<br />

a Kodak with R. R. Lens<br />

3A Kodak, with K. Anastigmat Lens, f.8, and K, Ball Bear--1<br />

..... .22.50<br />

.'. ing Shutter ;. . .......... ,.. . . ... ..... (26.00 ;<br />

No. I, ditto<br />

Of ' 1 A . cli&to 23 PO j<br />

Vest Pocket, ditto., ... , 10.00 ;<br />

. Honolulu<br />

Photo Supply Co, '<br />

y For (10 your kodak (in the above aizet) can be made into i<br />

a Kedak Anattlamat f.8.-,,4- . :r.<br />

Ei";r.iEK.:fflS-BABl- E<br />


; by pasteurizing the milk. This consists in rapidly heating<br />

the milk from 140 to 155 degrees Fahrenheit, holding<br />

it at that temperature fW twenty minute's, and then' cool<br />

ing it rapidly. ;<br />

r 1 "<br />

. limit'<br />

For this purjwse vie have several styles of<br />


pleased to demonstrate. .<br />

- ' '.<br />

0<br />

'<br />

The Bexall Store<br />

f<br />

y"'"<br />

' "'f ' .... ' u<br />

. -<br />

Fort and Hotel Streets. : . ; ; o Phone 1297<br />

HD-PHGIE- IG<br />

; OPEll' EVEimiGS UNTIL 11:15<br />

labor-sarin- s<br />

Hawaii to Honolulu $und Return ... . I. ,;. .......... ... ....... .. (1 5.08 :<br />

Maui ' to Honolulu and Return ... . .... . ,<br />

.<br />

, . . , . . .... .... . . . &00<br />

Kauai to Honolulu and Return.. ....... ... .....J...... v. i . . . ' 8.00<br />

An extra charge of One Dollar will be made for certain 4eck<br />

berths on steamers between Maui. Kauai and Honolulu with the exception<br />

of the W. G, Hall and Mikahala, v: - ft.<br />

Tickets issued tq arriTe at Honolulu Februarjr 20, 1915, return<br />

aa follows: . :. ':" : V.'vi-f<br />

Kona and Kau ............. March 2, 1915<br />

Hawaii and Maul ; . .. '. . .......... .February 27, 1915<br />

Kauai ... ... . ;. .... .. .. ...... March 2, 1915<br />

Inter-Idan- di Steam 'Iavi<br />

i r 4 "-- J<br />

9.<br />

r- -<br />

'JiU RATES<br />

I I , i : r f I ', 1 i ; 1 .<br />

;<br />

k .. .<br />

Mrs. HowarxTa Farewell Concert<br />

In a quaint eld fashioned drawing<br />

room, arranged in the Young hotel pavilion.<br />

Airs. Elaa Crosa Ifoward made<br />

her last appearance before a Honolulu<br />

audience last night Four hundred<br />

of Honolulu's society folk and<br />

musicians gathered at the hotel to<br />

hear Mrs. Howard In her piano recital.<br />

During the two years she has<br />

been In Honolulu she haa proven that<br />

She Is an artist of .unusual talept<br />

self . here, Able accompaniments to<br />

.Mr. Gilford's selections were playea<br />

by Mrs, L. TenneyPeck. t<br />

, During the evening Mrs. Charles L<br />

Hall nd Mrs. F. T. P. Waterhouse<br />

sang a duet, the accompaniment being<br />

played by Mrs. Howard.<br />

This morning Mrs. Howard left for:<br />

the mainland in the Matsonia. and<br />

moch to the. regret of. . the man -<br />

friends she haa made here she says<br />

that she will makeher home in the<br />

East Shortly after her arrival in Cal<br />

Ifornta, aho will start on a concert<br />

tour for which arrangements have al<br />

ready been made.<br />

.Some among those who were pres<br />

ent at the recital last night were Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Adam H. Dickey of Boston<br />

Massachusetts; Mr. . and Mrs. Theodore.<br />

Cooke, Mrs. Frederick J. Lowrey,<br />

Mr. an4 Mrs. Frederick D, Iowrey,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood M. Lowrey,<br />

Miss Florence Hoffman, Miss Thelma<br />

Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Bush<br />

Mr. and Mrs.? Fred - Waterhouse, Mr.<br />

and' Mrs; Charles L. IUJ1, Miss Me.<br />

Dongai, Mr. and ; Mrs. A. a. ingaiia<br />

Mr." and --<br />

Mrs. vv. u: Gifford, Mr.ana<br />

Mrs. Rudolph J. Buchly, Mr. and Mrs<br />

Phil, Danky, .5 Miss Mary; MacDevitt,<br />

Mr, anjj;Mts5 wD; Westervelt Mrs<br />

'Bessie.? Abbot. Howland. Miss rCJhar<br />

lotte Powers, Mr.. - William warren,<br />

Miss Blanche Boper. Mr. and Airs. L.<br />

Tenney Peck; Mr, Arthur Hough. Mr.<br />

and Mrp. wtwrencewudd. Mrs. J, Hed<br />

emann. M rs. Ferdinand Hedemann<br />

Miss MJlIieent Stroop, Miss Cadwell<br />

and Misa.,Pear.tSuthrland.<br />

J J Jt -<br />

Dunkhaae-Waike- r Nuptials.<br />

At a. quiet wedding at the home of<br />

i Mrs. J. S. Walker. Miss Cordelia Wat<br />

ker and Carl S. Dunkhase were mar-<br />

ried on Saturday afternoon, the Rev- -<br />

erena v h. , n. rarker or w Kawaiahae<br />

church officjatinr. The bride wore t<br />

simple Iravejing suit of dArk blue<br />

cictn ana a simple hat or a harmon<br />

Izing color, . , ; '.<br />

Only th immediate relatives of the<br />

pride and groom were present at the<br />

wedding. Shortly after the ceremony<br />

Mr. 1 and Mrs. Dunkhase motored to<br />

Tantalus, where they will spend their<br />

honeymoon. .<br />

, ,; During the past few weeks there<br />

haTe.heen many dellghtfuf entertain<br />

ments given in honor of Mrs. Dunk- -<br />

hasa and a number of other affairs<br />

nave been planned for her when she<br />

returns to town. v. .<br />

The bride ia a member of one r<br />

the eldest and best-know- n families in<br />

the islands.<br />

r<br />

Mr. Dunkhase is prominent with the<br />

firm, of H. Hackfeld & Co., having<br />

been connected with that house for a<br />

-'<br />

v<br />

number of, years.. ;<br />

-<br />

:<br />

j jt ,<br />

.<br />

Mrs. A. G. Prescott entertained at<br />

an enjoyable baby party at her home<br />

18 Kalmuki, on Saturday afternoon for<br />

her little son Donald, who celebrated<br />

his fourth ; birthday. In the drawing<br />

room and: dining room where the<br />

youngsters spent the afternoon quan<br />

tities of red carnations, red hearts<br />

and cunning little kewples were combined<br />

in pretty - decorations. At the<br />

long low table at which the children<br />

were seated a huge basket filled with<br />

carnations, caught with red tulle fastened<br />

from the chandeliers, formed an<br />

attractive centerpiece, and little ''red<br />

hearts were strewn on the cover carrying<br />

out the color scheme. Enclosed<br />

in brightly-colore- d bon bons each<br />

youngster ; found a little red cap.<br />

These present were Mrs. Louis Under- -<br />

wood and . Way, Mrs. James Guild and<br />

EdithVrMrs." Ray Reltow. and Gibson,<br />

Mrs. Webb and Barbara, Mra. Turner<br />

and Philip, Mrs. Weinberg with Bernard<br />

and Richard, Mrs. ' Hurd with<br />

Frances and Allen, Mra. Love with<br />

Louis . and Ambrose, Mrs. Do Frees<br />

with Ted, Mrs. J. F. Child with Johi<br />

Mrs. Chandler and Dorrence, Mrs.<br />

Bnsherand Willard. Mrs. J. A. Balch<br />

with Adean. Mrs. Brasch and Janet<br />

Mrs. Wilson with King. Mrs. W. H.<br />

Johnscn with Louise. Mrs. Black wjtb<br />

Freddie and the hostess with her two<br />

children,,. Donald and Warren. . -<br />

Mr. and Mra. Henry Hunt<br />

Tomkint to Return to Honolulu<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunt Tomklns<br />

of Denver, who have been visiting in<br />

Honolulu for the oast few weeks, left<br />

icr uefc mainland ficme ty the Mat<br />

sonia this morning but they , will re--J<br />

4<br />

turn to the Islands In the near future.<br />

ferf recently Mr. Tomkins bought a<br />

piece or property at Waikikl where a<br />

handscme building is to be erected for<br />

a winter home.<br />

Tha Tomklns are prominent in society<br />

in Denver. Mrs., Tomklns is a<br />

charming weman and during ber visit<br />

in Honolulu has made many friends<br />

who have entertained her extensively.<br />

She is tall and dark and has the grace<br />

and poise which makes all Texas<br />

women so charming. While she re-<br />

sides now in Denver her home was<br />

formerly in the Southern state.<br />

Nearly 50 years afo Mr. Tomkins<br />

went to Colorado and engaged in<br />

mining and afterwards in the mercan<br />

tile business. Mining, however, haa<br />

a fascination for him aad as a side<br />

cattle kings of Colorado. - f<br />

v Mr. and Mrs.. Tomkins have no definite<br />

idea as to when they will return<br />

to the . islands but In all ; probability<br />

their friends will greet them again in<br />

the summer. '<br />

. . . ct jm :<br />

Miss Marion Rodolph Ja expecting<br />

the arrival this vweek , of . hei fiance, )<br />

James McCandlessn. accompanied , by ,<br />

No Buffering any<br />

lose un-<br />

his ; mother. Mrs. John McCandless, (<br />

til she has<br />

Philadelphia, en for rnomvi . f.t tw.i<br />

in Honolulu, the V r<br />

will for some recuper-V- , remedy, th tnedicJnaJ<br />

the a<br />

to islands? San Frintisco Exani<br />

iner. ';' 'i : :: ;;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mopre are home<br />

again after a delightful visit In Honolulu,<br />

where .they were extensively .en<br />

their hospitable<br />

'<br />

of ingredient of, vhJcft are derived:<br />

automobile which occurred and Jierba, has tot<br />

in December. KfcCandfess and ; proved to a valua-h- er<br />

will<br />

CjEJand-v'fo- --and r<br />

- "given<br />

vthu LH<br />

remain months<br />

effects<br />

invigoratojp. of the fe<br />

before "Journey ; organism. everywhere<br />

the<br />

testimony the<br />

Pinkham'i Vegetable<br />

Compound, ..T<br />

Pleirre<br />

tertained friends.<br />

c<br />

the slightest doubt<br />

Lydia PInkham'a<br />

ble Compound<br />

-- J. 11. 1<br />

he of Mr. and MrsvjCarl j (cpnfidential) for ad-w- ho<br />

to shortly a letter be opened,<br />

the San Francisco News-Le- v j answered woman from form<br />

of female troubles should hope<br />

Lydia E. PInkham'a<br />

frcm route their,<br />

home where1 former<br />

famotja<br />

atlng fromto<br />

in<br />

by a woman,<br />

." : I In confidence<br />

- serious<br />

accident<br />

"from native roota<br />

Mrs. forty yean be most<br />

son Istop two--- k Ionic<br />

weeks continuing tlelr male Women<br />

bear willing wonderful<br />

virtue of .Lydi E.<br />

, ,<br />

' If yoa hare<br />

that E. Vegeta<br />

by<br />

will help you,write<br />

H.ll.l .<br />

home Wolff, Lynn, Masg<br />

expect leare for visit Tice, Your will<br />

East<br />

read and<br />

f<br />

I<br />

Engagement Announced<br />

I Members of the younger aet will be<br />

much Interested to learn of the engagement<br />

cf MIta'Anne Buckland of<br />

Holyoke, Massachusetts, and Jl r.<br />

Francis Brown of Honolulu. Miss<br />

Buckland is one of the most popular<br />

young society women In Holyoke. It<br />

was during the last college year that<br />

she met Mr. Brown.<br />

Francis Brown, the youngest son of<br />

Mrs. nj S. Holloway, is one of the<br />

favorites In the younger set During<br />

his days at Punahou academy he led<br />

his class in the school affairs. For<br />

the last three or four years he has<br />

attended college In the East, returning<br />

to the Islands during the summer<br />

. mcnths.<br />

No definite date has been set for<br />

the marriage, but It will probably take<br />

place seme time during the fall.<br />

The niche of the pavillcn where the<br />

gave her.recital was a, setting, the mIddle when but<br />

cf old Poland and France, and as'. ft trall iadville, he mounted his<br />

jura, tiowara sai ai ine piano wiui btirro an( the trip over<br />

old-fashion- ornaments of candles<br />

the rays of an artificial moon cast a<br />

soft. glow over the room, which was<br />

hung with rich tapestries.<br />

Among the selections which were<br />

greatly enjoyed by, the aifclience was<br />

Chopin's Sonata in B flat minor. This<br />

piece . waa by Harold Bauer<br />

when he last visited Honolulu, and<br />

those who have heard both musicians<br />

give the Sonata say that Mrs. Howard's<br />

rendition equaled of not excelled<br />

that of .the famous musician. V i<br />

Mrs. Howard was ably assisted by<br />

Mr. John Gifford. Honolulu's boy Tio-Unis-t,<br />

Issue he prospected and succeeded. In<br />

pianist os. there was<br />

to<br />

iu ma(je grades<br />

toe steep for a holding ground for a :j<br />

transit and for 10.000 feet of elevation.<br />

Here he grubstaked and engaged in j<br />

business, establishing a general store,<br />

played<br />

who has made a name for him-<br />

I<br />

carrying a siock 01 miners supplies<br />

which was afterwards enlarged so that<br />

machinery was included in the stock.<br />

His business prospered and where<br />

there was v a rich strike In the<br />

then territory that showed indication<br />

of holding out, and where<br />

there would be a demand for<br />

mining supplies and machinery he<br />

established a store and today Colorado<br />

is dotted with Tomklns stores,<br />

and all of them are prospering. A<br />

few years ago Mr. Tomklns saw an<br />

opportunity to add to his fortune by<br />

engaging in tha cattle. business. He<br />

bought a herd of Herefords after se--'<br />

curing land whose area in acres is<br />

counted by the thousands. His herd,<br />

of Herefords now , numbers approximately.<br />

10,000 and some of them may<br />

be seen here in the future on Hawaii's .<br />

C8ttle ranches.- - Practically, Mr.. Tomklns<br />

is the successor of the Wilson r<br />

brothers and the late John. W. Iflll.<br />

who were for. years regarded as , the 1<br />

?<br />

' Miss Catherine Smith of W1.124 Riverside<br />

will leave today California,<br />

where she will Join her sister, who<br />

has Just from a six<br />

visit In Honolulu. Spokane Chronicle.<br />

WHAT $10 DID<br />

sent<br />

for this vnn<br />

Mrs.<br />

. i i - : -r- -r- v"<br />

, . j ita She a graa- - Is<br />

--<br />

Sri mte the The Mermaid"<br />

f and with very and U<br />

tLPinkham in Chicago, --ani - .<br />

pound Which Brought<br />

Good Health. u<br />

Tartar made from r grapes<br />

returned months'<br />

Baking Powder free on request, Address box<br />

Honolulu. Hawaii.<br />

Honolulu Is at favored in honor of Hunting-havin- g<br />

Charlotte A Powers, a ton. Thursday afternoon at the<br />

of experience Union<br />

ment. within gates. is Powers going to give<br />

Pr? Pairl for LvdtA of Chicago Musical college Uan Andersen's Little<br />

r --V has Uught successful Abbot Howland<br />

Wejretableuom- - results Grand Rapids going to the songs.<br />

haa spearian evening but at<br />

on her professional In the East she expects to on February<br />

and New 19 she will .Drobably, a<br />

Waahington,<br />

Danville, Va.- -" I have onry tpent tea<br />

Richmond, . " 4<br />

-:<br />

Virginia, and San leg and history<br />

dollaraon toot medicine and I feel bo<br />

ciscov Sacramento<br />

Fv"<br />

mucn man<br />

and Ios Angeles. at present this and<br />

1 1<br />

better<br />

Miss has had so of interest she find that<br />

di4 when the . ence as an entertainer at both she expects to design a Hawaiian ent<br />

me.<br />

f r0r men or women. she ap-- tertlnment may , be In<br />

suffer:<br />

atallnowapdlaleep<br />

vl say<br />

enough for Xydia<br />

Pinkham'e Vegetable<br />

Compound end<br />

ao<br />

forme. I am<br />

turn and it to j<br />

remedies. I pleasure teling<br />

friends and<br />

thn."-M- rs. Mattib Haley, 501<br />

any at the luncheon of the College or; on the mainland. , --<br />

for<br />

Royal Cook Book<br />

539,<br />

'<br />

present In club, given<br />

MIbs<br />

On<br />

reader much and attain- - Central church social Miss<br />

liana<br />

Jlrs. Bessie<br />

sing<br />

Miss Powers visited many cities the recital<br />

tours which give<br />

West, among them being chose mixed<br />

York city, program.<br />

Rochester, Fran--; Hawaiian ends, myth<br />

are artist's study,<br />

Powers xmuch expert- - much does<br />

doctor cluba<br />

was treating Today This given<br />

don't pears Honolulu later<br />

' -- f<br />

bearinsr down paina .<br />

sa<br />

weJL cannot<br />

.<br />

Liver Pilla as thev<br />

MM have done mnch<br />

, enjoy<br />

ing good health pw all<br />

your tako hi<br />

my neighbors about<br />

Col--j<br />

T (<br />

?2 TinilRHRPTV<br />

1 a. r fit- - T<br />

ter ' and held strict<br />

B0tible MgHti of<br />

i<br />

in Our Window Now<br />

jiapanese<br />

jmw--E<br />

r 1 .... '..........-"- .' A K<br />

Carnival<br />

1 a '.<br />

CL.VilllL<br />

Sal<br />

"<br />

wmm U Jill<br />

: lmm ...<br />

jjJL<br />

All<br />

twit<br />

Used and praised by the most<br />

competent and careful pastry<br />

cooks the world over<br />

The only Baking Powder modo<br />

i<br />

from Royal Grape Cream of<br />

? Tak pleasure in v<br />

announcing that;..<br />

Mr. George P. Ahlborn<br />

is now, a member v<br />

- ' '<br />

-<br />

Kinds<br />

Emporium of ORIENTAL Goods<br />

1180-118- 4 Fort St. opposite Catholic Church<br />

for season ticket to thirteen pay<br />

.<br />

1<br />

-<br />

,.3<br />

'<br />

T;V V:-- I<br />

PHohe 1944. Make reservations; to day<br />

?<br />

M-<br />

nown<br />

Ajre Distinctly New Here<br />


ni<br />

r r<br />

l<br />

1<br />


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