How to CAST OUT DEMONS and BREAK CURSES - Spiritual ...

How to CAST OUT DEMONS and BREAK CURSES - Spiritual ...

How to CAST OUT DEMONS and BREAK CURSES - Spiritual ...


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The following is a most interesting Scripture:<br />

“The “The spirit spirit of of a a man man is is the the lamp lamp of of the the LORD, LORD, searching searching all all the the inner inner depths depths of of his<br />

his<br />

heart.” heart.” (Proverbs (Proverbs 20:27)<br />

20:27)<br />

The marginal note in the New King James Version says that the literal translation of the word<br />

‘heart’ is ‘the rooms of the belly’. Thus, one could say that our heart spiritually contains rooms. If sin<br />

resides in any one of these rooms, then it can provide a platform for demonic activity. This is one<br />

of the reasons why Christians can be troubled with demons.<br />



Idolatry which brings the curse of God on <strong>to</strong> the third <strong>and</strong> fourth generation.<br />

“And “And God God spoke spoke all all these these words, words, saying:<br />

saying:<br />

‘I ‘I am am the the Lord Lord your your God, God, who who brought brought you you out out of of the the l<strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> of of Egypt, Egypt, out out of of the the house<br />

house<br />

of of bondage.<br />

bondage.<br />

You You shall shall have have no no other other gods gods before before Me.<br />

Me.<br />

You You shall shall not not make make for for yourself yourself any any carved carved image, image, or or any any likeness likeness of of anything anything that<br />

that<br />

is is in in heaven heaven above, above, or or that that is is in in the the earth earth beneath, beneath, or or that that is is in in the the water water under under the<br />

the<br />

earth;<br />

earth;<br />

You You shall shall not not bow bow down down <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong> them them nor nor serve serve them. them. For For I, I, the the LORD LORD your your God, God, am am a<br />

a<br />

jealous jealous God, God, visiting visiting the the iniquity iniquity of of the the fathers fathers on on the the children children <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong> the the third third <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> fourth<br />

fourth<br />

generations generations of of those those who who hate hate Me.” Me.” (Exodus (Exodus 20:1-5)<br />

20:1-5)<br />

Some effects of hereditary sin:<br />

Rejection Witchcraft <strong>and</strong> occultism<br />

Abnormal fears Curses<br />

Sexual lust Cultural problems<br />

Addictions Schizophrenia<br />

Rebellion Anger<br />

3. 3. DOMINA<br />




The spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel is referred <strong>to</strong> in Scripture both as a person <strong>and</strong> as a spirit.<br />

It is significant that the persons referred <strong>to</strong> as Jezebel have many of the same characteristics of<br />

the spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel is one of the three strong men which form the unholy trinity.<br />

Jesus said we must bind the strong man:<br />

“Or “Or else else how how can can one one enter enter a a strong strong man’s man’s house house <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> plunder plunder his his goods, goods, unless unless he<br />

he<br />

first first binds binds the the strong strong man? man? And And then then he he will will plunder plunder his his house.” house.” (Matthew (Matthew 12:29)<br />

12:29)<br />

Jezebel is called the Lady of Kingdoms in Isaiah.<br />

“Sit “Sit in in silence, silence, <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> go go in<strong>to</strong> in<strong>to</strong> darkness, darkness, O O daughter daughter of of the the Chaldeans; Chaldeans; For For you you shall shall no<br />

no<br />

longer longer be be called called The The Lady Lady of of Kingdoms.” Kingdoms.” (Isaiah (Isaiah 47:5)<br />

47:5)<br />

It is clear from Isaiah 47 that it was the demonic power behind Babylon.<br />

It has been evidenced clearly through people, e.g. as wife of King Ahab:<br />

“Now “Now Ahab Ahab the the son son of of Omri Omri did did evil evil in in the the sight sight of of the the LORD, LORD, more more than than all all who who were<br />

were<br />

before before him.<br />

him.<br />

And And it it came came <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong> pass, pass, as as though though it it had had been been a a trivial trivial thing thing for for him him <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong> walk walk in in the the sins<br />

sins<br />

of of Jeroboam Jeroboam the the son son of of Nebat, Nebat, that that he he <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong>ok as as wife wife Jezebel Jezebel the the daughter daughter of of Ethbaal, Ethbaal, king<br />

king<br />

of of the the Sidonians; Sidonians; <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> he he went went <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> served served Baal Baal <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> worshipped worshipped him.<br />

him.<br />

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