Ivanhoe - Penn State University

Ivanhoe - Penn State University

Ivanhoe - Penn State University


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<strong>Ivanhoe</strong><br />

for the horse and arms with which his credit supplied me.” his daughter, and retinue, had taken up their quarters; the<br />

“Nay, by St Dunstan,” replied Gurth, “that I will not do.” Jews, it is well known, being as liberal in exercising the duties<br />

“How, knave,” replied his master, “wilt thou not obey my of hospitality and charity among their own people, as they<br />

commands?”<br />

were alleged to be reluctant and churlish in extending them<br />

“So they be honest, reasonable, and Christian commands,” to those whom they termed Gentiles, and whose treatment<br />

replied Gurth; “but this is none of these. To suffer the Jew to of them certainly merited little hospitality at their hand.<br />

pay himself would be dishonest, for it would be cheating my In an apartment, small indeed, but richly furnished with<br />

master; and unreasonable, for it were the part of a fool; and decorations of an Oriental taste, Rebecca was seated on a heap<br />

unchristian, since it would be plundering a believer to enrich of embroidered cushions, which, piled along a low platform<br />

an infidel.”<br />

that surrounded the chamber, served, like the estrada of the<br />

“See him contented, however, thou stubborn varlet,” said Spaniards, instead of chairs and stools. She was watching the<br />

the Disinherited Knight.<br />

motions of her father with a look of anxious and filial affec-<br />

“I will do so,” said Gurth, taking the bag under his cloak, tion, while he paced the apartment with a dejected mien and<br />

and leaving the apartment; “and it will go hard,” he muttered, disordered step; sometimes clasping his hands together—<br />

“but I content him with one-half of his own asking.” So say- sometimes casting his eyes to the roof of the apartment, as<br />

ing, he departed, and left the Disinherited Knight to his own one who laboured under great mental tribulation. “O, Jacob!”<br />

perplexed ruminations; which, upon more accounts than it is he exclaimed—“O, all ye twelve Holy Fathers of our tribe!<br />

now possible to communicate to the reader, were of a nature what a losing venture is this for one who hath duly kept every<br />

peculiarly agitating and painful. We must now change the jot and tittle of the law of Moses—Fifty zecchins wrenched<br />

scene to the village of Ashby, or rather to a country house in from me at one clutch, and by the talons of a tyrant!”<br />

its vicinity belonging to a wealthy Israelite, with whom Isaac, “But, father,” said Rebecca, “you seemed to give the gold to<br />


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