IFRS Update

IFRS Update

IFRS Update


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<strong>IFRS</strong> 9 Financial Instruments<br />

<strong>IFRS</strong> 9 for financial assets was first published in November 2009<br />

and was updated in October 2010 to include financial liabilities.<br />

These pronouncements initially required the adoption of the<br />

standard for annual periods on or after 1 January 2013.<br />

Amendments to <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 Mandatory Effective Date of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 and<br />

Transition Disclosures, issued in December 2011, moved the<br />

mandatory effective date of both the 2009 and 2010 versions<br />

of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 from 1 January 2013 to 1 January 2015.<br />

Key requirements<br />

<strong>IFRS</strong> 9 is being developed in phases. The first phase addressed<br />

the classification and measurement of financial instruments<br />

(Phase 1). The Board’s work on the other phases is ongoing, and<br />

includes impairment of financial instruments and hedge<br />

accounting, with a view to replacing IAS 39 in its entirety.<br />

Phase 1 of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 applies to all financial instruments within the<br />

scope of IAS 39.<br />

Financial assets<br />

All financial assets are measured at fair value at initial recognition.<br />

Debt instruments may, if the fair value option (FVO) is not invoked, be<br />

subsequently measured at amortised cost if:<br />

• The asset is held within a business model that has the objective<br />

to hold the assets to collect the contractual cash flows<br />

And<br />

• The contractual terms of the financial asset give rise, on<br />

specified dates, to cash flows that are solely payments of<br />

principal and interest on the principal outstanding.<br />

All other debt instruments are subsequently measured at fair<br />

value.<br />

All equity investment financial assets are measured at fair value<br />

either through other comprehensive income (OCI) or profit or loss.<br />

Equity instruments held for trading must be measured at fair value<br />

through profit or loss. Entities have an irrevocable choice of<br />

recognising changes in fair value either in OCI or profit or loss by<br />

instrument for all other equity investment financial assets.<br />

Financial liabilities<br />

For FVO liabilities, the amount of change in the fair value of a<br />

liability that is attributable to changes in credit risk must be<br />

presented in OCI. The remainder of the change in fair value is<br />

presented in profit or loss, unless presentation of the fair value<br />

change in respect of the liability’s credit risk in OCI would create<br />

or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss.<br />

All other IAS 39 classification and measurement requirements for<br />

financial liabilities have been carried forward into <strong>IFRS</strong> 9, including<br />

the embedded derivative separation rules and the criteria for using<br />

the FVO.<br />

8 <strong>IFRS</strong> <strong>Update</strong> of standards and interpretations in issue at 28 February 2013<br />

Transition<br />

An entity may choose to apply the classification and the<br />

measurement requirements of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 retrospectively, in<br />

accordance with the requirements of IAS 8. However, the<br />

restatement of comparative period financial statements is not<br />

required.<br />

<strong>IFRS</strong> 7 requires additional disclosures on transition from IAS 39<br />

to <strong>IFRS</strong> 9. The new disclosures are either required or permitted<br />

on the basis of the entity’s date of transition and whether the<br />

entity chooses to restate prior periods.<br />

Early application of the financial asset requirements is<br />

permitted. Early application of the financial liabilities<br />

requirements is permitted if the entity also applies the<br />

requirements for financial assets. Early application must be<br />

disclosed.<br />

Impact<br />

Phase 1 of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 will have a significant impact on:<br />

• The classification and measurement of financial assets<br />

• Reporting for entities that have designated liabilities using<br />

the FVO<br />

For entities considering early application, there are a number of<br />

benefits and challenges that should be considered. Careful<br />

planning for this transition will be necessary.<br />

Other Ernst & Young publications<br />

Applying <strong>IFRS</strong> — <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 New mandatory effective date and<br />

transition disclosures (January 2012) EYG no. AU1067.<br />

Implementing Phase 1 of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9 — Second edition (July 2011)<br />

EYG no. AU0897.<br />

Supplement to <strong>IFRS</strong> Outlook Issue 89: IASB completes Phase 1<br />

of <strong>IFRS</strong> 9: Financial Instruments — Classification and<br />

Measurement (October 2010) EYG no. AU0680.<br />

Supplement to <strong>IFRS</strong> Outlook Issue 60: IASB publishes <strong>IFRS</strong> 9<br />

— Phase 1 of new standard to replace IAS 39 (November 2009)<br />

EYG no. AU0387.

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