LIFE & JOURNAL - Christian Israelite Church

LIFE & JOURNAL - Christian Israelite Church

LIFE & JOURNAL - Christian Israelite Church


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1819-1822<br />

the excellent glory of his Father, This is my beloved Son, in<br />

whom I am well pleased.<br />

This voice which came from heaven we have heard, and<br />

having a sure word of prophecy, we shall do well if we take<br />

heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day<br />

dawn, and the day-star from on high shall arise; knowing this<br />

first, that no prophecy is of any private interpretation; for<br />

prophecy came not of old by the will of man, but holy men of<br />

God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So I being<br />

moved on to transmit a few lines unto thee, and I beseech thee<br />

hearken unto the voice of the Lord, and obey his word, and be<br />

strong; and whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy<br />

might. But if thou do not, I am authorised to say that the Lord<br />

will cut thee off from amongst men for betraying the trust<br />

committed to thy charge. Thy oppositions will be many; the<br />

emissaries of hell are at work, and are filing themselves out for<br />

battle against thee, but thy captain is stronger than all the hosts<br />

of hell. The power of the Most High will shortly be made<br />

manifest in the defence of his children. His Son Shiloh will sit<br />

upon the throne of David, and Israel’s seed shall be gathered<br />

from the ends of the earth. Then these visionary sights, which<br />

are but faint representations, will be lost in full fruition of the<br />

excellencies of the glorious enjoyments of our ever adorable<br />

Lord and Master.<br />

Thou may think it strange my addressing thee in such a<br />

manner, but I dare do no other. One of my visitors, whose<br />

name I dare not mention, hath commanded me to do so, being<br />

attended by a number of the heavenly host, and our beloved<br />

Shiloh by his side. His voice was as thunder when he spoke. O<br />

how sweet it is to obey the commands of the Lord! These<br />

appearances are messengers of heaven, who are delegated to<br />

make known to man the counsels and will of the Most High.<br />

And as the God of heaven is thus pleased to visit man by his<br />

heavenly glorified ministering Spirit, as well as by his still<br />

small voice, let us fail not in the strength of Jehovah to obey.<br />

God help me so to do, and not only me, but all who call<br />

themselves believers in the glorious heavenly visitation to his<br />

handmaid and servants now departed, and are with their Lord in

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