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01.Masters of Chaos Pages 8/17/04 12:00 PM Page 318<br />

318<br />

M asters of C haos<br />

The soldiers and their Kurdish allies ate and rested briefly in the shelter<br />

of a cliff at Sargat’s edge, and then they set off again to pursue those<br />

who were fleeing toward the border. Some Kurds were assigned to stay<br />

behind to collect the dead and wounded from the mountains around<br />

Sargat. The town itself was deserted; the houses would be searched for<br />

evidence later.<br />

The Kurds took the low road into the gorge behind the town while<br />

the ODA climbed into the high ground of the mountain pass. The gorge<br />

abruptly narrowed into sheer and rocky walls that were honeycombed<br />

with dozens of caves. This place, called Diramar, was supposedly off<br />

limits to all but senior Ansar members, and Arabs were rumored to stay<br />

in these caves. Intelligence sources had said that a radio transmitter was<br />

located higher up in the mountain pass. The soldiers now were within<br />

shouting distance of Iran.<br />

A hail of gunfire erupted from the caves as the Kurds approached.<br />

The pesh merga returned fire, and Grit shot high-explosive grenades from<br />

his M203 into the caves, but the holed-up militants continued to fire. Grit<br />

then unsuccessfully tried to smoke them out with tear-gas grenades. It<br />

was time for something bigger. He pulled out a new cave-busting version<br />

of the AT–4 antitank missile called a “small D”—which demolished<br />

the cave. The men made their way through the gorge, destroying caves,<br />

for the better part of an hour. In the middle of it all a Kurd named<br />

Wohab, who Sheikh Jafr had assigned as the captain’s personal security<br />

detail, showed up with cookies and soda pop for the captain. Wohab<br />

knew that the captain liked sodas and had figured that it was time for an<br />

afternoon break.<br />

The team climbed higher into the pass in search of fleeing fighters<br />

and the radio transmitter. The soldiers moved through a cluster of<br />

about ten cinderblock huts. They were very near the border. Machine<br />

gun fire suddenly ranged in on the team from the steep mountain walls.<br />

The men ran back to the closest hut; the heavy-caliber bullets chipped<br />

away at the cinderblock. The team radioed for emergency close-air support<br />

but cancelled the call when it became apparent that the men had to<br />

move. Chunks of the wall fell away and holes opened up—the building

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