Admiral Home Popham Telegraph signal book 1806 - 3decks

Admiral Home Popham Telegraph signal book 1806 - 3decks

Admiral Home Popham Telegraph signal book 1806 - 3decks


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599. Organize. Organised. Organisation. 1599. Overtake.<br />

600. Ostensible. Ostensive. 1600. Overthrown. Overthrow.<br />

P<br />

601. Packet. Packets. 1601. Parallel. Parallels.<br />

602. Part. Parted. Parting. Partition. 1602. Parapet. Parapets.<br />

603. Partake. Partaking. Partook. 1603. Parole.<br />

604. Particular. Particularly. 1604. Passport. Passports.<br />

605. Pass. Passed. Passing. Passage. Passenger. 1605. Patrol. Patrolling.<br />

606. 1606.<br />

607. Peace. Peace. Peacefully. 1607. Pay. Paid. Paying. Payment.<br />

608. People. Peopled. Peopling. 1608. Peink<br />

609. Perfect. Perfected. Perfecting. Perfection. 1609. Pendant. Pendants.<br />

Perfectly.<br />

610. Perform. Performed. Performing. Performance. 1610. Penetrate. Penetrated. Penetrating. Penetration.<br />

Penetrable.<br />

611. Perhaps. 1611. Peninsula.<br />

612. Permit. Permitted. Permitting. Permission. 1612. Perforate. Perforated. Perforating. Perforation.<br />

613. Preserve. Preserved. Preserving. Perseverance. 1613. Perish. Perished. Perishing. Perishable.<br />

614. Person. Personal. Personally. 1614. Perpendicular.<br />

615. Persuade. Persuaded. Persuading. Persuasion. 1615. Perpetuate. Perpetuated. Perpetuating. Perpetually.<br />

616. 1616.<br />

617. Petty Officer. 1617. Perplexed. Perplexed. Perplexing. Perplexity<br />

618. Pilot. Piloted. Piloting. Pilotage. 1618. Perspective<br />

619. Place. Placed. Placing. 1619. Peruse. Perused. Perusing. Perusal.<br />

620. Point. Pointed. Pointing. Points of the compass 1620. Petition. Petitioned. Petitioning.<br />

621. Port. 1621. Physic. Physical. Physician.<br />

622. Portugal. Portuguese. 1622. Piece. Pieces. Piecemeal.<br />

623. Position. 1623. Pierce. Pierced. Piercing.<br />

624. Positive. Positively. Positiveness. 1624. Pinnace<br />

625. Process. Possessed. Possessing. Possession. 1625. Plain. Plainly. Plainness.<br />

626. 1626.<br />

627. Post. Posted. Posting. 1627. Plan. Planned. Planning.<br />

628. Post meridian. 1628. Plenty. Plenteous. Plentiful. Plentifully.<br />

629. Powder. 1629. Plunder. Plundered. Plundering.<br />

630. Power. Powerful. Powerfully. 1630. Plunge. Plunged. Plunging.<br />

631. Practice. Practised. Practising. Practicable. 1631. Pole. Polar. Polauly<br />

632. Precaution. Precautionary. 1632. Poop<br />

633. Prefer. Preferred. Preferable. Preference. 1633. Poor. Poorly.<br />

634. Prepare. Prepared. Preparing. Preparation. 1634. Portion.<br />

Preparative.<br />

635. Present. Presented. Presenting. Presentation. 1635. Pounder. Pounders.<br />

636. 1636.<br />

637. Preserve. Preserved. Preserving. Preservation. 1637. Pour. Poured. Pouring<br />

638. Presume. Presumed. Presuming. Presumption. 1638. Precise. Precisely. Precision<br />

639. Press. Pressed. Pressing. Pressure. 1639. Predict. Predicted. Predicting. Prediction.

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