Untitled - TARDIS Big Bang

Untitled - TARDIS Big Bang

Untitled - TARDIS Big Bang


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were calling themselves the Horatii, of all things (Rose had to Google that to understand the reference)<br />

and naturally with the stars going out and all, they'd gotten quite a lot of support for the idea of going<br />

out into the universe to beg, borrow and steal whatever technology they could get their hands on. No<br />

one was quite sure where they'd go next with the crisis past—All Earth had a lot of very wealthy backers<br />

with a vested interest in securing rights to new discoveries, and it looked like the money was flowing<br />

freely between the two organizations even though All Earth was careful to keep their official distance.<br />

Jake had a whole list of suspect bank accounts and persons of interest, and that was even before Rose<br />

got to the part that explained why this was relevant to Torchwood.<br />

And she didn't, because her phone rang. The Doctor calling, the display said. "Hello?"<br />

"Do you have any food allergies?" he asked casually.<br />

Rose blinked at her wall calendar. "No, I don't think so."<br />

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Peanuts, shellfish, citrus fruit, nothing like that?"<br />

"I'm pretty sure I'd have figured it out by now if I did," Rose pointed out.<br />

There was a rattle in the background, though Rose couldn't tell where the Doctor was, only that it was<br />

crowded. "What about lactose, eh? You're not lactose intolerant? I don't think that counts as an allergy."<br />

Rose brushed her hair from her face, staring at the day on the calendar maked Find the Doctor, Save the<br />

World!!! "Of course not, Doctor. What are you asking for?"<br />

"It's a secret! Bye!" He hung up on her, and Rose was left staring at her phone in bewilderment for a few<br />

moments. Not that she wasn't used to the Doctor doing and saying some utterly bizarre things, but<br />

usually she was right along with him and had a bit of context to go along with it.<br />

The phone rang again. "Hell--"<br />

"One more question, how do you feel about mushrooms?"<br />

"I don't," Rose said. "I mean, I have no opinion about mushrooms. Doctor, what are you--"<br />

"So don't like them?"<br />

"I don't care about them!" she said. "They're fine! Why are we talking about mushrooms?"<br />

"You'll find out when you get home, byyyeee!"<br />

At this rate, she wasn't sure she wanted to find out...but, no, this was the Doctor, she'd trusted him in<br />

far more bizarre situations before, and more often than not things had turned out for the best, or at the<br />

very least nobody had been killed. Much. How much trouble could he really cause without a sonic<br />

screwdriver and a <strong>TARDIS</strong> behind him?<br />

Actually, strike that, she didn't really want to find out.<br />


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