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--rtr<br />


Treatment Can<br />

your horn.<br />

Prop's.<br />

No 4 Ashborton Place, Boston, Masv; 70 Fifth<br />

atb m. x: too wanasn Ave.<br />

X. Hi TI<br />

l<br />

The advance practice is<br />


BYE McSCLES (not<br />

with medicine) for ttlict<br />

sad d xziness cases. Pet<br />

' too nay be weann<br />

correct giiae far their<br />

vision, yet aufter from<br />

weak . extrinsic vaacleu.<br />

attention to which will add jrreatl? their cotr --<br />

iort. This treatment is piven by Frederick W<br />

Piatt, the Specialist, who has vied the system in<br />

several cities of Ohio with ranch success. Pa-<br />

tients may or may not have to wear glasses. Beu<br />

results obtained between the ages of so and o<br />

Tim<br />

Spring St, Los Angelos, Cel.,<br />

ronto. Canada<br />

bo obtained .c<br />

DR. F. W. PLATT<br />

Is In ht office every day until July<br />

om. lionsuiumon rnc.&.<br />

Stale<br />

Eracirs.<br />

Bates to SttltsK.<br />

55 KUMiilj Stet<br />

mm<br />

Ksde is an etvlee sad sizes, lightest.<br />

strongest, easiest wotting, safest, simplest.<br />

aocarate, most compact, ana saw<br />

modem. For sale by all dealers in arm.<br />

Catalogue! mailed free by<br />

Tto Harlin Firs Arms<br />

Vxw Hivra. Coirsi, V.8.A.<br />


Everett O. Fisk, & Co.,<br />

Chicago, 111,<br />

Ore.: isoK 5<br />

) 32 Church S., To--<br />

Send to anv of the above agencies for loo-na- ee<br />

Agency ManaaL CoTrespondence with employers<br />

ts invited. ELegistraUoa torn sent to teactu<br />

LIVERY.<br />

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First-Ga- ss<br />


--THE-<br />

East VintET.<br />


Standard Bicycle of<br />

Til World!<br />

GnuwfnL, light and strong, this product<br />

of the olueat blcvcle eaiablltshme .1 in<br />

America still retains Its place at the<br />

bead. Always well up to the times or<br />

a little in advance, it- - weU-deaerv- ed and<br />


Is a son roe of pride and gr&Uflcati m to<br />

Its maters. To ride a bicycle and not to<br />

ride a<br />


is to fall short of the fullest enjoyment<br />

of a noble sport.<br />

POPE MFC. CO.,<br />

Boston, New York.<br />

Chicago, Hartford.<br />

A beautiful Illustrated catalogue free<br />

at any Columbia agency, or mailed for<br />

two two-ce- nt Aamps.<br />

Prompur secured. 'i'mUe-SUrit- s, copyrights<br />

snd labels register.. Twenty-Ov- a years ex-<br />

perience. We report whether patent can<br />

Lnredornot-froeo- f<br />

eecaredoriKt,freeof ctmnre.<br />

cimnre. Our<br />

Our ree<br />

ree not<br />

not du<br />

i Criticism of<br />

i. B-- WILLSON et CO.,"'.U.r .f .i t U,<br />

WASrllNCYGH. D.O.<br />

Sl. Foisted 3lA tHrtiiim.<br />

4 1 5 O O SU. Ptetnr. 4x5 ta.'<br />

The Folding KodeL<br />

plate camera la the market except our<br />

Blxty Dollar Folding; KoflnS- - LatMt lm-provem-<br />

enl<br />

a, new ihutwrs, finest adjust-<br />

ment. Adapted to inap shot or tripod<br />

work. Handsomely ttnlshed In mahog---<br />

tony and leather.<br />

The Folding Ksdet with aaa'aoable<br />

plate holder. ... , 1 5.00<br />

Red Holder tor tiloi (Readj la Jo Urs) 10.00<br />


Send far<br />

Rarheatsr; H. Y.<br />

. f Catalan f<br />


"House<br />

-<br />

We."<br />

Bad the "House of Seven Gables"<br />

startlingly real.<br />

been raised that it'<br />

yond the Hou<br />

out tttU f.<br />

nati Law School<br />

G<br />

of Seven Ga--<br />

The underlying theme In all Haw- -<br />

thorne's work U the eternal conee- -<br />

quenoe of tin. He hat been called by<br />

Mime one a "philosopher ot crime.<br />

In ever; character, on ever; page, he<br />

seems lo aim at a moral lesson, not for<br />

mally or directly, bat subtly and<br />

shrewdly. In fact the only conclusion<br />

that can be drawn from a surrey of<br />

Hawthorne's entire work is that be was<br />

sent into the world to preach not<br />

from the pulpit, to some, but through<br />

the wider field of romance. W ith this<br />

thought in mind it is easy to perceive<br />

how wonderlully Hawthorne was fitted<br />

for his appointed task. Characteristic.<br />

that seem at first elaaoe contradictor<br />

are seen to be harmoniously oom-Ibln- ed<br />

Ik<br />

when we look at the under<br />

lying purpose oi nawwornes uie. n<br />

both reflective and observant;<br />

speculative and analytical ; Imagina-<br />

tive and poetical In every conceiva<br />

ble way furnished by nature for his<br />

great work. Remembering, then, the<br />

evident life-purpo- se of Hawthorne we<br />

sermon from the text: "The sins of the<br />

fa her shall be visited upon the chil<br />

dren to the third and fourth genera<br />

tions."<br />

The crime of Colonel Pyadreon scat<br />

ters Its evil effects through after cen<br />

turies with all the certainty of des-<br />

tiny. This Is the teaching ef the book:<br />

the -- meaning that gleams with<br />

(earful significance from evtry<br />

line. - The development of the<br />

Idea reveals the' marvelous Insight<br />

and power of the author's mind. He<br />

shows a preceptlon of and a sympathy<br />

with the very workings of the moral<br />

universe. He traces cause and effect<br />

through the moral realm with all the<br />

care with which a scientist would study<br />

the rooks, the trees, or the animal<br />

oreations. He calls attention to a truth<br />

often to be forgotten that the actions<br />

of this life are in a certain sense Im<br />

mortal- - Just as any display of physical<br />

power produces effects that are infiulle<br />

In time ana extent, so thoughts ang<br />

deeds of man's mental life continue lo<br />

produce effects throughout eternity.<br />

A. stone thrown into a pond or lake<br />

produces ever widening ciroles no more<br />

surely than does a thought or deed<br />

transmit itself changed in form though<br />

it may be throughout after years.<br />

There is a' conservation of eaergy in<br />

mind as well as matter.<br />

I said that Hawthorne teaches the<br />

eternal oonsequenoes of sin. In the<br />

House of Seven Gables," however, he<br />

teems to hint at the cheering lesson<br />

that the evil oonsequenoes of sin may<br />

sometimes oease; and though the forces<br />

go on forever, the evil has been ellml<br />

Dated and the power Joined to those<br />

mighty powers, that "make for right<br />

eousness." 1 refer to the mamsge 01<br />

Hoi grave and Phoebe. After years of<br />

suffering the penalty required by the<br />

murder of Maule seems at last satisfied<br />

and the two families Pycbecus and<br />

Maules are at last reconciled though<br />

without - the proceeding injustice<br />

they would hardly have been brought<br />

together. This may seen? contradic-<br />

tion to what has before been suld, but<br />

the marriage seems to me to have this<br />

significance.<br />

I would not have it Imagined for a<br />

moment, however, that the "House oi<br />

Seven Gables" teaches only one lesson.<br />

There are lessons In every line, and all<br />

drawn from the prefuundatt experi-<br />

ment and closest observation. The<br />

dlsmistions of reform whioh Haw-<br />

thorne gives in connection with tht<br />

ctaaraoter of Holgraye, and a hundred<br />

other minor points, show a lynrpa.by<br />

with the workings of the human fcetvi<br />

and a familiarity with human. r.Mioaf,<br />

worthy of a most philosophy hlMorlaa.<br />

and then, too, Hawthorne's chars'<br />

are wonderfully llfeJlke, u3 plw<br />

.wlborne goes be<br />

at the possible. True,<br />

1 .. tn mall, tfkit l.u...r<br />

more ' ' ' c<br />

oil- - effective. But this shr uld not<br />

ad our eyes to the truth, that for<br />

almost every character in Hawthorne,<br />

counter-pa- rt can be fouiid in every<br />

day life; that every action, unreal as it<br />

may seem, has been done, time and<br />

again in history. The unrealities of<br />

Hawthorne are slight fancy, touches.<br />

They do not, after all, form any great<br />

part of the body of his work. Haw-<br />

thorne dwelt ia a mystical, shadowy<br />

religion of mind, it Is true; but it was<br />

snadowy only in the sense that it was<br />

world of spirits. The spirits were<br />

real to blm. The fact that be dwelt<br />

so largely among spiritualists, aoopunts<br />

for some inconsistencies lo bundling<br />

the hard, matter-of-fa- ct beings of a<br />

material world. As far as mere style<br />

is concerned, but little need be said<br />

It is all the. work of a nation, and re<br />

flects the great traits of a master mind,<br />

There is of course, the brilliant polish,<br />

and the exquisite touch that come from<br />

hard work in practice; but the inherent<br />

qualities are those of genius and are<br />

henoe inimitable.<br />

J. P. MOCONNELX.<br />

Saylor is back again.<br />

Elotay and Weber are on Jthe '<br />

path. - .<br />

Some of the semt-oentenn-<br />

lal speak.<br />

era are lasting II not witty.<br />

Many were disappointed at the non<br />

appearance of Gov. McKlnley yester<br />

day.<br />

The sharp cheery cry of the newsboy<br />

now causes the classic streets of Dela<br />

ware to resound.<br />

W. H. Burgess, ex 5, now In at'<br />

tendance at Syracuse, N. Y., arrived<br />

Monday evening.<br />

"<br />

Mr. Wl.llt Hodge, a former student<br />

and Mr. Will Cheney, of Mechanics- -<br />

burg, are visiting friends in Delaware.<br />

, Paul Comstock, formerly oT "95<br />

has lately received a lucrative posi<br />

tion in Indianapolis.<br />


LOCAL.<br />

Cover will attend summer school.<br />

Charley Hale is so he can be about<br />

again.<br />

Weber will quite likely stay for<br />

summer school. "<br />

.<br />

Doc Custer came into town to<br />

greet his Phi Kap brothers.<br />

A visitor on the athleiic grounds<br />

wanted to know if it was a kid toum<br />

ament--<br />

Visit the Woman's Exchange for<br />

good home cooking. 40 West Win<br />

ter street<br />

Miss Perkins is entertaining Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Z. L. White and F. L John<br />

son's mother and sister.<br />

Bodurtha's work always takes the<br />

lead.<br />

Was Pat McConnetl's pistol a Colt<br />

perhaps it became unmanageable<br />

any way,<br />

or ice cream soda.<br />

W. H. Meck's niece and sister have<br />

arrived and will remain until after<br />

commencement<br />

FredG. Mayfield, R. R. Ticket<br />

Broker, 8, W. winter St.<br />

Mrs.C B. Allman in company<br />

with Mr. T. B. Silk is paying a visit<br />

to her son Walter.<br />

Who took this Senior's picture?<br />

Fred Merrick is in town visiting his I Bodurtha to be sure.<br />

Phi Kappa brothers.<br />

Cameron was locked out of the<br />

Sem Monday night.<br />

J. C Criswell, '9t, is taking<br />

commencement.<br />

A. C Leigh has as his guests his<br />

sisters.<br />

John Shaffer has his mother visit<br />

ing him.<br />

S.S. B. Shaw, ex-'9- 6, of Gallipolis,<br />

is visiting Delta Tau brothers.<br />

Weber, it seems, is having a super<br />

fluity of dates this week.<br />

H. : "Say, Weber, what are the<br />

most becoming colors ?"<br />

MehatTey, who has been out of<br />

school for several terms, is back greet<br />

ing his friends.<br />

The f 140,300 is the largest sum<br />

that has been given in one year to the<br />

college. .<br />

Stewart Eagleston, '91, alumni of<br />

Wooster, is in town visiting J. B.<br />

Gordon.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Miss Dye,<br />

of Piqua, are visiting Mr. Henry<br />

Moore this week.<br />

M. U. Luster, ex-9- 5, has been in<br />

business in New Philadelphia. He is<br />

in town tor commencement.<br />

Clarence Hinman, of Wilmington,<br />

came up -- with his friend, Fred Mer. 1<br />

rick, to see Delaware.<br />

The athletic association tr in 546<br />

yesterday morning ar ix at no<br />

expense.<br />

Rev. J. F. Steele, '84, came yester-da- y.<br />

t and his wife are stopping<br />

at 54 West Central<br />

Womer is taking contracts for girls<br />

in advance for the fellows who art<br />

thinking of going to Boston..<br />

Masters is thinking of go'jig to th<br />

Isle of Man in. erder-to-.<br />

zA where<br />

there are no, women.<br />

Mack Lichliter is rrwndinir a few<br />

daysatWellirigtoa.o..the guest of<br />

Eugene Cushion.<br />

Urlin & Pfvif,.,.. pwrvc. are the<br />

best.<br />

Fre(1<br />

llen and Mack Lichliter will<br />

attend summerschool at<br />

The Phi Kaps will tender a recep,--<br />

tion to their visiting brethren at their<br />

hall this afternoon.<br />

Leave your subscription for the<br />

Transcript with one of the corps.<br />

J. G. Carr went home Saturday.<br />

F. I. Johnson will spend the sum<br />

mer at Stratford, Ontario.<br />

Bodurtha has the student trade in<br />

Photos.<br />

H. H. Hosbrook is busy greeting<br />

old Delaware friends.<br />

Look for Bodurtha'i fine pictures<br />

irruray Lhapei.<br />

John F. Gregg, of Malta, O.,<br />

95, is visiting G. B. Scoit<br />

The best Ice Cream in the city at<br />

Hoffman', 10 W. Winter.<br />

The entries in yesterday's sport<br />

were few and, in the end, far between<br />

Arthur Harrop' father, mother<br />

and brother arrived this morning.<br />

Hoffman is still, at the Old Stand,<br />

10 W.Winter St<br />

Edwards and Whitney make<br />

great team a physicist plus a lawyer.<br />

Stop Examine Bodurtha's pictures.<br />

M. P. Shawkey could not hurl the<br />

hammer like his former room mate<br />

Noble.<br />

Ice cream, cake and strawberries at<br />

the old post office stand.<br />

The bicycle race yesterday, demon<br />

strated that "Thines are not what<br />

they seem."<br />

What makes a finer souvenir for an<br />

old friend than your Photo taken by<br />

Bodurtha?<br />

Kent Miller's brother, of '80, who<br />

has not been back since graduation,<br />

is here visiting his two brothers.<br />

The best Photos of O. W. U. stu<br />

dents that we have seen were made at<br />

the Mammoth Art Gallery, Colum- -<br />

bus, O. Pfeifer & Mulligan Bros.<br />

Hollis Wilbur worked in the Chem- -<br />

ical Labratory yesterday. It takes<br />

W. : "Well, that depends upon the clean grit to labor these days. .<br />

man. As for me, I prefer 'brown.' I Do you know that you can get<br />

It is reported that Fitch is to be toys, confectionary, cigaretts and ci<br />

married during commencement week. I gars at W. H. Smith's, 26 S. Main.<br />

Rev. Mr. Pearson is here visitinfl Frank R. Dyer, 89, of Wichita,<br />

his son Walter during commencement Kansas, dropped in on us yesterday<br />

Mr. Koch and wife, of Adelphi, I West Winter st for embroideries,<br />

Ross Co., O., are visiting their daugh-- 1 stamping, fancy articles, and tissue<br />

ter. .<br />

I paper work.<br />

Mrs. Frank Cartwrieht. of Wheel- - Wm. F. McQintock will be here<br />

ing, W. Va., nee Mary Dustman, '86, 1 to-da- y.<br />

s here. I Sutlv vou want a Biiou before<br />

J. W. Kalbfus, of Cincinnati, is you go home. 50 cents at O'Kane's.<br />

visiting his brother Percy Kalbfus R. c. Gasser's father and mother<br />

these commencement days. came yesterday.<br />

Pen Cherington, "92, graduated i When you are thirsty go to the j<br />

with honors last week from Cincin- - Orinoco for a cool drink of lemonade 1<br />

The finest souvenir ever issued<br />

The Bijou. 50 cents at O Kane's.<br />

John Adams returned to his home<br />

in Coshocton Monday.<br />

Fritchle has a collection of nearly<br />

too pictures which be has taken with<br />

his camera.<br />

Joe Hall says he intends to spend<br />

the summer at Woods HolL<br />

If you want Photos tahen. rfeifer<br />

& Mulligan Bros, will ray your R. R.<br />

fare to Columbus. Write thx f'r<br />

tickets.<br />

Ask Bkterjrer jfut hi tent<br />

ride on ',ast Saturday evenioK.<br />

Hon. David S. Gray c"ame up from<br />

Columbus Saturday. "He will be the<br />

guest of Dr. Basford during the<br />

week.<br />

Miss Grey, piqua,. is the guest<br />

ot Mis&Nita on North Franklin St.<br />

Pn$t photos at Urlin & Pfeifers.<br />

i<br />

Try tjjleman's ice cream.<br />

' Cio. Nelson, '91, has been elected<br />

5ur,erintendcnt of the Ottawa High<br />

S chool. Mr. Nelson has accepted the<br />

position; salary ; l.ooo. .<br />

Special rates on cabinets to all vis<br />

itors and Alumni at Bodurtha's.<br />

Rev. James Torbet and his wife<br />

are visiting their son. Rev. Mr. Tor- -<br />

bet is presiding elder of the Mt Vernon<br />

District, North Ohio Conference.<br />

Mr. H. A. Haymaker from Cleve<br />

land, ex-'9- 3, who has been out of<br />

school for two years, is here for a few<br />

days.<br />

-- -<br />

Special terms to students at the<br />

London. Get your discount cards<br />

from A. L. Madden.<br />

Any one wishing a copy of the<br />

Baccalaureate Sermon may get it by<br />

calling at the TRANSCRIPT office early<br />

Only a few copies left<br />

Merrill Slutz was suddenly called<br />

home Sunday on account of the death<br />

of his mother. His many friends<br />

greatly deplorehis sad berieavement<br />

D. H. Leas who filled out the<br />

diplomas of the different societies,<br />

deserves great credit for his artistic<br />

work.<br />

Special inducement to teachers at<br />

Bodurtha's Photo Gallery.<br />

Judge Durflinger and wife of Lon<br />

don, O., are being entertained by Miss<br />

Fidelia Perkins at the home of the<br />

late Pres. Merrick.<br />

Shotbolt when asked by the scribe<br />

what he had to say for himself, re<br />

plied in the classic language ot Mel- -<br />

anthon "Nothing."<br />

G. W. Lewis seemed to be much<br />

concerned over his throwing the ham<br />

mer, for he declared he believed he<br />

could beat Appel.<br />

Eat ice cream at Coleman's while<br />

faned by a cool breeze.<br />

John Hayner is here for com-<br />

mencement John is assistant mana-<br />

ger of The Forest Gty Copper<br />

Works, Cleveland, O.<br />

Go to W. G. Watson, the Stu-<br />

dent's Grocer. No. 9 South Liberty.<br />

E. E. Lowry, of Lone City, arrived<br />

in the city this morning and will re-<br />

main with his brother Clint until af-<br />

ter commencement<br />

Fitch and Weber are having some<br />

very lively times this week. Space<br />

will not allow us to enter into partic-<br />

ulars.<br />

Eighteen different styles of Belt<br />

Buckles in sterling, with variety of<br />

colors at C Piatt's.<br />

Everett McCaskeH, Dr. Conklin<br />

Womer leave Thursday evening for j The fall campaign of "94 will be<br />

oosion. i especially strong, a gooa commu<br />

te. S. Owman is entertaining his tee has been selected. Let every<br />

niece, Miss Weber.<br />

A. J. Linn, '93, is in town for Com- -<br />

mencemenL<br />

L. B. Foote, of ,90, b visiting<br />

Alpha Tau brothers.<br />

Our base ball team play the Colum<br />

bus Barracks this afternoon.<br />

Charlie Hall will be entertained by<br />

the Betas this week.<br />

John ShaefTer, '98, is entertaining<br />

his mother at Hotel Donavin,<br />

Charlie Parish, '92. is expected to<br />

day to visit Beta brothers.<br />

85,000 was raised for Otterbein<br />

University last Wednesday.<br />

The kids yesterday wondered where<br />

Dunlap got that dog.<br />

and wife, Mr. McConnell and George Bam<br />

Miss Stanley will take post graduate<br />

work in Chicago University next term.<br />

You should not fail to subscribe for<br />

The Transcript before you go home.<br />

Charlie Beal says he got enongh to<br />

eat at the Sem last evening, for once.<br />

James Westervelt, formerly of '94,<br />

will re-ent- er next fall to graduate with<br />

95.<br />

John Priddy, ex. '95, arrived last<br />

evening to play ball with the Dela<br />

ware team.<br />

Women "I'll never run another<br />

club. The next club I have will have<br />

only two in it"<br />

Ed. Sherwood, now attending at<br />

Drew, is shaking hands with old<br />

friends.<br />

L.G. Long, better known as "T,ger<br />

Long," stopped off on his wa home<br />

to sec his class graduate.<br />

uin Austin ana raro-.- w<br />

a former<br />

student btre, and tri0(ner 0f prof.<br />

Austin, arrived fa.', evening.<br />

Any ore wiping the Baccalaureate<br />

sermoa bo-- , - in full in the<br />

Transcrt.t<br />

Cfc.ain Stoughton, of the Otter- -<br />

bw team, has been signed to play<br />

y cond for the Delaware club.<br />

Dr. Arthur Edwards, editor of the<br />

North Western Christian Advocate,<br />

arrived from Chicago yesterday.<br />

Lew. Irenton, former minagefr of<br />

the P. S., came yesterday to attend<br />

the exercises of the week.<br />

Rev. Mr. Doak. a former student<br />

of the O. W. U.. is stopping with Mr,<br />

William Reader during<br />

christian student pray that the new<br />

men may be reached in the first few<br />

days of the fall term.<br />

1<br />

The New York Life Insurance Co<br />

will be glad to submit propositions<br />

for general or special agencies to any<br />

who are seeking profitable employ<br />

ment, and are willing to devote their<br />

entire time to the business. Address<br />

Wm. Stoddard, Manager, Columbus,<br />

Ohio.<br />

It was reported that a band of<br />

Coxey's army was going to strike<br />

town yesterday afternoon. Many<br />

of the citizens thought of taking down<br />

the decorations which they bad put<br />

: up in honor of the return of txim- -<br />

pany K lest the Coxeyites 'should<br />

think the honors were for t'lem.<br />

Fortunately the trouble was averted<br />

Miss Carrie Rouse and Minnie<br />

Hickman are in the city spending<br />

commencement.<br />

Miss Eunice Wilcox is entertaining<br />

her friend Miss Frances Bums, '93, at<br />

her home on North Washington St<br />

1st. Senior-- 1 see Roy Gasser claims<br />

to be only 20 years old. He has been<br />

here five years.<br />

2nd. Sen.-Y- es and he claims to<br />

have been court stenographer for<br />

three years, before he came and help<br />

ed his father three years beside.<br />

3rd- - S'.n.-W- hy he told me he grad- -<br />

uater1. from the high school and at this<br />

"ate he couldn't have been over ten<br />

years old when he graduated.<br />

Seniors m chorus-Wh- at a 1 ,<br />

still keeping up his past reputation!<br />

Messrs. C W. and J. W. Jacoby,<br />

King and Womer leave on the noon<br />

train for Marion to attend the wed<br />

ding of Mr. John Oborn and Miss<br />

Emma Reterrer. J. W. Jacoby and<br />

Womer will return to-nig-<br />

ht<br />

Phi Kappa Psis wil) hold an<br />

reception in honor of fieir al-<br />

umni in their halls on Wednesday<br />

afternoon from 3 to 5 p tr,. The Phi<br />

Kaps have nearly a hurJred alumni<br />

visiting them.<br />

Rev. W. F. Ander-jo- n,<br />

pastor of St<br />

James M. E. Churr h, Kingston, N. Y..<br />

and his wife, who is a daughter of G<br />

W. Ketcham, art stopping this week<br />

with Mr. Ketcb am. Rev. Mr. Artder<br />

son has finished his fifth year as pas- -<br />

i tor of this church and has recently<br />

erected aa $80,ooo church<br />

The wor k of the Y. M. C A. does<br />

not seem to have suffered in the ab<br />

teaching ,n New Orleans University,' ,he PriJfnL Committees<br />

is visiting his parents and friends ,(n ; hlve ? n ,n, lnJ<br />

seat ,th ,narart<br />

this city.<br />

1<br />

'<br />

W. M. Nordyke, who is connected<br />

ed with a paper in Richmond, Indiana,<br />

and who was in school a few years<br />

ago, b in town visiting friends.<br />

L. G. Long, formerly with "94, is<br />

here taking in Commencement He<br />

will graduate at Ann Arbor next year.<br />

both in the Literary Department and<br />

in the law.<br />

The<br />

In the graduating class of Colum--1<br />

bia College there are 16 who have ,<br />

chosen law as their profession; '2<br />

journalism; 4, 'missionary; 3. raej. j<br />

icine; and 3, teaching.<br />

j<br />

Our old friend Saylor is bacfc -- again<br />

and as usual is the object of unbound<br />

forwarded from the of war,<br />

while the executive committee have'<br />

carefubrVanned and carried on th e<br />

work' at home.<br />

ate Teachers' MeeUnc. .<br />

For the occasion of the Ohio 5 iate<br />

Teachers' Association, to .be be Id at<br />

Delaware, Ohio, June 25-29- 1 1894,<br />

I Toledo R'v- - Buck eve Route, mi 11 sell<br />

men on the TRANSCRIPT are excursion tickets from al sta or ins to<br />

not in the least sorry that Editor-in-- 1 Delaware and return, at the Vr rate<br />

Chief Patrick, Business Manager Dun- - 0f one fare for the rr.und trip. Tickets<br />

lap and Y. M. C A. Editor Gamble<br />

are back.<br />

We do good work. We do honest<br />

work. We do work on short notice.<br />

Come and see our work. Inquire<br />

abont it. That will settle it.<br />

will be sold oa june 24, 'i ai id 26,<br />

good going orjy on date of sale, and<br />

limited to Jjne 30, 1894, for return<br />

passage. p0r full information as to<br />

train e connections, rates of fare a. id<br />

full rjrticuiars. an on iny aEent '<br />

Gty Steam Dye Works, S. Main St , Wf C, H. V.<br />

Ravi says that the English language ' SSWIT i<br />

what was intended."<br />

Agents wanted for stew pans and<br />

other household utensils. Latest<br />

thing out. Good sellers Inquire at<br />

32 S. Sandusky St<br />

Rowe Weber has recently started up<br />

a poultry farm on W. William. Any-<br />

one visiting him will feel abundantly<br />

repaid. Mr. Weber's capital stock<br />

consists mainly of a turkey, and in<br />

seeking his ranch visitors would do<br />

well to inquire for "Weber's, Turkey<br />

i<br />

& T. R'y, or address<br />

L. W. Landman,<br />

Southern Pass. Agt, Columbus, O'.<br />

H. A. Wilson.<br />

Dist Pass. Agt, Toledo, O.<br />

W. H. Fisher,<br />

Gen. Pass. & T'k't Agt., Columbus, O.<br />

Dafneaft Cannot b Cured<br />

thr<br />

ed admiration from a cooftngent of j<br />

Bt S",,<br />

kxml ap plica VSZT<br />

tina, ihr<br />

tZZZS.'Z?.<br />

ommi rarsi<br />

m.tl hnv, V.. U. ... 1 " car. be.fnrM. eae Ik.t a, a.<br />

wmii uvja. WJIUL U nCAr I rt-tarai- es Desfntsi aft e 4 H v a st irfot4 mm- -<br />

Itmnar of th sjsAHitu<br />

-<br />

lane na-- ints iuh ( r-- m tMsj yum iwv a<br />

. rntmtMlna' tjonntl or "pm fc1 hs-artfja- '. rami wrsi<br />

Dr. Walter J. Weber, of Morton, a TZ'ZXSZiZ.<br />

graduate of the Eclectic Medical CoU j 'ZZ "tT'.",,Tr<br />

lege of Cincinnati, and a former stu<br />

dent of the O. W. U.. is in the city<br />

attending commencement.<br />

For cut flowers leave your orders<br />

early at Cunningham's. Roses $.<br />

per dozen. Carnations 40 cts. per.<br />

cautM r--s rsl.r a. hiHk r swehiat.. bat a. ka-SsrM- d<br />

enrtdits-a- , nt tbr esnii serlacs.<br />

We will ftv Oe, ll,4rrt IMlm lor arrr rssr<br />

o4 Drained (raaa.4 h ctrrh) thai rasasnt be<br />

cared by Hall's Caisrrb l,r Sw' w circa-lars- ,<br />

Irea. F.J. CIIK5IKV S<br />

1 aire 1<br />

laV-So- ld by Drwytaaa, 7 caate.<br />


Type Writer.<br />

Get Dr. Keen's new book, "Praise<br />

Patvrt. A Spiritual Auiobiorranhv"!<br />

at O'Kane's Book Store. Price 25 J20 TVklmh<br />

cents, or five copies for 1.00.<br />

Finest Photos lowest prices<br />

Urlin A Pfeiftfr Art Palar .Tnlnm- -<br />

bust Ohio.<br />

tb orri.l. TVPK Witt<br />

Tk rha ra. ati.l I A fuf<br />

I U H15UI.R CAHR OfKI.I, warrant t<br />

' tto btttr work t n any machlna mtwla.<br />

It eomhlnfsa UnplKlt aril h durability.<br />

1<br />

apotii. mmm if nptrmt low, wwra long r wiih- -<br />

a,,b msi Mnaln I han anT nl li.r msstihlna<br />

I Baa a" ink nbhon lob (r ih oprmur.<br />

II U PaU intNiftntltl, iilrka-piaiM- 3. pr-li,ft- Dd<br />

Mliip ad Ink I h Intla nf typa writ-<br />

ing.Id-h- a a printing prm II rrfJoa<br />

n if( i rtis na,ntiMnin. i wo or<br />

-- tt b-- Btada at on writing. Any<br />

.r IDIlal praon rai w--<br />

m<br />

w<br />

mm ojursinfi<br />

IT VOU In two days W f1Tmr It o any operator<br />

wanted to warn a person from stick-- jStSrSDllu"' "<br />

"UK<br />

ing his head out of a moving train.iu'.'r w"'<br />

you might say "look out' and the.J iiis,I,,i"" D",<br />

person mignt ao just tne opposite of I<br />


i St. t'HICAOO, ILL<br />


- UYEET 1X0 FEED STiBLE. -<br />

FrNi'vr TvSNotrrs en tub city<br />

at aeASONaaia ktu.<br />




Parsons'<br />

Business<br />

College,<br />

Columbus, O.<br />

asw<br />

James M. Davis<br />

still<br />

AT THE FRONT- -<br />

As by Asnhortty 4 the Cowrt<br />

Exclusive Right to the World's Fair<br />

bota<br />

Columbian at Chicap, and KMirter at San Fr2:.::s:3<br />

On What?<br />

Original Retouclted Stereoscopic Views!<br />

Tinsiilsat ngilS in<br />

S1- -. kas . s wa.1 -<br />

jtoas, i . saa assaeasT sa<br />

W. tare... US. aaast SI.<br />

n S- -. vsr isi.sv a, a<br />

1 S taJULs r Uss ear ha graaeatea.<br />

. X BlTLBUHIt at tk. Warta". C .- -<br />



521 1-- 2 1L EIG3 ST . COLUlEuS, 0.<br />

fUaretl tow Ketoa to Rlod.nl.<br />

For Partsaasar.ra aae OB. OKMit<br />

el as. cameras, aw.wia.<br />

Tlnnllffmrvt. I'enmamthtp, tAort--<br />

kand and 1 wwrnanj.<br />

Snteial trimmer C'ioM Jor Tenrh- -<br />

rm an.i other open Sept. 3, Jam.<br />

aas. at "arT sWnaoaa. Aar T TT7 Si<br />

, Pax asasiMS. . eat U saln.inia, aaarasa<br />


xt aky or the rotUjowma omcasi<br />

sa, ssat fall, I 1st la. Pa.<br />

ruKAta sHimoM vms rrm- -<br />

CtrcuUtr J- - ree.<br />

n. B. fARSOXS,<br />

Principal.<br />

THE<br />

PIANO<br />

!V1 Era-rrsM-.- 2<br />

Is luMz Icr in EnTuiiati,<br />

beauty of Vono, responsive action,<br />

design of caae, and superior<br />

workmanship.<br />

Fully Illustrated Catalogue<br />

and full particular mailed<br />

on application.<br />

Ira & Haiii. Orm ani Ftoo Ce-<br />

Boston, Naw York<br />

Chicago and Kansas City<br />


All yon need to do U lo p and ask<br />

for It, ami you will rrt It. If you don"l<br />

hp'lrve It. look at this short atatarorrjl<br />

ml the net profit received in a fear days<br />

.daring Spring vacation by some of Ur<br />

aaasrienU at Wonater, as follows:<br />

C. A. Altroan, Si usts f 8 CO<br />

XrLCIurow. 4i dT 10 74<br />

r c r.oernarl. o nays a<br />

W. A. 1 ITearn, 4 aays i<br />

i - I lirrurr. 4 dars - 17 7<br />

li T. lieitirev. d'avs SSb5<br />

- .1 . rt. nranl.a In from<br />

On June lVJi Joseph<br />

Caunb Taaan oi una piaoo<br />

ana netanc ntoa m.iu r<br />

Who vooia not oe aau.nca -<br />

.i . . . at .rafre irhrori a. aunni<br />

summer vacatiou? Ar enu wanted<br />

and a fea imod wlde-- a wake men as<br />

traveling salesmen durin f the summer.<br />

ir you wan. "'" """ -<br />

Too can aell "K n a,<br />

M Soolh 8s "luWy sir et, Ielsware,<br />

Ohio.<br />

TO do b .waloeM iblelillfet<br />

U..UU.<br />

TH,U<br />

Sandusky btrset, D<br />

Husn'I W eat. 1<br />

ft J". lip<br />

II net- - rv<br />

Present:<br />

.Uy and witb a<br />

DELA W Hflf. OHIO.<br />

This Is lbs most rwodwaed<br />

College u A<br />

enrol<br />


Pupils are altr<br />

good, lucrative p<br />

silos. Seed for a<br />

O. W. MICH<br />

Busln<br />

Barloa, wivn<br />

lmeal of "<br />

PIL8 JtNNOV-a- '<br />

aaaS faartaj. taO SeTOi<br />

after g.<br />

arsra, O.<br />

.1 11 11 II<br />

Be calls eersarlal wtteeUoa a' Vbs<br />

Stodeau to his<br />

A ad Lunch Com Iter, No. K NorO<br />

alawartt, Ooto.<br />

Ttit.<br />

Hraca<br />

Is<br />

K1.IITH<br />

los<br />

CO.<br />

GeolUmi&Co.<br />

Always !<br />

TEE BIS! PUCE T3 BIT El' it.<br />

J. W. Pfiffner.<br />

SJiDMilFEEICiffil<br />

Reasons wbytbls Bureau Istbe best:<br />

1. Because it la lha oldest Teacher's<br />

A.rencv la Near England, faavlog been<br />

os mbllsbed la 1876.<br />

1. Booavuae Its manarer lor tne last<br />

t-e- lvs years Is a professional eduoau<br />

and bas become familiar witb tba ooa-dilio- a<br />

and wsou of every trr.de of<br />

boola. and tbe oeoeaaary quaiinouioo.<br />

rf teacbers<br />

S. Beoauae tbe craMr ot our eanai-dat- es<br />

Is large and embraces many of tbe<br />

: tbJest teacbers, mala and female. Is the<br />

urofeesloa.<br />

4 Because all applloatioos tor teach-er- a<br />

receive prompt and oarefull aiveo-tio- e.<br />

Rerlsver now for autumn vacancies ;<br />

for winter and spring as well, as tbs de<br />

Band Is constant.<br />

tUKHn ORCyTT. Manager.<br />

I Somerset St..<br />

BOSTON. Maa<br />

F. M. STARR,<br />

Student's Druggist<br />

Opr- - Botel Doesvia.<br />

DKLAWARl, tfc<br />

I.H.C01IHGHAM.<br />

Tlio riorlst,<br />

B29 aV. William. Teleprsoeve 13.<br />

Cot Boaes and Carnations a Specially.<br />

m. I WHITE<br />

DRY GOODS'<br />

C olumbus. Ohio.<br />

mm mm.<br />

PHOTOS<br />

awvt t?-- r a JT CTTTL<br />




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