KPI Aug 2003 - Kashmiri Overseas Association

KPI Aug 2003 - Kashmiri Overseas Association

KPI Aug 2003 - Kashmiri Overseas Association


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Visiting Artist – Kailash Mehra Sadhu<br />

Arti Kaul Tiku joined Kailashji for a few songs and they<br />

remembered their times together doing it for Radio Kashmir. Also,<br />

at Boston, Kailashji met with the family of Late Shri Moti Lal<br />

Saaqi. She sang few of his songs and dedicated them to his<br />

memory.<br />

At every place, the concerts were organized with great<br />

professionalism. All the organizers, musicians who accompanied<br />

her at these concerts, and those who received and hosted her<br />

during her trip have contributed in many ways to make her tour a<br />

great success. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Kailash<br />

Mehra Sadhu for a brilliant performance at every place, and to<br />

thank others who made it possible for us to arrange her program.<br />

People who organized her program and the places where she<br />

performed include:<br />

Arti Kaul, Cultural Secretary, KOA for overall coordination<br />

Sanjay Bhat & Rabinder Koul, Chicago<br />

Arvind Mattoo, Pittsburgh<br />

Anita Kaul, Houston<br />

Sujata Qusba, Washington, D.C.<br />

Based on the popular demand for getting an artist of Deepak Ganju, Miami<br />

repute from India to come and perform for our members, this Ravi Pandita, Sacramento,<br />

year, we arranged for Mrs. Kailash Mehra Sadhu to come and Vijay Chowdhury, San Francisco<br />

tour the USA and Canada. Kailashji came to Boston on July 16 Anjali Bhat, Los Angeles<br />

from Jammu, where she now lives along with her family. During Sunanda Vashisht, Denver<br />

her tour, she performed at twelve different places in the US Pradumon Ticku, Veena Kaul, Detroit<br />

giving 13 concerts and then went to Canada and gave two Hari Bhat, Maharaj Kaul, Sandeep Kaul, and Nirja<br />

concerts at Toronto (programs coordinated by KOA Canada). Khashu, NY/NJ area<br />

After successfully completing her tour she left back for India Sulochna Ticku, Bhawna Sadhu, Boston<br />

on September 2 from Toronto. Every place where she HN Nehru, Manju Bhat, Toronto, Canada<br />

performed, community members liked and enjoyed her singing.<br />

As our Cultural Secretary Mrs. Arti Kaul put it, “Kailash is the Following families hosted her during her stay here:<br />

true voice of Kashmir.” Kailashji took the audience at every<br />

place down the memory lane to Kashmir and kept it spellbound Rabinder & Rajni Koul, Chicago, IL<br />

and glued to their seats with her dazzling and enchanting Ashok & Veena Dhar, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

performances. Maharaj Kaul of NY said, “The power of Kailash Kuldeep & Veena Kaul, Anil & Seema Kachru,<br />

Mehra’s singing lies in its enormous range, texture, variety, and Houston, TX<br />

nuance. She is truly Kashmir’s Lata Mangeshkar. Though of a Lalit & Nina Wanchoo, Pamposh Rajat & Shakuntala<br />

small build Kailashji can produce a voice that is booming and Malik, Washington, D. C.<br />

towering, if the song demands it be so. Just by listening to one Deepak & Chandermukhi Ganju, Miami, FL<br />

concert of hers one gets an idea of her long immersion in music Ravinder & Babita Pandita, Sacremento, CA<br />

– training as well as experience. She sang the immortal folk Ashok & Reena Moza, Milpitas, CA<br />

songs, popular songs, and meditative songs. She even threw a Suraj & Anjali Bhat, Los Angeles, CA<br />

couple of ghazals, showing us that she could have had the Ashish & Sunanda Vashisht, Denver, CO<br />

whole concert in that genre of singing. But it were the folk Pradumon & Anita Tiku, LN & Jeeta Raina, Detroit, MI<br />

songs that drilled through our hearts by their universality, Maharaj & Mohini Kaul, Suffern, NY<br />

simplicity, and haunting melody.<br />

Sanjay & Bela Kaul, Boston, MA<br />

To recognize Kailashji for her contribution to preserve Vijay & Usha Kaul Toronto, Canada<br />

<strong>Kashmiri</strong> Art & Culture, KOA awarded her a plaque in that I know that there were many more community members<br />

regard. Kailashji dedicated her US tour to her Guru Pandit who were involved with organizing and making arrangements,<br />

Shambu Nath Sopori, who currently lives in Denver, CO. At their contribution helped make it a big success. I thank them all.<br />

her concert in Denver, Sopori Sahib joined her on Tanpura, a I am sure that the local organizers have conveyed their<br />

rare treat for the audience.<br />

appreciation to all those who lent a helping hand. Above all, I<br />

Bela and myself had the pleasure of attending two of thank all the members who came to these concerts and made<br />

her concerts, one at New York and the second at Boston. It them a success.<br />

was a treat to listen to her sweet and melodious voice. At both Lastly, Kailashji has asked me to convey her gratitude to<br />

places she offered so much variety and even entertained the all overseas members for the love and respect she received.<br />

children by singing their favorite song “Hu Kus Ba Kus” and With a hope to do it again,<br />

engaged them by inviting them on the stage. At Boston, Mrs Sanjay Kaul, President, KOA<br />


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