Zhihui Du, “MPI Parallel Programming“,Tsinghua University

Zhihui Du, “MPI Parallel Programming“,Tsinghua University

Zhihui Du, “MPI Parallel Programming“,Tsinghua University


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[21] I. Foster and C. Kesselman, Globus: A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit, International<br />

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http://www.globus.org/training/grids-and-globus-toolkit/IntroToGridsAndGlobusToolkit.ppt<br />

[22] I. Foster and C. Kesselman, The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,<br />

Morgan Kaufmann, San Fransisco, CA, 1999. http://mkp.com/grids,<br />

http://www.gridforum.org/http://www.ccgrid.org/<br />

[23] Netsolve Project: http://www.cs.utk.edu/netsolve/<br />

[24] I-WAY Projecthttp://www.iway.org/,<br />

http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Training/SC95/I-WAY.nextgen.html<br />

[25] NCSA Projecthttp://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/<br />

[26] NPACI Projecthttp://www.npaci.edu/<br />

[27] W. E. Johnston, D. Gannon, and B. Nitzberg, “Information Power Grid Implementation Plan:<br />

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[28] ASCI http://www.llnl.gov/asci/<br />

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[29] Chinese NHPCE Projecthttp://www.grid.ac.cn<br />

[30] Chinese ACI of MOE Projecthttp://aci.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn, http://www.hpclab.shu.edu.cn<br />

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http://www.863.org.cn/863_105/applygide/applygide2/information2_app/200206270024.html<br />

[32] Economic Gridhttp://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~rajkumar/thesis/thesis.zip<br />

[33] NMI Projecthttp://www.nsf-middleware.org/<br />

[34] SinRG Projecthttp://icl.cs.utk.edu/sinrg/<br />

[35] Polder Projecthttp://www.wins.uva.nl/projects/polder/<br />

[36] MOL Projecthttp://www.uni-paderborn.de/pc2/projects/mol/<br />

[37] AppLes Projecthttp://apples.ucsd.edu/<br />

[38] Cactus Projecthttp://www.cactuscode.org/<br />

[39] Project CAVERNSoft http://www.openchannelsoftware.org/projects/CAVERNsoft_G2/<br />

[40] GrADS Projecthttp://www.isi.edu/grads/<br />

[41] Grid Portalhttp://www.ipg.nasa.gov/portals/<br />

[42] NEOS Projecthttp://www-neos.mcs.anl.gov/neos/<br />

[43] Abramson, D., Sosic, R., Giddy, J. and Hall, B. Nimrod: A Tool for Performing<br />

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High Performance Distributed Computing, 1995.<br />

http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~davida/nimrod/<br />

[44] PUNCH Projecthttp://punch.ecn.purdue.edu/<br />

[45] P2P Computing Projecthttp://www.peer-to-peerwg.org/<br />

[46] Project Avaki http://www.avaki.com/http://www.avaki.com/products/aboutgrid.html<br />


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