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3. Remove cap from TwoSpense ® 2 syringe. Express a small amount on pad to verify uniform flow of base and catalyst (Fig. 1).<br />

Confirm the presence of the mixer inside the Ultra-Mixer mixing tip. Attach Ultra-Mixer tip to the TwoSpense 2 syringe.<br />

Express a few millimeters of “mixed” material onto mixing pad before filling into the Skini syringe to assure that mixed<br />

material is flowing.<br />

4. Attach appropriate length NaviTip to Skini syringe. Ensure tip is firmly attached to prevent tip loss during sealer/filler<br />

placement.<br />

5. Insert Ultra-Mixer tip into back end of Skini syringe. Dispense desired quantity of material in back end or front end of syringe<br />

(Fig. 2). Insert plunger and press down until air is out of syringe and material is flowing from NaviTip. Express a small amount<br />

on pad. Note quantity that flows from NaviTip in a few seconds, this gives an idea of how long it takes to fill the canal.<br />

Important note: Make sure canal has been cleaned and shaped before inserting NaviTip with EndoREZ into canal. This is<br />

necessary for quality root canal treatment, but it is also important to prevent dentin debris etc. from jamming with EndoREZ<br />

into tip end and preventing flow from tip.<br />

6. Insert NaviTip into canal to within 2-3mm of apex or short of snug fit within canal (Fig. 3). Do not deliver into<br />

canal if a tight fit is noted. Doing so may express excessive EndoREZ beyond apex (see precaution #5). If you don’t<br />

see EndoREZ flowing up canal around NaviTip, stop delivering and ensure tip is not clogged or ensure material is not<br />

being expressed past the apex. Do not use force to push EndoREZ plunger to express material as you might push<br />

material past apex. Do not use plastic tips or Capillary tips to deliver EndoREZ into canal.<br />

7. Withdraw Skini syringe slowly while delivering sealer into canal space. Filling canal space to pulpal floor will provide<br />

adequate sealer to obturate canal.<br />

8. Insert pre-fit master cone into place. Avoid multiple placements and pumping action to minimize risk of expressing<br />

EndoREZ beyond apex (see precaution #5). Note: For large canals insert extra gutta percha cones to minimize large<br />

masses of EndoREZ; simply “harpoon” in as lateral condensation is not necessary.<br />

9. Trim excess gutta percha at canal orifice with hot instrument. EndoREZ will begin to set in 7 to 8 minutes, and will be firm<br />

set in canal in 15 to 20 minutes (body temperature).<br />

10. Mixing tip should be left onTwoSpense 2 syringe between patients.<br />

11. It is normal for EndoREZ to not completely set in the one to three millimeters immediately adjacent to provisional filling<br />

materials. It has long been known that eugenol and eugenol-like chemistries inhibit the set of most all dental resins (one to<br />

three millimeters deep potentially). To facilitate immediate definitive bonded restoration placement and to minimize or prevent<br />

surface inhibition under provisionals, a small quanitiy of Ultra-Blend ® plus or a flowable composite can be delivered via a<br />

Black Micro ® tip to the just placed EnodREZ at the canal orifice and light cured.<br />

Pad mixing and syringe delivery:<br />

To mix EndoREZ, remove cap from the TwoSpense 2 syringe and express material directly onto mixing pad and mix with spatula<br />

as usual. Backload material into small skini syringe with spatula. Deliver mixed EndoREZ to canals with NaviTip attached per<br />

steps 5 thru 7 above. Place gutta percha, etc. as per steps 8 onward.<br />

Note: As with other resins, oxygen inhibition will greatly affect or prevent setting of mixed EndoREZ on the open mixing pad.<br />

Posts:<br />

Begin post preparation with number 2-4 Gates Glidden Drill first, followed by post preparation drills of choice. EndoREZ is easily<br />

drilled out for placement of posts. We recommend microabraded titanium or bondable resin/fiber PermaPosts cemented with<br />

PermaFlo ® DC dentin adhesive and dual cure resin luting system.

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