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Skate eboarding iss<br />

an xtremee<br />

sport whic ch involves riding and performing p tricks<br />

using g a skateboaard.<br />

Skateboarding<br />

can n also be coonsidered<br />

a recreationa al<br />

activity,<br />

an art foorm,<br />

a job, or a metho od of transportation.<br />

(http p://www.youtube.com/<br />

/watch?v=8 8xiA25krd4UU)<br />


Free climbing is a general rock<br />

climbing<br />

term thatt<br />

refers to climbs c in wh hich<br />

climb bers do not employ climmbing<br />

prote ection such as ropes, tri‐cams,<br />

nut ts, and<br />

other<br />

climbing eequipment<br />

tto<br />

aid in asc cending thee<br />

climb, alth hough, such<br />

equip pment may be used to protect aga ainst injury during falls s.<br />


Snow wboarding iss<br />

a winter sport<br />

that in nvolves desccending<br />

a sl lope that is covered<br />

with snow whilee<br />

standing oon<br />

a board attached a to a rider's feet,<br />

using a special s<br />

boot set onto a mounted binding.<br />

The developmeent<br />

of snow wboarding was w<br />

inspired<br />

by skateeboarding,<br />

sledding, su urfing and sskiing.<br />

It wa as developed<br />

in the<br />

Unite ed States in the 1960s and became<br />

a Winter Olympic Sp port in 1998.<br />

(http p://www.youtube.com/<br />

/watch?v=F Fi3jBX2fIZs)<br />


Downhill<br />

biking (DH) is a timme<br />

trial eve ent held on a steep, rou ugh terrain that<br />

often n features juumps,<br />

rock gardens and<br />

other obsstacles.<br />

Dow wnhill bikes are<br />

heav vy, strong, and<br />

feature front and re ear suspenssion.<br />

If a rid der leaves th he<br />

cours se by crossing<br />

or breakking<br />

the tap pe, he must return to th he course at<br />

the<br />

point t of exit. Ridders<br />

start att<br />

intervals, often o seedeed<br />

from slow west to fast test.<br />

Courses<br />

typicallyy<br />

take two tto<br />

five minu utes to commplete<br />

and winning w margins<br />

are<br />

often n less than a second. Riders<br />

are tim med with eqquipment<br />

similar<br />

to that<br />

used<br />

in Do ownhill skiinng.<br />

(http p://www.youtube.com/<br />

/watch?v=Z ZGoTfx84mQQE)<br />


Wing gsuit flying iis<br />

the sport of flying the<br />

human boody<br />

through h the air usi ing a<br />

speci ial jumpsuitt,<br />

called a wwingsuit,<br />

wh hich adds suurface<br />

area to t the human<br />

body<br />

to en nable a significant<br />

increease<br />

in lift. Modern winngsuits,<br />

firs st developed d in the<br />

late 1990s, 1 create<br />

the surfaace<br />

area wit th fabric between<br />

the legs and under<br />

the<br />

arms s. Wingsuitss<br />

are sometiimes<br />

referre ed to as a bbirdman<br />

suit t (after the makers<br />

of the<br />

first commmercially<br />

avvailable<br />

wingsuit),<br />

flyinng<br />

squirrel suit<br />

(due to their<br />

resem mblance to the animal.<br />

BMX X<br />

Bicyc cle motocrooss<br />

or BMX iis<br />

the sport of racing bicycles<br />

in motocross m st tyle on<br />

track ks which usee<br />

an inline sstart<br />

and ha ave obstaclees,<br />

and also refers to th he<br />

bicyc cle itself, whhich<br />

is desiggned<br />

for dirt<br />

and motocross<br />

cyclin ng.<br />

(http p://www.youtube.com/<br />

/watch?v=N NjIK9Qyr4KE)<br />


Moto ocross is a fform<br />

of mottorcycle<br />

racing<br />

held onn<br />

enclosed off‐road o circ cuits. The<br />

sport t evolved from<br />

motorccycle<br />

trials competition c ns held in th he United Kingdom.<br />

Moto ocross is a pphysically<br />

deemanding<br />

sport s held inn<br />

all‐weathe er condition ns<br />

(http p://www.youtube.com/<br />

/watch?v=R Rq8sYDjE1tMM)<br />


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