GUN - Free Shop Manual

GUN - Free Shop Manual

GUN - Free Shop Manual


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Thaddeus J. Dulski. M.C.<br />

41st (Buffalo) Dist.• N. Y.<br />

I BELIEVE OUR Founding Fathers had in mind a cItIzen army such as exists today in<br />

Switzerland when they referred to a "well-regulated militia" in the Second Amendment<br />

to the Constitution. With the potential for massive destruction in today's nuclear<br />

weapons, the original concept of a citizen army may be as meaningful now as it was<br />

in 1789. As Winston Churchill stated in World War II, we, too, may be forced to fight<br />

from the di tches and the hedgerows. But after years of restrictive gun legislation in<br />

England, the Britons were left with few weapons with which to make a hedgerow fight.<br />

We should guard carefully against being legislated into a similar position. I sometimes<br />

think the fear underlying restrictive firearms laws springs from a basic misunderstanding.<br />

A gun in itself is no more dangerous than an axe or a hammer; for that<br />

matter, an automobile. In the final analysis, it is not the gun which is dangerous. It<br />

is the man behind it or the improper use of it. 1 'J' W<br />

Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn, M.C.<br />

3rd (Greenwood) Dist.. South Carolina<br />

WITHOUT THE RIGHT to bear arms, a free people would no<br />

longer be free.<br />

Co!'gressman Hamer H. Budge<br />

2nd (Boise) Dist.. Idaho<br />

EVE' IN THIS nAY of the atomic bomb and guided missile, I believe the Second<br />

Amendment is as important as it ever was, with referred-to "well regulated militia"<br />

including all able-bodied male citizens between the ages of 18 and 45. I believe the<br />

purpose of the amendment was to guarantee to the people the right, under adequate<br />

control, to own arms. Reasonable regulations for the purposes of safety, preventing<br />

or reducing crime, and preventing game poaching do not constitute an infringement of<br />

this right. Total prohibition of arms, either per se or by regulations which would result<br />

in prohibition, would constitute an infringement.<br />

Congressman John D. Dingell<br />

15th Dist.• Michigan<br />

THIS AMENDMEl'\T IS STILL of great significance to America from a defense standpoint.<br />

and the need for a citizenry able to use firearms in defense of their home and country<br />

is still as necessary as ever. The individual rifleman and his use in combat has been<br />

altered but in no wise diminished by nuclear and missile warfare. Certainly, the time<br />

for training persons in the various military arts and sciences in the event of war will<br />

be diminished to virtually nothing, and defense of the country may devolve down to<br />

what will be nothing more or less than guerrilla warfare by individual citizens.<br />

We have witnessed this Amendment eroded away by a long<br />

series of anti-gun laws in various states, which were upheld by<br />

a Judiciary unaware of the real significance and need for individual<br />

citizens to be skilled in the use of firearms. The duty<br />

of the citizen, sportsman, hunter, target shooter and gun lover<br />

is to act vigorously to preserve what is left of his right to<br />

possess and own arms and, where possible, to turn back by a<br />

vigilant effort continued attacks by do-gooders and others who<br />

would impair the right to bear arms. It should be remembered<br />

by gun enthusiasts that the attack is constantly going on in<br />

State Legislatures, City Councils, in the Congress of the United<br />

States and even in the Administrative Agencies, which last<br />

year sought to make a tremendously hostile anti-gun regulation the law of the land on<br />

a Federal level. Vigilance, and strong, well-directed, cooperative effort by sportsmen,<br />

will preserve this right, even though the United States Constitution does provide for the<br />

right of citizens to bear arms without infringement.<br />

Congressman Ed Edmondson<br />

2nd (Muskogee) Dist.. Oklahoma<br />

THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMEl\"T of your request for a statement and picture. The<br />

only photograph I have with a gun was taken during the World War II, alongside an<br />

anti-aircraft gun, and I do not believe that would meet your requirements. I do believe<br />

very strongly in the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and I come from a<br />

part of the country in which most families have a shotgun or rifle in the home. I<br />

would strongly resist any attempt to deprive our people of this constitutional right, and<br />

believe that it is one of the basic rights of American citizenship that should be preserved<br />

at all cost. There is also some significance in the fact that in most countries<br />

under totalitarian rule, this right of the people has been severely limited or taken away.<br />

Any step toward depriving our people of the right would very probably be a step<br />

toward totalitarianism and should be resisted at all levels of government.<br />

4 <strong>GUN</strong>S NOVEMBER 1959

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