Gospel Revolution - Joseph Prince Ministries

Gospel Revolution - Joseph Prince Ministries

Gospel Revolution - Joseph Prince Ministries


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Joshua the secret to prospering in all that he did and<br />

having good success:<br />

Joshua 1:8<br />

This Book of the Law [God’s Word] shall not depart<br />

from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day<br />

and night, that you may observe to do according to<br />

all that is written in it. For then you will make your<br />

way prosperous, and then you will have good success.<br />

God told Joshua that if he would not let His Word<br />

depart from his mouth by meditating on it day and<br />

night, he would prosper and have good success in all that<br />

he did. This means that Joshua would see divine results<br />

each time he led the Israelites into battle. He would see<br />

good come out of all the projects that he undertook.<br />

That’s unceasing fruitfulness! He would also be well<br />

provided for, well protected and remain hale and hearty<br />

in body.<br />

Joshua did as instructed by the Lord. And did the Lord<br />

keep His promise? Let’s find out by taking a closer look<br />

at Joshua’s life.<br />

What was Joshua’s health report like?<br />

The Bible tells us that Joshua was a mighty warrior. The<br />

Lord gave him strength and wisdom, and led him to<br />

conquer many enemies of Israel. The Lord also gave him<br />

strength for war, blessed him with long life and he lived<br />

to 110 (Joshua 24:29).<br />

What about his financial statement?<br />

The Bible tells us that “they buried him within the<br />

border of his inheritance at Timnath Serah, which is in<br />

the mountains of Ephraim” (Joshua 24:30). Timnath<br />

Serah means “abundant portion” while Ephraim means<br />

“double fruitfulness”. So Joshua’s inheritance included a<br />

territory that had abundant provision and which sat on a<br />

mountain that overflowed with fruitfulness. God blessed<br />

him with literally a mountain of provision so that there<br />

was no lack whatsoever in his life!<br />

But more importantly, what was Joshua’s influence like<br />

as leader of the Israelites?<br />

Look at his impact and ministry: “Israel served the Lord<br />

all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who<br />

outlived Joshua” (Joshua 24:31). What a testimony! The<br />

entire nation served the Lord under Joshua’s leadership and<br />

even after he had passed on. Joshua’s ministry was one of<br />

high impact.<br />

Pastors and church leaders, what a wonderful testimony of<br />

your life it is when the people whom God has placed under<br />

you love Him and serve Him all the days of your life. Dads<br />

and mums, how satisfying and rewarding it is when the<br />

same happens to your children under your parenting!<br />



God is no respecter of persons. What He did for Joshua,<br />

He wants to do for you too. You can have Joshua’s success.<br />

You can prosper in all that you do. You can experience<br />

unceasing fruitfulness this year and for the rest of your life!<br />

The secret is to simply delight in and meditate on God’s<br />

Word day and night.<br />

So my friend, I would like to challenge you to make a<br />

radical decision today to begin meditating on God’s Word<br />

like never before. And to get started, you can sign up at<br />

josephprince.org to receive daily Grace Inspirations in your<br />

email to help you chew on and be encouraged by His Word<br />

every single day.<br />

Beloved, one word, one revelation from Him, can turn your<br />

whole life around. So give your time, mind and voice to<br />

God’s Word. And as you make it a lifestyle, you will see His<br />

unceasing fruitfulness begin to manifest in your life every<br />

day of 2012 and in the years to come!<br />

© Copyright <strong>Joseph</strong> <strong>Prince</strong>, 2012. All rights reserved.<br />

Recommended message available in both CD and DVD.<br />

CD message:<br />

• #0272 The Year Of Unceasing Fruitfulness, 1 January 2012<br />

DVD message:<br />

• Experience Unceasing Fruitfulness (Same message as #0272<br />

The Year Of Unceasing Fruitfulness)<br />

To obtain this message, visit the online store at josephprince.org<br />


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