3 - The Barnes Review

3 - The Barnes Review

3 - The Barnes Review


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PAGE 18 the barnes review MAY/JUNE<br />

Him of Whom they prophesied. And so they<br />

are pitiful because they rejected the blessings<br />

which were sent to them, while others<br />

seized hold of these blessings and drew<br />

them to themselves. Although those Jews<br />

had been called to the adoption of sons, they<br />

fell to kinship with dogs; we who were dogs<br />

received the strength, through God’s grace,<br />

to put aside the irrational nature which was<br />

ours and to rise to the honor of sons. How do<br />

I prove this? Christ said: “It is not fair to<br />

take the children’s bread and to cast it to the<br />

dogs.” Christ was speaking to the Canaanite<br />

woman when He called the Jews children<br />

and the Gentiles dogs.<br />

But see how thereafter the order was<br />

changed about: they became dogs, and we<br />

became the children. Paul said of the Jews:<br />

“Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil<br />

workers, beware of the mutilation. For we<br />

are the circumcision.” Do you see how those<br />

who at first were children became dogs? Do<br />

you wish to find out how we, who at first<br />

were dogs, became children? “But to as<br />

many as received him, he gave the power of<br />

becoming sons of God.”<br />

Nothing is more miserable than those<br />

people who never failed to attack<br />

their own salvation. When there was need to<br />

observe the Law, they trampled it underfoot.<br />

Now that the Law has ceased to bind, they<br />

obstinately strive to observe it. What could<br />

be more pitiable that those who provoke<br />

God not only by transgressing the Law but<br />

also by keeping it? On this account Stephen<br />

said: “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in<br />

heart, you always resist the Holy Spirit,” not<br />

only by transgressing the Law but also by<br />

wishing to observe it at the wrong time.<br />

Stephen was right in calling them stiffnecked.<br />

For they failed to take up the yoke<br />

of Christ, although it was sweet and had<br />

nothing about it which was either burdensome<br />

or oppressive. For he said: “Learn from<br />

me for I am meek and humble of heart,” and<br />

“Take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is<br />

sweet and my burden light.” Nonetheless<br />

they failed to take up the yoke because of<br />

the stiffness of their necks. Not only did<br />

they fail to take it up but they broke it and<br />

destroyed it. For Jeremiah said: “Long ago<br />

you broke your yoke and burst your bonds.”<br />

It was not Paul who said this but the voice<br />

of the prophet speaking loud and clear.<br />

When he spoke of the yoke and the bonds,<br />

he meant the symbols of rule, because the<br />

Jews rejected the rule of Christ when they<br />

said: “We have no king but Caesar.” You<br />

Jews broke the yoke, you burst the bonds,<br />

you cast yourselves out of the kingdom of<br />

heaven, and you made yourselves subject to<br />

the rule of men. Please consider with me<br />

how accurately the prophet hinted that<br />

their hearts were uncontrolled. He did not<br />

say: “You set aside the yoke,” but, “You broke<br />

the yoke,” and this is the crime of untamed<br />

beasts, who are uncontrolled and reject rule.<br />

But what is the source of this hardness?<br />

It come from gluttony and drunkenness.<br />

Who says so? Moses himself. “Israel ate and<br />

was filled, and the darling grew fat and<br />

frisky.” When brute animals feed from a full<br />

manger, they grow plump and become more<br />

obstinate and hard to hold in check; they<br />

endure neither the yoke, the reins nor the<br />

hand of the charioteer. Just so the Jewish<br />

people were driven by their drunkenness<br />

and plumpness to the ultimate evil; they<br />

kicked about, they failed to accept the yoke<br />

of Christ, nor did they pull the plow of his<br />

teaching. Another prophet hinted at this<br />

when he said: “Israel is as obstinate as a<br />

stubborn heifer.” And still another called the<br />

Jews “an untamed calf.”<br />

Although such beasts are unfit for work,<br />

they are fit for killing. And this is what happened<br />

to the Jews: while they were making<br />

themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for<br />

slaughter. This is why Christ said: “But as<br />

for these my enemies, who did not want me<br />

to be king over them, bring them here and<br />

slay them.” 1<br />

You Jews should have fasted then, when<br />

drunkenness was doing those terrible<br />

things to you, when your gluttony was giving<br />

birth to your ungodliness—not now.<br />

Now your fasting is untimely and an abomination.<br />

Who said so? Isaiah himself when<br />

he called out in a loud voice: “I did not<br />

choose this fast, say the Lord.” Why? “You<br />

quarrel and squabble when you fast and<br />

strike those subject to you with your fists.”<br />

But if your fasting was an abomination<br />

when you were striking your fellow slaves,<br />

does it become acceptable now that you<br />

have slain your Master? How could that be<br />

right?<br />

<strong>The</strong> man who fasts should be properly<br />

restrained, contrite, humbled—not drunk<br />

with anger. But do you strike your fellow<br />

slaves? In Isaiah’s day they quarreled and<br />

squabbled when they fasted; now when<br />

fast[ing], they go in for excesses and the ul -<br />

timate licentiousness, dancing with bare<br />

feet in the marketplace. <strong>The</strong> pretext is that<br />

they are fasting, but they act like men who<br />

are drunk. Hear how the prophet bid them<br />

to fast: “Sanctify a fast,” he said. He did not<br />

say: “Make a parade of your fasting,” but<br />

“call an assembly; gather together the<br />

ancients.” But these Jews are gathering choruses<br />

of effeminates and a great rubbish<br />

heap of harlots; they drag into the synagogue<br />

the whole theater, actors and all. For<br />

there is no difference between the theater<br />

and the synagogue. I know that some suspect<br />

me of rashness because I said there is<br />

no difference between the theater and the<br />

synagogue; but I suspect them of rashness if<br />

they do not think that this is so. If my declaration<br />

that the two are the same rests on<br />

my own authority, then charge me with<br />

rashness. But if the words I speak are the<br />

words of the prophet, then accept his decision.<br />

Many, I know, respect the Jews and<br />

think that their present way of life is<br />

a venerable one. This is why I hasten to<br />

uproot and tear out this deadly opinion. I<br />

said that the synagogue is no better than a<br />

theater and I bring forward a prophet as my<br />

witness. Surely the Jews are not more<br />

deserving of belief than their prophets. “You<br />

had a harlot’s brow; you became shameless<br />

before all.” Where a harlot has set herself<br />

up, that place is a brothel. But the synagogue<br />

is not only a brothel and a theater; it<br />

also is a den of robbers and a lodging for<br />

wild beasts. Jeremiah said: “Your house has<br />

become for me the den of a hyena.” He does<br />

not simply say “of wild beast,” but “of a filthy<br />

wild beast,” and again: “I have abandoned<br />

my house, I have cast off my inheritance.”<br />

But when God forsakes a people, what hope<br />

of salvation is left? When God forsakes a<br />

place, that place becomes the dwelling of<br />

demons.<br />

But at any rate the Jews say that they,<br />

too, adore God. God forbid that I say that.<br />

No Jew adores God. Who says so? <strong>The</strong> Son of<br />

God says so. For he said: “If you were to<br />

know my Father, you would also know me.<br />

But you neither know me nor do you know<br />

my Father.” Could I produce a witness more<br />

trustworthy than the Son of God?<br />

If, then, the Jews fail to know the Father,<br />

if they crucified the Son, if they thrust off<br />

the help of the Spirit, who should not make<br />

bold to declare plainly that the synagogue is<br />

a dwelling of demons? God is not worshiped<br />

there. Heaven forbid. From now on it<br />

remains a place of idolatry. But still some<br />

people pay it honor as a holy place.<br />

If you see one of your brothers falling<br />

into ... transgressions, you consider that it<br />

is someone else’s misfortune, not your own;<br />

you think you have defended yourselves<br />

against your accusers when you say: “What<br />

concern of mine is it? What do I have in common<br />

with that man”? 2 When you say that,<br />

your words manifest the utmost hatred for<br />

mankind and a cruelty which benefits the<br />

devil. What are you saying? You are a man<br />

and share the same nature. Why speak of a<br />

common nature when you have but a single<br />

head, Christ? Do you dare to say you have<br />

nothing in common with your own mem-

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