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- No one fcils c closs cnymcfe, ne's merely 'possing<br />

impoired."<br />

- You don'i hove deienfion, you're jusi one of ihe"exii Celcyed.,'<br />

- Your bedroom isn'f ctutlered. il s just possoge restricf ive.',<br />

- These doys, o siudeni isn'i lozy. He's "energeticclly Ceclined."<br />

- Kids don'l get groundecj onyrnore. They merely hil "socicl speed bumps.,,<br />

- Your homewcrk isn'i missing, i1's jusi hoving on "out-of-notebook experience.,,<br />

- You're nol sleeping in cicss, you're 'rc'lioning<br />

consciousness."<br />

- You're noi lole, ycu lusl hcve o 'rescheduled<br />

crrivol iime."<br />

No one's toil onymore. He's "veriicolly enhcnced."<br />

You're noi !hy. You'fe "ccnversciionally selecl;ve.''<br />

Yol don'l iclk o lot.. You'r'e jusi "abundonlly verbcl<br />

- You weren't pcssing noles in cicss. You were "poriicipoiing in the discreet exchonge of pennec rnediloiions."<br />

- You re nol being senl io ihe principol's office. Yor.; r'e "going cn o mondotory fieid trip io the odministrciive<br />

-<br />

blilding.',<br />

li 5 noi colled gossip onymore. l1's "the speedy fransmission of neor-fcciuol informoiion."<br />

- The food o1 ihe school cofeieriq isn'iowful, ii's 'digesii'rely<br />

chollenged."<br />


. I didn't do my history homework becouse Idon't believe in dwelling on lhe pos1.<br />

. I didn'fwoni the oiher kids in lhe closs fo look bod.<br />

. A sudden gusl of wind blew my homework oul of my hond ond I never sow ii ogoin.<br />

. Another pupil ieli in o loke ond ljumped in fo rescue him.<br />

Unfortunoiely, my homework drowned.<br />

. I'm noi ot liberiy to soy why.<br />

. I wonted io frome the delention letler you're oboui lo give me.<br />

. lt wos destroyed in o freck occideni involving o hippo, o toosler,<br />

ond o bog of frozen peos. You don'i wonf to know the detoils.<br />

. I hove o solor-powered colculotor, ond it wos cloudy.<br />

. I mode o poper plone ouf of it ond it got hijocked.<br />

. My ogeni won'f ollow me io publish my homework uniil the movie deol is finolized.<br />

. lt's ogoinsl my religion io do ony homework.<br />

. lwos obducied by green-skinned, three-eyed, pig-snouted spoce oliens,<br />

ond they incineroted my homework with lheir deoth roys.<br />

. I feli it wosn'l challeng:ng enough.<br />

. My porenls were sick ond unoble to do my homework lost nighl.<br />

Don't worry. ihey hove been suitobly punished.<br />

. We hod homework?!<br />

. I see your lips moving, but oll I om heoring is "bloh, bloh. bloh.,'<br />

. I didn'l wqni to odd to your olreody heovy worklood.<br />

. I spenl the night ot o rolly supporting higher poy for our hcrd-working teochers.<br />

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