curriculum vitae - drmulier.com

curriculum vitae - drmulier.com

curriculum vitae - drmulier.com


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Time for randomized trials?<br />

Trends in radiofrequency-ablation<br />

Charité Berlin, 24-25 October 2008<br />

Mulier S<br />

Un exemple de traitement de pointe : la carcinomatose péritonéale : nouvel espoir !<br />

Scientific mini-symposium on oncology for general practitioners, Leopold Park Clinic, Brussels,<br />

November 25th, 2008<br />

2009<br />

Mulier S<br />

Debulking et chimiothérapie intrapéritonéale.<br />

Symposium for nurses Edith Cavell, Brussels, October 8 th and 15 th 2009<br />

Mulier S<br />

Epidémiologie des néoplasies.<br />

Symposium for nurses Edith Cavell, Brussels, October 15th 2009<br />

Mulier S<br />

Radiofrequency ablation versus resection for resectable colorectal liver metastases: time for a<br />

randomized trial?<br />

European Digestive Surgery and United European Gastroenterology Federation Course “Advances in<br />

GI Surgery”, Belgrade, October 23rd 2009<br />

2010<br />

Mulier S<br />

Radiofrequency ablation versus resection for resectable colorectal liver metastases: time for a<br />

randomized trial?<br />

Workshop on the preparation of a randomized trial on RFA versus surgery (Prof. Burdio), Barcelona,<br />

May 27-28, 2010<br />

6. Doctoral thesis : radiofrequency coagulation of liver tumours<br />

Promoter : Professor Ni, Radiology, KULeuven<br />

Copromoter : Professor Marchal, Radiology, KULeuven<br />

Copromoter : Professor Michel, Surgery, UCL<br />

Start: September 1st 2003<br />

7. Organising of congresses<br />

2008<br />

De huisarts en de specialist: een Nederlandstalige ontmoeting in Brussel<br />

1ste Nederlandstalig ontmoetingssymposium tussen Brusselse en Brabantse huisartsen en specialisten<br />

van het Park Leopold Ziekenhuis.<br />

Parliament of Brussels, April 19th 2008.<br />

In charge of the organisation together with Dr. José Huylebroek.<br />

8. Membership of jury for the defence of a doctoral thesis<br />

2008<br />

Drs. Maarten M.C. Jansen<br />

Experimental and clinical radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors.<br />

AMC, Amsterdam, February 1st 2008<br />


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