12612 DEC -4 P It 32 I - San Diego Reader

12612 DEC -4 P It 32 I - San Diego Reader

12612 DEC -4 P It 32 I - San Diego Reader


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O actP,aram^ters,^<br />

uustria Development. Inc<br />

8"y: Mark Remloy<br />

Pegex of a<br />

9W-13i95 A ;reemeN.xtu<br />

nt1ss respo s)ble for acquking an Permits needed.<br />

S. Client Is responsible for having event area cleared and building accesses made available odor to setup time.<br />

C. Any substantial changes In design or scheduling may result In additional charges.<br />

D. Client is responsible for providing necessary power and rigging access at no cost to ShowTec, Inc<br />

F Client Is responsible forfulnllrg all necessary union requirements as mandated by venue and event producers.<br />

F. Requested notifications on-site: In the event dientmakes modificat ons to production agreement al the event<br />

site, it will be necessary for c5ent'a arah'orized agent to sign a ShowTeo, Inc. change order<br />

authorization, listing any and an such modifications. ShowTea Inc. will use its best efforts<br />

to accommodate the requested mod7cations. If ShowTec. Ina Is able to supply the services and<br />

equipment requested, Blase modifications will become part of, or Supersede, the original production agreement<br />

and win be added to the One[ toning.<br />

0. Cancelation by Sent: Considerable expense will be Incurred by ShowTec. Inc upon commencement<br />

of this conbect. Pricing for this contract Is based on a minimum of 30 weeks and includes a long-tens<br />

dismount of 35%. Therefore, should diem cancel the event after contract slgn(ng or the schedule Is<br />

shortened to less than 3D weeks, the discounted 35% on contract amounts previously paid will be<br />

rescinded and will become Immediately due and payable.<br />

H. Client shell pay to ShowTec Inc Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month on any outstanding balance<br />

of the contract prim if payment Is not made pursuant to the terms as provided in 'leans' herein.<br />

1. All parties to this production agreement hereby acknowledge and agree that their mutual agreements contained<br />

herein constitute sufficient consideration to cause this production agreement to be enforceable pursuant to<br />

provisions of applicable contract law.<br />

J. ShowTec, Inc. shall be excused from performance B performance becomes impossible or<br />

commercially Impractical because of:<br />

1. Federal, state or municipal action, stalute, ordinance or regulation<br />

2. Natural disasters, weather or acts of God<br />

3. Strike o other labor stoppage. bomb threat or other trouble<br />

4. Any other muse, contingency or circumstance which materially prevents or<br />

hinders the performance of a parry's obligations under lens agreement.<br />

K Client shag be responsible to ensure that adequate security Is provided for all equipment placed by<br />

ShowTec, Ina at the venue in all times, before, dung and after the event and Client assumes full responsibility<br />

for all lass or damage to equipment. As a material Inducement for ShowTec Inc. to enter Into this contract, Client<br />

agrees to Indemnify and hold ShowTec, Inc harmless from all injuries, property damage, claims, losses,<br />

judgments, attorney's fees, costs, fees and expenses arising from Client's use of ShowTec'a equipment and the<br />

Intentional or negligent eels, egos or emissions of their agents, guests. Invitees, employees end/or customers.<br />

L. ShowTee. Ina retains the right to take photos and video for <strong>It</strong>s own promodonal purposes.<br />

M. The panes agree that the rights and responsibilities of the parties to this Agreement shall be governed by and<br />

Interpreted In accordance with the law of the State of California to the exclusion of all choice of law cola which<br />

might otherwise be applicable. Any legal proceeding of any nature brought by either party against the other<br />

to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement or arising out of any matter pertaining to this<br />

Agreement shell be submitted for trial, Without jury. before the Superior Court of the State of Catiromia.<br />

County of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Judicial DsMct or, Bthe Superior Court does not have jurisdiction, men<br />

before the United States District Court for the Southard District of California (<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Division); or neither<br />

of such Court shall have jurisdiction, than before any other Court sitting In <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> County, California,<br />

having subject matter jurisdiction. The parties cement and submit to the jurisdiction of any such court and<br />

agree to accept service for process outside the State of Cailfomia in any matter to be submitted to any such<br />

Court pursuant hereto, and expressly waive all rights to trial by jury regarding and such matter.<br />

N. So long as this agreement Is In fun form and effect, client shall maintain broad farm commercial general<br />

liability Insurance, Including contractual lability, products liability and completed operations, and business<br />

automotive ilaMTily Insurance. For the entire term of this agreement, Client agrees to adequately Insure an<br />

of Showier s equipment for damage and/or melt, and funkier agrees to make ShowTec an additional<br />

Insured In all such polled les).<br />

0. ShowTeo, Inc will use its best efforts to produce show quality that meets or exceeds Industry<br />

standards. Client admmviedges that ShowTec. Inc- utilizes new technology and highly technical<br />

equipment which are subject to occasional malfuncon. Client acknowledges that In the event of an equipment<br />

malfunction it would be extremely difgMtto ascertain actual damages resulting therefrom. Client therefore<br />

agrees that In the event of equipment malfunction, ShowTec, Inns liability that be limited to the<br />

actual charge for the malfunctioning equipment which wit either be credited to the client or refunded to client<br />

In the ads discretion of Showl'ec, Inc.<br />

P. In the event any suit, action arbitration. mediation or proceedings vise from or are based upon this agreement,<br />

the prevailing party shall be entitled to recoverthetr reasonable attorneys Fees, costs and disbursements.<br />

Q, The panes agree to as tonne and conditions contained herein<br />

R. This agreement Is personal to the parties and cannot be assigned or transferred wnwtfl the written consent of<br />

both parties<br />

S. Time is of me essence in this agreement.<br />

ShowTec. Inc<br />

11870 Community Rd.. Suite 250<br />

Povay, CA 92064<br />

858.679-9700 Fec85a.579.1525 7/27/2012 hind: _-

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