Astrological Repair Manual

Astrological Repair Manual

Astrological Repair Manual


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If you don’t have a proper time for the chart, you should be able to interpret all but<br />

the Moon since it moves fast enough to change Signs within a day. For more information<br />

about interpreting “timeless” charts, log on to http://ars.forumsplace.com/. As indicated in<br />

the text, there are astrologers who can do what’s called rectification and bring a chart into<br />

some form of accuracy.<br />

Just before we go through the steps to make a chart, I want to go over the basic<br />

symbols and how to read them.<br />

On the next page you can see a typical chart. Don’t worry if you can’t read the<br />

details too well, it was made small so all the symbols would fit on one page.<br />

The Houses of the chart are the twelve pie sections around the circle. The<br />

Ascendant is the left end of the line that goes through the middle, left to right, and has<br />

the letters AC. The First House is the space just below that. The other eleven Houses<br />

follow the first around the circle going counter-clockwise. When you get to House Ten<br />

you should be near the top of the chart and what’s called the Midheaven, with the letters<br />

MC.<br />

Take just a minute or two to look at the listings of the Signs and Planets and, even<br />

though they may not make any sense to you right now, match them up in the example<br />

chart. Some of them may seem just a bit different in the list and the chart but, in this day<br />

and age, when the web is such a good resource for any kind of information, you’ll see<br />

many different styles of astrological symbols as you cruise cyberspace.

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