Alle positionpapers - FN-forbundet

Alle positionpapers - FN-forbundet

Alle positionpapers - FN-forbundet


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members of the Security Council will always be consulted in regard to a draft resolution<br />

(resolutionsforslag) since they can make the agreement fall because of their veto power.<br />

Belgium’s stance on the subjects under discussion<br />

Point 1: Ceasefire<br />

Belgium is extremely concerned about the unprecedented (uhørt) escalation of violence in Gaza and<br />

Southern Israel. It is a serious threat to regional stability, having already caused hundreds of deaths,<br />

and is accompanied by a grave (alvorlig) humanitarian crisis linked to the specific situation caused<br />

by the blockade of Gaza in recent months. Neither of the parties have anything to gain from the<br />

current escalation. There is no possible military solution to the conflict and Belgium calls on the<br />

two parties to display responsibility towards the civilian populations concerned by undertaking an<br />

immediate ceasefire.<br />

Belgium calls for:<br />

1. the urgency of an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire<br />

2. Israel to immediately cease its military attacks and withdraw its forces from Gaza<br />

4. Palestinians to declare an unequivocal end to violence and terrorism and undertake visible efforts<br />

to this on the ground;<br />

5. Hamas to ensure an immediate end to the rocket attacks into the territory of Israel<br />

Point 2: Response to the humanitarian situation<br />

Belgium calls for the normal and permanent reopening of all crossing into Gaza and both parties<br />

must allow and facilitate immediate humanitarian action by permitting the urgent provision of food<br />

and medical aid, fuel and electricity to Gaza as well as the evacuation of the wounded and<br />

unhindered access for humanitarian workers.<br />

This Belgium calls for:<br />

1. Member States to support international efforts to alleviate the humanitarian and economic<br />

situation in Gaza;<br />

2. Both parties to allow and facilitate immediate humanitarian action<br />

3. a normal and permanent reopening of all crossings into Gaza<br />

Point 3: Condemnation of Israeli actions<br />

Israel’s right to self-defence does not give it the right to respond disproportionately and without<br />

regard for the effects of its actions on civilian populations.<br />

Belgium will:<br />

3. condemn the Israeli military attacks<br />

Point 4: Condemnation of Hamas’ actions<br />

Belgium condemns the breaking of the truce by Hamas and the resumption (genoptagelse) of rocket<br />

attacks on Southern Israel. Belgium finds that the provocations from the Palestinian side have<br />

caused (udløst) the current situation.

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