Index to volume 327 - BMJ Group

Index to volume 327 - BMJ Group

Index to volume 327 - BMJ Group


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Lalani, Akbar, (K Hebert) (Pro®le) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s69 (30<br />

August 2003)<br />

Lam T-H, see Leung GM. <strong>327</strong>:1090<br />

Lam WWT<br />

— see Fielding R. <strong>327</strong>:1404<br />

— see Leung GM. <strong>327</strong>:1090<br />

Lambert HJ, see Coulthard MG. <strong>327</strong>:656, 1346<br />

Lambert N, see Bowling AP. <strong>327</strong>:450<br />

Lampe F, see Brindle P. <strong>327</strong>:1267<br />

Lancet<br />

— AstraZeneca accused of sponsoring biased research (O Dyer).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1005 (N)<br />

— digital archive launch (A Ferriman). <strong>327</strong>:888 (N)<br />

— <strong>to</strong>bacco should be made illegal (A Ferriman). <strong>327</strong>:1364 (N)<br />

Landsborough D, A mistake that might have been my last.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:598<br />

Lane R, et al, Rhabdomyolysis. <strong>327</strong>:115 (E) (correction, 500)<br />

Lane T, et al, Behavioural approaches are helpful in overactive<br />

bladder. <strong>327</strong>:291 (L)<br />

Lange JH, Stages of a man’s life. <strong>327</strong>:683 (L)<br />

Langewitz W, see Kindler CH. <strong>327</strong>:931<br />

Langgartner E, see Drlicek M. <strong>327</strong>:1048<br />

Langley JD, et al, Secondhand e#ects of alcohol use among university<br />

students: computerised survey. <strong>327</strong>:1023 (P)<br />

Langley-Evans A, see Langley-Evans S. <strong>327</strong>:622<br />

Langley-Evans S, et al, Energy intake in pregnant women<br />

carrying boys or girls. <strong>327</strong>:622 (L)<br />

Lang<strong>to</strong>n A, Sharing patient information electronically throughout<br />

NHS. <strong>327</strong>:622 (L)<br />

language see also communication<br />

— fart. “I was <strong>to</strong>o well brought up <strong>to</strong> say it” (M Gore). <strong>327</strong>:1208<br />

— shocking (A Rule). <strong>327</strong>:422<br />

Lannigan F, see Lehmann D. <strong>327</strong>:415<br />

Lapiana JM, see Peretti-Watel P. <strong>327</strong>:595<br />

Lapsley PM<br />

— Industry funding of patients’ support groups. <strong>327</strong>:344 (L)<br />

— Speaking up. <strong>327</strong>:1109<br />

Lapum JL, In search of a good death. <strong>327</strong>:224 (L)<br />

Large S, see Lim E. <strong>327</strong>:1309<br />

Larkin C, see O’Donnell C. <strong>327</strong>:834<br />

Larsson S, A career in oncology <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s169 (29<br />

November 2003)<br />

Lasagna, Louis, Obituary (JH Tanne). <strong>327</strong>:565<br />

Lasker S, The higher professional education scheme for new GPs<br />

(Have you heard about...) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s118 (11<br />

Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2003)<br />

Lassa fever, epidemiology, clinical features, and social consequences<br />

(JK Richmond, et al) <strong>327</strong>:1271 (C) (correction,<br />

328:96)<br />

Lassen A, et al, Eradication of Helicobacter pylori and use of<br />

antisecre<strong>to</strong>ry drugs: population based cohort study.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:603 (PC)<br />

Latif AS, Third world brain drain. <strong>327</strong>:930 (L)<br />

Laurent C, Baby milk company ®ned for advertising direct <strong>to</strong><br />

consumers. <strong>327</strong>:307 (N)<br />

Lauterbur, Paul C, Nobel prize for medicine 2003 (S Mayor).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:827 (N)<br />

LaValley M, see McAlindon T. <strong>327</strong>:484<br />

Laverey C, see Mehta AT. <strong>327</strong>:462<br />

Lavis V, see Taket A. <strong>327</strong>:673<br />

Law, Alistair, Obituary (M Lewis). <strong>327</strong>:55<br />

Law M, see Wald NJ. <strong>327</strong>:809<br />

Lawlor B, see O’Connell H. <strong>327</strong>:664<br />

Lawlor DA<br />

— et al, Association between falls in elderly women and chronic<br />

diseases and drug use: cross sectional study. <strong>327</strong>:712 (PC),<br />

1288 (L)<br />

— et al, Association of insulin resistance with depression: cross<br />

sectional ®ndings from the British women’s heart and health<br />

study. <strong>327</strong>:1383 (P)<br />

Lawrenson G, et al, Security duties in Northern Ireland and the<br />

mental health of soldiers: prospective study. <strong>327</strong>:1382 (P)<br />

Law<strong>to</strong>n B, et al, Changes in use of hormone replacement therapy<br />

after the report from the Women’s Health Initiative: cross<br />

sectional survey of users. <strong>327</strong>:845 PC)<br />

Laylee, Alec, Obituary (D Cove). <strong>327</strong>:229<br />

Leach A, see Bridson J. <strong>327</strong>:1159<br />

league tables see also performance<br />

— hospitals<br />

——CHI ratings rise (Z Kmie<strong>to</strong>wicz). <strong>327</strong>:119 (N)<br />

——star rating system fails <strong>to</strong> reduce variation (Z Kmie<strong>to</strong>wicz).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:184 (N)<br />

— NHS sta# cheat <strong>to</strong> hit government targets (A Gulland).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:179 (N), 680 (L)<br />

— strategies <strong>to</strong> optimise data for corrupt managers and incompetent<br />

clinicians (D Pitches, et al) (Snakes, ladders, and spin).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1436<br />

Leaning J, see Stabinski L. <strong>327</strong>:1101<br />

Lear JT, see Wong CSM. <strong>327</strong>:794<br />

learning see also education, medical<br />

— EBM clinical decision support <strong>to</strong>ols (GM Leung, et al).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1090 (LP)<br />

— online (S Guerry) (Tips on ...) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s174 (29<br />

November 2003)<br />

— teaching materials should enhance the spoken word. <strong>327</strong>:166<br />

(L)<br />

Leatherman and Sutherland, The Quest for Quality in the NHS (R<br />

Smith). <strong>327</strong>:1239 (E)<br />

Ledochowski M, et al, Altitude sickness. <strong>327</strong>:106 (L)<br />

Lee AJ, see MacCarthy PA. <strong>327</strong>:78<br />

Lee, Jong-Wook, interview with (F Fleck). <strong>327</strong>:468 (N)<br />

Leff JA, see Bjermer L. <strong>327</strong>:891<br />

Lfegaré F, see O’Connor AM. <strong>327</strong>:736<br />

Legge JS, see Currie GP <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s105 (4 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2003)<br />

legislation, medical see also jurisprudence<br />

— Health and Social Care Bill: end of Bevan’s vision? (AM<br />

Pollock, et al). <strong>327</strong>:982 (ED)<br />

— human tissue retention regulation bill (C Dyer). <strong>327</strong>:1304<br />

(N)<br />

— in uence on risk and informed consent (DJ Mazur). <strong>327</strong>:731<br />

(ED)<br />

— mental health bill will be subject <strong>to</strong> pre-legislative scrutiny (R<br />

Dobson). <strong>327</strong>:1304 (N)<br />

— in vitro fertilisation: ABC of subfertility (P Braude, et al).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:978 (C)<br />

Legros D, see Grein T. <strong>327</strong>:650<br />

Lehmann D, et al, Bene®ts of swimming pools in two remote<br />

Aboriginal communities in Western Australia: intervention<br />

study. <strong>327</strong>:415 (P) (correction, 663)<br />

Lehmann HP, see Sterling TR. <strong>327</strong>:164<br />

Lehmer M, see McAlindon T. <strong>327</strong>:484<br />

Lemkin, Joan (née Casserley), Obituary (D Eyre-Walker).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:754<br />

Lenzer J<br />

January−June 2001<br />

— Claim that smallpox vaccine protects against HIV is<br />

premature, say critics. <strong>327</strong>:699 (N) (correction, 987)<br />

— ER blamed for nursing shortage (TV). <strong>327</strong>:1294 (R)<br />

— Proposed US stroke centres under ®re for planned use of<br />

alteplase. <strong>327</strong>:247 (N), 812 (L)<br />

— Study of London taxi drivers wins Ig Nobel prize. <strong>327</strong>:831<br />

(N)<br />

Leontiadis GI, et al, Helicobacter pylori in gastro-oesophageal<br />

re ux disease needs compara<strong>to</strong>r 326:1460 (L) (correction,<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1016)<br />

lesbians<br />

— health on internet (J Clark) (Website of the week). <strong>327</strong>:995 (R)<br />

— health needs (C Hughes, et al). <strong>327</strong>:939 (E)<br />

Lesson of the week<br />

— Celecoxib, rofecoxib, and acute temporary visual impairment<br />

(DM Coulter, et al). <strong>327</strong>:1214 (C)<br />

— Colchicine in acute gout (I Morris, et al). <strong>327</strong>:1275 (C)<br />

— Interaction of spironolac<strong>to</strong>ne with ACE inhibi<strong>to</strong>rs or<br />

angiotensin recep<strong>to</strong>r blockers: analysis of 44 cases (E<br />

Wrenger, et al). <strong>327</strong>:147 (C), 812 (L)<br />

— Life threatening complications after partially treated<br />

mas<strong>to</strong>iditis (J Jose, et al). <strong>327</strong>:41 (C)<br />

— Neonatal alloimmune thrombocy<strong>to</strong>penia (R Rayment, et al).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:331 (C)<br />

— Poor glycaemic control caused by insulin induced lipohypertrophy<br />

(TA Chowdhury, et al). <strong>327</strong>:383 (C)<br />

— Spurious hyperglycaemia and icodextrin in peri<strong>to</strong>neal dialysis<br />

uid (SG Riley, et al). <strong>327</strong>:608 (C)<br />

— Wegener’s granuloma<strong>to</strong>sis presenting as a pleural e#usion<br />

(AG Blundell, et al). <strong>327</strong>:95 (C)<br />

Lester H, see Cooper H. <strong>327</strong>:394<br />

Lester N, Madness Explained (Books). <strong>327</strong>:1055 (R)<br />

Lethaby A, et al, Treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1243 (E)<br />

letrozole, drug trial early cessation (S Gottlieb). <strong>327</strong>:885 (N)<br />

letters<br />

— ’copying letters <strong>to</strong> patients is coming <strong>to</strong> a clinic near you’.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:450 (L), 451 (L), 991 (L), 1349 (L)<br />

— dictating clinic letters (F Mohammed) (Tips on...) <strong>BMJ</strong><br />

Careers <strong>327</strong>:s148 (8 November 2003)<br />

Leung GM, et al, Randomised controlled trial of clinical decision<br />

support <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>to</strong> improve learning of evidence based<br />

medicine in medical students. <strong>327</strong>:1090 (LP)<br />

levetiracetam, weight loss (S Hadjikoutis, et al) (Drug points).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:905<br />

Levy LF, The ®rst world’s role in the third world brain drain<br />

(Personal view). <strong>327</strong>:170 (R), 929 (L) (correction, 1016),<br />

930 (L)<br />

Levy, Mark Lionel, Obituary (HS Levy, et al). <strong>327</strong>:1291<br />

Lewis B, Medical ethics, the Israeli Medical Association, and the<br />

state of the World Medical Association. <strong>327</strong>:1108 (L)<br />

Lewis DA, see Tong CYW. <strong>327</strong>:290<br />

Lewis DK, et al, Fac<strong>to</strong>rs involved in deciding <strong>to</strong> start preventive<br />

treatment: qualitative study of clinicians’ and lay people’s<br />

attitudes. <strong>327</strong>:841 (PC)<br />

Lewis HE, see Price RD. <strong>327</strong>:1464<br />

Lewis L, see Jacklin PB. <strong>327</strong>:84<br />

Lewis MH, see Shiralkar S. <strong>327</strong>:371<br />

Lewis PM, et al, Risk assessors need <strong>to</strong> be assessed. <strong>327</strong>:1108 (L)<br />

Lewis S, see Mehta AT. <strong>327</strong>:462<br />

Lewis W, Medical humanities <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s65 (30 August<br />

2003)<br />

Lewith GT, see Radcli#e MJ.<strong>327</strong>:251<br />

Li ACY, et al, Longevity and C282Y mutation for haemochroma<strong>to</strong>sis.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:990 (L)<br />

Li D-K, et al, Exposure <strong>to</strong> non-steroidal anti-in amma<strong>to</strong>ry drugs<br />

during pregnancy and risk of miscarriage: population based<br />

cohort study. <strong>327</strong>:368 (P)<br />

Li L, et al, Breast feeding and obesity in childhood: cross sectional<br />

study. <strong>327</strong>:904 (P)<br />

Li Z, see Kelman CW. <strong>327</strong>:1072<br />

Liberia see also Africa<br />

— humanitarian catastrophe, aid agency warning (P Moszynski).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:245 (N)<br />

Lichterman BL, Pathologies of Power (Books). <strong>327</strong>:1232 (R)<br />

Liddle R, et al, ABC of resuscitation. The au<strong>to</strong>mated external de®brilla<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1216 (C)<br />

Lie RT, see Hawthorne G. <strong>327</strong>:929<br />

Lieberman BA, see Brison DR. <strong>327</strong>:872<br />

Liebling RE, see Murphy DJ. <strong>327</strong>:1132<br />

Liebschutz JM, et al, eds, Violence Against Women: A Physician’s<br />

Guide <strong>to</strong> Identification and Management (Books). <strong>327</strong>:686 (R)<br />

life change<br />

— multiple sclerosis exacerbations and (D Buljevac, et al).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:646 (P)<br />

— prescription for change (SE Kersley) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s139<br />

(1 November 2003)<br />

life expectancy see also mortality<br />

— gap between classes is widening (Z Kmie<strong>to</strong>wicz). <strong>327</strong>:68 (N),<br />

752 (L)<br />

— global, amenable <strong>to</strong> health care analysis (E Nolte, et al).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1129 (P)<br />

— measuring health of nations, analysis of mortality amenable<br />

<strong>to</strong> health care (E Nolte, et al). <strong>327</strong>:1129 (P)<br />

— social class gap is widening (Z Kmie<strong>to</strong>wicz). <strong>327</strong>:68 (N)<br />

— Titanic survivors (JA Hanley, et al) (Hazardous journeys).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1457<br />

life support see intensive care<br />

lifestyle<br />

— diabetes, intensive education (C Fox, et al). <strong>327</strong>:1120 (E)<br />

— indigenous peoples, overview: changing pattern of ill health<br />

(S Foliaki, et al). <strong>327</strong>:406 (E)<br />

lifts, privacy of patients’ information (SN Vigod, et al). <strong>327</strong>:1024<br />

(P)<br />

Lilford RJ, Reply <strong>to</strong> letters on ethics of trials from bayesian perspective.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:105 (L)<br />

Lilly RZ, Extracts from “Best Treatments” . Bulimia nervosa.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:380 (C)<br />

Lim E, et al, Indirect comparison meta-analysis of aspirin therapy<br />

after coronary surgery <strong>327</strong>:1309 (P) (correction, 328:147)<br />

Lima RC, see Vic<strong>to</strong>ra CG. <strong>327</strong>:901<br />

Lind, James, scurvy clinical trial (C Currie). <strong>327</strong>:1418 (E)<br />

Linnasne SJ, see Berrill JW. <strong>327</strong>:1288<br />

lipids, e#ectiveness of lipid lowering drugs in reducing serum<br />

cholesterol concentration. <strong>327</strong>:50 (L), 51 (L)<br />

lipohypertrophy, poor glycaemic control and insulin induced<br />

lipohypertrophy (TA Chowdhury, et al) (Lesson of the week).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:383 (C)<br />

listening, skills (S Manallack) (Tips on...) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s29<br />

(26 July 2003)<br />

lithium, elderly, prescription comparison with valproic acid.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:395 (L)<br />

Little P, Penicillin for acute sore throat in children: randomised,<br />

double blind trial. Commentary: More valid criteria may be<br />

needed. <strong>327</strong>:1<strong>327</strong> (PC)<br />

Little R, Deborah Colville (Pro®le) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s110 (4<br />

Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2003)<br />

Litts DA, see Knox KL. <strong>327</strong>:1376<br />

Liu L, see Li D-K. <strong>327</strong>:368<br />

liver<br />

— hepa<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>xicity associated with nimesulide and other nonsteroidal<br />

anti-in amma<strong>to</strong>ry drugs (G Traversa, et al). <strong>327</strong>:18<br />

(P)<br />

— high density lipoprotein cholesterol protective e#ects (JT<br />

Salonen) (Research pointers). <strong>327</strong>:1082 (P)<br />

liver cirrhosis, treatment, rational and targeted (JP Iredale).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:143 (C)<br />

liver transplantation, role of living liver donation in UK (J<br />

Neuberger, et al). <strong>327</strong>:676 (ED) (correction, 987), 1287 (L)<br />

Livings<strong>to</strong>ne CA, see Wang TWM. <strong>327</strong>:50<br />

Lloyd-Williams M<br />

— ed, Psychosocial Issues in Palliative Care (Books). <strong>327</strong>:234 (R)<br />

— et al, In search of a good death. <strong>327</strong>:221 (L)<br />

— et al, Is asking patients in palliative care, “Are you depressed?”<br />

appropriate? Prospective study. <strong>327</strong>:372 (P)<br />

Lo B, et al, Establishing ethical trials for treatment and<br />

prevention of AIDS in developing countries. <strong>327</strong>:337 (ED)<br />

Lo SS, Doc<strong>to</strong>rs’ knowledge of exposure <strong>to</strong> ionising radiation.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:1167 (L)<br />

Lock K, see Chalmers I. <strong>327</strong>:1017<br />

Lock S, Britain prefers talk <strong>to</strong> action. <strong>327</strong>:940 (E)<br />

Lockett, Harry Ian, Obituary (T Phelps, et al). <strong>327</strong>:934<br />

Lockey A, Emergency medicine <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s155 (15<br />

November 2003)<br />

Lockwood GM, In vitro fertilisation for all? <strong>327</strong>:1226 (L)<br />

locum doc<strong>to</strong>rs see also doc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

— appraisal preparation (EB Turya) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s97 (27<br />

September 2003)<br />

— returning <strong>to</strong> work in UK as locum consultant (A Papagiannis)<br />

<strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s171 (29 November 2003)<br />

— sabbaticals (R MacDonald) <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s124 (18 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber<br />

2003)<br />

Loe er I<br />

— Bioterrorism (Soundings). <strong>327</strong>:817 (R)<br />

— Environmentally friendly disposal of the dead (Soundings).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:237 (R)<br />

— Eternal youth (Soundings). <strong>327</strong>:1235 (R)<br />

Logan R, see Bloom®eld A. <strong>327</strong>:439<br />

Logan RFA, see Delaney BC. <strong>327</strong>:811<br />

Lomas J, Health services research. <strong>327</strong>:1301 (E)<br />

London<br />

— hospitals must use its appeal <strong>to</strong> tackle workforce shortages (D<br />

Singh). <strong>327</strong>:70 (N)<br />

— mentally ill: London’s State of Mind (Z Kmie<strong>to</strong>wicz). <strong>327</strong>:1184<br />

(N)<br />

— pulmonary tuberculosis diagnostic delays: 1998-2000:<br />

<strong>327</strong>:164 (L)<br />

Long A, see Thomson A <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s44 (9 August 2003)<br />

Long JM, see Stabinski L. <strong>327</strong>:1101<br />

long-term care see also elderly; health services for the elderly; residential<br />

homes<br />

— free personal care (K Burke). <strong>327</strong>:770 (N)<br />

— Wake®eld Council ordered <strong>to</strong> pay for care (O Dyer). <strong>327</strong>:521<br />

(N)<br />

Longano BA, Evaluating computerised health information<br />

systems. <strong>327</strong>:163 (L)<br />

longevity, Kylemore nuns. <strong>327</strong>:970<br />

Loong T-W, Understanding sensitivity and speci®city with the<br />

right side of the brain. <strong>327</strong>:716 (C) (correction, 1043)<br />

Lopman BA, see Tam CC. <strong>327</strong>:1347<br />

Lord JM, et al, Metformin in polycystic ovary syndrome: systematic<br />

review and meta-analysis. <strong>327</strong>:951 (P)<br />

Loren ML, Treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis. <strong>327</strong>:1229 (L)<br />

Love TE, All that glisters is not gold. <strong>327</strong>:1315<br />

Loveland P, et al, Non-standard grade (trust grade) doc<strong>to</strong>rs: the<br />

Department of Health’s view <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s132 (25<br />

Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2003)<br />

low back pain<br />

— acute (J Car, et al) (10 minute consultation). <strong>327</strong>:541 (PC)<br />

— chronic. <strong>327</strong>:107 (L)<br />

— prognosis, systematic review (LHM Pengel, et al). <strong>327</strong>:323<br />

(PC)<br />

low tar cigarettes, Cancer Research UK campaign (A Iles).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:701 (N)<br />

Lowe J, see Aldrich R. <strong>327</strong>:1283<br />

Lowe M, see Cheng AC. <strong>327</strong>:1280<br />

Lowenthal MN, Endpiece. Fire and ice. <strong>327</strong>:1335<br />

lower respira<strong>to</strong>ry tract infections, viral, in infants and young children<br />

(JBM van Woensel, et al). <strong>327</strong>:36 (C)<br />

lung cancers<br />

— lobec<strong>to</strong>my in-hospital mortality, useful surgical quality standard?<br />

(T Treasure, et al). <strong>327</strong>:73 (P)<br />

— passive smoking and mortality: California. <strong>327</strong>:501 (L), 502<br />

(L), 503 (L), 504 (L), 505 (L)<br />

— smoking and, Imperial Tobacco plan denial (O Dyer).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:888 (N)<br />

Lusty PJ, see Tsiridis E. <strong>327</strong>:1167<br />

Lwanda J, Portfolio career <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s118 (11 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber<br />

2003)<br />

Lynge E, see Arbyn M. <strong>327</strong>:289<br />

Lyons, Arnold Richard, Obituary (T Lyons). <strong>327</strong>:993<br />

Lyratzopoulos G<br />

— Stand and deliver <strong>BMJ</strong> Careers <strong>327</strong>:s35 (2 August 2003)<br />

— et al, Prognosis for South Asian and white patients with heart<br />

failure in the United Kingdom. <strong>327</strong>:1406 (L)<br />

— see Heller RF. <strong>327</strong>:1162<br />

lysosomal s<strong>to</strong>rage disorders, treatment (AT Mehta, et al).<br />

<strong>327</strong>:462 (E)<br />

M<br />

“M”, CJD experimental treatment (C Dyer). <strong>327</strong>:886 (N)<br />

Mabey D, see Hawkes S. <strong>327</strong>:633<br />

McAlindon T, et al, Conducting clinical trials over the internet:<br />

feasibility. <strong>327</strong>:484 (IP)<br />

McArdle’s syndrome, his<strong>to</strong>ry taking, lesson (C Rundle). <strong>327</strong>:545<br />

(correction, 1043)<br />

McAuley LM, et al, Scope of EPOC is clari®ed. <strong>327</strong>:106 (L)<br />

McAullay D, see Lehmann D. <strong>327</strong>:415<br />

McBride M, see McKee W. <strong>327</strong>:104<br />

MacCarthy PA, et al, Prognosis in heart failure with preserved left<br />

ventricular sys<strong>to</strong>lic function: prospective cohort study.<br />

<strong>327</strong>:78 (P)<br />

McCloud A, see Barnaby B. <strong>327</strong>:783<br />

McClure I<br />


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