Dean Lipp - Penn State University

Dean Lipp - Penn State University

Dean Lipp - Penn State University


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Alumni College<br />

Will Be Held<br />


Uni veisit y ,'ilumni will again get a chance to "hit the<br />

books."'<br />

A w eek-Jung "Alumni College,'' similar to the one con-<br />

V<br />

*7 f<br />

\St_ v V<br />

Just right for summer<br />

are these c-o-o-I s'acks.<br />

And . , . they are easy to<br />

care for ... just wash and<br />

wear. Our prices are made<br />

for your pocketbook.<br />

West College Avenue<br />

Only $6.95<br />

Grant Supports Work<br />

Educators Study Audi o-Visual Aids<br />

Realizing the importance of training teachers in the use oi<br />

lL , ,. . , audio-visual materials,<br />

the use of audio-visual ma- The projeci js directed by Dr.<br />

terials as aids in teaching, edducted<br />

her e in A pril , has enrolled 100 graduates—two and<br />

Hassler Begins<br />

Duties of <strong>Dean</strong><br />

television ffl<br />

service j}\<br />

center ^S<br />

at ^M^"" k^<br />

<strong>State</strong> Coll ege TV<br />

232 S. Allen St<br />

! Gerald M. Torkelson. associate<br />

, , TT . ., i professor of education, under<br />

ucators at the <strong>University</strong> are- the provisions of Title VII of<br />

Studying methods by which! ihe National Defense Educa-<br />

, . . , , ,l lion Aci of 1958.<br />

such materials can be properly; Regulations for permanent cerused<br />

more extensively and tification of teachers in <strong>Penn</strong>syl-<br />

,. . ,<br />

J vania since 1935 have required<br />

more effectively. training in audio-visual methods<br />

They are concentrating their ' and to meet this requirement, the<br />

studv, which is supported by a < education curriculum at the Uni-<br />

5165,747 grant from the US Of- ' verslty have included the course,<br />

free of Educatron, on determmingiVisual and Other Sensory Aids<br />

the most effective method of for Teachers,<br />

... ... ,T „ ' ing ihe training of ihese ieach-<br />

Wrllram H. Hassler, formerly ers jhai will range from a proassrstant<br />

dean of men at Texas; gram of independent study to<br />

lech College, Lubbock. Texas, in use with oeneral methods<br />

nas assumed the duties of assist- integration of " of observation will be made on how<br />

; effectively aids are used in a<br />

-. "saturated" situation.<br />

- The studies will be conducted<br />

r in the classrooms and also in<br />

f one or more school systems<br />

" ! throughout <strong>Penn</strong>sylvania where<br />

| undergraduates ere student<br />

i' "j leaching.<br />

Jj Torkelson says that it is hoped<br />

i .to involve 1000 future teachers in<br />

^<br />

; "While virtually all education<br />

' graduates have completed thrs<br />

course," Torkelson explains, "not<br />

all of them effectively use audiovisual<br />

ards in therr teaching."<br />

Researchers will investigate<br />

! four major patterns for improvthe<br />

course now<br />

ant to the dean of men at the courses.<br />

<strong>University</strong>. , Aware<br />

'<br />

that graduates often<br />

Hassler. Who served as a resi- face ob.-tacles in the use of aids<br />

denco halls counselor and West m their teaching, ranging from<br />

Halls area coordinator in 1956 ,, inadequate mater rals to outright<br />

wrll be in charge of independent opposition to their use, the study<br />

men's affair s and handle student;wrll also be concerned with<br />

loans. ' identifying these obstacles.<br />

He succeeds Wilmer E Wise, In certain experiment*, all of<br />

who has assumed the duties of the aids that could possibly be<br />

assistant to the dean of men in used will be made available and<br />

charge of fraternity affairs<br />

Hassler received hrs bachelor Krouss Leads Meeting<br />

of aits degree from Grove City Dr. Franklin B. Krauss, profes-<br />

College and his master 's degree sor- of Latin and head of the de-<br />

from the Unrversitv. He served partment of Romance languages.<br />

four years in the Air Force prror was presiding officer at the re-<br />

to coming to the Universrty in cent meeting of the American<br />

1953 as a residence halls counselor Classical League at Phillips Exe-<br />

and graduate student.<br />

ter Academy. Exeter, N H.<br />

i the project during the next two<br />

- _ I years and these teachers will later<br />

'"¦be observed in the classroom in<br />

^'communities where they accept<br />

teaching positions.<br />

)n| Dr. Eugene K. Oxhandler, asls<br />

, sistant professor of audio-visual<br />

0 ' Coeds Stud y<br />

Art, Music<br />

tj education, is serving as assistant<br />

O .jdirector of the project while Col-<br />

In Euro pe<br />

lege of Education faculty mem-<br />

, |bers wrll serve as consu ltants.<br />

Stiatford-on-Avon , the Edinburgh<br />

Music Festival and the<br />

Repairs I<br />

Li ft Bank of Paris will be among ,<br />

flic new "classrooms'' for the 12<br />

Car Radios Television 1<br />

U niver sity coed-- who will ac-<br />

( Phonographs ! Radios I<br />

c ompany the all-woman European!<br />

Scmmai , "P( i sperme on the!<br />

Aits ." thi.s July and August '<br />

Led by two <strong>University</strong> faculty<br />

memheis , piofes.sor Edwin Zollen<br />

and Mis. Helen Buchanan, the '<br />

•¦cmin.ii- wrll cover such thingsl<br />

a-- a performance of Shakespeare's ,<br />

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" 1<br />

at Stiatloi d-on-A\on , a "la m-j<br />

bl' " on the Left Bank of Pans'<br />

with Professor Makaiius. eveo<br />

w<br />

'<br />

ning co! f"0 at the homes of English<br />

studi nK and a visit to Hie!<br />

~ f j<br />

a half times the amount originally<br />

planned lor.<br />

Cyril F. Hager, director of<br />

the Center for Continuing Liberal<br />

Education, said that ihe<br />

April program was well accepted<br />

but most of ihe people<br />

wanted a more extensive period<br />

of reading and research.<br />

Ridrte Riley , executive secretary<br />

of the Alumni Association ,<br />

¦originally planned to accept 40<br />

applicants. His plans were revised<br />

three times until the\<br />

i cached the piesent number of<br />

icniollecs.<br />

Lectures m modern painting,<br />

[American foreign policy, science<br />

[and culture wre held for the first<br />

isession and this program wrll be<br />

expanded for the August seminar.<br />

The Center for Confinuing Liberal<br />

Education, which is planning<br />

[another of these sessions for October,<br />

has called upon top faculty<br />

[and staff men to conduct the<br />

:study seminars.<br />

I "It is our hope (through<br />

' these sessions)," Dr. Ben Euwema,<br />

dean of ihe College of<br />

i ihe Liberal Arts, said "io gain<br />

ncho of M -ulptoi Gabnelli in; ! a new, clearer insight inio ihe<br />

Rome , t<br />

' patterns of life that combine<br />

The seminar will also visit ',<br />

io make up our American culleading<br />

personalities and places ! lure.<br />

in the field o f art from Great; j "The advertisers and public re-<br />

liiitai n . Fiance, Germany, Ital y,, lations experts, the politicians<br />

Su n der land a nd the Netheilands .iJand<br />

our own indifference and<br />

a well as giving each student mental sloth have so encrusted<br />

free time for personal interest ''life<br />

with artificial and superficial<br />

M udit s<br />

debris that it requires a genuine<br />

/'o llei . an ait in.-trui lor and intellectual effor t to inquire criti-<br />

e<br />

piinl i r who has lived and studied cally and honestly into the<br />

in both Pans and Florence, Willi .meaning of our civilisation." KAUN S DRESS SHOP<br />

pinv idi 1 the background of the ' The Center for Continuing Lib-<br />

di ' fcienl phases of art w hich the eral Education , supported bv the<br />

w oirun will 'truly; while Mis. Fund for Adult Education , hopes SUMMER CLEARANCE<br />

n<br />

Buchanan , instructor in marriage to pi ovide for the intellectual<br />

Ji nti family ionises, will seise as curiosity first noted at alumni in-<br />

touriselnr and advisor for the stitute programs introduced nine<br />

''ndent.s Also aicompanving the years ago to bring more educa-<br />

gioup will be Mrs. Zoller, who tion to the <strong>University</strong>'s annual<br />

will act as an interpreter. class reunions .<br />

The gioup bit \e.sterday fr om<br />

M' w Yoik and w •!' return Aug.<br />

To Home Ec Faculty<br />

l)r James E Montgomei v. head<br />

Math <strong>Dean</strong> to Discuss of the denartment of housing and<br />

'Modern Math' interior design at Oklahoma <strong>State</strong><br />

Today <strong>University</strong>, has been named pio-<br />

IJnaii A. E Mr dei . Ji , of the fi.ssor of housing and home art<br />

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