Angels & Demons - Hassaan Bin Khalil

Angels & Demons - Hassaan Bin Khalil

Angels & Demons - Hassaan Bin Khalil


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“He’s right.” Vittoria’s voice was frail.<br />

Both men turned. Vittoria was moving toward them, her gait as tremulous as her words.<br />

“He’s right. Nobody could reverse engineer a recharger in time. The interface alone would take<br />

weeks. Flux filters, servo-coils, power conditioning alloys, all calibrated to the specific energy grade of<br />

the locale.”<br />

Langdon frowned. The point was taken. An antimatter trap was not something one could simply plug<br />

into a wall socket. Once removed from CERN, the canister was on a one-way, twenty-four-hour trip to<br />

oblivion.<br />

Which left only one, very disturbing, conclusion.<br />

“We need to call Interpol,” Vittoria said. Even to herself, her voice sounded distant. “We need to call<br />

the proper authorities. Immediately.”<br />

Kohler shook his head. “Absolutely not.”<br />

The words stunned her. “No? What do you mean?”<br />

“You and your father have put me in a very difficult position here.”<br />

“Director, we need help. We need to find that trap and get it back here before someone gets hurt. We<br />

have a responsibility!”<br />

“We have a responsibility to think,” Kohler said, his tone hardening. “This situation could have very,<br />

very serious repercussions for CERN.”<br />

“You’re worried about CERN’s reputation? Do you know what that canister could do to an urban<br />

area? It has a blast radius of a half mile! Nine city blocks!”<br />

“Perhaps you and your father should have considered that before you created the specimen.”<br />

Vittoria felt like she’d been stabbed. “But… we took every precaution.”<br />

“Apparently, it was not enough.”<br />

“But nobody knew about the antimatter.” She realized, of course, it was an absurd argument. Of<br />

course somebody knew. Someone had found out.<br />

Vittoria had told no one. That left only two explanations. Either her father had taken someone into his<br />

confidence without telling her, which made no sense because it was her father who had sworn them<br />

both to secrecy, or she and her father had been monitored. The cell phone maybe? She knew they had<br />

spoken a few times while Vittoria was traveling. Had they said too much? It was possible. There was<br />

also their E-mail. But they had been discreet, hadn’t they? CERN’s security system? Had they been<br />

monitored somehow without their knowledge? She knew none of that mattered anymore. What was<br />

done, was done. My father is dead.<br />

The thought spurred her to action. She pulled her cell phone from her shorts pocket.<br />

Kohler accelerated toward her, coughing violently, eyes flashing anger. “Who… are you calling?”<br />

“CERN’s switchboard. They can connect us to Interpol.”<br />

“Think!” Kohler choked, screeching to a halt in front of her. “Are you really so naive? That canister<br />

could be anywhere in the world by now. No intelligence agency on earth could possibly mobilize to<br />

find it in time.”<br />

“So we do nothing?” Vittoria felt compunction challenging a man in such frail health, but the director<br />

was so far out of line she didn’t even know him anymore.<br />

“We do what is smart,” Kohler said. “We don’t risk CERN’s reputation by involving authorities who<br />

cannot help anyway. Not yet. Not without thinking.”<br />

Vittoria knew there was logic somewhere in Kohler’s argument, but she also knew that logic, by<br />

definition, was bereft of moral responsibility. Her father had lived for moral responsibility—careful<br />

science, accountability, faith in man’s inherent goodness. Vittoria believed in those things too, but she<br />

saw them in terms of karma. Turning away from Kohler, she snapped open her phone.<br />

“You can’t do that,” he said.<br />

“Just try and stop me.”<br />

Kohler did not move.

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