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Methi Wecharatana<br />

New Jersey Institute of Technology<br />


Development that meets the needs of the<br />

present generation without<br />

compromising the needs of the future<br />

generation<br />

It contains two key concepts: Needs of<br />

the world’s poor and the limitations of<br />

natural resources and environment<br />

imposed by the state of technology and<br />

social organization<br />


Economic Development<br />

poverty eradication<br />

Social Development<br />

active participation of minority<br />

education<br />

good governance<br />

Protection of Environment and Natural<br />

Resources<br />

prevent environmental degradation and<br />

patterns of unsustainable development<br />


Identified by former UN Secretary General<br />

Kofi Annan:<br />

Water and sanitation<br />

Energy<br />

Health<br />

Agriculture<br />

Biodiversity protection and ecosystem<br />

management<br />


Studies conducted by National Academy<br />

of Sciences and Engineers, known as the<br />

“American Climate Choices (ACC)”<br />

July 2010<br />

About greenhouse gas and carbon<br />

emissions, National Research Council<br />

(NRC) reports concluded that strong<br />

evidence of climate change underscores<br />

the need to limit emissions and adapt to<br />

inevitable impacts.<br />


A strong, credible body of scientific<br />

evidence shows that<br />

climate change is occurring,<br />

is caused largely by human activities,<br />

and<br />

poses significant risks for a wide range<br />

of human and natural systems<br />


Meeting internationally discussed<br />

targets for limiting atmospheric<br />

greenhouse gas concentrations will<br />

require major departure from business<br />

as usual in how the world uses and<br />

produces energy<br />


Adaptation to climate change calls for a<br />

new paradigm –one that considers a<br />

variety of possible future climate<br />

conditions, some well outside the realm<br />

of past experience<br />

“The 1:100 year storm event of yesterday<br />

may now be a 1:20 year event.”<br />


Sea level rise<br />

Globally, the sea level is projected to rise 7 to<br />

23 inches<br />

Heat Waves<br />

Absent the effective reductions in GHG<br />

emissions, projected temperature rise by the<br />

end of the this century ranges from a low of 4<br />

to 7 o F to a high of 7 to 11 o F (These are<br />

enormous increases!)<br />


Increasingly Intense Precipitation<br />

Warmer temperatures lead to more<br />

evaporation, hence drought and lower water<br />

levels in some area, whereas more intense<br />

storms and flooding in other sectors.<br />

Consequently, hydrological models and<br />

computations of 100-year flood plain must be<br />

revised to reflect tomorrow’s precipitation<br />

intensities, affecting design and planning of<br />

all existing and future critical infrastructures.<br />


Increasingly intense hurricanes<br />

Some evidence shows that rising<br />

temperatures in the ocean, notably in<br />

the Gulf of Mexico and in the Pacific,<br />

fuel stronger hurricanes and cyclones<br />

(not necessarily more frequent storms,<br />

but deadlier storms with higher wind<br />

speeds and heavier precipitation.<br />


Arctic Warming<br />

Global warming is most apparent at high<br />

northern latitudes, that is, in the Arctic.<br />

Temperatures in Alaska has already risen 3<br />

to 5 o F, twice as much as in the main 48 states<br />

Anticipated thawing of as much as 90 percent<br />

of the permafrost will result in the<br />

displacement of pavements, runways, rail<br />

lines, pipelines, buildings, and bridges<br />


Sea Level Rise<br />

Build or enhance levees and dikes to resist<br />

higher sea levels and storm surges<br />

Elevate critical infrastructure<br />

Abandon or relocate coastal highways, rail<br />

lines, bridges, and communities<br />

Provide good evacuation routes and<br />

operational plans<br />

Reduce development in at-risk coastal<br />

regions<br />


Heat Waves<br />

Support research on new, more heat-resistant<br />

materials for paving and bridge decks<br />

Replace and/or reconstruct highway and<br />

bridge expansion joints<br />

Increase the length of airport runways to<br />

compensate for lower air densities<br />

Revisit standards for construction workers<br />

exposed to high temperatures<br />


Increased Storm Intensity<br />

Revise hydrologic storm and flood frequency<br />

maps<br />

Develop new design standards for hydraulic<br />

structures<br />

Reinforce at-risk structures, particularly to<br />

protect against scouring of bridge piers<br />

Encourage better land-use planning for flood<br />

plains<br />


Stronger Hurricanes and Cyclones<br />

Move critical infrastructure inland<br />

Reinforce and/or build more robust,<br />

resilient structures<br />

Design for greater storm surges<br />

Strengthen and elevate port facilities<br />


Arctic Warming<br />

Identify areas and infrastructure that<br />

will be damaged by thawing<br />

permafrost<br />

Develop new approaches to foundation<br />

design<br />

Reinforce, protect, or move seaside<br />

villages<br />


Measures to reduce GHG emissions could<br />

include:<br />

underground carbon sequestration,<br />

increased biomass uptake, and<br />

geo-engineering to limit amount of incoming solar<br />

radiation.<br />

Legislative actions to encourage mitigation<br />

measures could include:<br />

carbon taxes;<br />

cap and trade markets; and<br />

new CAFÉ (corporate average fuel economy)<br />

standards for vehicles<br />


Petroleum 37%<br />

Natural Gas 24%<br />

Coal 23%<br />

Nuclear 9%<br />

Renewable 7%<br />


The U.S. Electric Power sector<br />

generates 2.4 billion metric tons of<br />

carbon emissions<br />

This equals to 40% of all CO 2<br />

emissions in the U.S.<br />


Updated August 2009<br />

NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, 24LLC

U.S. Renewable Resources<br />

Resource Solar<br />

PV/CSP)<br />

Theoreti<br />

cal<br />

Potential<br />

206,000<br />

GW (PV)<br />

11,100G<br />

W (CSP)<br />

Wind Geotherma<br />

l<br />

8,000<br />

GW<br />

(onshore<br />

)<br />

2,200<br />

GW<br />

(offshore<br />

to 50<br />

nm)<br />

39 GW<br />

(conventio<br />

nal) 520<br />

GW (EGS)<br />

4 GW<br />

(coproduced)<br />

Water<br />

Power<br />

Biopower<br />

140 GW 78 GW<br />


Including Transmission Lines<br />

Resource Solar<br />

PV/CSP)<br />

Theoreti<br />

cal<br />

Potential<br />

206,000<br />

GW (PV)<br />

11,100G<br />

W (CSP)<br />

Wind Geotherma<br />

l<br />

8,000<br />

GW<br />

(onshore<br />

)<br />

2,200<br />

GW<br />

(offshore<br />

to 50<br />

nm)<br />

39 GW<br />

(conventio<br />

nal) 520<br />

GW (EGS)<br />

4 GW<br />

(coproduced)<br />

Water<br />

Power<br />

Biopower<br />

140 GW 78 GW<br />


U.S. Concentrating Solar Resource<br />


U.S. Wind Resource<br />


U.S. Biomass Resource<br />


In the carbon-energy realm, it is possible<br />

to burn natural gas and produce only<br />

half the CO 2 generated by burning coal,<br />

and two-thirds the CO 2 produced by<br />

burning oil<br />

Burning biomass also generates CO 2 but<br />

not as much as fossil fuels do<br />

Good, but not good enough to limit GHG<br />

to 450 ppm<br />


Sunlight showers the planet with<br />

more energy in one hour than the<br />

world’s population consumes in an<br />

entire year<br />

The potential that awaits the right<br />

technology is staggering<br />


Between 1990 and 2000, wind energy<br />

output in the U.S. doubled, increasing<br />

from 2.8 billion kWh to 5.6 billion kWh<br />

Just 8 years later, in 2008, output had<br />

grown nearly tenfold to 52 billion kWh<br />

On a typical day, that’s enough electricity<br />

to power more than 10 million homes<br />


Wind energy from the Great Plains and<br />

Solar energy from the Southwest could<br />

provide energy to the whole U.S.<br />

As much as 300,000 megawatts of green<br />

power (an equivalent of 300 coal-fire<br />

power plants) are being stalled due to<br />

lack of high-voltage transmission lines<br />

There is a need for a “green power<br />

superhighway system”<br />


Hydro sources in 2008 churned out about 248<br />

billion kWh<br />

There are more than 5,500 sites that could<br />

increase output by approximately 40 percent<br />

U.S. geothermal power plants produced almost<br />

15 billion kWh<br />

These numbers are small fraction of the total<br />

U.S. Electricity Generation in 2008, which totaled<br />

to more than 4 trillion kWh, and most of which<br />

are from the coal-fired power plants<br />


Advanced PC (Pulverized Coal) and SPCC<br />

(Supercritical Pulverized Clean Coal)<br />

Technology<br />

NGCC (Natural Gas Combined Cycle)<br />

Technology<br />

IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined<br />

Cycle) Technology<br />

Lowest Sulfur emissions from a coal plant<br />

Lowest NO X permitted plant using bituminous coals<br />

Specific carbon emissions to the atmosphere<br />

(kg C/net kWh) of IGCC+S are only about 1/5 of<br />

NGCC<br />


33% less NO x<br />

75% less SO x<br />

40% less PM 10 (10-micron<br />

particulate matter)<br />

30% less water<br />

Superior Hg removal<br />

CO 2 capture ready<br />


Coal is gasified to produce synthetic gas (syngas)<br />

Pollutants are removed from the syngas, then<br />

electricity is generated using a combined cycle,<br />

consisting of the following three steps:<br />

A gas turbine-generator burns the syngas<br />

Heat from the gasification and the exhaust heat from<br />

the gas turbine are used to create steam<br />

The steam is used to power a steam turbine-generator<br />

Carbon dioxide sequestration is applicable<br />


CCS technologies allow emissions of carbon<br />

dioxide to be captured (by compression) and<br />

stored, preventing them from entering<br />

atmosphere.<br />

The cost of current CCS to capture and store<br />

CO 2 emitted from a new coal-fired power plant<br />

can add 30-40% to the capital cost, and<br />

approximately 60-80% to the operating costs of<br />

the plant.<br />

About 2/3 of these increased costs are<br />

attributed to the CO 2 capture system<br />


If the climate legislation is implemented,<br />

U.S. electric power companies would<br />

have to pay about $20 for each ton of<br />

carbon dioxide their plants produce<br />

A coal-burning power plant fitted with<br />

CCS technologies would face recurring<br />

costs of about $125 per ton of CO 2 it<br />

buried underground<br />


Huaneng Group, China’s largest power<br />

producer, is taking the lead<br />

Its Beijing Cogeneration Power Plant<br />

shows a CCS system for collecting and<br />

compressing CO 2 from variety of waste<br />

gases<br />

The CO 2 is then sold to a bottler that uses it<br />

to carbonate soft drinks<br />


Duke Energy has acquired a CCS technology<br />

licensing from China Huaneng group, which<br />

has the largest CCS operation at its power plant<br />

in Shanghai<br />

Peabody Energy, U.S. largest coal producer,<br />

bought a 6% stake in GreenGen, a $1 billion<br />

coal-fired power plant in Tianjing with CCS<br />

technology<br />


“China can become the world’s leading clean-coal<br />

provider”, said Peabody CEO Gregory H. Boyce<br />

It has R&D Center for carbon management<br />

technologies<br />

Recently, China has deployed an advanced<br />

process called TRIG (Transport Integrated<br />

Gasification), which is especially good at<br />

neutralizing low-grade, CO 2-laden coal<br />


The world wastes a startling 57% of its energy<br />

Coal plants lose about 65% of their energy at<br />

generation<br />

Throwing away one aluminum can wastes as<br />

much energy as if that can was ½ full of gasoline,<br />

and Americans throw away enough aluminum<br />

cans to rebuild the nation’s commercial air fleet<br />

every three months<br />


When electronic gadgets are not on, “vampire<br />

electricity” runs through plugs, annually<br />

wasting 0.25% if the nation’s energy –a small<br />

figure that translates into $4 billion in energy<br />

Heating, lighting and air conditioning account<br />

for up to 70 percent of energy usage in most<br />

commercial buildings<br />

Building consumes about 40% of the world’s<br />

energy<br />

Weatherizing alone could cut energy use in<br />

buildings by as much as 30 percent<br />


Fuel (Quadrillion Btu)<br />

Coal 20.66 Fossil<br />

Fuels<br />

Natural Gas 7.07<br />

Petroleum 0.69<br />

Other Gases 0.18<br />

Nuclear<br />

Electric Power<br />

Renewable<br />

Energy<br />

8.21<br />

4.28<br />

Other 0.18<br />

28.6<br />

Total Fuel 41.27<br />

Electricity (Quadrillion Btu)<br />

Conversion Losses 26.71<br />

Gross Generation of<br />

Electricity<br />

**Retail Sales 12.51<br />

(Only 30% of total<br />

fuel used)<br />

14.56<br />


Gross<br />

Generation<br />

of electricity<br />

14.56<br />

Plant Use<br />

0.73<br />

Net<br />

Generation<br />

of Electricity<br />

13.83<br />

Transmission & Distribution<br />

Losses 1.31<br />

Retail Sales<br />

12.51<br />

Residential<br />

4.62<br />

Commercial<br />

4.44<br />

Industrial<br />

3.42<br />


U.S. Energy demands will triple by 2050<br />

What will provide adequate energy yet reduce<br />

greenhouse gas emissions, and do it quickly?<br />

The answer might lie in the atom -Nuclear<br />

Energy<br />

Nuclear provides clean, constant, scalable<br />

electricity with minimum carbon emissions<br />


A small amount of nuclear fuel releases<br />

enormous energy<br />

One pound of uranium 235 has more than<br />

two-million times the energy content of a<br />

pound of coal<br />

France gets 80% of its electricity from<br />

nuclear power plants<br />


One gigawatt of nuclear energy for a year<br />

generates 20 tons of waste –that’s two dry-cask<br />

storage containers – and no carbon dioxide<br />

One gigawatt of energy from coal for a year<br />

uses 2.9 million tons of coal and produces eight<br />

million tons of carbon dioxide, plus no end of<br />

slurry, fly ash and atmospheric mercury, plus<br />

sulfur dioxide from unscrubbed plants<br />


Small modular reactors can be manufactured<br />

in a central factory, under control conditions,<br />

resulting in identical devices that –because<br />

they are duplicates –facilitate maintenance<br />

Utilities could simply yank small reactors like<br />

batteries and plug in new ones<br />

Small modular reactors do not take much<br />

time to build versus old large reactors<br />

Small reactors would also be less expensive<br />


Each time we click on a Web site to send an email<br />

or do a search, the request ends up at one<br />

of the world’s 10,000 data centers that store,<br />

transfer and complete the Web’s transactions.<br />

Each click requires a small amount of<br />

electricity, and it adds up quickly<br />

Data centers uses 1.5% of U.S. electricity, and<br />

are responsible for releasing 70 billion tons of<br />

carbon dioxide annually<br />


With power bills total to millions of dollars a<br />

year, electricity is the largest expense for the<br />

typical data center, making it an attractive<br />

target for aggressive cost-cutting<br />

The Green Grid, a consortium of most<br />

computer- and web-related companies, i.e.<br />

AMD, Dell, Intel, IBM, HP, Microsoft, Oracle,<br />

etc., develops tools to quantify and compare<br />

power use for data centers and publish a<br />

design guide that details the industry’s best<br />

practices<br />


Some data centers today run at only 30 percent<br />

efficiency while properly designed and<br />

operated facilities can have an efficiency of<br />

about 82 percent<br />

This not only cuts the expenses, but it keeps<br />

hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon<br />

dioxide from the atmosphere.<br />

How efficient is your IT facilities and data<br />

centers?<br />


Annual Carbon emissions of three leading<br />

computer firms:<br />

Apple (10.2 million tons)<br />

HP (8.4 million tons)<br />

Dell (471,000 tons<br />

Note that both HP and Dell are larger than Apple<br />

Apple is shipping million of power-hungry<br />

products with toxic chemicals in them<br />

Key sources: polyvinyl chlorides (PVCs) and<br />

bromide flame retardants (BFRs) in Apple’s<br />

devices<br />


A state-of-the-art energy storage system coupled<br />

with the GE’s Smart Grid technologies<br />

A partnership project launched in September 2010 in<br />

Bella Coola, a remote town in Canada, which<br />

depends on the use of diesel generators for power<br />

generation<br />

The town used 200,000 liters of diesel and generated<br />

600 tons of GHG annually<br />

This is a partnership project between BC Hydro, GE<br />

and Powertech, and is supported by Province of<br />

B.C. and Sustainable Development Technology<br />

Canada<br />


Use of high-performance, high-volume fly<br />

ash concrete as sustainable products for<br />

cement and concrete industry<br />

The concrete mixtures contain more than<br />

50% by weight of fly ash, a by-product<br />

from the coal-fired power utilities which is<br />

sometimes considered as waste<br />


The incorporation of high volume fly ash<br />

in concrete<br />

reduces water demand,<br />

improves workability,<br />

minimizes cracking due to thermal and<br />

drying shrinkage, and<br />

enhances durability to reinforcement<br />

corrosion, sulfate attack, and alkali-silica<br />

expansion<br />


• Annually, in the U.S. there are more than 50<br />

million tons of unused fly ash, causing enormous<br />

disposal cost and environmental problems<br />

• The unused fly ashes in landfills are subjected to<br />

weathering, and leachate sometimes leads to<br />

groundwater contamination<br />

• In Thailand, there are more than 30 million tons of<br />

weathered fly ash at Mae Moh alone<br />

• Beneficial utilization of these industrial byproducts<br />

would help sustain both the utility and<br />

the cement industry<br />


FHWA, EPA, ACI, and AASHTO have<br />

been promoting the use of recycled<br />

concrete aggregates in new concrete<br />

construction<br />

Each year, many existing structures, such<br />

as buildings, bridges, and highways were<br />

demolished to make way for new<br />

structures<br />


FHWA and many State DOTs are investing on<br />

research and development of standards and<br />

design guidelines for the use of recycled<br />

concrete and recycled asphalt aggregates for<br />

highway pavements and structures<br />

These concrete and asphalt materials can be<br />

effectively reused, saving a lot of virgin<br />

materials and eliminate many environmental<br />

problems<br />


Use of Recycled Materials in U.S. Highways<br />

Byproduct<br />

Materials<br />

Produced<br />

Blast Furnace<br />

Slag<br />

Production(million<br />

metric tons)<br />

Recycled in Highway<br />

Applications (million metric<br />

tons)<br />

14 12.6 Concrete<br />

Applications<br />

Coal Bottom Ash 14.5 4.4 Asphalt, Base<br />

Coal Fly Ash 53.5 14.6<br />

Foundry Sands 9 to 13.6 ?<br />

Cement Production,<br />

Structural Fill<br />

Flowable Fill,<br />

Asphalt<br />

Cement Kiln Dust 12.9 8.3 Stabilizer<br />

Bottom Ash 8 Small Amounts Asphalt, Base<br />

Nonferrous Slags 8.1 ? Base, Asphalt<br />

Steel Slags ? 7.5<br />

Recycled Asphalt<br />

Pavement<br />

Reclaimed<br />

Concrete<br />

Base, Asphalt,<br />

Concrete<br />

41 33 Asphalt, Base<br />

? ? Base, Concrete<br />


Establish<br />

a Research Center<br />

for<br />

Beneficial Utilization of<br />

Industrial Byproducts<br />


Sustainable Development (SD) and<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are<br />

basic principles towards the balance of living<br />

and nature<br />

Keeping in mind that it is not only for us but,<br />

more importantly, for the next generation<br />

It has a lot to do with Research and<br />

Development, a different way of living and<br />

doing business for a better quality of life<br />


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