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1. The Nature of Astrology:<br />

The first step in a research project is learning as much as possible about the topic (the more we learn now, the less<br />

effort we will waste later). Fortunately, information about astrology is readily accessible in books, articles and<br />

websites have been about astrology ‐ both pro and con.<br />

• Distill the information down to a one paragraph summary of the nature of astrology ‐ what does it claim to be<br />

and what does it claim it can do? List your sources.<br />

• List ten specific claims made by the proponents of astrology. For example, if it is claimed that a person’s<br />

destiny determined by their birth date, what specific aspects of destiny are determined for which signs? If a<br />

person’s character and personality is influenced by the positions of planets at the time of their birth list the<br />

character and personality traits associated with which signs, planets and positions. List your sources – and do<br />

not be surprised if different sources make different claims for astrology.<br />

Here are some websites to get you started:<br />

• http://www.astrology.com<br />

• http://www.astrologycom.com<br />

o http://www.astrologycom.com/facts.html<br />

o http://www.astrologycom.com/astrol1.html<br />

o http://www.astrologycom.com/astrol2.html<br />

o http://www.astrologycom.com/astrol3.html<br />

• http://astrology.about.com/od/foundations/p/Astrology101.htm<br />

• http://people.howstuffworks.com/question749.htm<br />

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrology<br />

• http://www.astrosociety.org/education/astro/act3/astrology.html<br />

o http://www.astrosociety.org/education/astro/act3/astrology3.html<br />

• http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/astrology.html<br />

• www.astrology-and-science.com<br />

2. Determine Testable Predictions:<br />

The claims of astrology from each group will be combined. Read through the entire list of claims and find ten<br />

specific predictions based on the claims. It may be easier to find predictions for some claims than others. As a rule<br />

the more straightforward the prediction the better. List the claim along with the derived prediction. For example:<br />

• Claim: astrology influences athletic ability and Taurus is the most athletic, strongest and fastest sign.<br />

• Prediction: There will be more than average percent of Taurus in athletes competing in events involving speed & strength<br />

3. Design the Tests:<br />

The lists of testable predictions of the claims of astrology will be combined and distributed, then each group will<br />

design ten tests for predictions. The class will choose approximately six tests to run and discuss how to make them<br />

a fair and reliable tests. Note, you have to do these tests so don’t make them too messy or difficult. Consider your<br />

abilities when designing tests: What measurements can you make? How will you gather and analyze the data?<br />

• Prediction: There will be more than average percent of Taurus in athletes competing in events involving speed & strength.<br />

• Test: Look up birthdates (and signs) of recipients of Gold, Silver and Bronze Olympic medals in running and weight lifting events, plot<br />

a histogram of signs. Compare variation between signs with expected statistical fluctuations.<br />

4. Conduct Experiments and Gather Data:<br />

Do the experiments and gather data. Divide the labor so there is not an undue burden on any individual. Record<br />

the data in a consistent fashion and combine it ‐ this is especially important to combine the results from all groups<br />

into one large data set for analysis.<br />

5. Analyze The Data and Interpret the Results<br />

Many times scientists hire experts at data processing to handle analysis which is beyond their means. In this class,<br />

I can provide certain types of analysis – provided the description is clear. Since this is not a statistics class you will<br />

not be expected to do detailed statistical analysis but you should be able to understand the resulting plots. Most<br />

of this step will be done as a class.<br />

6. Write it up and present results:<br />

The final step in research is writing a report and presenting it. Discuss what you did, why you did it, and what you<br />

found out. Be sure that you can back up your conclusions with your results. Describe how much confidence you<br />

have in the results. If some tests were inconclusive, state it and describe how you would improve on it. Finally,<br />

explain where the next logical step would be in extending this research project. See the handout on writing lab<br />

reports for more information on the format. Each group will give a short presentation to report their findings.

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