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MY ROYAL CONNECTIONS continued..........<br />

The next most exciting thing to look forward to was our summer holiday, and Badminton<br />

Show. I can remember only twice going to the seaside with mother and father. The first time was at<br />

Ruperra, they took us to Barry Island and while we were there my sister Edith wandered off and got<br />

lost, but not for long. She wore a red coat and we soon found her wandering near the rocks. The<br />

next time was Weston-Super-Mare, and I think it must have been before father died. The<br />

summertime in my childhood days always seemed so long and sunny. I loved the time when we<br />

would go picking the wild strawberries. We had been gathering them in a basket for our tea one<br />

Sunday, when a car came along. We had quite a lot and were on our way home when some people in<br />

a car asked us what we had been gathering. When we showed them they said would we sell them for<br />

sixpence. So thinking mother would rather have the sixpence we sold them. When we told her what<br />

we had done she was very cross, and told us never to sell anything again. Really, the strawberries<br />

were worth very much more than sixpence, for we had been picking for quite a few hours and they<br />

were very small. Then there were the blackberries to gather for mother to make jam, we seemed to<br />

be gathering something or other all through the year. In late spring there were the cowslips,<br />

dandelions, and elderflowers for father to make his wine. Father never went out to a pub or club, but<br />

it was considered the right thing for him to be able to offer his friends and relations a drink of wine<br />

when they visited. Later in the year there was the elderberries and sloes. There was always some<br />

kind of wine brewing in the back kitchen.<br />

In September we gathered crab apples for mother to make her lovely crap apple jelly. Then<br />

later the nuts of all kinds, hazel, chestnuts and walnuts to put away for Christmas. The last thing we<br />

gathered in the year was the holly, so you see, all through the year we were gathering something, and<br />

almost every day we had to gather the dry wood for the fire for we could not afford to buy much coal.<br />

The highlight of the summer holiday was Badminton Show, it was one of the biggest village<br />

shows in Gloucestershire. They came from miles around on their bikes, so being near to the<br />

showground father put a notice up, ‘Bikes taken care of here, twopence a bike’. Well, by the time the<br />

show started we were completely stacked with bikes. Father did it in style, giving each one a ticket<br />

with a number. There was only just enough room to get out of our gate but the real fun started when<br />

it was time to go home. There would be a dozen or more piled against one another when someone<br />

wanted the one at the back. I felt sorry for my two older brothers, one or the other had to be there all<br />

the time to see them in and out. There must have been a hundred or more.<br />

We all had something entered in the show. Father had his vegetables, fruit and flowers, he<br />

always got a few prizes for each and the one he was most proud of was the one for his dahlias. There<br />

was always a few first and second cards on show in our home for weeks afterwards. Mother entered<br />

a fruit cake and a baby’s dress, and she always got first or second for she was a good dressmaker.<br />

She made all of our clothes, even the boys’ suits when they were little. She also entered jams and<br />

jellies and did well, for the more you won the more money came into the house, and this was needed<br />

very badly, with having to feed and clothe such a large family. We children entered wild flowers,<br />

and from school our knitting and sewing. I entered some men’s stockings, at the time the teacher had<br />

not shown me how to shape the leg but I could turn the heel and had done it many times at home, so<br />

completed the stockings without any help. I came second and the note said ‘beautifully knitted but<br />

no shaping’. I did not make the same mistake the next time for mother showed me what to do. I also<br />

entered grasses. I had a marvellous collection owing to having relations in Wales who sent me some,<br />

also a cousin went on holiday to Scotland and brought me some from there. I won second for them<br />

because they were not named.

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