Prophetic Politics

Prophetic Politics

Prophetic Politics


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a number of subsidiary forms, notably the commandment, the parable, the<br />

aphorism, and the prophesy. Out of these, whether strung loosely together as<br />

they are in Koran or carefully edited and arranged as they are in the Bible, the<br />

scripture or sacred book takes shape. (1957: 315)<br />

Even jokes and funny anecdotes can be put to use by the prophetic politician. Our<br />

contemporary culture pays homage to laughter as a part of the human condition,<br />

and the prophetic politician, to be fully in touch with the spirit of the society, cannot<br />

assume the role of an austere and unforgiving, even judgemental, Old Testament<br />

prophet. Profane and mundane stories, like proverbs, have their place in<br />

prophetic narration too. Proverbs are both profane and sacred by nature. By profane<br />

proverbs, I mean those proverbs used within a certain culture that derive from ‘folk<br />

wisdom’ and by sacred proverbs, I mean those that have their origin within a certain<br />

religious discourse – for example, citations from the biblical Book of Proverbs. As Ricoeur<br />

argues, the intention of a proverb ‘intends to throw up a bridge between the<br />

point of view of the faith and the experience of a person outside the faith circle.’<br />

(1995: 59) As metaphors go, this is suitable, because it implies the possibility to<br />

cross the bridge in either direction. Persons of faith can enter the profane world of<br />

politics with a parable, and a secular person can get drawn by the help of a parable<br />

from his experience-based beliefs into the realm of the religious. By telling a suitable<br />

parable on a certain occasion to a particular audience, a prophetic politician is<br />

able to draw people to enter his storyworld. The importance of taking a moral stance<br />

is crucial when particular lived experiences are turned into guidelines for the story<br />

recipients on how to conduct themselves in similar situations in the future. Such narratives<br />

are able to provide moral guidance for overcoming obstacles and achieving<br />

goodness both for oneself as an individual and also for the community one belongs<br />

to. (Ochs-Capps, 2001: 225–226)<br />



The interlinking of religion and politics is important in the long run. As de Tocqueville<br />

has observed, ‘There is nothing in the world but patriotism or religion that can make<br />

the universality of citizens advance for long toward the same goal.’ (2000: 89) Naturally<br />

the combination of both would be even more effective. Thus prophetic politics<br />

needs to be able to combine the love of God and the love of country narratively<br />

in such a way that loving one means practically the same as loving the other. If one’s<br />

own country can be narratively recreated as the kingdom of God on earth or at least<br />

as something striving to actualize it in this world, the two great motivational factors<br />

work for the same purpose. It is relatively easy to blend different stories of religion,<br />

mythology and history together and concoct a completely new blend of belief. The<br />

Perspectives Vol. 167, No. 2 2009<br />


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