January-February - The Gospel Magazine

January-February - The Gospel Magazine

January-February - The Gospel Magazine


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

For Younger Readers<br />



IF You HAVE A BEST FRIEND at school, I am sure you really enjoy playing<br />

together. You may have lots of different friends thai you spend-timi withl<br />

Perhaps with one friend you play football and with inother you exchange<br />

books and with another you go to the swimming pool. It is great to have a friend<br />

to sit beside on the school bus or to phone up to talk o1e, a difficult piece<br />

of homework.<br />

A real friend will be loyal and kind to you not just when you are happy and<br />

successful and have something that you can share but also *hen you are going<br />

through a difficult time. when you are in trouble you often find but wnJyoui<br />

true friends are.<br />

when David was in a great deal of trouble, he found out what a true friend<br />

Jonathan was. King Saul was jearous of David and wanted to kill him. Jonathan,<br />

Saul's son heard aboulhi! father's plan and put himself in considerable dangei<br />

in order to warn David. Because of Jonathin's loyalty and friendstrip, oaiid<br />

was able to escape.<br />

We may have many close friends but there is one friend who is the best one of<br />

all. <strong>The</strong> Bible tells us that "there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother" and<br />

that friend is the Lord Jesus christ. our school friends may let us down, but<br />

Jesus never will. our friends sometimes have to move away to another to*n, but<br />

Jesus has promised "never to leave us or forsake us,'.<br />

when Jesus is our friend, He wants us to spentime with Him. He wants us to<br />

speak to Him in prayer and He wants us to listen to Him as He speaks to us<br />

through His word, the Bible. If Jesus is our friend it will hurt us to irear people<br />

taking His name in vain. If Jesus is our friend, we will want to stand up for Him<br />

and defend Him. when Jesus is our friend we will want to tqll other piople how<br />

wonderful He is and introduce Him to people we meet.<br />

Andrew met the Lord Jesus one day and realised quickly that He was the<br />

Messiah, the one sent by God to be the'saviour. one of the first things Andrew<br />

did was to hurry to find his brother (and friend) Peter and telttrim about Jesus.<br />

He then brought Peter to meet Jesus for himself.<br />

Jesus was described as "the friend of sinners". we are all sinners but Jesus<br />

graciously wants to be our friend. If we are the friends of Jesus, He wants us to<br />

obey Him. "You are my fnends if you do whatsoever I command you,' (John<br />

15:14). If we disobey His word and do not believe in Him then we cannot call<br />

ourselves His friends.<br />

It is lovely to have good ordinary friends but it is vitally important for us to<br />

have Jesus as the friend above all others.

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