THE LATE REV. ARTHUR TRIGGS. - The Gospel Magazine

THE LATE REV. ARTHUR TRIGGS. - The Gospel Magazine

THE LATE REV. ARTHUR TRIGGS. - The Gospel Magazine


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350 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />

sympathizing with him about his weak and suffering state, she said,<br />

"You believe that Jesus will be faithful to the end." His reply was,<br />

" Yes! it would ill become me to doubt." When Mrs. C. took leave of<br />

him that afternoon, his eyes followed her and rested on her, as if he<br />

thought he should never see her again on earth, and this was observed to<br />

be the case when he took leave of each one of those who visited him<br />

during his illness, and he spoke to each of the near approach of his<br />

departure, as if he would say to them, in the words of St. Peter, " Knowingthat<br />

shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ hath shewed me" (2 Pet. i. 14). This was a subject that hadbeen<br />

constantly on his mind for many years, and referred to by him; he<br />

frequently repeated the words in 2 Cor. v. 1, 2, " For we know that if our<br />

earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of<br />

God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens; for in this<br />

we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is<br />

from heaven;" and he ever lived as testifying the truth of David's<br />

words, " <strong>The</strong>re is but a step between me and death," or rather he would<br />

have said," between me and eternal life."<br />

On the Lord's day afternoon, June 4th, A. B. called to see him; he<br />

manifested his usual unselfish, Christ·like spirit, being more anxious to<br />

hear from her of the welfare of some of the Lord's dear people (as A. S.,<br />

E. L., Miss L., and others), than to speak about himself. After tea he<br />

read aloud the 24th Psalm, with painful difficulty, but with such great<br />

delight, and spoke of the wonderful name given to the Lord Jesus in<br />

v. 6, " Jacob " (margin, !' God of Jacob"), noticing the meaning of the<br />

name Jacob, that is, " deceitful," and therefore that Christ is set forth<br />

in this passage as made sin for his people, the sinless One taking the<br />

place of deceitful, guilty sinners, " that they might be made the righteousness<br />

of God in Him." On this occasion he also quoted Phi!. i. 23,<br />

" For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and be with<br />

Christ, which is far better." <strong>The</strong>se last words he said with great emphasis.<br />

·On Tuesday, the 6th of June, he consented, after much entreaty from<br />

those about him, to send for Dr. B., a Christian physician, who, on seeing<br />

him, pronounced him to be suffering from asthma, dropsy, and disease<br />

of the heart of long standing, and told him it was his opinion he could<br />

not survive longer than two or three months. This intelligence he<br />

received with the greatest joy. Dr. B.'s words proved to be true,<br />

for it was only two months afterwards that the spirit was released from<br />

the suffering and weary body. His sufferings during the last three<br />

months of his life on earth were not in the way of pain (through God's<br />

mercy), but from extreme breathlessness, sleeplessness, weariness, and<br />

at times restlessness and great prostration; but not once throughout<br />

the whole time was he heard to utter a murmur or complaint, or even<br />

to wish that his condition were otherwise, but often expressed his cheerful<br />

willingness to suffer the very utmost that the Lord might see fit to lay<br />

upon nim. On tne 'Itn 01 August tne Lord's time came tor 'him to be<br />

delivered from the" earthly tabernacle in which he groaned being burdened."<br />

During these three months, when his faith and patience were<br />

florely tried by increasing suffering from want of breath, etc., the name

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