Sierra 97-02 Wrangler TJ Installation - Jeep Tops Direct
Sierra 97-02 Wrangler TJ Installation - Jeep Tops Direct
Sierra 97-02 Wrangler TJ Installation - Jeep Tops Direct
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19<strong>97</strong>-20<strong>02</strong> <strong>Jeep</strong> <strong>Wrangler</strong> <strong>TJ</strong> Soft Top <strong>Installation</strong> Guide<br />
Latch Top header to windshield.<br />
To ease latching header to windshield,<br />
its best to park vehicle under sunlight for<br />
approximately one (1) hour for topping<br />
material to stretch.<br />
Close the header latches to secure the front of<br />
the top to the windshield. Catch the hook<br />
in the slot in the windshield frame and<br />
then close the lever over it so that it lays flat<br />
against the windshield frame.<br />
5 Latch header to windshield<br />
Secure the replacement Top’s inner Velcro<br />
listings to crossbows<br />
6<br />
Secure inner Velcro Listings<br />
8 <strong>Sierra</strong> Offroad