TEP Essay Prompt & Instructions

TEP Essay Prompt & Instructions

TEP Essay Prompt & Instructions


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<strong>TEP</strong> Application <strong>Essay</strong><br />

Due April 1st<br />

<strong>Essay</strong> <strong>Prompt</strong>: Through your coursework in ED 225 and ED 255 or Music 132 you have learned of the<br />

many challenges faced by teacher‐scholars for social justice. Discuss your understanding of two or three<br />

specific challenges and the strengths you possess which will help you meet them.<br />

As you write this essay, consider the following:<br />

<br />

This application essay is not a retelling of the <strong>TEP</strong> Conceptual Framework; rather, it is a recasting<br />

of the framework through the lens of your own reflection and experience.<br />

<br />

The audience for this essay is the professional education faculty. After reading your essay, we<br />

should have an understanding of who you are as a person and as a future educator. We should<br />

be able to confidently admit you into the program, assured that you will be a strong addition to<br />

classrooms within the community during your field work and student teaching experiences.<br />

<br />

This essay represents your ability to adhere to the ISBE Language Arts Standards (LAS 2, A‐E).<br />

While you should write this essay in the first person, be certain to use a professional tone.<br />

<br />

We view this essay as an indication of your seriousness of purpose regarding a career in<br />

education. To submit an essay that is poorly written or that contains grammatical errors implies<br />

that you are not yet ready to take the next professional step of admission into the <strong>TEP</strong>. We<br />

highly recommend that you revise and proofread your essay multiple times. Ask someone to<br />

read your essay aloud verbatim as you listen carefully to what you have written. Ask yourself<br />

whether what you have written is what you intended to say. We strongly recommend that you<br />

visit the Writing Center as well.<br />

<br />

While many undergraduates enter the field of education because of influential teachers in their<br />

past, please refrain sharing your own stories of these inspiring teachers. We acknowledge the<br />

influential role many of your former teachers have played, but we want to hear more about you<br />

as a person now, not about your past experiences. In other words, we do not want to know why<br />

you are considering a career in education; we want to know whether you understand the task<br />

before you as an educator.<br />

<br />

We assume that you enjoy working with children if you want to be a teacher; therefore, it is not<br />

necessary to elaborate on this fact. Instead, focus on your own emerging understanding of what<br />

it means to be a teacher‐scholar for social justice at this point in your education.

In assessing your essay, we will consider the following items:<br />

Quality of writing: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to engage in professional writing<br />

in the field of education. Communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.<br />

Content: Thoroughly and thoughtfully address the essay prompt.<br />

Length: Your essay should be between one and two pages of single spaced text (11 or 12 font) with<br />

one‐inch margins all around. It is always good to be concise, even while providing illustrative examples.<br />

Your application essay will be blind‐reviewed by the professional education faculty and will be assessed<br />

as satisfactory or unsatisfactory . In the latter case, you will have one opportunity to rewrite the essay.<br />

The essay is just one measure of your eligibility for acceptance into the Teacher Education Program.<br />

Candidates must meet all other entrance requirements explicated in the Teacher Education Handbook.<br />

Questions about the application process? Consult with a faculty member in Educational Studies<br />

or Music Education.

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