On automatic causal reasoning for legal analysis - Jurix

On automatic causal reasoning for legal analysis - Jurix

On automatic causal reasoning for legal analysis - Jurix


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Furthermore, by looking ahead into our project, we see the attribution of responsibility<br />

defining itself as the activity of testing a <strong>causal</strong> reconstruction under a <strong>legal</strong> perspective.<br />

Legal <strong>reasoning</strong> goes beyond the question who caused what in a strict sense, and tries to<br />

identify a distribution of liability among the agents that are part of the <strong>causal</strong> structure that<br />

has lead to a violation of a norm. If the law does not state explicitly a default responsibility<br />

(e.g. a parent <strong>for</strong> a child) and there are not other violations of norms, the responsibility<br />

assignment follows the <strong>causal</strong> <strong>analysis</strong>, whereby the distribution of responsibility is<br />

(directly) proportional to the <strong>causal</strong> distance from the harm. However if another violation<br />

takes place as well (in our case the shopkeeper who sold the weapon to a minor and did not<br />

check his identity), there appears to be a serious aggravation or rein<strong>for</strong>cement of<br />

responsibility.<br />


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