Minutes - California K-12 High Speed Network

Minutes - California K-12 High Speed Network

Minutes - California K-12 High Speed Network


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Executive Management<br />

Team Meeting<br />

Meeting <strong>Minutes</strong><br />

January 21, 2005<br />

San Diego, CA<br />

In attendance (members and guests):<br />

• Don McNelis, Butte COE<br />

• Russ Selken, Butte COE<br />

• John Ittelson, CSU Monterey Bay<br />

• Debby Pearson, Imperial COE<br />

• John Anderson, Imperial COE<br />

• Todd Finnell, Imperial COE<br />

• Barbara Starr, Mendocino COE<br />

• Dave Johnston, Mendocino COE<br />

• Paul Tichinin, Mendocino COE<br />

• Sheila Bua, School Services of <strong>California</strong><br />

• Ron Bennett, School Services of <strong>California</strong><br />

• Marcie Bober, San Diego State University<br />

• Teri Sanders, Imperial COE<br />

• Alan Phillips, Imperial COE<br />

Welcome and Introductions<br />

John D. Anderson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Introductions were conducted.<br />

Tour of Facility<br />

The tour was not conducted due to lack of SDCOE staff availability.<br />

Approval of December <strong>Minutes</strong><br />

<strong>Minutes</strong> were approved by consensus.<br />

Application Coordination Committee Report<br />

Barbara Starr presented with John Ittelson. An update of recent ACC activity was reviewed.<br />

The PMT will be bringing a recommended roster of permanent ACC members to the February 25<br />

EMT meeting for approval.<br />

John I. explained the issues and priorities discussed by the interim ACC.<br />

Barbara outlined criteria for the Demonstration Sites as discussed at the ACC meeting.

Barbara presented a request by CISC to have four (4) official members of the permanent ACC. A<br />

discussion regarding ACC membership ensued.<br />

John I. reviewed the current membership model as approved by EMT. The EMT reinforced their<br />

responsibility to appoint members in order to achieve the necessary and appropriate balance of<br />

committee membership.<br />

Ron suggested that CISC have an official member chosen by the EMT from a roster of official<br />

CISC nominations. CISC could submit the names of 3 or 4 individuals they would like to have on<br />

the committee, from which the EMT appoints one (1).<br />

The model was discussed and approved by consensus as the model to be used for all important<br />

stakeholder groups.<br />

Paul suggested EMT go ahead and solicit nominations from the Small School Districts<br />

Association, CISC, ACSA, and IHE and appoint an official member from each. The EMT discussed<br />

and agreed by consensus. John and Barbara will contact other groups after discussing with<br />

CISC.<br />

The group discussed the importance of each member of the ACC having clear expectation and a<br />

process to communicate within their regions and stakeholder groups. John and Barbara will<br />

draft a process and distribute to EMT electronically for discussion. The process will include<br />

minimum expectations of a member regarding communications to the groups or regions they<br />

represent.<br />

Ron suggested a map of CA to facilitate finding a person’s “local representative” on the ACC.<br />

Todd will task staff to develop.<br />

Ron inquired about term of service for ACC members. EMT agreed membership terms are to be<br />

for 2 years, beginning July 1 of 2005. Barbara and John will draft specific language to outline<br />

the protocols regarding membership terms.<br />

Todd emphasized the importance of the ACC’s work in the next few months.<br />

<strong>Network</strong> Implementation Committee Report<br />

Russ provided an update of the recent NIC meeting.<br />

The MOU with NIC members was discussed and accepted by members of the NIC. Russ will be<br />

getting the MOUs signed and work with NIC members to fulfill their obligations.<br />

Russ updated other items, to include Erate letters of agency, Round 2 Reimbursements,<br />

regional meetings, CTF and Erate.<br />

Staffing Update<br />

Todd introduced Teri Sanders as the new Director of K-<strong>12</strong> Outreach for the K<strong>12</strong>HSN. He<br />

highlighted her background as a teacher, district CBO, and attorney.<br />

Teri’s primary role will be the management and execution of the Communication Plan for the<br />


Erate Project Report<br />

Russ discussed his conversation with the CDE regarding the K<strong>12</strong>HSN’s ability to support Erate at<br />

the statewide level. The EMT discussed the benefits of working in support of the CDE on this<br />

effort. Russ and Todd will work with the CDE to develop a detailed plan.<br />

The group felt it important to have some level of financial support from the CDE.<br />

Video Project Report<br />

Alan reviewed two documents with the EMT and provided an update on recent activity. The<br />

group discussed the vision for videoconferencing support by the K<strong>12</strong>HSN.<br />

Alan and Todd will develop a detailed implementation plan and bring back to the EMT in<br />

February. Various funding models for one-time and ongoing costs will be evaluated.<br />

Last Mile Grant Project Report<br />

Dave reviewed the draft process document in detail. The EMT discussed the process and agreed<br />

to proceed as outlined with minor changes being made by the PMT.<br />

Leadership Project Report<br />

Todd updated the group on the current status of the project. Todd will be drafting a working<br />

document to be reviewed with Glen from CCSESA. The EMT discussed and agreed the<br />

Leadership Project should be managed by the K<strong>12</strong>HSN in coordination with CCSESA.<br />

Coordination Liaison Reports<br />

Barbara discussed her efforts with CTAP to provide language for CTAP regions to include in<br />

their Regional Plans to be submitted to the CDE.<br />

No other reports were given.<br />

Program Review (Audit) Report<br />

Sheila reviewed the MGT report outline with the EMT. There was discussion around several of<br />

the items. MGT will be presenting the Final Report to EMT on February 25. The draft report will<br />

be available February 8. It will be made available to CENIC with the agreement they are to<br />

provide specific written responses to any findings within 1 week of receipt of draft report. The<br />

draft report will also be provided to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, Department of Finance,<br />

and the legislative staff.<br />

Evaluation Report<br />

Marcie and Debby provided a brief update on evaluation efforts.<br />

They discussed their work in developing Case Studies and are working with the ACC to<br />

coordinate efforts around the Demonstration Sites being identified.<br />

Debby will contact Sheila to discuss the Status Report and how best to coordinate.<br />

Legislative/Policy Report<br />

The group reviewed the document provided by Sue Burr.

Williams Settlement Tools Project (TTSC)<br />

Paul provided an update on the TTSC efforts underway to utilize technology in support of the<br />

Williams Settlement. He will be presenting to CCSESA on January 25.<br />

CCSESA Conference Presentation<br />

The K<strong>12</strong>HSN has a “Critical Issues” session scheduled for Saturday of the March CCSESA<br />

Conference. Paul, Don, John, and Todd will meet to discuss the format of the presentation.<br />

Information Items<br />

Todd provided an update on the January 14 meeting with CENIC.<br />

John A. provided an update on his January 14 meeting with Jack O’Connell’s Technology<br />

Leadership group in Lemon Grove.<br />

Todd reviewed the Dates to Know document with the EMT.<br />

Todd reviewed the CCSESA January Report with the EMT.<br />

Todd reviewed the Management Listserv Membership document with the EMT.<br />

Future Meeting Dates<br />

February 25 - Sacramento<br />

March 18 - Imperial<br />

April 22 - Sacramento<br />

May 20 – San Diego<br />

June 24 - Sacramento<br />

Next Meeting<br />

Next meeting of the EMT is February 25, 2005 in Sacramento. Major agenda items will include:<br />

1. MGT’s presentation of the Final Audit Report<br />

2. 2004-2005 Budget Review<br />

3. Evaluation<br />

Adjourn<br />

The meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m. by the Chair

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