Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 1. Tool Bar and Dialog Bar<br />

void CBarDoc::OnButtons(UINT uID)<br />

{<br />

m_uCurrentBtn=uID;<br />

}<br />

void CBarDoc::OnUpdateButtons(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)<br />

{<br />

pCmdUI->SetRadio(pCmdUI->m_nID == m_uCurrentBtn);<br />

}<br />

Please compare the above code with the implementation in section 1.2. When we ask Class Wizard to<br />

add message mapping macros, it always adds them between //{{AFX_MSG comments. Actually, these<br />

comments are used by the Class Wizard to locate macros. To distinguish between the work done by<br />

ourselves and that done by Class Wizard, we can add the statements outside the two comments.<br />

1.5. Fixing the Size of Tool Bar<br />

Remember in section 1.1, when creating the color bar, we used CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC style:<br />

m_wndToolBar.SetBarStyle<br />

(<br />


);<br />

This allows the size of a tool bar to change dynamically. When the bar is floating or docked to top or<br />

bottom border of the client area, the buttons will have a horizontal layout. If the bar is docked to left or<br />

right border, they will have a vertical layout.<br />

Sometimes we may want to fix the size of the tool bar, and disable the dynamic layout feature. This<br />

can be achieved through specifying CBRS_SIZE_FIXED flag instead of CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC flag when calling<br />

function CToolBar::SetBarStyle(…).<br />

By default, the buttons on the tool bar will have a horizontal layout. If we fix the size of the tool bar,<br />

its initial layout will not change throughout application’s lifetime. This will cause the tool bar to take up too<br />

much area when it is docked to either left or right border of the client area (Figure 1-6).<br />

Instead of fixing the layout this way, we may want to wrap the tool bar from the second button, so the<br />

width and height of the tool bar will be roughly the same at any time (Figure 1-7).<br />

Figure 1-6: Docking a tool bar with horizontal layout to the<br />

left or right border will take up too much window area<br />


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