Answers for the DBQ - Wantagh School

Answers for the DBQ - Wantagh School

Answers for the DBQ - Wantagh School


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Document 6<br />

Riclinrtl ll:illstiittcl., a G(~rilian J(,wisli chcrriist, won a Nol)c.l Yrizc. in 1915 Iri 1938, (hiring Sazi i111(., 1 1 ~ ~<br />

rnanaged to flee Gcrrriany. %lari); otlicrs fled be<strong>for</strong>e 1.938 aiid some fled after.<br />

. . Ll7illstritter's story demoristrates that tlic exodus of German Jews was one of <strong>the</strong> ~nost<br />

,istonisliirig rnigratioiis ill histoi-y It iricluded not oiily Nol~el Piizc wiririe~s but tliousarids ot'<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r scientists, artists, aradeinics, engiiicers, and professional iilcri aiid \voiricn ill evcly<br />

category Aiid smc'c tliis as ari eritiic pop~liitiori aiid not tlic usual youiig person in sc'ircli of a<br />

<strong>for</strong>tune, it was nlade up of wholc families, midcue-aged couplcs. and e17er1 <strong>the</strong> eldcrly, likc. Betty<br />

Scliolciri, wlio scttled ill a sillall town 111 Australia, teiidlng sweetshop witli onc of 21cr so~is.<br />

Drivcii out of tlieir country. tlic); took <strong>the</strong>ir talent ,xrid skills and culture with tlicui and rnadc <strong>the</strong><br />

J cst of tlicx world ridlcr hi it. . .<br />

Source: Ruth Gay, The Jews of Germany, Yale University Press<br />

6 According to Ruth Gay, what was one way Germany was hurt by <strong>the</strong> migration of German<br />

Jews?<br />

Score of 1:<br />

States a way Germany was hurt by <strong>the</strong> migration of German Jews according to Ruth Gay<br />

Examples: Nobel Prize winners/scientists/artists/academics/engineers/professional men and<br />

women were lost; whole familieslmiddle-aged couplesl<strong>the</strong> elderly left; people took<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir talents/ski~ls/culture with <strong>the</strong>m<br />

Score of 0:<br />

Incorrect response<br />

Examples: <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> world was made richer; a German Jewish chemist won a Nobel Prize<br />

in 191 5; <strong>the</strong>y were driven out of <strong>the</strong> country; it was <strong>the</strong> most astonishing migration<br />

in history<br />

Vague response that does not answer <strong>the</strong> question<br />

Examples: young people left in search of a <strong>for</strong>tune; <strong>the</strong> exodus is demonstrated; talents<br />

NO response

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