Unit 4 – LAB STRUCTURE LIST – Nervous System

Unit 4 – LAB STRUCTURE LIST – Nervous System

Unit 4 – LAB STRUCTURE LIST – Nervous System


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PHYSO 2A <strong>LAB</strong> SG-4 Cara Burres-Jones, PCC<br />

Telencephalon:<br />

Epithalamus<br />

Papillae<br />

Cerebrum<br />

Pineal gland (epiphysis of)<br />

Taste buds<br />

Lateral ventricles<br />

Olfactory epithelium<br />

anterior horn<br />

“Brainstem”<br />

Olfactory neurons<br />

lateral horn<br />

Mesencephalon:<br />

Cribriform plate of ethmoid<br />

posterior horn<br />

Mesencephalon (or midbrain)<br />

Filaments of Olfactory Nerve<br />

Cranial nerve I<br />

Cerebral aqueduct<br />

Olfactory Bulb<br />

Frontal lobe<br />

Cerebral peduncles<br />

Olfactory Tract<br />

Precentral gyrus<br />

Corpora quadrigemina<br />

Central sulcus<br />

Superior colliculi<br />

Eye:<br />

Parietal lobe<br />

Inferior colliculi<br />

Sclera<br />

Postcentral gyrus<br />

Cranial n. III (Occulomotor N.) Cornea<br />

Parieto-occipital sulcus<br />

Cranial n. IV (Trochlear N.)<br />

Scleral venous sinus<br />

Occipital lobe<br />

Metencephalon:<br />

Uvea<br />

Temporal lobe<br />

Pons<br />

Choroid layer<br />

Lateral sulcus<br />

4 th Ventricle (upper portion)<br />

Ciliary body<br />

Insula lobe<br />

Grey matter nuclei<br />

Ciliary muscle<br />

Circular sulcus<br />

Cranial n. V (Trigeminal N.)<br />

Ciliary processes<br />

White matter:<br />

Cranial n. VI (Abducens N.)<br />

Ciliary zonule (Suspensory<br />

Projection tracts<br />

Cranial n. VII (Facial N.)<br />

ligaments of lens)<br />

Internal capsule<br />

Cranial n. VIII (Vestibulocochlear)<br />

Ora serrata retinae<br />

Corona radiata<br />

Cerebellum<br />

Iris<br />

Commissural tracts<br />

Roof over 4 th Ventricle<br />

Pupil<br />

Association tracts<br />

Cerebellar hemispheres<br />

Retina<br />

Basal Nuclei:<br />

Vermis<br />

Macula lutea<br />

caudate nucleus<br />

Folia<br />

Fovea centralis<br />

lentiform nucleus<br />

Arbor vitae<br />

Optic disk=blind spot<br />

putamen<br />

Cerebellar peduncles<br />

Central artery and vein of the retina<br />

globus pallidus<br />

Inferior, Middle & Superior<br />

Anterior segment<br />

Limbic <strong>System</strong>:<br />

Myelencephalon:<br />

Anterior chamber<br />

cingulate gyrus<br />

Medulla Oblongata<br />

Posterior chamber<br />

fornix<br />

4 th Ventricle (lower portion)<br />

(both w/Aqueous humor)<br />

hippocampus<br />

Pyramids<br />

Posterior segment<br />

amygdaloid nucleus<br />

Corticospinal tracts<br />

w/Vitreous humor<br />

olfactory cortex and tracts<br />

Anterior median fissure<br />

mammillary bodies<br />

Olive (olivary nucleus)<br />

Ear:<br />

Functional Areas of Cortex<br />

Cranial n. IX (Glossopharyngeal) Outer ear<br />

primary motor area<br />

Cranial n. X (Vagus N.)<br />

Pinna/Auricle<br />

pre-motor area<br />

Cranial n. XI (Spinal Accessory) External auditory meatus & canal<br />

prefrontal area<br />

Cranial n. XII (Hypoglossal N.)<br />

Tympanum (=“eardrum”)<br />

Broca’s area (motor speech area)<br />

Middle ear<br />

primary somatosensory area<br />

Autonomic <strong>Nervous</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

Malleus<br />

somatosensory association area Sympathetic Division<br />

Incus<br />

gustatory area<br />

thoracolumbar outflow (T1-L2)<br />

Stapes<br />

auditory area<br />

white ramus communicans<br />

Oval Window<br />

auditory association area<br />

gray ramus communicans<br />

Round Window<br />

visual area<br />

sympathetic trunk=paravertebral<br />

Pharyngotympanic Tube<br />

visual association area<br />

adrenal medulla<br />

Inner ear<br />

Wernicke’s area<br />

Parasympathetic Division<br />

Perilymph<br />

olfactory area<br />

Craniosacral outflow<br />

Endolymph<br />

Diencephalon:<br />

III, VII, IX, X & S1-S4<br />

Semicircular canals (rotation)<br />

Thalamus<br />

-Ampule w/crista ampularis<br />

Third ventricle<br />

Peripheral Motor Ending:<br />

Vestibule (linear acceleration)<br />

Massa intermedia<br />

Neuromuscular junction<br />

-Utricle<br />

Hypothalamus<br />

Neuroglandular junction<br />

-Saccule<br />

Infundibulum<br />

Unencapsulated Nerve Endings:<br />

Cochlea<br />

Pituitary Gland (hypophysis of) -Free nerve endings<br />

Scala Vestibuli<br />

Posterior & Anterior<br />

-Tactile (Merkel) discs<br />

Scala Media = cochlear duct<br />

Optic chiasma<br />

-Hair recepors (root hair plexus)<br />

Organ of Corti<br />

Mammilary bodies<br />

Encapsulated Nerve Endings<br />

Basilar membrane<br />

Cranial Nerve II<br />

-Tactile (Meissner) corpuscles<br />

Scala Tympani<br />

-Lamellated (pacinian) corpuscles<br />


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