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View This Issue - Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce

View This Issue - Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce


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<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

your connection<br />

to the beach<br />


“AIR & SEA”<br />






“SEE & BE SEEN”<br />


March/April 2012<br />


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4 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 5

• SEE & BE SEEN<br />


s <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C ommerce<br />

n to o t<br />

the beach<br />

t<br />










Health &<br />

Wellness<br />

<strong>Issue</strong><br />


Vol 3 <strong>Issue</strong> 5<br />

ember 2008 Vol 3 <strong>Issue</strong> 6<br />

THE<br />

CIRC<br />

RCU<br />

CUIT<br />

T<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C ommerce e<br />

your connection to the beach<br />

March/April 2010 PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

www.PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

IN<br />

PANAMA<br />

CITY<br />

BEACH<br />

THE CIRCUIT September/October 2010 1<br />

November/December 2010<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2010 1<br />

your<br />

connection<br />

to the beach<br />

The 2010 Holiday<br />

Shopping pin<br />

gG<br />

Guid uide e<br />


The<br />

Green<br />

<strong>Issue</strong><br />

sue<br />

community<br />

workforce<br />

orce<br />

calendar <strong>of</strong> events<br />

www.PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />


Y<br />





ESS<br />




F<br />


T he Greater P anama <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>es <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C ommerc e<br />

your connection to o the beach<br />

IRCUIT<br />

ch <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>me<br />

e<br />

your<br />

connection<br />

n c o n<br />

to the beach<br />

Community<br />

Education<br />

Workforce<br />

EDA Update<br />

“Some Like It Hot”<br />

“See &BeSeen”<br />

Member News<br />

Grand Openings<br />


nama <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

March/April 2011 PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

January/February 2011<br />

THE CIRCUIT November/December PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org 2010 1<br />

your connection<br />

to the beach<br />


P anama <strong>City</strong> B each <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C ommerce<br />

Change!<br />

THE 2011<br />

Holiday<br />

ISSUE<br />

Community<br />

Workforce<br />

Education<br />

Florida Film<br />

Commission<br />

See & Be Seen<br />

Grand Openings<br />

Out & About<br />

Some Like it Hot<br />

and...<br />




• AIR & SEA<br />



THE CIRCUIT November/December 2010 1<br />

September/October 2011<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

your connection<br />

to the beach<br />

Chairman’s Message<br />

Iwant to start by thanking all <strong>of</strong> you who attended<br />

our Annual Dinner in February. The evening was<br />

a wonderful way to applaud the<br />

successes <strong>of</strong> 2011, recognize those<br />

who do so much for the <strong>Chamber</strong> and<br />

community, and celebrate the <strong>Beach</strong><br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>’s 25-year history. I want to<br />

congratulate our award winners<br />

again, Pioneer <strong>of</strong> the Year, Philip<br />

Griffitts, Sr.; Humanitarian <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Year, Ramon Duvall; Small Business<br />

Person <strong>of</strong> the Year, Konrad Jochum;<br />

and<br />

Ambassador <strong>of</strong> the Year, Nycole<br />

McKissack.<br />

Without members like<br />

you, the <strong>Chamber</strong> could not carry out its<br />

mission each year. Thank you for all you do.<br />

<strong>This</strong><br />

issue <strong>of</strong> The Circuit is our Annual Dining Out issue,<br />

and features some <strong>of</strong> the best restaurants and dining<br />

establishments in our community. I encourage you<br />

to<br />

read through this issue, take note <strong>of</strong> our upcoming<br />

events, and add these events to your calendar.<br />

Additionally, keep your eye on the <strong>Beach</strong> Buzz, the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>’s weekly electronic communications coming<br />

into your inbox every Monday morning, for upcoming<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> and community events. You get more out <strong>of</strong><br />

your membership when you are engaged and are taking<br />

full advantage <strong>of</strong> all the opportunities the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers you and your business.<br />

If you’re ever looking for more ways to<br />

get involved, call the <strong>Chamber</strong> staff at<br />

(850) 235-1159. They are always eager<br />

to help move your business forward.<br />

Moving into the second quarter <strong>of</strong> the<br />

year, <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> is beginning to<br />

come alive as we prepare for our spring<br />

and summer guests. I encourage you<br />

to help <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> put our best<br />

foot forward this spring and all summer<br />

long. I believe we are positioned for a<br />

great season, and we want our community to shine.<br />

I look forward to seeing you soon at the next <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

event. Thank you again for your membership and support<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

Best regards,<br />

Paul Wohlford<br />

• FLORIDA<br />

Are You<br />

Connected<br />

to the<br />

<strong>Beach</strong>?<br />

Advertise your<br />

business in<br />

The Circuit!<br />

For Rates &<br />

Information<br />

Contact:<br />

Skip Alford<br />

(850) 628-3490<br />

Cyndi<br />

Ainsworth<br />

(850) 691-6259<br />

November/December 2011<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

President’s Message<br />

What a year 2012 has already been for the<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>! We are<br />

constantly creating and<br />

implementing new ventures to better<br />

benefit our members. I have only a<br />

positive outlook that we will continue to<br />

move forward and continue to expand<br />

our membership opportunities.<br />

Having just celebrated the <strong>Chamber</strong>’s<br />

25th Anniversary at our Annual<br />

Dinner, the evening only received<br />

raving reviews, and was truly as<br />

elegant an evening as the white roses<br />

that surrounded us. Again, I want to<br />

congratulate all <strong>of</strong> our award recipients<br />

and thank them for all they have done for the <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

and our great community.<br />

Our Annual Dining Out issue <strong>of</strong> The Circuit is always<br />

a favorite <strong>of</strong> mine. We take a closer look at some <strong>of</strong> our<br />

choice dining establishments and their specialty items.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> has plenty <strong>of</strong> great food and we<br />

want to highlight all it has to <strong>of</strong>fer. As you flip through<br />

the pages, you might find a delicious surprise or two!<br />

I want to continue to encourage everyone<br />

to get involved with the <strong>Chamber</strong> in<br />

any way they can. By participating in<br />

any one <strong>of</strong> our committees, or signing<br />

up to attend a <strong>Chamber</strong> events, these<br />

are just a few ways to benefit you in<br />

being a member. Continue to stay up<br />

to date by picking up the newest issue<br />

<strong>of</strong> The Circuit or opening our weekly<br />

electronic newsletter, the <strong>Beach</strong> Buzz.<br />

As Spring Break is upon us, take full<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> our tourist information<br />

lobby to display your business<br />

brochures and coupons. <strong>This</strong> is just one benefit that I<br />

encourage all members to use. Thank you for continuing<br />

to support the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>. There are<br />

only more great things to come in 2012!<br />

All the best,<br />

Beth Oltman, IOM<br />

6 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

309 Richard Jackson Blvd., <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

Phone: (850) 235-1159 Fax: (850) 235-2301<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />

2012 Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board Paul Wohlford, Resort Collection <strong>of</strong> PCB<br />

Past Chairman Robert Carroll, McNeil Carroll Engineering<br />

Incoming Chairman Karen Blackerby, KAFA Construction<br />

Treasurer Derrick Bennett, Law Offices <strong>of</strong> Derrick Bennett, P.A.<br />

Secretary Darren Haiman, Nations Real Estate<br />

CPA John Johnson, Segers, Sowell, Stewart, Johnson & Brill, P.A.<br />

Legal Council Steven L. Applebaum<br />

The Board<br />

Lisa Adams, Thrive Partnership<br />

Jack Bishop, Breakers<br />

Mike Burke, Burke Blue Hutchison Walters & Smith, P.A.<br />

Felicia Cook, Pier Park<br />

Ryan C. Davis, Regions Bank<br />

Nancy Dodson, Gulf Coast Medical Center<br />

Ramon Duvall, <strong>Beach</strong>side Fellowship<br />

Pam George, Gulf World Marine Park<br />

Jorge Gonzalez, The St. Joe Company<br />

Paul Gryniewski, Oaseas Resorts<br />

Amy Harris, Royal American Hospitality<br />

Mark Hess, Ebro Greyhound Park<br />

Annie Holcombe, Bee Heard Consulting<br />

Kenny Jett, Bonefish Grill<br />

James Johnson, Gulf Coast Chiropractic & Rehab<br />

Jayna Leach, Sterling Resorts<br />

Pete Mallory, L3 Communications<br />

Procter McInnis, McInnis Builders<br />

David Powell, Brown & Brown Insurance<br />

Cil Schnitker, Knology<br />

Claire Sherman, Lamar Advertising<br />

Rebecca Spann, Bay Medical Foundation<br />

Honorary Board Members<br />

Mayor Gayle Oberst, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Dan Rowe, Tourist Development Council<br />

Neal Wade, Economic Development Alliance<br />

Dr. Ken Shaw, FSU PC<br />

Dr. Jim Kerley, GCCC<br />

John Skaggs, Naval Support Activity PC<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> Staff<br />

Beth Oltman, IOM President & CEO<br />

Marta Rose Vice President Communications<br />

Jena Liles Finance & Operations Manager<br />

Skip Alford Director <strong>of</strong> Membership Development<br />

Cyndi Ainsworth Vice President Member Services<br />

Catherine Collins Events & Programs Coordinator<br />

Kristopher McLane Systems Coordinator<br />

Lauren Williams Lead-In Coordinator & Asst. to President<br />

Bertie Reynolds <strong>Chamber</strong> Lifelong Achievement Recipient<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 7


your connection to the beach<br />

march • a p ril 2012<br />





HOT<br />

18<br />

42<br />

32<br />

28<br />

The 3rd Annual<br />

Women’s Work-Life<br />

Symposium is coming<br />

J<br />

20<br />

35<br />

AIR & SEA<br />

10 Air & Sea<br />


12 Business Spotlights<br />

18 Some Like It Hot<br />

20 Special Dining Out <strong>Issue</strong><br />

28 A Few Minutes with Vickie Gainer<br />

32 World-Renowned Leaders to Speak at<br />

Chick-fil-A Leadercast<br />

33 3rd Annual Women’s Work-Life<br />

Symposium<br />

44 Ask the Doctor<br />

51 Health Update<br />


50 Navigator<br />

50 H.Y.P.E.<br />

50 Education Partnership<br />

56 Candidates Forum hosted by Gov Affairs<br />

SEE & BE SEEN<br />

37 <strong>Chamber</strong> D.I.N.E. with Florida CFO<br />

Jeff Atwater<br />

38 First Friday with the <strong>Beach</strong><br />

38 Business After Hours at WonderWorks<br />

40 Business After Hours at Carrabba’s<br />

Italian Grill<br />

42 Annual Dinner & 25th Anniversary Party<br />


54 Community Update, Mayor Gayle F. Oberst<br />

54 Gulf Coast Workforce Board, Kim Bodine<br />

54 FSU <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, Dr. Ken Shaw<br />

55 Gulf Coast State College, Dr. Jim Kerley<br />

55 Troy University, Lisa Kitto<br />

56 Bay EDA Update, Neal Wade<br />

56 TDC/CVB Update, Susan Estler<br />


57 Membership Update<br />

57 Ambassador Update<br />

58 New & Renewing Members<br />

59 Ribbon Cuttings<br />

E D I T O R I A L S T A F F<br />

Publisher: Beth Oltman<br />

Editorial/Creative: Marta Rose<br />

Online Content: Kristopher McLane<br />

Contributing Writer: Lauren Williams<br />

Staff Photography: Skip Alford<br />

Social Media: Catherine Collins<br />

Production: Boyd Brothers Printing<br />

Advertising Sales: Skip Alford<br />

Cyndi Ainsworth<br />

Distribution: Coastal Communications<br />

8 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

from SPRINGY to CLINGY<br />

It all awaits you at Pier Park, conveniently located across the street<br />

from the beach and directly across from the <strong>City</strong> Pier.<br />


600 Pier Park Drive, <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 9

Air & Sea<br />

Navy Invites Rev. Rufus Wood<br />

to Commemorate Martin<br />

Luther King Jr. Celebration<br />

The Naval Surface Warfare Center<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Division gathered together<br />

on January 11 at the NSA<br />

PC’s Long Glass Conference Center in observance<br />

<strong>of</strong> Martin Luther King Jr. Day.<br />

Commanding Officer Capt. Scott Pratt said<br />

the holiday served to commemorate one <strong>of</strong><br />

the nation’s most influential American civil<br />

rights leaders. In 1994, to further commemorate<br />

a man who lived his life in service to others,<br />

Congress transformed the MLK holiday<br />

into a national day <strong>of</strong> community service.<br />

Guest speaker Rev. Dr. Rufus Wood Jr., a<br />

prominent local civil rights leader and reverend<br />

in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, commended Capt.<br />

Pratt’s command for the center’s Science,<br />

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics<br />

community outreach programs to local<br />

schools, recognizing that these efforts embodied<br />

the core teachings <strong>of</strong> Rev. Dr. Martin<br />

Luther King Jr. “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

was a minister, an orator, a scholar, a theologian,<br />

an educator, a civil rights activist, and<br />

he was also a great humanitarian,” Wood<br />

said, “probably best remembered for this<br />

most famous speech given on the steps <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lincoln Memorial when he told America, ‘I<br />

have a Dream.’”<br />

Wood recounted how Dr. Martin Luther King<br />

Jr. spoke the truth in the midst <strong>of</strong> adversity,<br />

but did so with courage, and that he stressed<br />

the importance <strong>of</strong> continuing education for<br />

all races equally.<br />

“If we’re going to prepare our younger generation<br />

then we need to encourage them to be<br />

educated,” he said. “I <strong>of</strong>ten remind them that<br />

if you think the price <strong>of</strong> education is expensive,<br />

try paying for ignorance. I tell young<br />

people if you don’t continue developing your<br />

mind, then you will always be controlled by<br />

the thoughts and opinions <strong>of</strong> other people.”<br />

Pictured left: <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Navy leadership<br />

present Rev. Rufus Wood a ‘Respect and<br />

Appreciation Award’ on January 11, 2012 for<br />

serving as keynote speaker. From left: Dr.<br />

Jermaine Kennedy; Cmdr. Anthony Anglin; Rev.<br />

Rufus Wood, Ph.D.; Capt. Scott Pratt.<br />

<br />

Naval Warfare Center Awards<br />

Top Performers<br />

The Naval Surface Warfare Center<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Division recently presented<br />

awards to employees whose<br />

efforts demonstrated leadership and dedication<br />

above and beyond their respective calls<br />

<strong>of</strong> duty. Commanding Officer Capt. Scott<br />

Pratt presided over the all hands ceremony<br />

held at the Naval Support Activity <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Long Glass Conference Center.<br />

Award categories for the year 2011 included<br />

Collaboration Excellence, Exemplary Leadership,<br />

Outstanding Fleet Support, Outstanding<br />

Innovation, Outstanding Organizational Support,<br />

Outstanding Program Success, Technical<br />

Excellence and the Dr. David P. Skinner Award<br />

for Scientific and Engineering Achievement.<br />

Individuals honored with a 2011 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Division Annual Award included:<br />

• Tom Cothern was presented the award for<br />

Collaboration Excellence for demonstrating<br />

excellence in collaborative relationships in<br />

his position as Littoral Combat Ship Mission<br />

Package Certification Manager.<br />

• Lanshava Booker received the award for<br />

Exemplary Leadership. Booker leads a team<br />

<strong>of</strong> computer an electronic engineers developing<br />

unmanned vehicles command and control<br />

systems for the Navy’s newest platform,<br />

the Littoral Combat Ship.<br />

• Roger Hawkins received the Outstanding<br />

Fleet Support award. Under Hawkins’<br />

leadership, over 75 Airborne Mine Countermeasures<br />

technical manuals were put in one<br />

electronic location centralizing computer<br />

based training improving efficiency for Fleet<br />

manual and equipment maintenance.<br />

• Harold Suiter was recognized with the<br />

Outstanding Innovation award for harnessing<br />

techniques used by the astronomical<br />

community to help substantially improve<br />

the distance at which objects in turbid water<br />

could be identified with low-cost cameras.<br />

The resulting capability will reduce risk to<br />

operators by reducing the time spent to re-<br />

10 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Air & Sea<br />

acquire and neutralize targets in turbid water<br />

environments.<br />

• Nicole Kidd was presented the Outstanding<br />

Organizational Support award for helping<br />

NSWC PCD’s Information Technology<br />

Division to modernize methodology and reduce<br />

the time and effort required to manage<br />

Plant and Minor Property inventory, resulting<br />

in a cost avoidance <strong>of</strong> over $750,000.<br />

• Robert Moore received the Outstanding<br />

Program Success award for his management<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle<br />

Buffalo project. His leadership resulted<br />

in multiple improvements to the MRAP vehicle,<br />

strengthening the war fighting ability<br />

<strong>of</strong> U.S. Marines in the field.<br />

• Tracy Nye was presented the Technical<br />

Excellence award. Nye served as the Scenario<br />

Working Group Lead for the LCS<br />

MCM Mission Package Test and Evaluation<br />

team for Fiscal Year 2011. Nye’s efforts<br />

helped to ensure that technical risks<br />

were mitigated, and led the team to the first<br />

successful operation <strong>of</strong> multiple <strong>of</strong>f board<br />

vehicles from the LCS.<br />

• Ted Clem received the Dr. David P. Skinner<br />

Award for Outstanding Scientific and Engineering<br />

Achievement. Between FY 02 and<br />

FY 11, Clem led the Buried Mine Identification<br />

program, a cutting edge effort funded by<br />

the Office <strong>of</strong> Naval Research to integrate a<br />

suite <strong>of</strong> sensors into autonomous underwater<br />

vehicles and demonstrate the ability to identify<br />

buried targets in at-sea experiments. In<br />

FY 10, Clem and his team also participated<br />

in a mission to use one <strong>of</strong> the autonomous<br />

buried mine hunting systems to locate the remains<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Bonhomme Richard, which was<br />

lost in a battle <strong>of</strong>f the coast <strong>of</strong> England during<br />

the revolutionary war.<br />

Pictured opposite page, right: Front row, from<br />

left: Capt. Scott Pratt, Ted Clem, Robert Moore,<br />

Harold Suiter and Ed Stewart. Back row, from left:<br />

Roger Hawkins, Lanshava Booker, Nicole Kidd<br />

and Tom Cothern. Not present: Tracy Nye.<br />

<br />

Tyndall’s Pelican Point Golf<br />

Course Open to the Public<br />

Pelican Point Golf Course, located on<br />

Tyndall Air Force base, is now open<br />

to all interested golfers. No longer<br />

limited to military and base personnel, the<br />

public can access the course simply by completing<br />

a background check.<br />

Sprawling over 120 acres along the shore<br />

<strong>of</strong> St. Andrews Bay, the Pelican Point Golf<br />

Course boasts a championship 18 hole<br />

course, renovated greens, fully equipped Pro<br />

Shop and a snack bar overlooking the water.<br />

With specials for as low as $25, a day on<br />

the links is not only scenic, but affordable.<br />

Pelican Point also <strong>of</strong>fer excellent tournament<br />

packages for groups <strong>of</strong> all sizes.<br />

Golfers can obtain an access pass to get on<br />

the base by visiting www.PelicanPointGolf.<br />

com/pass and fill out the Background Affidavit<br />

and a DD 1172 forms located on the<br />

site. Fax the two completed forms to Pelican<br />

Point at (850) 286-5182. Once the background<br />

check has been completed you will<br />

be contacted by a Pelican Point staff member<br />

and will be issued a pass good for 6 months.<br />

For additional information contact Pelican<br />

Point Golf Course at (850) 286-2565 or visit<br />

PelicanPointGolf.com.<br />

<br />

Advanced Divers Mask Earns<br />

Employee Accolades<br />

For <strong>of</strong>fering a clearer vision for<br />

U.S. Navy divers, a Naval Surface<br />

Warfare Center <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Division<br />

(NSWC PCD) employee was named<br />

the Federal Laboratory Consortium 2012<br />

Excellence in Technology Transfer award<br />

recipient.<br />

Dennis Gallagher, lead project engineer and<br />

inventor <strong>of</strong> the Advanced Diver’s Mask-<br />

Mounted Display System in the NSWC<br />

PCD Underwater Systems Development<br />

and Acquisition branch, earned the award<br />

for his work on the Advanced Diver’s Mask-<br />

Mounted Display System to the Navy’s Fleet<br />

Explosive Ordnance Disposal assets. The<br />

mask was made available to Navy divers in<br />

December 2011.<br />

<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 11

Business Spotlights<br />

Sunshine’s Acquisition<br />

Sunshine Shuttle has acquired Trumpet<br />

Coach <strong>of</strong> Chipley, FL, making the<br />

business a major transportation<br />

company in Northwest Florida. The recent<br />

acquisition also expands Sunshine into<br />

a more diverse transportation company,<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering sedans, limousines, vans, local<br />

shuttle vehicles and now, Sunshine Coach,<br />

the new arm <strong>of</strong> the business featuring luxury<br />

motor coaches. During peak season, the<br />

company will employ about 40 workers.<br />

Sunshine began in 2002 by owner John<br />

Finch as a secondary business interest. When<br />

Finch’s development investments dissolved,<br />

he concentrated his entrepreneurial efforts on<br />

the transportation company. The company<br />

has seen double-digit growth three years in a<br />

row, and Finch says he expects even greater<br />

things with his latest expansion.<br />

Finch plans to capitalize on the success <strong>of</strong> the<br />

21-year-old Trumpet Coach and says there<br />

are 26 charters already on the books. “Calls<br />

to Trumpet now come into our central <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

where we use state <strong>of</strong> the art reservation and<br />

dispatch s<strong>of</strong>tware and equipment. We have<br />

people available 24/7.”<br />

Sunshine works closely with many high-end<br />

resorts along the Northwest Florida coastline<br />

to provide transportation to the three major<br />

Panhandle airports. The company is the<br />

designated transportation provider for<br />

Southwest Airlines personnel in northwest<br />

Florida, and is the <strong>of</strong>ficial transportation<br />

courier for events such as the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong> Jazz Festival.<br />

<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> Wins Two 2012<br />

ADDY ® Awards<br />

The American Advertising Federation<br />

(AAF) <strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> announced<br />

the winners <strong>of</strong> the coveted ADDY®<br />

Awards competition, honoring creative<br />

excellence in advertising, on February 4th<br />

at the FSU-PC Holley Academic Center.<br />

The ADDY® Awards Gala was attended by<br />

individuals <strong>of</strong> the local advertising and media<br />

businesses. Of the 155 entries received by<br />

AAF, 36 gold ADDY® Awards and 53 silver<br />

ADDY® Awards were presented.<br />

The <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Commerce</strong> received two Silver ADDY<br />

Awards, for the <br />

Planner (Consumer or Trade Publication<br />

division) and for the <strong>Chamber</strong>’s website,<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org (Interactive Media division).<br />

Entries were judged based on creativity,<br />

originality and creative strategy.<br />

Pictured above right (from left): Lauren Williams,<br />

Marta Rose, Skip Alford, Beth Oltman, Kristopher<br />

McLane, Cyndi Ainsworth.<br />

<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> Bux<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> Bux was launched in January<br />

2011 with the purpose <strong>of</strong> using social<br />

media and the Internet to bring small<br />

businesses and customers together. Business<br />

owners take advantage <strong>of</strong> affordable<br />

advertising rates to showcase themselves<br />

through printable and mobile coupons on<br />

<strong>Beach</strong>Bux.com. <strong>Beach</strong> Bux then promotes<br />

that coupon through any means possible<br />

including the <strong>Beach</strong> Bux Blog, where every<br />

coupon is linked twice, the <strong>Beach</strong> Bux<br />

Facebook page, and Google+ pages where<br />

each coupon is displayed in photo albums.<br />

Leslie Brashear, creator and owner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Bux, has made it her business to know how<br />

to effectively use these networks to market<br />

the coupons, and in less than one year has<br />

built the fan base to impressive numbers.<br />

She has worked hard to bring the site up in<br />

rankings, so that it’s easily found when locals<br />

or tourists are searching for coupons.<br />

The second phase <strong>of</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Bux is the <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Deals site. Through <strong>Beach</strong> Deals, customers<br />

can find larger discounts by purchasing in<br />

advance right on the website. “I’ve always<br />

had two goals for my business,” says Leslie,<br />

“To help small businesses in this area become<br />

successful, and to help consumers find good<br />

places to spend their money on the things<br />

they want or need.”<br />

Visit <strong>Beach</strong> Bux at beachbux.com and <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Deals at deals.beachbux.com. Join the fun<br />

on Facebook at facebook.com/beachbux.<br />

<br />

Laketown Wharf Extends<br />

Christmas Spirit into New Year<br />

with Charitable Donation<br />

Laketown Wharf gives community<br />

residents reason to celebrate peace<br />

and goodwill beyond the holiday<br />

season, presenting a charitable donation<br />

<strong>of</strong> $2,000 to local non-pr<strong>of</strong>it Anchorage<br />

Children’s Home <strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>. The<br />

contribution stems from funds raised during<br />

Laketown’s inaugural holiday extravaganza,<br />

12 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Nurture your family tree<br />

in a Viking kitchen.<br />

“Christmas at Laketown.” The festival took<br />

place in December, spotlighting a vibrant<br />

lineup <strong>of</strong> activities and live entertainment:<br />

caroling, Christmas tree lightings, food and<br />

seasonal treats, local merchants and a holiday<br />

light show. Family fun included photos with<br />

the jolly old elf himself, Santa Claus. As the<br />

event’s showpiece, Laketown featured a silent<br />

auction. Visitors were invited to bid on a<br />

variety <strong>of</strong> items to raise additional funds for<br />

Anchorage Children’s Home as this year’s<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial beneficiary.<br />

“We’re thrilled to see the outpouring <strong>of</strong> support<br />

from our local partners, as well as the area<br />

residents and visitors who made the inaugural<br />

‘Christmas at Laketown’ event a success,”<br />

noted Bob Picconi, COA general manager<br />

<strong>of</strong> Laketown Wharf Resort Community<br />

Association. “Laketown is committed to<br />

giving back to the local community, and we<br />

look forward to growing next year’s event.”<br />

Pictured above (from left): Kyla Pugh, Johnny<br />

Budding (Both Laketown event organizers); Brooke<br />

Bullard, Development Director, Anchorage; Bob<br />

Picconi, Laketown Association/Property Manager.<br />

<br />

GM Appliance<br />

1217 Harrison Avenue<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32401<br />

850-769-7043<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 13

Business Spotlights<br />

Cloud 9: Dream or Reality?<br />

pinch me please, I<br />

must be dreaming.” You know<br />

“Somebody<br />

that feeling don’t you? It comes<br />

when you have those “cloud nine” moments<br />

in life that take you by surprise. You know<br />

when you experience it, and you <strong>of</strong>ten try to<br />

make it back to that place.<br />

<strong>This</strong> thought comes to mind when Scooter<br />

Ward, founder, manager and performer<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cloud 9 Orchestra goes out on stage.<br />

“Performing has always been something<br />

I’ve enjoyed all throughout my life,” he says.<br />

“The C9O experience is very special to me<br />

because <strong>of</strong> all the rich detail associated with<br />

it. <strong>This</strong> is only a preview <strong>of</strong> the journey; I<br />

hope you’ll visit cloud9orchestra.com to<br />

read the story in its entirety.”<br />

The seed <strong>of</strong> the idea was planted in Scooter’s<br />

mind back in 2009, after singing background<br />

vocals on tour with Denver and the Mile High<br />

Orchestra during two concerts in the panhandle.<br />

Inspired with resolve, he pursued a vision he<br />

had for a band <strong>of</strong> his own. Enter the Cloud 9<br />

Orchestra, a “Little Big” Band <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

musicians, playing both secular and religious<br />

venues. C9O is setup as a 10-piece band;<br />

however, it is flexible and can range in size<br />

from a 5-piece combo to a full, 17-piece big<br />

band, playing a wide range <strong>of</strong> musical genres.<br />

“I desire to use the band to give folks<br />

a ‘cloud nine’ experience wherever we<br />

perform,” he says. For more information,<br />

visit cloud9orchestra.com, where you’ll<br />

find bios on the members, video, streaming<br />

mp3’s and links to upcoming events.<br />

<br />

Sand in Her Shoes<br />

When Linda Kirk, pictured above<br />

right, moved to <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong>, she brought with her 14<br />

years <strong>of</strong> experience as both a real estate agent<br />

and a broker. With multiple awards in sales<br />

and community service, she has a unique understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> what it means to be a contributing<br />

member <strong>of</strong> a municipality.<br />

Prior to her real estate career, Linda was coowner<br />

<strong>of</strong> a furniture store chain for twenty<br />

years, and built two homes and remodeled<br />

five. It was then that she decided she liked<br />

dealing with homes more than selling furniture,<br />

and she obtained her real estate license in<br />

Virginia. She does admit, however, that she’s<br />

always had sand in her shoes because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

many trips to <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> over her<br />

lifetime. When she made the decision to relocate,<br />

she decided she would join the best real<br />

estate company or none at all. After one interview<br />

with Coldwell Banker United Realtors,<br />

Linda knew she had found the right place.<br />

As a <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> Ambassador, Linda<br />

continues her community service along with<br />

her successful real estate career. Let her put<br />

her talents to work for you by contacting her<br />

at (850) 630-0044. When you list or buy<br />

with Linda Kirk, START PACKING!<br />

<br />

Kaleidoscope Theatre Presents<br />

“The Nerd”<br />

March 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31 at 7:30 pm<br />

March 18, 25 and April 1 at 2:00 pm<br />

The Nerd is a spring tonic <strong>of</strong> sidebruising<br />

laughter that centers on<br />

the hilarious dilemma <strong>of</strong> a young<br />

architect who is visited by a man he’s never<br />

met, but who saved his life in Vietnam. The<br />

visitor turns out to be an incredibly inept,<br />

hopelessly stupid “nerd” who outstays his<br />

welcome with a vengeance. Directed by<br />

Bunnie Hibbard and Harley Benner, the<br />

production features Jason Betz, Jason Blanks,<br />

Chuck Giambra, Doug Gilliland, Renee<br />

Ryals, Daphne Lewis and Ben Webber.<br />

For reservations and savings <strong>of</strong> $1 <strong>of</strong>f door<br />

prices, call Kaleidoscope Theatre at (850) 265-<br />

3226. Adults cost $16; Military and Seniors<br />

cost $15; Students cost $8. Kaleidoscope<br />

Theatre, now in it’s 41st Season, is located<br />

at 207 E. 24th St. in Lynn Haven. For more<br />

information visit kt-online.org.<br />

<br />

Three Reasons You’ll Love the<br />

MiFi by Verizon Wireless<br />

Need High Speed internet on the<br />

go? Check out Verizon Wireless’s<br />

MiFi, which automatically<br />

connects to Verizon Wireless Mobile<br />

Broadband service, giving broadband<br />

Internet access to up to five Wi-Fi–enabled<br />

devices. You and your colleagues will<br />

be able to check email, access corporate<br />

intranets, download files, send pictures<br />

with a Wi-Fi–enabled camera, and<br />

access the Internet on any Wi-Fi–enabled<br />

device, even when you’re nowhere near<br />

a traditional hotspot. The MiFi device is<br />

about the size <strong>of</strong> eight stacked credit cards<br />

and weighs just over two ounces, so it’s<br />

ultra-portable. With MiFi, the <strong>of</strong>fice is<br />

anywhere you want it to be, on America’s<br />

largest and most reliable 3G/4G network.<br />

14 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Here are three reasons you’ll love it:<br />

1. You can forget about complex sign-ons<br />

<br />

Simply power it on with the press <strong>of</strong> one<br />

button and connect your devices. Create your<br />

own personal hotspot anywhere on America’s<br />

largest and most reliable 3G/4G network.<br />

2. You can connect more devices.<br />

Mobile Broadband isn’t just for notebooks<br />

anymore. Now you can use it on your netbook,<br />

camera, MP3 player, PDA, or any other Wi-<br />

Fi–enabled device. Provide a wireless hub for<br />

up to five devices at one time.<br />

3. Tiny device, huge performance.<br />

It might look basic, but there’s a lot <strong>of</strong> power<br />

packed into this little device:<br />

Enjoy typical<br />

download speeds <strong>of</strong> 600 KB to 1.4 MB and<br />

typical upload speeds <strong>of</strong> 500 to 800 KB.<br />

Small enough to carry in your<br />

shirt pocket, it features an internal antenna so<br />

there are no outer parts to break.<br />

The device<br />

comes loaded with VZAccess Manager and<br />

user guides for Windows® and Mac.® No<br />

CDs required.<br />

Keep would-be trespassers<br />

from using your connection with password<br />

protection and a variety <strong>of</strong> authentifications,<br />

identifications and filtering.<br />

Visit one <strong>of</strong> three Verizon Wireless<br />

locations at <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Mall (850) 785-<br />

1400 in the food court; at 11560 <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy. (850) 233-2113 near<br />

Home Depot; and the new location in<br />

Callaway (850) 481-0911.<br />

<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pirates<br />

The <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pirates joined<br />

the United Soccer League (USL)<br />

family in November 2011 as part <strong>of</strong><br />

the Southeast Division, within the 73 teams<br />

that make up the Premier Development<br />

League (PDL) throughout the United States,<br />

Canada, Bermuda. Owners Eehab Kenawy,<br />

M.D., Jill Holt and Amy Dalton want to bring<br />

a high level <strong>of</strong> soccer to <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

to promote and grow the international game <strong>of</strong><br />

soccer within our community and Northwest<br />

Florida.<br />

The PDL is a training ground for the best players<br />

in the country including NCAA & NAIA<br />

College players as well as foreign players who<br />

are looking to play at the next level <strong>of</strong> soccer.<br />

The PDL is used as a stepping stone for many<br />

talented young men who aspire to play on a<br />

USL Pro or Major League Soccer team.<br />

The <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pirates will play a<br />

total <strong>of</strong> 16 games over the summer against<br />

teams from across Florida and Mississippi.<br />

They also have a possibility to play in the PDL<br />

Championship and US Open Cup where they<br />

will be matched against teams from the Major<br />

League Soccer , challenging themselves to the<br />

highest level <strong>of</strong> soccer in the country.<br />

All games will be played at Mike Gavlak Stadium<br />

(Arnold High School) in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong>. The Pirates season runs from May to<br />

July with 8 home games and an anticipated<br />

attendance <strong>of</strong> 500-700 people per game this<br />

first season.<br />

The <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pirates PDL Franchise<br />

and it’s programs will provide numerous<br />

opportunities to players <strong>of</strong> all ages through<br />

camps, clinics, tournaments and special<br />

events throughout the season and <strong>of</strong>f season.<br />

The opportunities that the USL and PDL <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

our community are unmatched in Northwest<br />

Florida and the Southeast, as we are the only<br />

PDL Franchise within a 5 hour drive giving us<br />

the exclusive benefits <strong>of</strong> such a high level <strong>of</strong><br />

soccer and programs to assist our youth and<br />

the development <strong>of</strong> youth soccer.<br />

<br />

Bonefish Grill<br />

Grand <strong>Panama</strong><br />

Resort<br />

Thursday, April 19<br />

5 - 7 pm<br />

Sponsored by Panhandle<br />

Educators FCU<br />

Boatyard Restaurant<br />

Thursday, May 17<br />

5 - 7 pm<br />

Holley Academic Center<br />

Friday, June 8<br />

5 - 7 pm<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 15

Business Spotlights<br />

al.com Adds Sales Force in<br />

Northwest Florida<br />

al.com, Alabama’s largest website<br />

with 2.8 million unique monthly<br />

visitors*, has hired Lee Ann<br />

Leonard to lead sales efforts in the<br />

Gulf Coast region. After more than one year<br />

as BookIt.com’s <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Market<br />

Manager, Leonard continues to serve the<br />

travel industry in a newly-created position at<br />

al.com as Gulf Coast Account Executive.<br />

“As the demand for digital content and<br />

advertising grows, our need for more talent<br />

grows,” noted President and CEO Cindy<br />

Martin. “We’re proud to welcome Lee Ann to<br />

our sales team to grow our advertising client<br />

base and build relationships in Northwest<br />

Florida.”<br />

Prior to entering the dot-com arena, Leonard<br />

acted as General Manager for By The Sea<br />

Resorts, Inc., a <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> hotel<br />

chain including five gulf-front properties and<br />

a restaurant, for nearly six years. Leonard’s<br />

experience includes one year as marketing<br />

director for the Holiday Inn SunSpree,<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> and more than ten years<br />

as marketing director for WPGX, Fox 28.<br />

*ComScore Media Metrix, May 2010<br />

<br />

Pier Park Adds New Stores, Dining<br />

Options and Entertainment<br />

Pier Park, Northwest Florida’s largest<br />

entertainment, dining and shopping<br />

complex, is pleased to announce<br />

new additions this year. The outdoor<br />

development attracts tourists as well as an<br />

expanding residential base to its dramatic<br />

waterside location with an exciting collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> anchor stores, specialty shops, restaurants,<br />

entertainment, parks and coastal amenities.<br />

Looking for a great meal and a fun<br />

atmosphere? Dick’s Last Resort features<br />

outrageous, surly and energetic wait staff,<br />

tasty comfort food and live entertainment.<br />

Just in time for Spring Break, Rum Runners<br />

will open in the “E” Shops just south <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Grand Theatre, <strong>of</strong>fering a casual dining<br />

atmosphere, full-service bar, dueling piano<br />

shows in a tropical Caribbean-style setting.<br />

A variety <strong>of</strong> new shops, some being first in<br />

the market, are opening in 2012. French<br />

Charmed, located on the Boardwalk near<br />

Polka Dots Toys & Gifts, <strong>of</strong>fers French country<br />

décor and European-inspired goods; many <strong>of</strong><br />

the collections are unique and expertly hand<br />

crafted. Francesca’s Collections specializes<br />

in gifts, apparel, home accessories and jewelry<br />

reflecting fashionable styles from all over the<br />

world; located in the Town Center.<br />

Charming Charlie, also located in the<br />

Town Center, is a unique fashion accessory<br />

boutique designed to help women <strong>of</strong> all<br />

ages complete their outfits, regardless <strong>of</strong> the<br />

occasion or mood. Pepper Palace, located<br />

on the Boardwalk’s west side, will <strong>of</strong>fer a<br />

variety <strong>of</strong> spicy food products from hot sauces<br />

to habanero corn bread mix. Celebrated by<br />

many trend savvy shoppers, Forever 21 will<br />

boast more than 23,205-square-feet <strong>of</strong> space,<br />

occupying the former Border’s location,<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering a variety <strong>of</strong> apparel, shoes and<br />

accessories aimed at customers <strong>of</strong> all ages.<br />

<br />

HomeRun Advantage Applies<br />

Innovative Business Model<br />

Founded in 2012 as Northwest Florida’s<br />

newest vacation rental management<br />

company, HomeRun Advantage<br />

fits vacation homeowners with programs<br />

suited to their individual management and<br />

maintenance needs. With leadership whose<br />

experience equals decades <strong>of</strong> hotel and resort<br />

management, HomeRun Advantage is able<br />

to control the vacation rental experience<br />

while homeowners control their costs.<br />

“<strong>This</strong> is a new type <strong>of</strong> vacation rental<br />

management company that bases itself<br />

around simplicity, honesty, and most<br />

importantly, money in the homeowner’s<br />

pocket,” says Michael Austin, vice president<br />

<strong>of</strong> HomeRun Advantage. “We’re excited to<br />

bring something to the property management<br />

field that is extremely pr<strong>of</strong>itable for the owner,<br />

as well as basic and simple to understand.”<br />

By removing the extra overhead that has become<br />

unnecessary in today’s modern management<br />

world, the company is able to <strong>of</strong>fer options<br />

with appropriate subcategories, allowing the<br />

company to charge very competitive rates<br />

for service. HomeRun Advantage does not<br />

take a percent <strong>of</strong> the room revenue, allowing<br />

homeowners to take home 100 %.<br />

“The bottom line is there are no monthly<br />

fees and owners know what to expect,”<br />

Austin says. “At HomeRun Advantage, the<br />

owner controls the costs while we control the<br />

vacation rental experience.”<br />

<br />

16 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

LaketownWharf.com<br />

9902 South Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, Florida 32408<br />

850.628.1490<br />

10th Floor<br />

Sky-Level Pool<br />

12 month leases available<br />



Experience extraordinary living on a grand scale.<br />

· 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom floor plans<br />

· Gulf, lake & golf course views<br />

· Private lake with dancing waters<br />

· 5 Amazing swimming pools<br />

· Restaurants & retail shopping<br />

· Advanced fitness center<br />

· Theater, pier & boardwalk<br />

· Kids playground<br />

· Controlled access entry<br />

· Covered garage parking<br />

· Convenient beach access<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 17

“SOME LIKE IT HOT” Chef Review<br />

<br />

Schlotzsky’s & Cinnabon<br />

New in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

“Schlotzsky’s has been serving up hot, toasted sandwiches<br />

on made-from-scratch sour dough bread for 40<br />

years. With the addition <strong>of</strong> salads, pizzas, wraps and<br />

Cinnabon, you can find something to please the whole<br />

family.”<br />

The new Schlotzsky’s in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong> was built with the company’s<br />

rebranding efforts in mind, which include<br />

a newly designed restaurant, a co-branding<br />

deal with Cinnabon® and a new service<br />

model where crew members hand-deliver<br />

food to the tables. Everything, from tables and<br />

chairs to circular-themed local photography<br />

featuring tongue-in-cheek phrases, is designed<br />

to entertain and cater to the guest.<br />

“We’ve been in the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> location<br />

for just over a year now and the community<br />

has made us feel so welcome,” says<br />

owner Umesh Patel. “We are proud <strong>of</strong> our<br />

food and our service, and look forward to<br />

serving our customers at this location for<br />

many years to come. I’m confident that all<br />

it takes is a taste, and you’ll be a life-long<br />

Schlotzsky’s fan!”<br />

When you enter the restaurant, the smell<br />

<strong>of</strong> fresh-baked bread and the scent <strong>of</strong> Cinnabon’s<br />

homemade rolls welcome you.<br />

Guests can enjoy 15 different sandwiches on<br />

Schlotzsky’s famous unique round freshly<br />

baked buns, as well as wraps, gourmet pizzas<br />

made with Fresh-from-Scratch® crusts,<br />

freshly tossed salads and a variety <strong>of</strong> soups.<br />

Cinnabon, which is recognized for their deliciously<br />

sweet, homemade treats, was a natural<br />

addition to the restaurant, and guests can<br />

enjoy a number <strong>of</strong> options, including the Cinnabon®<br />

Classic Roll and CinnaPacks.<br />

With our addictive recipes, upbeat surroundings<br />

and funny sayings, Schlotzsky’s is adding<br />

tremendous flavor to the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong> quick-casual dining scene.<br />

<br />

18 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012


TIME<br />

ONLY<br />

15801 L.C. Hilton Jr. Dr. <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> schlotzskys.com<br />

Buy 2 Cinnabon ® Classic<br />

Rolls get one<br />

FREE<br />

$<br />

2 OFF<br />

with purchase <strong>of</strong> $ 15 or more<br />

Offer expires 04/30/2012 Offer expires 04/30/2012<br />

Good only with original coupon at 15801 L.C. Hilton Jr. Dr. Schlotzsky’s ®<br />

restaurant. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Not valid with any other <strong>of</strong>fer,<br />

sandwich meal or kid’s meal. ©2012 Schlotzsky’s Franchise LLC. All rights reserved.<br />

Good only with original coupon at 15801 L.C. Hilton Jr. Dr. Schlotzsky’s ®<br />

restaurant. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Not valid with any other <strong>of</strong>fer,<br />

sandwich meal or kid’s meal. ©2012 Schlotzsky’s Franchise LLC. All rights reserved.<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 19


3 Brothers from Italy Pizza<br />

8815B Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 708-1273<br />

3bpizza.com<br />

Angelo’s Steak Pit<br />

9527 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32411<br />

(850) 234-2531<br />

Angelos-steakpit.com<br />

Another Broken Egg<br />

11535 Hutchison Blvd<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-2007<br />

anotherbrokenegg.com<br />

Back Porch Seafood & Oyster House<br />

16220 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-1750<br />

srgcorp.net<br />

Bayou on the <strong>Beach</strong> Cafe & Oyster Bar<br />

11115 Hutchison Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-3478<br />

bayouonthebeach.com<br />

Beef O’ Brady’s<br />

13800 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

Suite 110-111<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-1551<br />

beefobradys.com<br />

Billy’s Oyster Bar<br />

3000 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 235-2349<br />

Boatyard<br />

5323 N. Lagoon Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 249-9273<br />

boatyardclub.com<br />

<br />

11535 Hutchison Blvd<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-0428<br />

<br />

20 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012<br />

Boon Docks Restaurant<br />

14854 Bay <strong>View</strong> Circle (West Bay)<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 230-0005

Breakers Restaurant<br />

12627 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 234-6060<br />

breakerspcbeach.com<br />

Buffalo Wild Wings<br />

701 Pier Park Drive, Bldg. C, Suite 100<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 236-0325<br />

buffalowildwings.com<br />

Burger King<br />

11213 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 234-5257<br />

bk.com<br />

C-Level Bar & Grill<br />

5508 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 233-3564<br />

clevelpcb.com<br />

Cahall’s Deli<br />

416 W. 23rd Street<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32405<br />

(850) 769-7739<br />

cahallsdeli.com<br />

The Cantina Bar & Grill<br />

<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-6228<br />

Capt’s Table Fish House Restaurant<br />

1110 Beck Avenue<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32401<br />

(850) 767-9933<br />

Capt. Anderson’s Restaurant &<br />

Waterfront Market<br />

5551 N. Lagoon Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 234-2225<br />

captanderson.com<br />

Capt. Jack’s Family Buffet<br />

8208 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 236-8555<br />

captjackspcbeach.com<br />

Carrabba’s Italian Grill<br />

13820 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 230-4522<br />

carrabbas.com<br />

<br />

11428 PCB Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 234-9540<br />

<br />

Dead Eye Dick’s Steakhouse<br />

9802 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-3425<br />

deadeyedickssteakhouse.com<br />

Dick’s Last Resort<br />

16210 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 588-0631<br />

dickslastresort.com<br />

Dirty Dick’s Crabhouse<br />

9800 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 234-7900<br />

dirtydickscrabs.com<br />

Fatty’s Sandwich Shop<br />

15900 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 249-1515<br />

fattysandwichshop.com<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 21

535 Richard Jackson Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-3359<br />

Firehouse Subs<br />

11560 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 819-8392<br />

<br />

& Fries<br />

700 Pier Park Drive<br />

Suite 100, Bldg. D<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-3890<br />

<br />

8730 Thomas Drive, Suite 1108<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 235-3300<br />

<br />

6908 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 588-8450<br />

<br />

701 Pier Park Drive, Suite 155<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 235-4632<br />

Schooner’s<br />

Unquestionably a historical place for <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> residents, Schooner’s definitely has<br />

earned its reputation as the last local beach club.<br />

Maintaining their reputation <strong>of</strong> having the freshest<br />

seafood, they buy their seafood every morning<br />

from a local boat captain. Schooner’s chefs<br />

grill every dish to perfection, capturing all the savory,<br />

natural juices <strong>of</strong> the fish. Enjoy the sunset<br />

on their deck with the gulf only footsteps away...<br />

there’s no way you won’t “Love <strong>This</strong> Bar!”<br />

(850) 235-3555 schooners.com<br />

Boon Docks<br />

Work up an appetite for savory southern food<br />

when heading to this local hideaway. Delectable<br />

seafood entrees in their original breading recipe<br />

make this hidden landmark a must for anyone<br />

craving a home-style meal. Boondocks <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

its customers an authentic old fish house atmosphere<br />

that sits directly on the West Bay, and a<br />

warm, family friendly staff. Enjoy live music<br />

on their newly constructed fish boat stage with a<br />

bowl <strong>of</strong> their famous fried pickles.<br />

(850) 230-0005 <br />

<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 650-3656<br />

<br />

16201C Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-8232<br />

<br />

1136 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 249-5112<br />

Another Broken Egg<br />

If breakfast is your favorite meal <strong>of</strong> the day, then<br />

Another Broken Egg is where to eat! Living by<br />

their philosophy <strong>of</strong> “Nothing short <strong>of</strong> right is<br />

right,” the Egg has earned its reputation for having<br />

an impeccable breakfast and brunch menu. If<br />

it’s something hearty you crave, try one <strong>of</strong> their<br />

eggs-trordinary omelets. If you have a sweet<br />

tooth in the morning, their bananas foster pancakes<br />

are to die for. Another Broken Egg is one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the benefits <strong>of</strong> being a morning person.<br />

(850) 249-2007 <br />

Lotus Cafe<br />

Get back to the basics and try Lotus Zen Garden<br />

Café for an organic cuisine experience. At Lotus,<br />

different fresh and organic produce come in<br />

weekly to optimize quality to its customers. Delicious<br />

salads, veggie sandwiches, smoothies and<br />

wraps flood their menu with healthy, gratifying<br />

selections. <strong>This</strong> is no bland organic restaurant;<br />

their variety <strong>of</strong> herbs and spices are sure to liven<br />

up your taste buds! Stop on by for “Food and<br />

Drink for Health and Happiness.”<br />

(850) 234-1651 zengardenmarket.com<br />

22 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

?<br />

Hooters<br />

12709 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 230-9464<br />

Boatyard<br />

With Boatyard’s main attraction being its prime<br />

waterfront location, its exquisite sushi menu is<br />

just rice on the fish! Sushi chef Slade Christmas<br />

brings a modern twist to the sushi here, and a delicious<br />

one at that. Boatyard is not your everyday<br />

Japanese sushi bar, which makes for a creative<br />

twist to your everyday seafood restaurant. Original<br />

chef rolls such as the Banana Spider, Mona<br />

Lisa and Millionaire keep the sushi enthusiasts<br />

coming back for more.<br />

(850) 249-9273 boatyardclub.com<br />

Triple J Steakhouse<br />

Triple J Steakhouse encompasses everything a<br />

steakhouse should be. They believe that a great<br />

meal should start from the ingredients and follow<br />

through all the way to the plate. As a local favorite<br />

for top-notch steak, any choice you make<br />

is good (all steaks are Certified Angus Beef),<br />

whether it’s the slow cooked prime rib or the tender,<br />

delicious filet mignon. Pair your favorite cut<br />

<strong>of</strong> meat with one <strong>of</strong> Triple J’s famous side dishes<br />

for a most appetizing experience.<br />

(850) 233-9514 triplejsteakhouse.com<br />

Kentucky Fried Chicken<br />

22003 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 235-2879<br />

Lady Anderson Dining<br />

Yacht<br />

5550 N. Lagoon Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(800) 360-0510<br />

Liza’s Kitchen<br />

7328 Thomas Drive<br />

Suite L<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 233-9000<br />

Longhorn Steak House<br />

15721 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-4980<br />

Dick’s Last Resort<br />

Look out, <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>! Dick’s Last<br />

Resort has invaded Pier Park with its energetic<br />

wait-staff and ridiculous humor. If an outrageous<br />

experience is what you’re craving, then this is<br />

the place to satisfy your want. Get your menu<br />

shouted to you, absorb questionable bands, and<br />

just enjoy all the fun. Guests will leave with a<br />

2-foot tall paper hat, maybe a bruised ego and a<br />

smile on their face. <strong>This</strong> is the “Joint yer mama<br />

warned you about.”<br />

(850) 588-0631 dickslastresort.com<br />

Liza’s Kitchen<br />

Liza’s Kitchen can be described as a quaint little<br />

beach sandwich shop, but a fantastic one at that.<br />

With their philosophy <strong>of</strong> “using the freshest ingredients<br />

and not cutting corners,” you won’t<br />

find anything processed or store bought here.<br />

Liza’s makes everything from their bread to their<br />

mayonnaise; you won’t even make a sandwich at<br />

home that fresh. With Liza’s infinite number <strong>of</strong><br />

build-your-own sandwich choices, you could enjoy<br />

a different sandwich every day <strong>of</strong> the year.<br />

(850) 233-9000 lovelizas.com<br />

Los Antojitos<br />

4809 Highway 98<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32401<br />

(850) 784-6633<br />

Los Rancheros Mexican<br />

Restaurant<br />

527 Richard Jackson Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-5195<br />

Lotus Cafe<br />

707 Richard Jackson Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 234-1651<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 23

Margaritaville<br />

16230 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 235-7870<br />

margaritaville.com<br />

Matty’s Irish Pub<br />

13528 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-4890<br />

mattyspub.com<br />

McDonald’s Restaurant<br />

16990 West Alt. Hwy 98<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32404<br />

(850) 897-3169<br />

mcdonalds.com<br />

McDonald’s Restaurant<br />

10628 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 234-6096<br />

mcdonalds.com<br />

Mike’s Café & Oyster Bar<br />

17554 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 234-1942<br />

mikespcb.com<br />

Olive Garden Italian Restaurant<br />

15701 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 235-4225<br />

olivegarden.com<br />

Panera Bread<br />

<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 235-6325<br />

panerabread.com<br />

Papa John’s Pizza<br />

11160 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy. Ste 406<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 230-3777<br />

papajohns.com<br />

Pineapple Willy’s<br />

9875 S. Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 235-0928<br />

pineapplewillys.com<br />

Pompanos Restaurant<br />

10292 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 233-9080<br />

discoverpompanos.com<br />

Red Brick Pizza<br />

801 Pier Park Drive, Suite A-100<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 236-1413<br />

redbrickpizza.com<br />

Reggae J’s Island Grill<br />

16202 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-1790<br />

reggaejs.com<br />

Saltwater Grill<br />

11040 Hutchison Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 233-6033<br />

saltwatergrillpcb.com<br />

Scampy’s<br />

4933 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 235-4209<br />

Schlotzsky’s/Cinnabon<br />

15801 LC Hilton Jr. Drive, Suite 100<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 236-8900<br />

schlotzskys.com<br />

24 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Schooner’s<br />

5121 Gulf Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 235-3555<br />

schooners.com<br />

Shane’s Rib Shack<br />

10100 Hutchison Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-8111<br />

shanesribshack.com<br />

Shrimp Boat Restaurant/Gracie Rae/<br />

St. Andrews Seafood Market<br />

1201 Beck Avenue<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32401<br />

(850) 785-8706<br />

theshrimpboatrestaurant.com<br />

Smok ‘n Butts BBQ<br />

15801 LC Hilton Jr. Drive, Suite 105<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 625-5047<br />

Sonny’s Bar-B-Q<br />

11341 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 230-4742<br />

sonnysbbq.com<br />

Spicy Noodle Italian Bistro<br />

13667 East Emerald Coast Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 231-0955<br />

spicy-noodle.com<br />

Spinnaker <strong>Beach</strong> Club & Paradise Grill<br />

8795 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 234-7892<br />

spinnakerbeachclub.com<br />

Tacky Jack’s<br />

3901 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 230-2347<br />

piratescovemarinapcb.com<br />

T.G.I. Fridays<br />

1022 W. 23rd Street<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32405<br />

(850) 747-0537<br />

tgifridays.com<br />

The Original J. Michael’s Restaurant<br />

3210 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 233-2055<br />

jmichaelsrestaurant.com<br />

Triple J Steakhouse<br />

2218 Thomas Drive<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 233-9514<br />

triplejsteakhouse.com-<br />

Tropical Smoothie<br />

11260 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

Suite 101<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 588-8470<br />

tropicalsmoothie.com<br />

Zaxby’s<br />

9960 Hutchison Blvd.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 233-6000<br />

zaxbys.com<br />



Buddy Gandy Seafood<br />

3004 Highway 98<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, FL 32401<br />

(850) 784-0663<br />

buddygandysseafood.com<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 25

26 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Buddy’s Seafood<br />

111 S. Highway 79<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 234-2609<br />

buddysseafoodmarket.com<br />

West Bay Seafood<br />

6513 West Bay Landing Lane<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 588-8585<br />


Dunkin’ Donuts<br />

11150 <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pkwy.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 230-4443<br />

dunkindonuts.com<br />

It Takes A Cake<br />

203 N. Arnold Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 249-9220<br />

ittakesacakepcb.com<br />



Bippy’s By The <strong>Beach</strong><br />

801 Pier Park<br />

Suite 105<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 233-8356<br />

bippysbythebeach.com<br />

Dippin Dots<br />

10025 Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

(850) 249-8800<br />

dippindots.com<br />

Penguin Parlor<br />

1306 New York Avenue<br />

Lynn Haven, FL 32444<br />

(850) 819-4444<br />


Buckaloo’s Saloon & Oyster Bar<br />

6628 Thomas Dr.<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32408<br />

(850) 249-5270<br />

buckaloospcb.com<br />

Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge<br />

700 S. Pier Park Drive<br />

Suite 170<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32413<br />

(850) 236-3459<br />

tootsies.net<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 27

a few minutes<br />

vickie<br />

gainer<br />

ickie Gainer has over 25 years in<br />

PR, marketing and communications.<br />

She is currently the marketing director<br />

for , where<br />

her tenacious drive<br />

and pr<strong>of</strong>ound expertise<br />

in marketing and<br />

communications has<br />

helped her to continue<br />

to ascend her career.<br />

“I love my job here<br />

at ,<br />

and the people I work<br />

with,” says Gainer. “I<br />

have an opportunity to<br />

make an impact in the community as well as<br />

utilize my skills and expertise.” Gainer oversees<br />

many <strong>of</strong> the marketing strategies for audience<br />

development, advertising, new products<br />

and newspaper branding–both print and<br />

digital. Her knowledge <strong>of</strong> event planning<br />

has played an active role in championing<br />

some <strong>of</strong> The ’s signature events.<br />

She also oversees requests for in-kind sponsorships<br />

and coordinates research initiatives<br />

and comprehensive studies.<br />

<strong>This</strong> year, Gainer will chair the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s 3rd Annual Women’s<br />

Work-Life Symposium, working alongside<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> staff and numerous talented women<br />

in the community on what has become<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s key events <strong>of</strong><br />

the year. “Working with such capable and<br />

Over the years, Gainer has served<br />

her community well, demonstrating<br />

a passionate commitment to<br />

the welfare and betterment <strong>of</strong><br />

Bay County.<br />

creative women is what initially attracted me<br />

to this project,” she says. “That we can bring<br />

such inspiring messages to pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

women in our community, year after year, is<br />

a wonderful thing!”<br />

Prior to her work at The , Gainer<br />

was employed by Peoples First Community<br />

Bank Corporate Office as the assistant marketing<br />

director. She identified marketing objectives<br />

and projects for 32 banking centers<br />

in the Florida region, including executing<br />

marketing, communications and public and<br />

media relations. In her role, Gainer supervised<br />

marketing staff, day-to-day marketing<br />

projects, and was responsible for management<br />

<strong>of</strong> the company’s advertising budget<br />

and creative direction for all marketing projects<br />

and campaigns.<br />

Gainer’s knowledge<br />

and skills have also afforded<br />

her the opportunity<br />

to work in the<br />

corporate, education<br />

and non-pr<strong>of</strong>it arenas.<br />

In 1996, she left nonpr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

to work in the<br />

academic world where<br />

she was employed as<br />

recruiter for then-Gulf<br />

Coast Community College. In 2003, she was<br />

tapped as the first African American communications<br />

director at Florida State University<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>, where she managed the communications<br />

staff as well as all internal and<br />

external communications and publications.<br />

Other than the Dean, Gainer was the University’s<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial spokesperson.<br />

<br />

Pictured clockwise from left: Vickie with FSU<br />

PC Dean Dr. Ed Wright; Crystal Bullock congratulates<br />

Vickie; at the 2nd Annual Women’s Work-Life<br />

Symposium in 2011 with Nancy Luther <strong>of</strong> Clear<br />

Channel (left) and Kim Godwin <strong>of</strong> CBS Evening<br />

News with Scott Pelley (right).<br />

28 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

www.gcmc-pc.com<br />

No one

chooses a heart attack.<br />

Now you have a choice <strong>of</strong> where you can go for advanced cardiac care.<br />

At Gulf Coast Medical Center, you now have access to 24/7 advanced cardiac care.<br />

Cardiac care provided by board-certified cardiologists.<br />

Cardiac care at the area’s first and only nationally accredited Chest Pain Center.<br />

Cardiac care through our new interventional cardiology program: <strong>of</strong>fering balloon<br />

angioplasty and stents for reopening blocked arteries and restoring heart function.<br />

Cardiac care that’s saving lives and cardiac education that adds years to your life.<br />

The Area’s First and Only Accredited Chest Pain Center<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 31

World-Renowned Leaders to<br />

<br />

Broadcasting Live May 4, 2012<br />

Community business<br />

leaders can access<br />

the knowledge<br />

and experience <strong>of</strong><br />

world-renowned<br />

speakers by attending<br />

the 2012 Chickfil-A<br />

Leadercast<br />

on Friday, May 4, 2012 at the Amelia Center<br />

at Gulf Coast State College in <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The <strong>Beach</strong><br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> is hosting this one-day leader development<br />

event along with community<br />

partners Northstar Church and First United<br />

Methodist Church. Chick-fil-A Leadercast is<br />

a way to bring leaders together from all over<br />

the world for a time <strong>of</strong> learning, listening and<br />

networking at the same time. The event is<br />

simulcast live from Atlanta.<br />

Speakers for this year’s event include Soledad<br />

O’Brien, Tim Tebow, Marcus Buckingham,<br />

Patrick Lencioni, John Maxwell, Angela<br />

Ahrendts, Roland Fryer, Urban Meyer,<br />

Andy Stanley and Sheena Iyengar.<br />

<strong>This</strong> year’s program will focus on<br />

the power <strong>of</strong> choice. The choices you<br />

make define the leader you become. They are<br />

not just about you; they are about the positive<br />

impact you can have on your organization,<br />

your community and beyond. Our world<br />

needs everyday leaders who will choose to<br />

make it a better place. <strong>This</strong> diverse group <strong>of</strong><br />

internationally-acclaimed authors, leadership<br />

experts and practitioners will share insights<br />

to help our local business leaders empower<br />

and equip others at work, at home and in the<br />

community through their choices.<br />

Last year, 85,000 leaders from 17 countries<br />

attended the Chick-fil-A Leadercast. In its<br />

12th year, this full day, experiential conference<br />

is predicted to reach its largest audience<br />

to date. Tickets cost $87 per person, $67 for<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> members, and blocks <strong>of</strong> 10<br />

or more are available for $57 per person. For<br />

more information and to purchase tickets,<br />

visit PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org.<br />

For local ticketing information, call (850)<br />

235-1159 or visit PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org.<br />

Continued on Page 34<br />

Leadercast 2012 Speakers on this page<br />

include (clockwise from top left): Urban<br />

Meyer, head football coach for Ohio State<br />

University; Tim Tebow, NFL quarterback,<br />

Heisman Trophy winner and best-selling author;<br />

Soledad O’Brien, Anchor and special<br />

correspondent for CNN; Marcus Buckingham,<br />

Strength strategist, researcher and<br />

best-selling author; and Andy Stanley, Bestselling<br />

leadership author and communicator.<br />

32 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

The 3 rd Annual<br />

Women’s<br />

Work-Life Symposium<br />

Friday, June 8, 2012<br />

The Third Annual Women’s<br />

Work-Life Symposium<br />

will be held on Friday,<br />

June 8 from 7:30<br />

am to 3:30 pm at FSU<br />

PC’s Holley Academic<br />

Center. <strong>This</strong> day-long<br />

event will focus on the<br />

art <strong>of</strong> achieving a healthy work-life balance.<br />

<strong>This</strong> year’s event is presented by Gulf Coast<br />

Medical Center and Gulf Coast Chiropractic<br />

& Rehab.<br />

The Symposium will present productive sessions<br />

with six inspirational speakers from<br />

around the country. Lorna Owens, International<br />

Motivational Speaker, Life Strategist<br />

and Author, will kick <strong>of</strong>f the Symposium. A<br />

former criminal attorney, Lorna’s epiphany<br />

at her father’s funeral led to a major transformation<br />

in her life, and to her becoming<br />

a specialist on “massive change.” Her<br />

morning session, “A Place Called Work: A<br />

Kinder, Gentler Workplace,” will discuss our<br />

own value, the workplace culture, focusing<br />

energy on the things we do best, and creating<br />

win-win situations.<br />

At lunchtime, Jill Nichols, Chief Operating<br />

Officer <strong>of</strong> Vera Bradley, will share “The Vera<br />

Bradley Story.” In 30 years Vera Bradley has<br />

grown from a company <strong>of</strong> two co-founders<br />

to one with more than 2,000 employees and<br />

annual sales (2011) <strong>of</strong> $366 million. Jill will<br />

discuss Vera Bradley’s core values and caring<br />

culture, which led to the creation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer.<br />

Author, Speaker and Human Performance<br />

Coach Jennifer Webb will close the Symposium<br />

with “If You Want to Set the World<br />

on Fire, Make Sure Your Matches are Lit!”<br />

<strong>This</strong> afternoon session will cover key points<br />

that are crucial to success, such as positioning<br />

yourself in a man’s world, how to let go<br />

<strong>of</strong> “rules” that get in the way <strong>of</strong> effective, focused<br />

thinking, and how to put more joy in<br />

your life.<br />

Three breakout sessions, <strong>of</strong>fered in the morning<br />

and again in the afternoon, will feature<br />

healthy lifestyles, the power <strong>of</strong> balance, and<br />

getting organized. Alison Lewis, nationally<br />

known food, travel, fitness and lifestyle<br />

journalist, will present “Leading a Healthy<br />

Lifestyle.” <strong>This</strong> interactive session will share<br />

Continued on Page 35<br />

3rd Annual Women’s Work-Life Symposium<br />

Speakers on this page include<br />

(clockwise from top left): Lorna Owens, Jill<br />

Nichols, Jennifer Webb, Charlotte Steil, Martha<br />

Lanier and Alison Lewis.<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 33

Leadercast 2012 Speakers on this page<br />

include (clockwise from top left): Patrick Lencioni,<br />

Best-selling author and president <strong>of</strong> The<br />

Table Group; Angela Ahrendts, CEO, Burberry;<br />

Roland Fryer, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> economics<br />

at Harvard University and CEO <strong>of</strong> the Education<br />

Innovation Laboratory; Sheena Iyengar,<br />

Author <strong>of</strong> The Art <strong>of</strong> Choosing and world-renowned<br />

expert <strong>of</strong> choice; and John Maxwell,<br />

Leadership expert & best-selling author <strong>of</strong> The<br />

21 Irrefutable Laws <strong>of</strong> Leadership.<br />

2012 SPEAKERS<br />


Head football coach for Ohio State University<br />

Urban Meyer, who won two BCS National<br />

Championships in six years, currently<br />

serves as college football game and<br />

studio analyst for ESPN. Meyer, who was<br />

named Sporting News and Sports Illustrated<br />

“Coach <strong>of</strong> the Decade” in December <strong>of</strong><br />

2009, was the first coach ever to win two<br />

BCS National Championships, and one <strong>of</strong><br />

only two coaches in the history <strong>of</strong> the SEC<br />

to win two outright National Titles. Meyer<br />

has also spearheaded an effort to feed needy<br />

families and initiated a mentor program for<br />

young at-risk males.<br />


NFL quarterback, Heisman Trophy winner & bestselling<br />

author<br />

Tim Tebow is one <strong>of</strong> the most accomplished<br />

players in college football history.<br />

A two-time winner <strong>of</strong> the NCAA National<br />

Football Championship with the University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Florida, Tebow is also the first-ever<br />

sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy.<br />

In 2010, Tebow was selected in the first<br />

round <strong>of</strong> the NFL Draft by the Denver<br />

Broncos. He is the founder <strong>of</strong> the Tim<br />

Tebow Foundation and, in 2011, Tebow<br />

authored , an inspirational<br />

memoir that became a New York<br />

Times bestseller.<br />


CNN anchor & special correspondent<br />

Soledad O’Brien is an anchor and special<br />

correspondent for CNN/U.S. Since joining<br />

the network in 2003, O’Brien has reported<br />

breaking news from around the globe and has<br />

produced award-winning, record-breaking<br />

and critically-acclaimed documentaries on<br />

the most important stories facing the world<br />

today. In 2011, O’Brien won her first Emmy<br />

for Crisis in Haiti (Anderson Cooper 360) in<br />

the category <strong>of</strong> Outstanding Live Coverage<br />

<strong>of</strong> a Current News Story – Long Form.<br />


Strength strategist, researcher, best-selling author<br />

As a co-author <strong>of</strong> <br />

, he helped create StrengthsFinder,<br />

the personal assessment tool that gave millions<br />

<strong>of</strong> individuals a new vocabulary to<br />

positively describe their ingrained talents.<br />

He founded The Marcus Buckingham Company<br />

in 2007 to create tools and training that<br />

would help managers and organizations access<br />

the untapped potential <strong>of</strong> their people’s<br />

strengths. His latest project, StandOut, is a<br />

book and strengths assessment combination<br />

that uses a new research methodology to reveal<br />

your areas <strong>of</strong> comparative advantage.<br />


Best-selling leadership author & communicator<br />

Andy Stanley is a sought-after leadership<br />

communicator, author, pastor, and the founder<br />

<strong>of</strong> North Point Ministries, Inc. (NPM). Every<br />

month, well over a million people from<br />

nearly every country in the world choose<br />

to tune in, download, and stream Stanley’s<br />

teaching content via TV, radio, podcasts,<br />

and live streaming.Stanley’s books include<br />

The Next Generation Leader, Visioneering,<br />

Enemies <strong>of</strong> the Heart, and The Principle <strong>of</strong><br />

the Path.<br />


Best-selling author, president <strong>of</strong> The Table Group<br />

Patrick Lencioni is founder and president<br />

<strong>of</strong> The Table Group, Inc., a specialized<br />

management-consulting firm focused on<br />

34 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

organizational health. Lencioni is the author<br />

<strong>of</strong> nine best-selling books with nearly three<br />

million copies sold. The Wall Street Journal<br />

has named Lencioni one <strong>of</strong> the most in-demand<br />

business speakers. After several years<br />

in print, his book, The Five Dysfunctions <strong>of</strong><br />

a Team continues to be a fixture on national<br />

best-seller lists. His latest work, Getting Naked,<br />

was released in February 2010.<br />


Chief Executive Officer, Burberry<br />

Under Angela Ahrendts’s leadership, the<br />

iconic London luxury clothier—one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

100 largest companies in the United Kingdom—has<br />

experienced significant increases<br />

in revenues & pr<strong>of</strong>its and expansion into<br />

new markets. Ahrendts was included on the<br />

Forbes “100 Most Powerful Women” list in<br />

2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010. She also was<br />

among Fortune Magazine’s “International<br />

Power 50” in 2007 and 2008. In 2010, she<br />

was named “European Business Leader <strong>of</strong><br />

the Future” at the CNBC European Business<br />

Leaders Awards.<br />


Author <strong>of</strong> “The Art <strong>of</strong> Choosing” & world-renowned<br />

expert on choice<br />

3rd Annual Women’s Work-Life<br />

Symposium<br />

Continued from Page 33<br />

Chick-fil-A Leadercast 2012<br />

<br />

ideas and tips for serving healthy, easy<br />

meals, and will uncover the art to eating and<br />

living well. Alison’s blog, ingredientsinc.<br />

net, combines all <strong>of</strong> her passions: food,<br />

travel, fitness, nutrition and fashion. Martha<br />

Lanier, cancer and heart attack survivor,<br />

triathlete and author, will present “The<br />

Power <strong>of</strong> Balance: Managing Life’s Stresses.”<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> us are overloaded with multiple<br />

forms <strong>of</strong> stress – at home, at work, or<br />

life’s unexpected challenges. <strong>This</strong> entertaining<br />

session will demonstrates how to regain<br />

control and enjoy living a recharged, refocused<br />

and balanced life. Charlotte Steil,<br />

certified pr<strong>of</strong>essional organizer (CPO) will<br />

present “The Organizing Triangle: Three<br />

Essential Points to Get and Stay Organized<br />

For Life!” In this session she will show<br />

how to create an organizational system tailored<br />

to each individual, how to select products<br />

to enhance that system, and what habits<br />

are needed to maintain it all.<br />

Sheena S. Iyengar is the inaugural S.T. Lee<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Business in the Management<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> the Columbia Business School.<br />

She has taught on a wide variety <strong>of</strong> topics at<br />

Columbia for MBAand Executive MBAstudents,<br />

including leadership, decision making,<br />

creativity, and globalization, earning an Innovation<br />

in the Teaching Curriculum award.<br />

Dr. Iyengar’s innovative research on choice<br />

has been funded by the National Science<br />

Foundation, the National Institute <strong>of</strong> Mental<br />

Health, and the National Security Education<br />

Program.<br />


Leadership expert & best-selling author <strong>of</strong> “The 21<br />

Irrefutable Laws <strong>of</strong> Leadership”<br />

John C. Maxwell is an internationally-renowned<br />

leadership expert, coach, and author<br />

who has sold over 20 million books. Dr. Maxwell<br />

founded EQUIP and The John Maxwell<br />

Company, organizations that have trained<br />

more than 5 million leaders in 153 countries.<br />

Every year he speaks to Fortune 100 companies,<br />

international government leaders, and organizations<br />

such as the United States Military<br />

Academy at West Point, the National Football<br />

League, and the United Nations.<br />

In addition to keynote sessions and breakout<br />

workshops, attendees will enjoy a networking<br />

breakfast, buffet lunch, and a special<br />

Business After Hours reception following<br />

the Symposium. An enhanced Exhibitor<br />

Showcase will stay open throughout the day,<br />

featuring products and services relevant to<br />

the pr<strong>of</strong>essional woman seeking a healthy<br />

work-life balance. Drawings, giveaways<br />

and Symposium Goody Bags will complete<br />

the day. Early Bird Registration, through<br />

May 11, costs $69 per person and after May<br />

11 $99 per person. To register, contact the<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> at (850) 235-1159.<br />

<br />


Broadcast LIVE from Atlanta direct to<br />

hundreds <strong>of</strong> locations across North<br />

America and around the world, Chickfil-A<br />

Leadercast is a one-day leadership<br />

event featuring ten renowned leaders<br />

speaking on leadership issues that<br />

we face every day.<br />

Chick-fil-A Leadercast 2012<br />

Friday, May 4, 2012<br />

7:00 AM to 3:30 PM<br />

The Amelia Center at<br />

Gulf Coast State College<br />

COST<br />

$67 <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

Members<br />

$87 Non-Members<br />

CALL<br />



PROMO<br />

CODE!<br />

Purchase tickets at<br />

www.xorbia.com/e/cfalc-panama<br />

2011 SUCCESS FACTS<br />

85,000 participants globally.<br />

600 host sites.<br />

17 countries around the world.<br />

20 million online ad impressions.<br />

3 hours as worldwide trending<br />

Twitter topic on May 6<br />

(average trend lasts 11 minutes).<br />

30 million + Chick-fil-A cups,<br />

trayliners & bags promoting<br />

Chick-fil-A Leadercast.<br />

2 million + social media<br />

Don’t miss this<br />

opportunity<br />

to grow your<br />

influence<br />

as a leader<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 35

36 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

1<br />

2<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> D.I.N.E. Luncheon<br />

January 26, 2012<br />

1 . The first <strong>Chamber</strong> D.I.N.E. <strong>of</strong> the year<br />

featured Florida CFO Jeff Atwater; prior to<br />

the luncheon a Legislative Roundtable was<br />

held with members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s<br />

Board. 2. CFO Atwater extended<br />

gratitude on behalf <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Florida<br />

for our community’s talent and wisdom.<br />

3. <strong>Chamber</strong> president Beth Oltman with<br />

<br />

the event’s sponsors: Dr. Jon Ward (left)<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gulf Coast Dermatology and David<br />

Tipton (right) <strong>of</strong> Tipton, Marler, Garner &<br />

Chastain. 4. <strong>Chamber</strong> D.I.N.E. took place<br />

at the Wyndham Bay Point Resort.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

3<br />

4<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 37

SEE & BE SEEN<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

First Friday with the <strong>Beach</strong> January 6, 2012<br />

1. Neal Wade, Executive Director <strong>of</strong> the Bay<br />

County Economic Development Alliance, was guest<br />

speaker at First Friday with the <strong>Beach</strong> on January<br />

6; pictured with 2012 <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> Chair<br />

Paul Wohlford (left) and 2012 Bay County Chair Al<br />

McCambry (right). 2. Members <strong>of</strong> both chambers<br />

attended the morning meeting, held at FSU PC’s<br />

Holley Center. 3. President Beth Oltman with Lauren<br />

Williams, the <strong>Chamber</strong>’s new Lead-In Coordinator<br />

and Assistant to the President.<br />

Business After Hours at WonderWorks<br />

January 12, 2012 <strong>Chamber</strong> members enjoyed<br />

WonderWorks exhibits and snacks from Shane’s Rib<br />

Shack; sponsored by Trustmark Bank. 4. From left:<br />

Celena Graberg, Maureen Richardson, Paco Schultz,<br />

Ann Swedlund. 5. From left: Jo Ann Revell, John<br />

Harrell, Libby Sipple. 6.From left: Dave Trepanier,<br />

Gary Walsingham, Joe Holt, Jeff DiBenedictis.<br />

7 & 10. Aerial views from the rope course. 8. From left:<br />

Greg Taylor, Rita Hanson, Sarah Lark, Tom Lewis.<br />

9. Clockwise from top: Roy Calvin Eure, Betsy Hulsey,<br />

Chris Charles, Joe Chavarria, Stacey Dupree.<br />

2<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

38 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 39

SEE & BE SEEN<br />

Business After Hours at Carrabba’s<br />

Italian Grill<br />

on February 16, 2012<br />

2<br />

1. Guests <strong>of</strong> the Business After Hours at Carrabba’s enjoyed delicious Italian cuisine, a<br />

glass <strong>of</strong> wine and cozy networking. 2. Lee Ann Leonard and Wendy Tatanish. 3. Brent<br />

Garrison, Perry Robinson, Guy Garrett. 4. Denise Fitchben & Remy Cooksey. 5. From left:<br />

Perry Robinson, Terri Hugghins, Ryan Martin, Jessica Cook and Felicia Cook. 6. David<br />

Balmer from Dale Carnegie Training presents the January 25 Lunch & Learn workshop.<br />

7. Brandon Welch from ClicksCrazy.com presents the February 22 Lunch & Learn.<br />

8. Capital Days was held for State and <strong>Chamber</strong> business leaders in Tallahassee on<br />

January 11-13. From left: Enterprise Florida President & Secretary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> Gray<br />

Swoope; Department <strong>of</strong> Environmental Protection Secretary Herschel Vinyard; Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Revenue Executive Director Lisa Vickers; and Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation Secretary<br />

Ananth Prasad. 9. Attendees at Brandon Welch’s “Be Listed, Be Social, Be Happy.”<br />

3<br />

5<br />

4<br />

8<br />

6<br />

7 9<br />

40 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

SEE & BE SEEN<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>’s Annual Dinner<br />

on February 23, 2012<br />

2<br />

1. The <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> held its Annual Dinner & 25th Anniversary Party on February 23<br />

at Edgewater <strong>Beach</strong> & Golf Resort, who presented the event along with Comcast Business<br />

Class. 2. Beth Oltman (left) and Paul Wohlford (right) present the Pioneer <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Year Award to Philip Griffitts, Sr. 3. The <strong>Chamber</strong> thanked past Chair Robert Carroll for<br />

his work and dedication to the <strong>Chamber</strong> in 2011. 4. Sharon Carroll sings the National<br />

Anthem. 5. Beth Oltman and Paul Wohlford present the Small Business Person Award to<br />

Konrad Jochum from the Boatyard. 6.Jerrilyn and Philip Griffitts with (back row, from left)<br />

Matt Griffitts, Patrice Lovett, Laura and Griff Griffitts. 7. Ann and Paul Wohlford.<br />

1<br />

3 4<br />

5<br />

6 7<br />

42 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

SEE & BE SEEN<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>’s Annual Dinner<br />

on February 23, 2012<br />

1. President Beth Oltman and 2012 Chairman<br />

Paul Wohlford present the Humanitarian <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Year Award to Ramon Duvall. 2. Beth Oltman<br />

and Paul Wohlford present the Ambassador <strong>of</strong><br />

the Year Award to Nycole McKissick. 3. Wes<br />

Burnham with his daughter, Stacey Trepanier.<br />

4. The Navy Color Guard presents the colors.<br />

1<br />

2 3 4<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 43


Carlos E. Ramos, MD, FACS<br />

Dr. Ramos is a Board Certified Urologist.<br />

He received his Medical Degree from The<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Puerto Rico in 1990. He completed<br />

his Residency program at The University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Texas in Houston in 1998. Dr. Ramos<br />

is a member <strong>of</strong> the FMA, AUA, Bays<br />

Medical Society, Gulf Coast Medical Center<br />

and Bay Medical Center.<br />

“My patients <strong>of</strong>ten ask me which nutritional<br />

supplements are good for their health,” he<br />

says. “My answer used to be that I did not<br />

know. Recently, I had the privilege to assist<br />

in a lecture with Dr. Mark Moyad, a Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />

<strong>of</strong> Urology at the University <strong>of</strong> Michigan,<br />

and the director <strong>of</strong> Preventative and Alternative<br />

Medicine. He is an expert on this<br />

topic. In his book, “Promoting Wellness for<br />

Prostate Cancer Patients,” Dr. Moyad provides<br />

a quick summary reference guide <strong>of</strong><br />

peer reviewed supplements.<br />


“Helping Our Physicians Help Patients”<br />

The Bays Medical Society is both a pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

and scientific organization <strong>of</strong> medical<br />

and osteopathic physicians, and the local<br />

affiliate <strong>of</strong> the Florida Medical Association<br />

(FMA). Although membership is voluntary,<br />

many physicians choose to join because<br />

they know they are most effective in attaining<br />

quality medical care with a strong<br />

team surrounding them. Our members<br />

value superior relations between physicians<br />

and patients. Therefore, our Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Directors and members routinely take time<br />

out <strong>of</strong> their busy schedules to advocate for<br />

patients and physicians at the local, State,<br />

and Federal level. Our goal is to continue<br />

our mission <strong>of</strong> “Helping Our Physicians<br />

Help Patients” for a very long time.<br />



By Dr. Mark Moyad<br />

Aspirin Low-dose baby aspirin only makes<br />

sense for those w/ a higher risk <strong>of</strong> heart disease.<br />

Beta-Sitosterol, Pygeum Africanum, or<br />

Saw Palmetto All possible options for noncancerous<br />

enlargement (BPH) <strong>of</strong> the prostate<br />

with or without prescription medications, unknown<br />

if they fight cancer or not.<br />

B-Complex Vitamin Supplement Avoid<br />

these because they may encourage tumor growth<br />

in some men.<br />

Calcium If any concern exists about bone<br />

health, take calcium supplements (1000 to 1500<br />

mg/day) but those with a history <strong>of</strong> calcium stones<br />

need to take calcium citrate.<br />

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) May provide a<br />

slight benefit in reducing the side effects <strong>of</strong> cholesterol-lowering<br />

drugs, otherwise there is no need to take<br />

an individual coQ10 supplement.<br />

Flaxseed or Soy Most <strong>of</strong> the research is with<br />

the food sources (powder or protein powder) so<br />

stay away from the dietary supplements.<br />

Ginger One <strong>of</strong> the best dietary supplements to<br />

take (500-1000 mg/day) to reduce nausea during<br />

and after chemotherapy.<br />

Glucosamine or Pycnogenol Taken for<br />

osteoarthritis has a very good safety record. Now<br />

available in liquid options, but has no evidence in<br />

prostate cancer treatment.<br />

Green Tea (Supplements) Skip the supplements<br />

(has no research) and drink green tea. It has<br />

zero calories, a moderate amount <strong>of</strong> healthy caffeine,<br />

an anti-stress compound (L-theanine), and other<br />

healthy nutrients. Can be consumed hot or cold.<br />

Korean Red Ginseng or MACA These two<br />

components have very good preliminary data to<br />

improve sexual health (erectile function/libido) in<br />

men and potentially women, but there are serious<br />

quality control issues, so try to find a reputable<br />

company.<br />

Lutein and Zeaxanthin These eye health supplements<br />

may help those with macular degeneration<br />

but have no evidence in prostate cancer.<br />

Multivitamin Take 1 pill a day maximum (children’s<br />

dosage is best).<br />

Niacin (vitamin B) One <strong>of</strong> the only B-vitamins<br />

that some individuals need to take in larger amounts<br />

in an over-the-counter or prescription form to increase<br />

HDL and lower triglycerides. Stay away<br />

from “no flush” niacin and just use “immediaterelease”<br />

or prescription extended release niacin, if<br />

needed at all.<br />

Panax Quinquefolius Also known as American<br />

Ginseng, this dietary supplement (1000-2000<br />

mg/day) has helped some patients reduce their fatigue<br />

and improve energy levels during chemotherapy<br />

or other cancer treatments. Should not be taken<br />

during localized prostate cancer treatment because<br />

it may have blood thinning effects.<br />

Probiotics “healthy bacteria” Should be<br />

avoided by most cancer patients because <strong>of</strong> lack<br />

<strong>of</strong> research. Getting lots <strong>of</strong> fiber already gives you<br />

healthy bacteria. The only exception to my avoid-it<br />

rule is with bladder cancer or bladder health. There,<br />

clinical trials find that a type <strong>of</strong> healthy bacteria<br />

from yogurt may provide a treatment benefit.<br />

Resveratrol <strong>This</strong> so-called anti-aging compound<br />

is sold as a supplement, but red wine is<br />

actually the best source <strong>of</strong> this compound.<br />

Selenium Stay away from individual supplements.<br />

Enough is provided by a low-dose multi vitamin.<br />

Statin (lowers cholesterol) Not a supplement,<br />

but rather a prescription medication that should be a<br />

consideration for anyone with prostate cancer who<br />

is not able to lower cholesterol and hs-CRP blood<br />

test enough using diet and exercise alone.<br />

Vitamin C Get it from a multivitamin. Higher<br />

amounts (500-1000 mg/day) can be obtained for<br />

immune health (colds) but try to take a non-acidic<br />

form if you are concerned about side effects.<br />

Vitamin D Take about 800-1000 (25 mcg) <strong>of</strong><br />

vitamin D3 (also known as “cholecalciferol”)<br />

every day on average. You can get a vitamin D<br />

blood test to see how much vitamin D you need.<br />

Vitamin E Do not take this supplement by itself<br />

in any form right now. Just get your vitamin<br />

E from food and a multivitamin.<br />

Whey Protein Can be taken as a powdered drink<br />

supplement (never as a pill) for any man needing<br />

more high-quality protein for health, weight loss,<br />

and to support muscle health.<br />

Zinc There is no need to take an individual zinc<br />

supplement (prostate unhealthy). Just get it in<br />

your multivitamin.<br />

44 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Vision Bank is now<br />

Centennial Bank.<br />

More than just financially strong, Centennial Bank <strong>of</strong>fers the same friendly, communityfocused<br />

service you’ve come to trust in the Panhandle. Now there’s just more <strong>of</strong> it. With<br />

free instant-issue debit cards, free ATMs nationwide, and over 35 convenient locations. We<br />

think you’ll find it’s banking that comes to you.

Dr. Ed Wright, who was FSU PC’s Dean during<br />

her tenure, remembers Vickie as the face<br />

<strong>of</strong> the university in the community. “Vickie<br />

was an invaluable resource because <strong>of</strong> her<br />

connections with—and knowledge <strong>of</strong>—the<br />

many organizations and non-pr<strong>of</strong>its she was<br />

involved with.” Gainer also advised the<br />

leadership team on communications strategy,<br />

coordinated the University’s public message<br />

and all marketing efforts while working extensively<br />

with the enrollment management<br />

and the development <strong>of</strong>fice. “Vickie was the<br />

voice in the Dean’s council for what was best<br />

for the community,” notes Dr. Wright. Before<br />

being promoted to the communications director<br />

position, her eye for detail and creative lens<br />

helped her to execute duties as the University’s<br />

special events coordinator for three years.<br />

Gainer says some <strong>of</strong> her greatest lessons and<br />

experiences have come from working in the<br />

not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it world, and feels working with<br />

at-risk children and struggling families made<br />

her a better person. She worked as the Parent<br />

Involvement/Volunteer Coordinator for the<br />

Bay County Headstart Program, where her<br />

focus was to inspire parents, help empower<br />

their lives and assist them in meeting their<br />

career potentials. She also trained parents<br />

and staff on how to effectively communicate.<br />

“I wanted to make a difference,” she<br />

says. “To make a difference, I believe you<br />

must love people and love what you do—no<br />

matter what your pr<strong>of</strong>ession may be.”<br />

Gainer, the daughter <strong>of</strong> a Baptist Preacher<br />

and whose mother was a missionary, is the<br />

sixth <strong>of</strong> eight siblings, was born and raised<br />

in Alabama. Her parent’s <strong>of</strong> modest means,<br />

but strong faith in God, taught her to love<br />

God and be committed to the task, no matter<br />

how tough it may seem. Gainer earned her<br />

bachelor’s degree in mass communications<br />

from the University <strong>of</strong> Montevallo in 1981<br />

and received her master’s degree from Florida<br />

State University in Corporate and Public<br />

Communication. She has completed several<br />

Public Policy Institute through the Kellogg<br />

Foundation and is a certified facilitator.<br />

Over the years, Gainer has served her community<br />

well—demonstrating a passionate<br />

commitment to the welfare and betterment <strong>of</strong><br />

Bay County. In 2006 Gainer was recognized<br />

as a “Notable Nole” by the FSU PC University<br />

Alumni Office. She has served on the<br />

Boys and Girls Club Board <strong>of</strong> Directors,<br />

the Women <strong>of</strong> Destiny Board <strong>of</strong> Directors,<br />

United Way Board <strong>of</strong> Directors and chair <strong>of</strong><br />

United Way Communications committee--<br />

developing numerous United Way campaign<br />

videos and marketing campaigns. She has<br />

been an active in the community, serving as<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> the Leadership Bay Steering<br />

Committee, chair <strong>of</strong> the Bay County <strong>Chamber</strong>’s<br />

Public Relations committee, a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Bay County <strong>Chamber</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors,<br />

and a past member <strong>of</strong> the Florida Public<br />

Relations Association <strong>of</strong> Tallahassee. Gainer’s<br />

current memberships include member<br />

and president-elect <strong>of</strong> the Northside Rotary,<br />

Early Education and Care Board <strong>of</strong> Directors,<br />

corresponding secretary and Silver Star<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority<br />

Inc., local chapter Xi Omicron Omega Chapter<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

She is married to Harry Gainer Jr., and they<br />

have two children and four grandchildren.<br />

Gainer is very committed to her faith and<br />

her church at the St. John Missionary Baptist<br />

Church, where she served as the Children’s<br />

Ministry Coordinator for many years. She<br />

currently teaches the Senior Women’s Sunday<br />

School Class, and is the co-coordinator<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Pastor’s Aide Ministry.<br />

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46 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 47

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THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 49

Committee Updates<br />


Navigator<br />

“Communication Among Generations,”<br />

a very pertinent subject<br />

in today’s business environment,<br />

was discussed at the first Lunch &<br />

Learn <strong>of</strong> the year on January 25 by<br />

David Balmer, Emerald Coast Representative<br />

for Dale Carnegie Training. The workforce<br />

currently consists <strong>of</strong> four generations:<br />

Veterans (born 1945 and prior), Baby<br />

Boomers, (1946-1964), Gen X-ers (1965-<br />

1980) and Millennials (1981-1994). Each<br />

generation has their own preferred method<br />

<strong>of</strong> communicating, and as business leaders<br />

we need to identify these styles and develop a<br />

plan to build stronger lines <strong>of</strong> communications<br />

among the generations. The workshop took<br />

place at Gulf Coast State College and was<br />

presented by Southwest Airlines.<br />

On February 22, Brandon Welch, founder <strong>of</strong><br />

ClicksCrazy.com, presented “Be Listed, Be<br />

Social, Be Happy.” Do you know all the best<br />

(many free) ways to promote your website<br />

and draw more traffic? Brandon explained<br />

how to take advantage <strong>of</strong> free business listings<br />

and discussed ways to best utilize your social<br />

Charting<br />

the<br />

<br />

Entrepreneurial<br />

networks. <strong>This</strong> Lunch & Learn<br />

was sponsored by Gulf Coast<br />

Chiropractic and Rehab (who has<br />

signed on as the Lunch & Learn<br />

sponsor for all 2012 workshops).<br />

On March 28, Mike Scott, a<br />

partner at Carr, Riggs & Ingram, will present<br />

“2012 Fiscal Fitness Tips.” On April 25, Dr.<br />

Sandy Halvorson, a pr<strong>of</strong>essor at FSU PC, is<br />

back to present “The 10 Commandments <strong>of</strong><br />

Public Speaking.” Both workshops will be<br />

held at Gulf Coast State College.<br />

Cost for Lunch & Learns is $15 for Students<br />

and HYPE members; $20 for <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

members; and $25 for non-members.<br />

Workshops include a catered lunch and preregistration<br />

is required by calling the <strong>Beach</strong><br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> at (850) 235-1159.<br />

Pictured above, left: Navigator co-chair Karen<br />

Blackerby (left) presents the Small Business<br />

Person Award <strong>of</strong> Q4 2011 to Leslie and Dennis<br />

Brown, owners <strong>of</strong> Blue Heron Fine Gifts. Right:<br />

The February 22 Lunch & Learn (from left): Karen<br />

Blackerby; Alison Hoefler from Southwest Airlines,<br />

the event’s presenting sponsor; Brandon Welch<br />

from ClicksCrazy.com; Dr. Wesley Johnson and<br />

James Johnson (Navigator co-chair), both <strong>of</strong> Gulf<br />

Coast Chiropractic & Rehab who sponsored.<br />

Course<br />

for<br />

Business<br />

Small<br />

HYPE: Helping<br />

Young Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Evolve<br />

The <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s HYPE Committee<br />

held a cocktail party to kick <strong>of</strong>f the new<br />

year at Firefly on January 31. Young<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals between the ages <strong>of</strong> 21 and<br />

40 networked and learned about HYPE’s<br />

program <strong>of</strong> work. The committee plans<br />

to hold five social gatherings in 2012, five<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional development luncheons, and<br />

two business or facility tours. The event was<br />

sponsored by Animal Care Center and Gulf<br />

Coast Chiropractic & Rehab.<br />

On February 29, HYPE held a fun social<br />

and fundraiser at Rock’It Lanes, sponsored<br />

by Gulf Coast Chiropractic & Rehab. The<br />

event featured free bowling to support the<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s Education Foundation.<br />

HYPE members had a ball, and bowled all<br />

night. A special Thank You to WJHG News<br />

7 for coming out and covering the event!<br />

To learn more, contact Kristopher@<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org. HYPE events are free for<br />

HYPE members and $5 for non-members.<br />

Pictured above: Heather Russell and Mary Beth<br />

Lovingood at the HYPE Social on February 29.<br />

Stop by the <strong>Chamber</strong> to pick up your Member-to-Member<br />

Privilege Card. Look for<br />

a Special Business Deal each week on the<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> Buzz and PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org, <strong>of</strong>fering a<br />

discount or deal to <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> members<br />

when you go in and show them your card.<br />

Education Partnership<br />

CTE educates students to be college- and career- ready and prepares<br />

them for high-wage, high-demand career fields. During the third week<br />

<strong>of</strong> February, the <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s Education Committee, in partnership<br />

with the Bay’s Next Generation Learning Community Council, (Bay<br />

NGLC Council) is bringing guest speakers into the classroom. Many<br />

<strong>of</strong> our community business leaders will share information about their<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essions to help student see what possibilities exist for their own future<br />

in these specific industries.<br />

Lisa Adams, the committee chairperson, sees this as the first <strong>of</strong> many<br />

steps to connect and build a strong partnership between the business<br />

community and the school system. Lisa says, “We are working to pave the way for future<br />

support and collaboration in building Career Academies into the Bay County High Schools.”<br />

50 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012


HYPE Kick<strong>of</strong>f Party January 31, 2012<br />

1. From left: Chris Bishop, Matt LeBleu,<br />

Katie Davis and Nicole Van Schoick.<br />

2. From left: Bubba McCants, Nicole<br />

Mincey, Jim Loznicka, Dana Brown and<br />

Michael Sudheimer. 3. Lauren Hanlin<br />

and Jennifer Todd. 4. From left: Kristie<br />

Canaday, Kristen Counts Barr and Tom<br />

Lewis. 5. From left: Mary Beth Lovingood,<br />

Jason Crowe and Elizabeth Crowe.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />


Most Important Meal <strong>of</strong><br />

the Day...<br />

All <strong>of</strong> our lives we have been taught that<br />

<br />

the day!” It’s true! Yet studies show that<br />

41% <strong>of</strong> adults and 34% <strong>of</strong> children skip<br />

breakfast. Skipping breakfast leads to<br />

snacking and grazing on high calorie foods<br />

later in the day to fill that unbearable hunger.<br />

Skipping breakfast also forces your<br />

metabolism to slow down, which leads to<br />

weight gain. We each have the potential to<br />

improve energy balance and weight control<br />

with healthy breakfast consumption.<br />

Parents: Get up a few minutes earlier and<br />

feed your kids a healthy breakfast before<br />

school. <strong>This</strong> can be something as simple<br />

as a couple <strong>of</strong> hard boiled eggs and a slice<br />

<strong>of</strong> toast with natural peanut butter. If you<br />

have time to go out to eat in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong> in the mornings, our area provides<br />

some fabulous options. Liza’s Kitchen is<br />

a quaint little café that prides themselves<br />

on providing a healthy yet tasty breakfast.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the choices there include the<br />

BLAT…a bacon, lettuce, avocado, tomato<br />

sandwich on whole wheat toast, or Shrimp<br />

& Grits...yum! At Mike’s Diner you can<br />

order Scrambled Egg Whites and fresh<br />

fruit. Another Broken Egg has a wonderful<br />

Egg White Omelet that you can stuff with<br />

your favorite veggies. And if you are an<br />

early riser, try filling a picnic basket with<br />

some Greek yogurt, granola and fruit and<br />

a thermos full <strong>of</strong> fresh c<strong>of</strong>fee. Then grab<br />

a blanket and head down to The World’s<br />

Most Beautiful <strong>Beach</strong>es and spread your<br />

blanket on that beautiful white sand. Fill<br />

your cups with c<strong>of</strong>fee, make fresh parfaits<br />

with your yogurt, granola and fruit...and<br />

enjoy each other’s company while watching<br />

the sunrise.<br />

However you decide to start your day, remember<br />

that our parents were right; we<br />

should never skip breakfast. It seems the<br />

older we get, the wiser we get. By age 55,<br />

71% eat breakfast every day; by age 65,<br />

83% eat breakfast every day. The favorite<br />

breakfast in my house: an egg white omelet<br />

cooked in coconut oil, topped with a diced<br />

plum tomato, ½ avocado diced, some sea<br />

salt and freshly ground pepper, served with<br />

a slice <strong>of</strong> Ezekial toast on the side. Quick,<br />

easy, and delish! By Kristy McKinney<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 51

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Haircuts<br />

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52 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Fit&Fab<br />

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The Fit Devil<br />


Bridal packages are designed to get you the body<br />

you’ve always wanted on the day you’ve always<br />

dreamed about. All workouts are customized for each<br />

bride, and your unique program will be based on your<br />

unique needs. Contact Jennifer at (850) 238-0431<br />

or visit theFitDevil.com.<br />

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Contact Kimberly Bartoli at (850) 814-7526 or visit<br />

Elegant-Beginnings.com.<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 53

Around Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government<br />

Community Update<br />

Mayor Gayle F. Oberst<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

While most <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nation is struggling<br />

to recover, <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> is seeing<br />

some movement in<br />

commercial development.<br />

Target is<br />

undergoing a renovation<br />

and now will<br />

include a grocery<br />

section/store, Mc-<br />

Donald’s on Front <strong>Beach</strong> Road had a grand<br />

reopening after extensive renovation, and<br />

Burger King on <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Parkway<br />

is in the process <strong>of</strong> remodeling.<br />

The Wicked Wheel, Hardees and Matty’s<br />

Irish Pub are opening in the spring. The<br />

Wicked Wheel is owned by the Buskells and<br />

the décor features antique cars and motorcycles.<br />

It is located on Hutchison Blvd. The<br />

Pub is at the west junction <strong>of</strong> Front and Middle<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> Roads. The new medical facility<br />

located in Breakfast Point is open. Dr. Jon<br />

Ward hosted a ground breaking for his new<br />

dermatology clinic <strong>of</strong>f Clara and Back <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Road. Planning to break ground during the<br />

spring are Harley Davidson Motorcycles,<br />

Pier Park North Mall, Wal-Mart Super Center,<br />

Whataburger, and Express Oil.<br />

The <strong>City</strong> is moving forward with building<br />

a new stage, restrooms, and parking/soccer<br />

fields at Aaron Bessant Park. The renovations<br />

are being financed by the Tourist Development<br />

Council. New policies for using<br />

the park are being put in place so the number<br />

attending, noise levels, time and number <strong>of</strong><br />

usage can better be controlled.<br />

Staff and <strong>of</strong>ficials have been working with<br />

the West Florida Planning Council and Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Transportation (DOT) and have<br />

gotten the six-laning <strong>of</strong> Back <strong>Beach</strong> Road<br />

moved up in priorities. Once installed along<br />

PCB Parkway, a high speed technology<br />

system will increase the traffic efficiency<br />

approximately 20-25%. The turn lane onto<br />

South Nautilus will be extended to the Surfside<br />

school driveway and assist in eliminating<br />

stacking problems. DOT is planning to<br />

install sidewalks on the north and south side<br />

<strong>of</strong> Back <strong>Beach</strong> Road from Frank Brown Park<br />

to Alf Coleman.<br />

Hiring Florida’s Heroes<br />

Kim Bodine, Executive Director<br />

Gulf Coast Workforce Board<br />

With approximately<br />

17 percent <strong>of</strong> returning<br />

soldiers and<br />

airmen looking for<br />

work, the Gulf Coast<br />

Workforce Board<br />

along with workforce<br />

leaders across<br />

the state are encouraging<br />

employers to<br />

strongly consider<br />

hiring veterans for their open positions.<br />

“Today’s veterans bring unique skills and<br />

experience to the civilian workforce. Their<br />

advanced training and ability to adapt to new<br />

circumstances make them excellent employees,”<br />

said Kim Bodine, Executive Director<br />

for the Gulf Coast Workforce Board.<br />

Recently, Governor Rick Scott joined business<br />

leaders and veteran organizations to<br />

launch Hiring Florida’s Heroes, a yearlong<br />

campaign aimed at promoting the availability<br />

<strong>of</strong> these returning veterans to Florida’s<br />

employers and connecting employers with a<br />

variety <strong>of</strong> resources to assist in the hiring process.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> those resources is the new Employ<br />

Florida Marketplace hotline for employers<br />

interested in hiring veterans. Through the<br />

hotline employers can connect with a local<br />

workforce specialist that can assist employers<br />

by posting job listings, assembling lists<br />

<strong>of</strong> qualified candidates and answering questions<br />

about available training options among<br />

other services.<br />

For more information, please visit veterans.employflorida.com<br />

or call the Employ<br />

Florida Marketplace hotline toll-free at (866)<br />

352-2345.<br />

FSU PC 30 th Anniversary<br />

Dr. Ken Shaw, Dean<br />

FSU <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

At FSU <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> we begin<br />

2012 with a special<br />

reason to celebrate.<br />

<strong>This</strong> year we mark<br />

the 30th anniversary<br />

<strong>of</strong> FSU <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>. <strong>This</strong> anniversary<br />

provides us<br />

with the opportunity<br />

to reflect upon<br />

our history and the tremendous support<br />

that has been given to our campus from<br />

our community. It is also the perfect time<br />

to plan for the future to ensure that FSU<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> is a campus that continues to<br />

excel in meeting the unique educational<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> our community by providing affordable,<br />

high quality education for future<br />

generations <strong>of</strong> students.<br />

In 1982, FSU <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> was established<br />

with five faculty members, six administrative<br />

staff and approximately 560 students.<br />

To meet the anticipated higher education<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> our community, the Bay County<br />

Commission in 1975, 1981 and 1987 donated<br />

a total <strong>of</strong> 25 acres <strong>of</strong> prime waterfront<br />

property that has been developed<br />

into a place where now over 1,200 students<br />

come each week in pursuit <strong>of</strong> their<br />

higher education and career goals. On behalf<br />

<strong>of</strong> our graduates and current students,<br />

we thank these past members <strong>of</strong> the Bay<br />

County Commission for their leadership<br />

and foresight. We also thank the thousands<br />

<strong>of</strong> businesses, individuals and organizations<br />

who have so generously supported<br />

our campus and the students we serve for<br />

the past three decades.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the most important things to celebrate<br />

during this special year is that since<br />

1982 FSU <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> has granted degrees<br />

to nearly 6,000 alumni. Approximately<br />

75% <strong>of</strong> these alumni are living and<br />

working in the communities <strong>of</strong> Northwest<br />

54 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Around Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government<br />

Florida. These FSU <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> alumni<br />

have made and continue to make an important<br />

contribution to the workforce and<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> life in our immediate community<br />

and Northwest Florida.<br />

Throughout the past 30 years, FSU <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> has adapted successfully to new<br />

challenges by expanding and anticipating<br />

new education opportunities. For example,<br />

over the last five years, we have<br />

had a concerted effort to increase STEM<br />

education in middle and high school students<br />

and teachers. The community is<br />

now reaping the rewards. Approximately<br />

20% <strong>of</strong> our students enroll in a STEM major.<br />

Particularly noteworthy is that 74% <strong>of</strong><br />

our electrical engineering graduates work<br />

in Bay County and an astounding 94% <strong>of</strong><br />

our civil engineering graduates have found<br />

employment in Northwest Florida.<br />

As we start 2012, we hope you will join<br />

us in celebrating the success <strong>of</strong> our graduates,<br />

students and campus and the potential<br />

FSU <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> represents for our community<br />

and region. During the next three<br />

decades, we pledge to remain focused on<br />

meeting the future higher education needs<br />

<strong>of</strong> our students, community and state by<br />

providing the highest quality education<br />

possible. With over 22 bachelor’s and<br />

master’s degree programs, we would love<br />

the opportunity to talk with you about your<br />

future and how we might be able to serve<br />

you. Check us out at pc.fsu.edu.<br />

Gulf Coast State College<br />

Update<br />

Dr. Jim Kerley, President<br />

Gulf Coast State College<br />

By stepping boldly<br />

into the future,<br />

Gulf Coast State<br />

College continues<br />

to improve the<br />

educational opportunities<br />

in this<br />

region. Education<br />

certainly opens<br />

doors to more employment<br />

opportunities<br />

and knowledge shapes the future for<br />

a new set <strong>of</strong> dynamic industries. As these<br />

different sectors evolve to become more<br />

high-tech and employers struggle to find<br />

skilled workers, GCSC is building new<br />

partnerships with the community through<br />

the Advanced Technology Center (ATC).<br />

The ATC will showcase new ideas through<br />

unique educational and workforce programs<br />

focused on innovation acceleration,<br />

market intelligence, technology commercialization<br />

and entrepreneurialism.<br />

Businesses with global vision, and the numerous<br />

jobs that will be created in the next<br />

five years, will require an education that goes<br />

beyond a high school diploma. Clearly, we<br />

must go further and sustain the most innovative<br />

and adaptable workforce our area<br />

can provide. An increase in the number <strong>of</strong><br />

engineers and technicians across Science,<br />

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics<br />

(STEM) disciplines will evolve as the ATC<br />

actively partners with area businesses and<br />

universities in <strong>of</strong>fering unique educational<br />

pathways. The ATC will allow STEM education<br />

to transform the conventional teachercentered<br />

classroom into a curriculum driven<br />

by problem-solving, discovery, exploration<br />

and active learning.<br />

Transforming Northwest Florida’s sustainability<br />

through economic growth and preserving<br />

our environment are key missions <strong>of</strong><br />

the ATC. A prime example will be the Renewable<br />

and Alternative Energy Technology<br />

Laboratory. <strong>This</strong> real-world lab will engage<br />

students to think outside the box and allow<br />

them to gain knowledge and experience related<br />

to renewable energy systems and alternative<br />

fuels. Students will integrate and<br />

participate with the concepts <strong>of</strong>fered at the<br />

ATC with full support by anchor sponsors<br />

and industry/business partners.<br />

Today’s students have never known a world<br />

without technology such as the Internet and<br />

smart phones, and educators must adapt to<br />

the complexity <strong>of</strong> the next generation. Not<br />

only is the ATC all about technology and innovation,<br />

the unique concept allows students<br />

to gain an education, credentials and experience<br />

right here without having to move away.<br />

The ATC <strong>of</strong>fers a brighter and clearer future<br />

for the host <strong>of</strong> students not currently served<br />

in career and technical education, creating a<br />

new sector <strong>of</strong> the American workforce capable<br />

<strong>of</strong> taking applied technology to pr<strong>of</strong>itable<br />

market endeavors in record time.<br />

“Without continual growth and progress,<br />

such words as improvement, achievement<br />

and success have no meaning.” (Benjamin<br />

Franklin) Gulf Coast State College’s faculty<br />

and staff share a commitment to making<br />

a difference in lives through learning and<br />

community engagement. Visit gulfcoast.edu/<br />

ATC to stay up-to-date on the ATC, where<br />

education, business and innovation thrive!<br />

Troy Update<br />

Lisa Kitto, Site Director, Troy University<br />

<strong>This</strong> year, Troy<br />

University will<br />

mark 125 years <strong>of</strong><br />

service to students<br />

in Alabama, across<br />

the U.S. and around<br />

the world with celebrations<br />

and special<br />

events at its campuses<br />

and sites worldwide.<br />

A worldwide<br />

125th birthday celebration was held on Feb.<br />

24, with simultaneous events conducted on<br />

the campuses in Troy, Dothan, Montgomery<br />

and Phenix <strong>City</strong>, along with other national<br />

and international sites. Joining in the festivities<br />

the local TROY site in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> recognized<br />

the milestone with a party attended<br />

by current students and alumni, faculty, and<br />

staff members and their families. The Troy<br />

Campus celebration was broadcast live online<br />

via the University’s website—www.troy.<br />

edu which allowed TROY alumni and fans<br />

everywhere a chance to participate.<br />

As a part <strong>of</strong> the yearlong celebration, the University<br />

has launched a special website, www.<br />

troy.edu/troy125, which includes a history <strong>of</strong><br />

the University with an interactive timeline,<br />

information on upcoming events related to<br />

the anniversary, and an opportunity to make<br />

a gift to TROY online. Visitors to the site can<br />

also share how Troy University has touched<br />

their lives by submitting personal stories,<br />

photos and videos.<br />

“It is an exciting time in the life <strong>of</strong> Troy University,”<br />

said Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Chan-<br />

<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 55

Around Town<br />

<br />

Candidates<br />

Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government<br />

cellor. “Of the 100 colleges founded in our<br />

founding year <strong>of</strong> 1887, 27 are now defunct.<br />

Troy University has thrived because we<br />

stand on the rock <strong>of</strong> our founding principles.<br />

The University’s motto in 1887, ‘Educate the<br />

mind to think, the heart to feel and the body<br />

to act,’ remains just as true today.”<br />

For more information about Troy University,<br />

please give us a call at 747-0634. We are<br />

proud to be one <strong>of</strong> the institutions available<br />

in this wonderful community to serve the<br />

educational needs <strong>of</strong> our area residents.<br />

Bay EDA Update<br />

Neal Wade, Executive Director<br />

Bay County Economic Development<br />

Alliance<br />

At the January investors<br />

meeting,<br />

the EDA unveiled<br />

a vision map for<br />

the organization in<br />

2012. The staff will<br />

focus this year on<br />

working with strategic<br />

partners to<br />

enable Bay County<br />

to create new, quality<br />

jobs while sustaining and growing the<br />

existing economic base. To reach this vision,<br />

goals have been set to (1) build an<br />

investor base that supports aggressive job<br />

creation; (2) reaffirm partner alliances to<br />

maximize mutual goals; (3) establish effective<br />

communication vehicles with investors,<br />

partners, prospects and media; (4)<br />

repackage the toolbox to effectively market<br />

assets including workforce training,<br />

infrastructure, available sites and quality<br />

<strong>of</strong> life; (5) establish and communicate the<br />

Bay brand to site consultants and target<br />

companies through enhanced marketing<br />

tools; (6) set accountability measures to<br />

ensure stakeholders receive strong return<br />

on investment; and (7) define appropriate<br />

roles for successful job creation.<br />

Staff has been marketing Bay County and<br />

its assets to decision makers across the<br />

United States through a variety <strong>of</strong> outlets.<br />

First, we participated in the first-ever Site<br />

Selectors Guild Conference held in Orlando.<br />

The Guild is a pr<strong>of</strong>essional association<br />

comprised <strong>of</strong> the world’s most respected<br />

site selection consultants. As the aviation/<br />

aerospace industry is one <strong>of</strong> our target industries<br />

for recruitment, the EDA also participated<br />

in the Heli Expo in Dallas, Texas.<br />

It is the world’s largest tradeshow dedicated<br />

to the international helicopter community.<br />

Outside <strong>of</strong> the special trade show events,<br />

staff continues to respond to a number <strong>of</strong><br />

inquiries received from Enterprise Florida<br />

and Florida’s Great Northwest as well as<br />

direct inquires.<br />

As part <strong>of</strong> our new approach, the EDA has<br />

scheduled its investors meeting on the second<br />

Wednesday <strong>of</strong> each month at 8:30 am<br />

at Florida State University <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

The meetings are open to the public. To<br />

confirm a meeting date and time, please<br />

call our <strong>of</strong>fice at (850) 215-9965.<br />

TDC/CVB Update<br />

Susan Estler, Vice President Marketing<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> CVB<br />

Our beautiful<br />

sugar-white sand<br />

beaches have long<br />

been the number<br />

one reason for<br />

visitors to come<br />

to <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Beach</strong>. Fresh Gulf<br />

seafood is a close<br />

second. Culinary<br />

<strong>of</strong>ferings are an<br />

important factor for tourists selecting a<br />

vacation destination and here they can<br />

find cuisine to please all palates. We have<br />

hosted many respected journalists and they<br />

have all been impressed by the culinary<br />

talent found in <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>. In addition<br />

to the mouthwatering menus, they<br />

are also enamored by the unique restaurant<br />

atmospheres and warm hospitality found<br />

throughout the community.<br />

<br />


Call the <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> and sign up to<br />

receive the <strong>Beach</strong> Buzz, the <strong>Chamber</strong>’s<br />

weekly electronic newsletter covering<br />

Business and Charity Events, Workshops,<br />

Social Outings, Community Meetings.<br />

850.235.1159<br />

Forum<br />

For the <strong>City</strong> Council <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Moderated by Tom Lewis <strong>of</strong><br />

WJHG News 7<br />

Mayoral, Ward 2 & Ward 4<br />

Candidates<br />

Tuesday, March 27<br />

4:00 PM<br />

Edgewater <strong>Beach</strong><br />

& Golf Resort<br />

Presented by the <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>’s<br />

Governmental Affairs Committee:<br />

Robert Carroll, Chairman<br />

Griff Griffitts<br />

Ryan Davis<br />

Jeff DiBenedictis<br />

Dave Trepanier<br />

Anthony DuBose<br />

David Powell<br />

56 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Members & Ambassadors<br />

Membership Update<br />

Cyndi Ainsworth<br />

Membership Services<br />

While working<br />

closely with new<br />

members, I am <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

asked, “What should<br />

I wear to networking<br />

events?” Luckily,<br />

we live in Florida,<br />

where the dress<br />

code is almost as<br />

relaxed as the beach<br />

attitude. A general<br />

rule <strong>of</strong> thumb though, is to wear what you<br />

would normally wear in front <strong>of</strong> customers,<br />

whether that is a suit or khakis and a polo shirt<br />

with your company logo. Now if you work<br />

for a beach service, you may want to leave the<br />

swimsuit and flip-flops at home and dress up<br />

a bit or you will have the rest <strong>of</strong> us skipping<br />

work and following you to the beach. The<br />

key is projecting the right image and looking<br />

smart and pr<strong>of</strong>essional while doing it.<br />

When choosing what to wear to an event,<br />

think about where you will keep your business<br />

cards, an outfit with pockets is a good<br />

choice since briefcases and handbags can<br />

become an annoyance while working the<br />

room and, especially so, if you are checking<br />

out the buffet. It is also a good idea to invest<br />

in a business card case; this will keep your<br />

cards fresh and free <strong>of</strong> debris. I actually carry<br />

two card cases, one for my own cards and<br />

the other for the business cards that are given<br />

to me; this enables easy organization <strong>of</strong> new<br />

contacts after an event.<br />

Have you ever been confused by “attire”<br />

when invited to an event? We all have heard<br />

<strong>of</strong> “Business Casual,” but do we actually<br />

know what this term means? Here is our attempt<br />

to decode the dress code.<br />

Business Casual: Most local <strong>of</strong>fices<br />

are leaning towards this type <strong>of</strong> dress; it is<br />

more relaxed than a suit but still pr<strong>of</strong>essional.<br />

Khaki’s for men with a polo or button-down<br />

shirt and dress pants, skirts and casual dresses<br />

for women.<br />

Business/Corporate: Wear a pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

suit.<br />

Cocktail: Dress slacks with a button-down<br />

Grand Opening <strong>of</strong> Dick’s Last Resort on February 6, with<br />

(from left) Cyndi Ainsworth and Skip Alford.<br />

shirts for men, and ladies: this is the perfect<br />

excuse to bring out your Little Black Dress or<br />

Cocktail dress. Trendy attire is acceptable.<br />

Semi-Formal After Five:<br />

<strong>This</strong> attire is slightly dressier than<br />

cocktail, which requires men to<br />

wear a suit with tie and women<br />

may wear any type <strong>of</strong> elegant<br />

dress or pantsuit.<br />

Black Tie: <strong>This</strong> dress code<br />

refers to almost all formal occasions<br />

after 6 PM, where tuxedos<br />

and floor length gowns will surely<br />

dominate.<br />

Now that you are “dressed for<br />

success” and feeling confident,<br />

it’s time to start networking! The<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers many varieties<br />

<strong>of</strong> networking events so chamber members<br />

can connect with each other on a regular<br />

basis. Whether you are networking, prospecting<br />

or socializing, you and your business will<br />

thrive from involvement in <strong>Chamber</strong> events.<br />

<br />

Ambassador Update<br />

Ramon Duvall<br />

Ambassador<br />

Chairman<br />

The first quarter <strong>of</strong><br />

the year has quickly<br />

passed, and the Ambassador<br />

Team has<br />

been in a whirlwind<br />

<strong>of</strong> activity. With the<br />

opening <strong>of</strong> the many<br />

new businesses in Pier Park and other<br />

locations on and <strong>of</strong>f the beach, we’ve<br />

hardly had time to catch our breath.<br />

It is always exciting to celebrate with<br />

the proud owners <strong>of</strong> new businesses at<br />

their Grand Openings. Their justifiable<br />

pride in seeing their “dream come true”<br />

is an inspiration to us all.<br />

As we feature the many fine restaurants<br />

available to us in this area, allow me to<br />

highlight one <strong>of</strong> our many Ambassador<br />

activities: the Ambassador Lunch. The<br />

Ambassador team meets on the first<br />

and third Fridays <strong>of</strong> every month at<br />

one <strong>of</strong> our excellent local dining establishments<br />

to enjoy networking, good<br />

times, and <strong>of</strong> course, great food! Deals<br />

are made, ideas exchanged, and relationships<br />

Ambassador Lunch at Montego Bay-Edgewater (from left): Nycole<br />

McKissack, Charles Heyman, Ramon Duvall, Marsha Duvall,<br />

Leslie Brashear, Lou Alessandrini and Bea Alessandrini.<br />

established, all in the midst <strong>of</strong> a really exciting<br />

time. If you or your employees are not<br />

currently active in the Ambassador program,<br />

call the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice and sign up today.<br />

It’s easy; it’s fun, and very rewarding.<br />

Congratulations to Nycole McKissack, recipient<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Jean L. Shafer Ambassador <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Year Award for 2011. Nycole is an invaluable<br />

member <strong>of</strong> our team and a leader in our community.<br />

Our lives are enriched by all she does<br />

for the <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

and our community at large.<br />

Ambassadors, thank you for all you do to<br />

make our team a success; it is a pleasure to<br />

work with you. I’ve gotta run…Skip and<br />

Cyndi are adding more to the schedule. I’ll<br />

see you at the next GRAND OPENING!<br />

<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 57

Members New & Renewing <strong>Chamber</strong> Members<br />

New Members<br />

Bays Medical Society<br />

Bob Evans Farms<br />

Branham <strong>Beach</strong> Realty<br />

Carpe Diem Community<br />

Solutions<br />

Classic Carpets Plus Color Tile<br />

Cloud 9 Orchestra<br />

Coastal Impressions Print Shack<br />

Community Bank<br />

D1 Landscape & Irrigation<br />

Draperies To Go<br />

ELJI Services<br />

Emerald Coast Baths dba<br />

REBATH<br />

Emerald HR Solutions<br />

Emerald <strong>View</strong> Management<br />

Fishale Taphouse & Grill<br />

Flagala Hardware<br />

Georgia Tech Research Institute<br />

Home Run Advantage<br />

Huff Homes<br />

Joey Kirkland Insurance<br />

Just Kidding<br />

Konica Minolta Business<br />

Solutions U.S.A.<br />

Mary Kay Consultant<br />

Matty’s Irish Pub<br />

Mindy Barnes Skin Care<br />

Nichols & Associates <strong>of</strong><br />

Bay County<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Pirates<br />

Pat Sabiston<br />

Sharp Carpet & Ceramic Tile<br />

Southern Work Apparel<br />

Surf-Style Retail Management<br />

The Lewis Bear Company<br />

Renewing<br />

Members<br />

Renewals - 1 Year<br />

325th Force Support Squadron<br />

Tyndall AFB<br />

Ashley at Breakfast Point<br />

Bay County Alzheimers Alliance<br />

Bay Point Water Sports<br />

Haney Technical Center<br />

Moore Consulting Group<br />

Seacrest Wolf Preserve<br />

Sheffield Insurance <strong>of</strong> Florida<br />

Vacation Home Manager<br />

Zambelli Fireworks<br />

Renewals - 2 Years<br />

American Heart Association<br />

Appleman & Trucks Law Office P.A.<br />

Comfort Systems USA<br />

Pease & Associates<br />

Smile Specialists Orthodontics<br />

WFSU<br />

Renewals - 3 Years<br />

Emerald Coast Dale Carnegie<br />

Training<br />

Factory Direct Furniture<br />

Firehouse Subs<br />

Hidden Lagoon Super<br />

Racetrack & Golf<br />

Ironman Florida<br />

KAFA Construction<br />

Sponsors <strong>of</strong> Hope<br />

Waste Pro <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Renewals - 4 Years<br />

Buffalo Wild Wings<br />

Camp Gordon Johnston<br />

Associates<br />

Havi-Clean<br />

Lori Bates Interiors<br />

Margaritaville<br />

Massage Envy<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Parrot Head Club<br />

Ron Jon Surf Shop<br />

Sleep Inn & Suites <strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Renewals - 5 Years<br />

First Choice Therapy Services<br />

JC Penney<br />

Larry Mason<br />

The Man in the Sea Museum<br />

Renewals - 6 Years<br />

Beltone Hearing Center<br />

Dr. Myra Reed MD & Associates<br />

Fowhand’s Furniture<br />

JRA Architects<br />

Legacy Boating Club<br />

Time Out Family Sports Grille<br />

Renewals - 7 Years<br />

Bay County Board <strong>of</strong> County<br />

Commissioners<br />

Comfort Suites<br />

Foster Business Interiors<br />

GAC Contractors<br />

Jamison Bedding, Inc.<br />

Renewals - 8 Years<br />

GM Appliance<br />

Retina Specialty Institute<br />

Renewals - 9 Years<br />

Al.com<br />

Collins & Associates<br />

H & R Block<br />

Kerrigan and Merritt<br />

McNeil Carroll Engineering<br />

Scott Ingraham Real Estate Group<br />

Workforce Center<br />

Renewals - 10 Years<br />

American Cancer Society<br />

Emerald Bay Apartments<br />

Louis P. Alessandrini<br />

Northwest FL Surgery Center<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Dental Studio<br />

Thunder <strong>Beach</strong> Productions<br />

Renewals - 11 Years<br />

Boomer Aviation<br />

Renewals - 12 Years<br />

Emerald Coast Hospice<br />

Gulf Coast State College Small<br />

Business Development Center<br />

Mr. Surf’s Surf Shop<br />

Sea Side Villas Condominium<br />

Renewals - 13 Years<br />

Hospitality Depot<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> Radio/Double O<br />

Radio<br />

Pinnacle Port Business Office<br />

Scampy’s<br />

Renewals - 14 Years<br />

<strong>Beach</strong> TV<br />

Renewals - 15 Years<br />

Angelo’s Steak Pit<br />

Muriel T. Ellis<br />

Grease Pro<br />

Renewals - 16 Years<br />

Driftwood Lodge<br />

The Eye Center <strong>of</strong> North Florida<br />

Renewals - 17 Years<br />

Intercity Oz<br />

Renewals - 18 Years<br />

Durden Enterprises II<br />

Gulf Coast State College<br />

Renewals - 19 Years<br />

Lewis Advertising & Distribution<br />

Tyndall Federal Credit Union<br />

Renewals - 21 Years<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Outpatient Surgery and Procedures<br />

• ENT Surgery • General Surgery • Neurosurgery • Ophthalmic Surgery • Gastroenterology<br />

• Neurology Procedures • Orthopedic Surgery • Plastic Surgery • Podiatric Surgery • Retinal Surgery<br />

767 AIRPORT RD. PANAMA CITY, FL 32405 • (850) 747-0400 • www.nwfsc.com<br />

NWFSC is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).<br />

58 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

Members<br />

Ribbon Cuttings<br />

Florida Medical Lab, 1/12<br />

McDonald’s, 1/19<br />

Dick’s Last Resort, 2/6<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Cindy’s Salon & Spa, 2/9<br />

Carillon <strong>Beach</strong> Inn, 2/21<br />

<br />

<br />

Linda Kirk, ABR,GRI<br />

Realtor<br />

linda .kirk@cbunited.com<br />

THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012 59

60 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2012

309 Richard Jackson Boulevard<br />

<strong>Panama</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 32407<br />

PC<strong>Beach</strong>.org<br />


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