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Original - The Preterist Archive


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NAOMI.<br />

of gratitude, and hope, and adoration which the ceremony was<br />

so well calculated to excite ;<br />

and his dignified form and noble<br />

countenance well became the splendid robes in which as an<br />

officiating priest he was attired. Salome looked upon him with<br />

love and veneration; and the proud heart of his daughter<br />

swelled with a pardonable emotion, as with her young companions<br />

she passed before him, and met the affectionate eye of hor<br />

father. Naomi loved both her parents most ardently ;<br />

bat she<br />

looked up to Zadok as to a being of superior nature, whose will<br />

to her was law, and whose slightest word could control all her<br />

wild thoughts and wayward fancies. "Ah," said she to her<br />

mother as she returned to her side beneath the pillared cloisters,<br />

when she had completed the circuit of the court in the solemn<br />

procession, " if my father were but High Priest, or a chief of<br />

one of the parties in Jerusalem, all would yet be well. His<br />

wisdom, and courage, and virtue would surely reconcile all the<br />

disputes which now- cause such tumult, and threaten such<br />

danger to our beloved city and should the Romans dare to<br />

;<br />

bring their legions against our walls, with Zadok for our defender,<br />

and the leader of our troops, how soon would they be<br />

discomfited and driven !<br />

away I almost wish to see their<br />

boasted armies approach, for then would all the rival factions<br />

unite to oppose them, and we should see my father go forth in<br />

the power and protection of the Lord, with the holy band of<br />

priests, to encounter the foe. And then, O my mother ! we<br />

should behold the Messiah coming in the glory of Heaven to<br />

finish the conflict, and to restore to our city and beautiful temple<br />

the majesty and power which once dwelt here. I look round<br />

this gorgeous building, and I see marble pillars and pinnacles<br />

of gold, and carved roofs, and crowded ornaments of precious<br />

materials. But where is the presence of God, which once abode<br />

visibly among his people, to sanctify them, and to separate them<br />

*<br />

from all others ? It has departed from us, and therefore, do<br />

'<br />

the heathen so furiously rage together against us. But it will<br />

return surely his presence will speedily return to us, in the<br />

person of the Messiah, and we shall yet see Jerusalem exalted, to<br />

be the glory of the whole earth."<br />

"God grant it, Naomi," replied her less sanguine mother;<br />

"but I confess I cannot utter my prayers in this temple,<br />

without some awful forebodings that ere long the worship may<br />

be interrupted, and even that fire and sword may lay waste<br />

our beautiful, our rich, our joyous city. I fear that we may<br />

yet have to sink far lower than we are now fallen, and endure<br />

to drink far deeper of the cup of the Lord's vengeance before

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