703. INDIGOFERA HOWELLII Brian Schrire, Susyn Andrews and ...

703. INDIGOFERA HOWELLII Brian Schrire, Susyn Andrews and ...

703. INDIGOFERA HOWELLII Brian Schrire, Susyn Andrews and ...


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Indigofera subverticillata Gagnep. in Lecomte, Not. Syst. 3:120 (1915) nom. illegit.<br />

Type: China, Tibet, Tsé kou, 1200 m, 1912, Abbé J.T. Monbeig s.n. (lectotype<br />

P, [selected here]; isolectotypes A, K, NY, P, GH). See note 1 on page 89.<br />

Indigofera emarginata Y.Y. Fang & C.Z. Zheng in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 21(3): 329<br />

(1983), non Perr. (1830), nec G. Don (1832). Type: China, Yunnan, Deqin,<br />

ca 3200 m, in sylvis montium, T.T. Yü 10074 (holotype SCBI).<br />

Indigofera deqinensis Sanjappa, Taiwania 37(1): 3 (1992), nom. nov., as ‘deginensis’<br />

for I. emarginata Y.Y. Fang & C.Z. Zheng 21(3): 329 (1983).<br />

Indigofera potaninii misapplied (in major part), non Craib. See note 2 below.<br />

Description. Erect spreading shrubs 1–3 m tall (up to 5 m against a wall)<br />

<strong>and</strong> to 3 m wide. Stems single or few from base, becoming many-branched above;<br />

branches angular at first, becoming terete below, sparsely to densely strigose<br />

with appressed, whitish, biramous hairs or glabrescent; reddish-green above<br />

becoming reddish brown with reticulate-striate bark <strong>and</strong> parallel rows of lenticels<br />

below. Stipules 1–4 mm long, deltoid to lanceolate, erect, axillary buds <strong>and</strong><br />

juvenile growth often covered with appressed dark brown hairs. Leaves pinnately<br />

(7)9–17(23)-foliolate, 3–12(15) cm long, including a petiole of (0.5)1–3(4) cm,<br />

the leaves variable in length depending on season <strong>and</strong> age of plants; stipels<br />

c. 1 mm long, filiform, caducous or lacking, small clusters of reddish pearl<br />

body gl<strong>and</strong>s present between leaflets; terminal leaflet 0.8–3(3.5) × 0.3–1.5(2) cm,<br />

±2–3 times as long as wide, obovate to oblong or elliptic, apex acute, rounded<br />

or truncate with a ca 1 mm mucro; laterals often more oblong or elliptic; lamina<br />

sparsely to densely strigose on both surfaces, paler beneath with clear reticulate<br />

venation. Racemes 7–26(30) cm long, ± equalling to twice the length of the<br />

subtending leaf, showy, ± spreading horizontally <strong>and</strong> curving upwards apically<br />

(sometimes semi-pendulous in very long racemes), producing a layered look<br />

through the canopy; peduncle 1–4 cm long (shorter on short shoots), densely (30)<br />

50–150-flowered, bud zone (above open flowers towards apex) c. 5 mm wide,<br />

laxly to densely arranged in narrow ‘rat-tails’, characteristically darkish in colour<br />

with dark brown hairs on the bracts <strong>and</strong> calyces; bracts 1–2(2.5) mm long, ovate<br />

to lanceolate, acuminate, ± hooded at base, caducous; pedicels 1–2.5(5) mmlong.<br />

Calyx 2–3(4) mm long, strigose to subsericeous with white <strong>and</strong> frequently brown<br />

hairs, reddish, drying dark; lobes narrowly triangular to lanceolate-acuminate<br />

± equalling to twice the length of the tube. Corolla 8.5–10.5 mm long, bright<br />

reddish pink to magenta; st<strong>and</strong>ard 5–6 mm wide, elliptic, dorsal surface densely<br />

puberulent with minute white or greyish hairs, basal blotch white; keel whitish<br />

to pink pubescent towards the apex <strong>and</strong> along upper margin, apex obtuse.<br />

Stamens (6.5)7–8 mm long; ovary appressed pubescent, style ca 2 mm long, bent<br />

1 Indigofera subverticillata is an illegitimate name because it included as one of its syntypes, the<br />

specimen Soulié 870 (K!), collected in 1893 from Tatsienlu (Kangding) in Sichuan, which was<br />

already the holotype of an earlier named species, I. souliei Craib (1913). The Kew holotype of I.<br />

souliei is exclusively this species, but isotypes at P! (seen by Gagnepain) are mixed collections, also<br />

containing specimens of I. howellii (hence their inclusion as a syntype of I. subverticillata Gagnep.).<br />

2 Most material cultivated in Europe which is named Indigofera potaninii belongs to I. howellii,<br />

although less commonly the name has also been misapplied to I. amblyantha Craib <strong>and</strong> I. pendula<br />

Franch. Indigofera potaninii Craib is a synonym of I. szechuensis Craib.<br />

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2011. 89

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