Scaling up HIV programming for men who have sex ... - apcom.org

Scaling up HIV programming for men who have sex ... - apcom.org

Scaling up HIV programming for men who have sex ... - apcom.org


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Commonly used abbreviations and acronyms<br />

ADB .......................... Asian Develop<strong>men</strong>t Bank<br />

AFAO ........................... Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations<br />

AIDS ........................ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome<br />

amfAR....................... American Foundation <strong>for</strong> AIDS Research<br />

APCOM .................... Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health<br />

APN+............................ Asia Pacific Network of People Living with <strong>HIV</strong>/AIDS<br />

APNSW ........................ Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers<br />

ART/ARV ................ antiretroviral therapy or treat<strong>men</strong>t/antiretroviral drugs<br />

ASEAN ..................... Association of Southeast Asian Nations<br />

CBO ......................... community-based <strong>org</strong>anization(s)<br />

CDC .......................... China Centre <strong>for</strong> Disease Control and Prevention<br />

CSO ............................. civil society <strong>org</strong>anization(s)<br />

DFID ......................... Depart<strong>men</strong>t <strong>for</strong> International Develop<strong>men</strong>t (UK)<br />

FHI-ARPO.................... Family Health International - Asia Regional Program Office<br />

FSW.............................. female <strong>sex</strong> workers<br />

GMS.......................... Greater Mekong Sub-region<br />

<strong>HIV</strong> .......................... Human Immunodeficiency Virus<br />

Hivos......................... Humanist Institute <strong>for</strong> Cooperation with Developing Countries<br />

HPI/RTI..................... Health Policy Initiatives/Research Triangle Institute<br />

ICAAP....................... International Congress on AIDS in Asia Pacific<br />

IDU ........................... injection drug user<br />

ILO............................ International Labour Organisation<br />

INGO ........................ international nongovern<strong>men</strong>tal <strong>org</strong>anization(s)<br />

MARP........................... most at risk populations<br />

MSM ........................ <strong>men</strong> <strong>who</strong> <strong>have</strong> <strong>sex</strong> with <strong>men</strong><br />

MSM-GF................... Global Forum on MSM & <strong>HIV</strong><br />

NFI ............................ Naz Foundation International (UK)<br />

NGO ......................... nongovern<strong>men</strong>tal <strong>org</strong>anization(s)<br />

PL<strong>HIV</strong> ...................... person or people living with <strong>HIV</strong> include those with AIDS<br />

PSN ........................... Purple Sky Network<br />

RR ............................. Risks and Responsibilities – International Consultation on Male<br />

Sexual Health and <strong>HIV</strong>/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific<br />

RTI ............................ Research Triangle Institute<br />

STI ............................ <strong>sex</strong>ually transmitted infection(s)<br />

TAF........................... Technical S<strong>up</strong>port Facility<br />

UN ............................ United Nations<br />

UNAIDS ................... Joint United Nations Programme on <strong>HIV</strong>/AIDS<br />

UNAIDS RST AP..... UNAIDS Regional S<strong>up</strong>port Team - Asia and the Pacific<br />

UNDP........................ United Nations Develop<strong>men</strong>t Programme<br />

UNDP RBAP ............ UNDP Regional Bureau Asia and the Pacific<br />

UNESCO ..................... United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural<br />

Organization<br />

UNFPA ..................... United Nations Populations Fund<br />

USAID ...................... United States Agency <strong>for</strong> International Develop<strong>men</strong>t<br />

US-CDC.................... The Centers <strong>for</strong> Disease Control and Prevention (USA)<br />

WHO ........................ World Heath Organization<br />

<strong>Scaling</strong> <strong>up</strong> <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>programming</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>men</strong> <strong>who</strong> <strong>have</strong> <strong>sex</strong> with <strong>men</strong> - the experience in Asia and the Pacific<br />

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