Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology

Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology

Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology


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<strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong> & <strong>Hydrogen</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><br />

<strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong> & <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Energy Conference<br />

Charlie Freese<br />

Executive Director<br />

General Motors<br />

February 14, 2011<br />

Washington D.C.

What comes next?<br />

Sometimes we are just too close<br />


Overview<br />

Perspective<br />

Historical Look at:<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Investment<br />

Infrastructure Investment<br />

What does that mean for us?<br />

What’s Next?

Five Stories from History<br />

Two on <strong>Technology</strong><br />

• Apollo Space Program<br />

• Nuclear Energy Age<br />

Three on Infrastructure

Apollo Space Program<br />

What makes a “moon shot”<br />

Costs & benefits of<br />

technology investments

Technological Innovation<br />

Human travel to the moon has been a long standing dream<br />

Jules Verne novel –“From Earth to the Moon,” 1865

Race to the Moon Begins<br />

Soviet Union’s Space Program Firsts<br />

First Man Made Satellite orbits Earth –October 4, 1957<br />

Yuri Gagarin ‐ First Human in Space –April 12, 1961<br />

Alexei Leonov ‐ First Human Extra‐Vehicular Excursion –March 18,

Technological Innovation – Competition<br />

Clear vision established –May 25, 1961<br />

"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal,<br />

before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning<br />

him safely to the earth."

Technological Innovation<br />

Putting Technological Reach & Risk/Reward into Perspective<br />

What makes a “Moon Shot”<br />

Rapid Technological Advancement<br />

Disruptive <strong>Technology</strong> –Game Changing<br />

Vision for Success –But No Clear Path (means) to the End State<br />

Are fuel cells & hydrogen infrastructure a “Moon Shot?”<br />

Are the costs justified & the rewards worthwhile?

GM Electrovan (1966)<br />

World’s first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle<br />

At this point, commercial hydrogen fuel cells were still a “Moon Shot”

Technological Innovation<br />

When is a trip to the moon, no longer a “Moon Shot?”<br />

7 lunar landings<br />

Saturn V: 363 ft tall; 6.5 Million pounds (fueled by liquid H 2 & O 2 )<br />

Required a 52 story vehicle assembly building<br />

One quarter the height of the Empire State Building<br />

42 ft. longer than the Spruce Goose & 131 ft. longer than Boeing 747<br />

When we have been there and we know we can do it

Vehicle Deployment<br />

Real World Experience<br />

119 Project Driveway Vehicles in 6 Countries<br />

Approaching 2 MILLION accumulated miles<br />

Performed through 3 full winters<br />

20,000 refueling events, 47,000 kg H 2<br />

<strong>Hydrogen</strong> fuel cell vehicles are no longer “Moon Shots”<br />

H 2 <strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong> technology is commercial ready<br />

• Performance proven in field, durability proven in labs<br />

• Cost pathway identified (Comparable to other adv. tech.)

Global H 2 Supply<br />

How much is already there?<br />

Today: > 50,000,000 tons per annum<br />

Others<br />

1%<br />

Chemicals<br />

3%<br />

World car park<br />

Ammonia<br />

50%<br />

Oil<br />

Refining<br />

45%<br />

35%<br />

North America: Oil refinery H 2 alone, could fuel 21 million fuel cell vehicles<br />

A 2% increase in U.S. natural gas would support 10 million fuel cell vehicles<br />

Today’s Global H 2 production could fuel > 300 million fuel cell vehicles

<strong>Hydrogen</strong> Infrastructure<br />

Key Building Blocks Exist

Unintended Benefits –How do you quantify it?<br />

Spin‐Offs from U.S. Space Program<br />

Velcro Infrared Ear Thermometers Enriched Baby Food<br />

Freeze‐dried Food Artificial Limb <strong>Technology</strong> Water Purification<br />

Dustbusters Aircraft Anti‐Icing Systems Tang<br />

Cochlear Implants<br />

Teflon<br />

Solar Energy<br />

Highway Safety – Pavement Grooves<br />

Ventricular Assist Device<br />

<strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Improved Radial Tires<br />

$25.4B - 1974<br />

$125B<br />

(today)<br />

The benefits you seek may turn out to be the tip of the iceberg<br />

Difficult to quantify, but undisputed benefits to society & industry

Relationship between H 2 & Renewables<br />

Case Study –German Wind Energy (2008)<br />

• Renewable energy sources fluctuate<br />

dramatically<br />

• Although solar is more predictable, its<br />

$/kWh is 5X more than wind<br />

• Placing significant wind energy on line<br />

necessitates an energy buffering strategy<br />

‐ otherwise electricity generation costs<br />

can increase<br />

1) DEWI‐Report, 30.6.2008<br />

2) Bundesverband Windenergie e.V., 20.11.2008

<strong>Hydrogen</strong><br />

The Energy Buffer in the Renewable Energy System<br />

8000<br />

Source: KBB underground<br />

(MW)<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

This much could be fed into an<br />

underground hydrogen reservoir<br />

(2 Mio m 3 salt cavern):<br />

600,000 MWh<br />

(equals 3.6 Mio tank fills)<br />

200<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Oct 1 Oct 3 Oct 5 Oct 7 Oct 9 Oct 11 Oct 13<br />

Only hydrogen offers energy storage capacity for several days

<strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong>s & <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Energy Jobs<br />

Most scenarios indicate substantial job creation opportunity<br />

Jobs Created or Retained in H 2<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Jobs Created or Retained in Green Energy<br />

Reference:Jeffrey Greenblatt,Clean Energy 2030<br />

The two largest hydrogen companies are US based. Commensurate<br />

with the above projections, H 2 capacity increase to meet 2020<br />

demand could encourage 200,000 new jobs by 2020 based on DOE<br />

rollout scenarios.<br />

<strong>Fuel</strong> cell jobs expected to be at least as great as those created in the<br />

solar & wind sectors<br />

2010 Industry Review conservatively estimates fuel cell manufacturing will<br />

experience its largest job growth over next 10 years, with almost 700,000<br />

cumulative manufacturing jobs created or retained, globally<br />

Could create more than 1 million new jobs in total, (including fuel cell installation,<br />

servicing, & maintenance).<br />

Expectation is that 25% of those jobs will reside in U.S.

The Dawn of the Nuclear Energy Age<br />

Cost of making a wrong<br />

decision<br />

Once you cross the line, can<br />

you go back?

Nuclear Energy Age Begins –“Uranverein”<br />

Reactor in Haigerloch –Germany April 1939 ‐ 1945<br />

1934 Fermi created radioactive element bombarding Uranium with neutrons, n<br />

Rome<br />

1938 Nuclear Fission Discovered - Otto Hahn & Firtz Strassmann , Berlin<br />

German nuclear program begins April 1939, during World War II<br />

In 1942 it was concluded the technology would not influence the war<br />

Control transferred from the Heereswaffenamt (Army Ordinance Office) to<br />

the Reichsforschungsrat (Reich Research Council)

Nuclear Energy Age Begins –Chicago Pile‐1<br />

University of Chicago –December 2, 1942<br />

$2.4B<br />

$24B (today)<br />

Danger in disregarding critical technologies too quickly<br />

Secret Manhattan Project with $6,000 initial investment for CP‐1<br />

CP‐1 initially ran for 28 minutes –The World was unaware<br />

Project ran through 1947

Technological Arms Race<br />

July 1945 (Trinity)<br />

Letting the genie out of the bottle<br />

Eventually, a single technology developer can no longer set the pace

Ongoing Investment<br />

First Vitrification Plant being built in CA – 2001 to 2019<br />

$12B<br />

(today)<br />

Department of Energy still investing on back‐end, to treat nuclear waste

<strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong> Stack –Pre‐Development Status<br />

Maximizing Cycles of Learning<br />

3.0<br />

2.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.0<br />

Automotive Target<br />

volumetric power density (kW/l)<br />

gravimetric power density (kW/kg)<br />

1997 1998 2000 2003 2004<br />

St 3 ‐ 1997 St 4 ‐ 1998 Stack 2000 S2.1 ‐ 2003<br />

S4 ‐ 2004<br />

2010<br />

Current<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2009<br />

2010<br />

2015+<br />

<br />

Freeze<br />

<br />

Power Density<br />

<br />

Range<br />

<br />

Cost Roadmap<br />

<br />

Durability (in Lab)<br />

Production Cost &<br />

Field Durability<br />

<strong>Fuel</strong> cell technology achieved auto‐competitive power density targets

Five Stories from History<br />

Two on <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Three on Infrastructure<br />

• Transcontinental Railroad<br />

• Trans‐Alaska Pipeline<br />

• Federal Interstate Highway System<br />

GM Proprietary Information

Transcontinental Railroad<br />

Decisiveness is a virtue<br />

Unintended Benefits of<br />


Infrastructure Investment<br />

Transcontinental Railroad ‐ 1869<br />

7 years to approve<br />

6 years to build<br />

$4.6B - 1880<br />

>$300B<br />

(today)<br />

Longer to approve than to execute; Government – Industry collaboration<br />

Broad ranging benefits, credited for accelerating the industrial revolution<br />

Infrastructure investments with Government support changed competitive<br />

landscape for the industrial revolution – but not without debate

Infrastructure Investment<br />

Further High Speed Rail Investments ‐ 2011<br />

$53B<br />

Over 6<br />

years<br />

Passenger rail travel is still not profitable in the United States<br />

Initial $8B proposed investment this year

<strong>Hydrogen</strong> Infrastructure<br />

Germany & Japan Investing Nationally, U.S. Regionally<br />

Plans exist in three major markets<br />

National Academy of Science<br />

• 2015 commercialization possible and desirable<br />

• Recommendation: $ 55B estimated government contribution<br />

$ 40B government buydown of early generation cost penalties to consumers<br />

• Government needs to lead with consistency to reduce market risk<br />

National Development Plan<br />

• 2015 competitiveness established<br />

• €1.4B program budget<br />

METI<br />

• 2015 start commercialization<br />

• Infrastructure leads vehicles<br />

Estimated Savings from switching<br />

from Petroleum to H 2<br />

(1)<br />

$36B per year @ $100/barrel oil<br />

Savings from H 2<br />

<strong>Fuel</strong> <strong>Cell</strong>s in CO 2<br />

(1)<br />

$108B through 2050 @ $120/ton<br />

(1) Council on Competitiveness Nippon

Energy Crisis & Trans‐Alaska Pipeline<br />

Crisis as motivation<br />

Temporary measures versus<br />

front‐end investment

Infrastructure Investment<br />

1970’s Oil Embargo<br />

Crises often cause dramatic action –not necessarily optimal action<br />

Oil shortages fundamentally changed the World’s view of energy<br />

Today ~ 14% of U.S. petroleum comes from Persian Gulf countries

Investment: Trans‐Alaska Oil Pipeline<br />

Built between 1974‐1977<br />

800 miles of pipeline – 48 inches in diameter<br />

Built after the 1973 oil crisis sparked gasoline shortages<br />

$8B<br />

$31B<br />

(today)<br />

08JAN11 ‐ Leak shutdown the Trans‐Alaska pipeline<br />

10 day shutdown depleted Alaska’s stockpile by 50%<br />

18JAN11 ‐ Bypassed & restarted pumping<br />

Event increased oil futures by 4% (largest in 6 weeks)<br />

Temporary “bridge” investment, in response to a crisis (bought time)<br />

Delivers ~11% of U.S. petroleum consumption<br />

2020 – 2032: Could reach minimum sustainable capacity<br />

Then pipeline must be removed –a legal requirement

Hurricane Katrina –May 29, 2005<br />

Crisis<br />

30 oil platforms damaged or destroyed<br />

44 Oil Spills, with Over 7 Million Gallons of Oil Leaked<br />

Nine refineries closed<br />

24% of Gulf oil production affected - 18% of Gulf gas production affected<br />

Not all costs can be computed up‐front<br />

Unexpected events can dramatically influence energy availability<br />

Costs can be substantial<br />

Other oil related costs – CBO estimates the Iraq War cost $1.9 to 2.4T

Gulf Oil Spill of 2010<br />

Crisis<br />

35,000 to 60,000 barrels of oil leaked per day<br />

Oil slick covered 2,500 square miles of ocean surface<br />

Over $32B<br />

July, 2010<br />

Events can negatively influence long term petroleum availability

Two Oil Shocks –One Up & One Down<br />

Commodity Prices Followed Similar Patterns<br />

Automotive Development Period<br />

Price volatility Inhibits technologies that require longer term<br />


Federal Interstate Highway System<br />

Government’s role in<br />

infrastructure investment<br />

Timing is everything

Investment Model<br />

German Autobahn System – 1933<br />

First high speed, limited access road network in the World<br />

Government investment on a national scale<br />

Civilian & Military benefits

Investment<br />

Interstate Highway System ‐ 1956<br />

Started 23 years after Germany completed the Autobahn<br />

1921 ‐ Initial Planning by Bureau of Public Roads & U.S. Army<br />

1944 –Eisenhower influenced by German Autobahn for defense purposes<br />

1956 –Eisenhower signed the Federal – Aid Highway Act of 1956

Investment –Long Term Perspective<br />

Interstate Highway System<br />

Completed with opening of I-70 I<br />

in Glenwood Canyon - 1992<br />

$114B - 1992<br />

$460B<br />

(today)<br />

Government has a role in large, long‐term infrastructure<br />

investments<br />

35 years to complete

U.S. Renewable Resources<br />

• Abundant U.S. renewable resources<br />

• Only a fraction needed to fuel entire<br />

US light duty fleet with H 2 (360<br />

million vehicles by 2050)<br />

• Economics of H 2 from biomass will<br />

be favorable in many regions<br />

• Off‐peak wind is next best<br />

• Low‐cost PV would be game changer<br />

Resource Biomass Solar<br />

PV/CSP)<br />

Theoretical<br />

Potential<br />

395<br />

Million<br />

H 2 cars<br />

21<br />

Billion<br />

H 2 Cars<br />

Wind<br />

1,251<br />

Million<br />

H 2 Cars<br />

Geothermal<br />

270<br />

Million<br />

H 2 Cars

Biomass Pathways<br />

How far can you go on an acre of biomass?<br />

At one time this may have been a valid comparison

How costly is the <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Infrastructure?<br />

Coast‐to‐Coast <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Infrastructure<br />

<strong>Fuel</strong>ing Station & Charging Station Costs ~ $20B to $25B<br />

The costs for a complete national infrastructure are roughly the same

Hawaii – Leveraging Existing Infrastructure<br />

The Road to Hawaii’s <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Highway on Oahu

Why Hawaii?<br />

Early Adopter Fleets ‐ All major branches of the military are present<br />

Commercial fleet customers are present –rental cars<br />

Limited land mass – infrastructure needs are concentrated<br />

Bounded by water<br />

Oahu has ~1 Million cars, but Hawaii has ~7.1 Million<br />

Highest tourists/year<br />

energy costs in the U.S.<br />

Energy costs negatively affect 80% of the goods sold in Hawaii<br />

Nearly all of their energy is imported, but growing renewables<br />

Hawaii is at the point where renewables destabilize grid<br />

Existing H 2 supply – 7,000 kg/day byproduct of gas processing<br />

1,200 miles of existing pipeline for distribution on Oahu

Hawaii –Hawaii <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Initiative Signed<br />

12 Companies, Government Agencies, & Universities<br />

General Motors<br />

The Gas Company<br />

Aloha Petroleum<br />

The U.S. Department of Energy<br />

National Renewable Energy Laboratory<br />

The University of Hawaii<br />

The University of California – Irvine<br />

The U.S. Pacific Command<br />

The County of Hawaii<br />

The State of Hawaii<br />

Louis Berger & Associates<br />

<strong>Fuel</strong><strong>Cell</strong> Energy<br />

Partnership to address infrastructure requirements

<strong>Hydrogen</strong> Infrastructure for Oahu (Illustrative)<br />

20 ‐ 25 Stations could Cover Oahu’s Requirements<br />

At lest 6 stations in<br />

Northwest Oahu<br />

at: Barbers Point<br />

Waianae<br />

Wahiawa<br />

Waialua<br />

Kahuku<br />

Kaaawa<br />

At least 15 stations in<br />

Southeast Oahu Metro Areas<br />

(illustrative placement)<br />

10 miles<br />

Hawaii is an effective launching point for H 2 infrastructure

Five Stories from History<br />

Thoughts about what can we learn?<br />

It is important to put technical reach into perspective<br />

•<strong>Fuel</strong> cells & hydrogen infrastructure are not “moon shots”<br />

We have done difficult things before<br />

•Often it is more important to make a decision & get on with making it<br />

the right decision; rather than studying it to death<br />

Infrastructure investments can pay great dividends<br />

•Often greater than the stated objectives<br />

•The costliest solution is to do nothing<br />

Government often makes large infrastructure investments<br />

•These investments often come in times of crisis<br />

•We can react better by being proactive<br />

•Long term perspective is necessary

What will it take?<br />

Focused execution<br />





What will it take?<br />


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