Copy Set-1 CP Star-2012 XII going [SAT+MAT] - Career Point

Copy Set-1 CP Star-2012 XII going [SAT+MAT] - Career Point

Copy Set-1 CP Star-2012 XII going [SAT+MAT] - Career Point


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Q.13 In the arrangement shown in figure, the sleeve M<br />

of mass m is fixed between two identical spring<br />

whose combined force constant is k. The sleeve<br />

can slide without friction over a horizontal bar<br />

AB. The arrangement rotates with a constant<br />

angular velocity ω about a vertical axis passing<br />

through the middle of the bar. At what value of<br />

ω will there be no oscillations of the sleeve ?<br />

A<br />

M<br />

B<br />

Q.13 fp=k esa n'kkZ;h O;oLFkk esa] m nzO;eku dh Lyho M<br />

nks le:i fLizaxksa ftldk la;qä cy fu;rkad<br />

k gS] ds e/; dlh xbZ gSA Lyho {kSfrt NM+ AB ds<br />

Åij fcuk ?k"kZ.k ds fQly ldrh gSaA O;oLFkk fu;r<br />

dks.kh; osx ω ls NM+ ds e/; ls xqtjus okyh m/oZ<br />

v{k ds lkis{k ?kw.kZu djrh gSA ω ds fdl eku ij<br />

Lyho nksyu ugha djsxh ?<br />

A<br />

M<br />

B<br />

(1) k < mω 2 (2) k < 2mω 2<br />

m<br />

(3) k =<br />

2<br />

ω<br />

(4) None of these<br />

Q.14 The earth receives solar energy at the rate of<br />

2 cal cm 2 per min. Assuming the radiation to be<br />

black body in character, estimate the surface<br />

temperature of the sun. Given that σ = 5.67×10 –8<br />

W/m 2 /K 4 and angular diameter of the sun = 32<br />

min of arc.<br />

(1) 3090 K (2) 5810 K<br />

(3) 3260 K (4) 4150 K<br />

Q.15 Seven identical rods of material of thermal<br />

conductivity k are connected as shown in the<br />

figure. All the rods are of identical length l and<br />

cross-section area A. If the one end B is kept at<br />

100ºC and the other end is kept at 0ºC, what<br />

would be the temperatures of the junctions C, D<br />

and E (θ C , θ D and θ E ) in the steady state ?<br />

C k D<br />

ω<br />

(1) k < mω 2 (2) k < 2mω 2<br />

m<br />

(3) k =<br />

2<br />

ω<br />

(4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha<br />

Q.14 i`Foh 2 cal cm 2 izfr feuV dh nj ij lkSj ÅtkZ<br />

izkIr djrh gSA lw;Z dks d`f".kdk ds :i esa ekurs<br />

gq;s] lw;Z dh lrg dk rki ifjdfyr dhft;sA fn;k<br />

x;k gS σ = 5.67×10 –8 W/m 2 /K 4 rFkk lw;Z dk<br />

dks.kh; O;kl = 32 min of arc gSA<br />

(1) 3090 K (2) 5810 K<br />

(3) 3260 K (4) 4150 K<br />

Q.15 izR;sd k Å"eh; pkydrk okys inkFkZ dh cuh lkr<br />

le:i NM+ksa dks fp=kkuqlkj tksM+k x;k gSA lHkh NM+s<br />

le:i yEckbZ l rFkk vuqizLFk dkV {ks=kQy A dh<br />

gSA ;fn ,d fljs B dks 100ºC ij rFkk nwljs fljs<br />

dks 0ºC ij j[kk tk;s] rks fu;r voLFkk esa lfU/k;ksa<br />

C, D o E (θ C , θ D rFkk θ E ) ds rki D;k gksaxs ?<br />

C k D<br />

ω<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

A k E k<br />

(1) θ E = 50ºC and θ D = 37.5 ºC<br />

(2) θ E = 50ºC, θ C = 62.5ºC and θ D = 37.5ºC<br />

(3) θ E = 50ºC, θ C = 60ºC and θ D = 40ºC<br />

(4) None of these<br />

B<br />

A k E k<br />

(1) θ E = 50ºC rFkk θ D = 37.5 ºC<br />

(2) θ E = 50ºC, θ C = 62.5ºC rFkk θ D = 37.5ºC<br />

(3) θ E = 50ºC, θ C = 60ºC rFkk θ D = 40ºC<br />

(4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha<br />

B<br />

Space for rough work<br />

CAREER POINT, <strong>CP</strong> Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-3040000 Page # 5

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