Dead Souls - Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich.pdf - Cove Systems

Dead Souls - Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich.pdf - Cove Systems

Dead Souls - Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich.pdf - Cove Systems


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Manilovka, and, after driving an additional two<br />

versts, arrived at a spot whence there<br />

branched off a by-road. Yet two, three, or four<br />

versts of the by-road had been covered before<br />

they saw the least sign of a two-storied stone<br />

mansion. Then it was that Chichikov suddenly<br />

recollected that, when a friend has invited one<br />

to visit his country house, and has said that the<br />

distance thereto is fifteen versts, the distance<br />

is sure to turn out to be at least thirty.<br />

Not many people would have admired the<br />

situation of Manilov's abode, for it stood on an<br />

isolated rise and was open to every wind that<br />

blew. On the slope of the rise lay<br />

closely-mown turf, while, disposed here and<br />

there, after the English fashion, were<br />

flower-beds containing clumps of lilac and<br />

yellow acacia. Also, there were a few<br />

insignificant groups of slender-leaved,<br />

pointed-tipped birch trees, with, under two of<br />

the latter, an arbour having a shabby green<br />

cupola, some blue-painted wooden supports,<br />

and the inscription "This is the Temple of

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