DBX900_series_1983_catalog - Preservation Sound

DBX900_series_1983_catalog - Preservation Sound

DBX900_series_1983_catalog - Preservation Sound


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Todoy signol processing ploys o greoter<br />

role in sound production thon ever before,<br />

both in the studio ond on the rood. As o<br />

result, rock spoce is ot o premium. Innovotive<br />

pockoging eliminotes redundont power<br />

supplies, simplifies interconnects, qnd<br />

soves spoce. With this in mind, dbx hos<br />

creoted the 900 Senes Modulor Siqnol<br />

Processirg Sysrem.<br />

The dox 900 Seles leoLJres ^orvenience<br />

wittr flenbilily You con Iit up to B sophisti<br />

coted signol processins modules into o<br />

rockmount unit meosuring just 57+" high.<br />

Eoch 900 Series module represents o step<br />

forword in stote-of-the-ori technology Instol<br />

lolion.is qulck ond eosy to occomplish.<br />

Stondord connectors enoble you to wire the<br />

rock into your system Like ony other component.<br />

The interchongeoble signol processing<br />

modules slip in ond oui in seconds.<br />

The dbx 900 Series is the uLtrmoie in flex1-<br />

bility These modules ploce ot lingertip contro<br />

c-eorve rools io erpress yolr Lnique<br />

sense oJ ortistry in sound production.


Th€ Moalel 902 De.esser con be<br />

used os d ..nvennono! broodbond<br />

de esser, or lor dttenuolirs onllouser<br />

deteimined porticn oJ the hish {re<br />

oren.yionse oJ the oucljo sisnol. Goin<br />

.eduction is odjusloblelf.d ! to 20dB<br />

A leolure unique io ihe 902 (noiiound<br />

inoiher de esse.s)is its continuou:<br />

dndltsis ol the irpui signol specl.um,<br />

the.ebyprovidlnE ihe eadct dmount 01<br />

de essins :eLected resordless ol sirrrol<br />

level. the 902does noi requjre re..di<br />

b.olion lor sisnal lerel chonges.lust<br />

trtrOperateE ndependenryolinpulsqnal<br />

leve no thre.hol.l ro qci nl] Br^rdhrnri .r<br />

HF-o. y de-ess ng acl on providesflerib tV<br />

FlFl Rande..nth s.tc am. 'nr.1.1...

The lloCel 905 P.lcnetdc Equclizer<br />

oIIeE o umoue deoree ol eouoLLzon.n<br />

Iterb,trv o; tLqliden!,i, t;, mor *nholt<br />

sc.nllc.rq h!e Iulll Foromef coperdhon<br />

ot.lltlree t,lle, bonCs Tfeo. erropp,nq<br />

boads each oller contol cj lrequenct<br />

bonCudrh{Or oaduD to lJ dB ol recrr<br />

r.coL-utorboost,op;or l-"Rr I co;p e<br />

rnenton I lrer o.tronlcrros] equo roton<br />

needs. io. p.oblen sjiuoiions iequirinq<br />

the remorol ol spu.ious sjsnols, eoch ol<br />

the bonds con be indepeniently swit.he.l<br />

into i4lniie not.h" mode wiihout ollect<br />

rngthe operolioi oj the otheis. ln slluolions<br />

Nhere oshelvinq e.ilolizer frill produce<br />

betterresulis thdnopeckinq on;, the 905 s<br />

hioh ond lo-rbcnds.or be i.de.endenrlw<br />

sftitched fum pedbns to shelvfiq ope.o '<br />

tion. The entne unit mcvbes{itch b'<br />

pos"ed i-r rn",.ntbel.re otte, comoaq<br />

:onr. Tt e 9lr r, ih e .ompl"re eq udtize.<br />

po.loge iqhl oi lour fingertips.<br />

trtr Three bands oi EQ in one package p€rrnn<br />

exceptiona i exibi ity, a low precise shaplng ol fre,<br />

quency cufre Dtr Each band has controls lor<br />

rec procarboosr/clt(up to 15 dB), bandwdth io).<br />

and fiequency centertrtr lnlinie notchswilcho.<br />

each band l€tsvou remove unwa.bd narosband<br />

signa swthouiafi*ting adiacert lreluencv info.<br />

mal or trtr Peak/she I sw tch on hioh ard low ba.ds<br />

grves qreal ileyiii iV in shaprnq the-ends oithe<br />

curye trtr Pane avout al ows easv amess to .Ll<br />

critcalcontro strtr Multioo nt oveiload sens io<br />

heps yo! etm ratec,pphs by show ns when;ver<br />

load occurs at anv poiniin the !.1.<br />

input impedance: balanced : 25 k{hms, unbaL<br />

anced : 18.5k-ohhs<br />

Oltput rmpedance: 22 ohms des€ned ro dnve 600<br />

Max mlm input evel: +24dBm<br />

Max mum outpui level: + 24 dBm lnto 600 ohms or<br />

Frequency response. 20 Hz-20kNz, +0, 1dB<br />

Tota harmonrc d slorl on iTHDr under anv boostor<br />

cltcond ri6n lesc rhinh mi":i 1kH,<br />

Equ valenl mpui noise: 88dBm,<br />

20 H7-201H7 hrn.iw.iih<br />

unweiohied<br />

F ler typi each band svmmetnca<br />

peak/dip each sw tchab e<br />

tonotchmode;highand ..Y11<br />

low bands sw tchable to<br />

Cenler frequences. ow<br />

:20-500 H2: mdde<br />

band:200.5 [Hzih olr<br />

band : 800-20 kllu -<br />

Rangertl5dB,peakor<br />

Notch allen!arion: more than<br />

40dBalmaxmumQ,<br />

great€r at min mum Qs<br />

Conlrols, FBEOU€ncy, a<br />

boosttut(each ba.d)<br />

swirches rN/out, she vrnc<br />

bands) lnfnite notchlall<br />

ba.ds)<br />

Melerrg: LED overload ind calor,<br />

mon tors all critical circ! try<br />

Powerrequrements: 1l5Vrequat6dat100mA,<br />

+24Vrmre.'rhrFd:rmmA<br />

D mens ons: 5ia"h by 1%'wj card depth 9%'<br />

TheMo.lel906 El.nger + onsaersiheneeC Io.<br />

on electonl. slstem thoi ochleres p.ecise predi.t<br />

oble co.iro! ol the llorsirs eileci while p.olidirLs<br />

ihe sisnol qlolity, 100:L jrequency sr"eep, dn.i low<br />

ncise pretiouslycbroined in ihe stLLdio by usins<br />

o -d oF- o -sB \ I -b- I<br />

ninq, becduse the 9116 is olsoo hish quolitr doublex<br />

Both ollhese bosi. opemtinq modes cdn be.ontroLLed<br />

L) non.ollx 2)br ihe lnteDol sreeF qe. erd<br />

o .h \o -. .o.ob-<br />

^ -o F66do. o .o 6<br />

betreen tro diffe.ent saeep woreforn:,3) by the<br />

inletol .dlCom r.oise sour.e o., olternoilvel1l, on<br />

enemol source such os dnoiher 900 Se.ies module s<br />

'o o ..o 60 p o<br />

srslem or 4) onr ol1he aonr possible blen& ol rhese<br />

P" o le o r '<br />

voltose cor.bindlions o.e siaFir cnd.leorlyindi<br />

ccted by the conijnuoush uFddied LED dispLor:<br />

60 6'o 06 . d6 9 -o , n -o. o9p, o o..<br />

600q60 00.<br />

o.ontroi The userrs providea riih.onirol oldelov<br />

'o gpos' d61 6<br />

oq-d.bF od-s-t- o o. -- o oos<br />

Tre !06 olso leolu.es ste.eo o! tputs Iorobt;inin! u<br />

spocicus stereo ellecillon nonosou.ces. The<br />

m..iel906 Flo.cer + not onlv olJeF true 1o.-.ilor.<br />

o so d l. .F66{i6 d o o po.da<br />

vosironse ol ilonqiaq ond .loublinq eilecis All ir<br />

! ccmFoci pockose !hich con be pluqsed.l,recdr<br />

inlocrrdbx 9!C Seles modul€ lrome.<br />

DtrGrearer -d 2001lrequelci \{Fp ranqecovea elnre<br />

a rd o sp€cL La dnd d.livp's F \ lrene\ { o. . a1a 10 ere( t<br />

-OE {elsire roo- arcn@ro ovt,taro rc sid-doubk 9 s<br />

poq,ibleDtr-ow-roiseeolo$.orsronoriiri .ven,reerl€ne<br />

I Jed so-ld i l-e 1lpnat rar dom rciae eo- ce La I<br />

b. b 61deo w f rta dFavcolro'volaqe lo provoe a more<br />

natL'a douberackira elFcl Eltr 1o-_EDo epa! ro carec fe<br />

dela! ne'esirT'ror -- 6r l.ol-r oltage 6io -.1o1 1 L\F.<br />

lnpu ap-oa-ce bsdcN - 25k{1r.. L-oatarced tB.5<br />

l.hms<br />

Outplt impedance:22 ohms, designed to dhve 600ohms or<br />

Mdirnurn input level: +24dBm<br />

Mdimum output eve: + 24 dBm into 600 ohms or more<br />

Frequel. )<br />

.esoolse: 20 12.16 "<br />

rz O. 3dB tlpcdtpro<br />

Tola harmon c dislortion OHD):At1 kHz, tess rhan 0.5%<br />

85 dBm,20 Hz 20<br />

Mod! al@n fieque.cy: 0 T<br />

liFred whrle norse f -<br />

Modulat on deorhr 0r 00"/.<br />

Fe€dback O 9'9%<br />

Alx a,1 lste@l ouloul<br />

+20dbm rnlo 6od<br />

input oLipur mode :<br />

ba dced : 250 k{hms s n<br />

gle€nded : 185 k-ohrns<br />

corrrors DELAY ime (man!aD,<br />



Swlches rN/Out,MoDE(FLANGE DOUBLE),0lphase<br />

REVerse NO SETExTemal roLn.. lor MOnl ll AT oN<br />

modulatonwavelorm(si.e, Triafautoid')<br />

Meterng: LED cotumn, 2,4,6,8,10,12J 4,16,18,20 and x2)ms deray<br />

Po{e .sJ'"mer s 15V e9.at€a.100aA 2cV.TagulaFdsr30mA<br />

Dimensiors:5%'h by 3"w:card deplh 9'/1

'The Model907 Slereo Gated CompreEso! Slave, when combined wrtn the Model903 compressor provLdes a poweriul new sjgnal<br />

processing tool lor the broadcastei studro or production lacllLty. To the 903 s Over Easy pedormance (ior Lnaudible lransition into<br />

cornpressLon) rhe 90? adds ahigh speed release gate and true rms delectedstereo compressLon Releasegatinq prevenls short term<br />

sLgral drops from causmq the limiter to modulate background noise The audLble benents are subsianljal with bolh musical ard<br />

spoken word piograms especLally u nen compression leyels are hign or the source material iojsy When the short term rms value ol<br />

ar input signal talls below the front panel selectable gating threshol.l tne 903/90? tueezes ' a1 iis mosl receni amount of gain<br />

redrciLon which is held untilthe signal retuns lo a level above thesetting. There is also a calil?rated release rale tim on tne 907<br />

Dual matched rms deiectors proride proper compression response lor all stereo irpul signals regardless olplase relarionships<br />

and Blackmer voltage controlLed amplif,ers (VCAS) enabie accuraiestereo trackingovera 60 dBrange The usercan installhisor her<br />

own detector preemphasis networksin space provided on the cjrcuit board<br />

Althougn each conlrol ol the 9!3/90? pajr acts on both ste.eb channels each chamel :ndjlidually can be hardwire bypassed For<br />

nulti band limiting provision has been nade on ihe 907 ctrcujt board lor tytn!:t the gate lunctions ol all bands. which prevenls the<br />

unnalural narmoric alleratjors caused by jndepedenr gareoperatior dlrinq multi banduse You car alsodeleat the gatelor<br />

operation as astereo hmjter and.onflgure the unit as a mono compressor//Lmrtei rvLthrelease gating<br />

trtr Used wth a903, a 907 creates alrue stereo Ov€r Easy compressotlimiter with precision re ease<br />

qal'9trtrD,claer,delel'olpro/ioe-dicLrdlesleeoeqpol-ereqa'oersorigaptse<br />

rp a io.-F ps trO SSo'1term ras a.ays s ol l5e,nprL s'g-alprcudes srpe o.qau! rclor. whi, '<br />

eiai1ale-aLdibl. pJap q -tr rl4'raladj-.lob.qale -ode releoce rar6 a lods yoJ ro dere n re<br />

for olo r"e907 rolds 4saaleoucrol$l-e tles,onarlevel soeow -eqdr-oreslod<br />

trtrSlaporgcapabilyalo*cnJLipegar.eobe.ied.ogel.qror196rlr-i-oa;ooperalon<br />

nput mpedance: balan@d : 25k-ohms. unbaanced :18.5k-ohms<br />

oulplt mpedance:22 ohms, desiqned to drve 600 ohmsormore<br />

Maximum npLl level: +24dBm<br />

Maimun output evel: + 24 dBm inro 600 ohms or more<br />

FreqLencyresporse:20 Fz-20 kHz 11 dB<br />

Disroliorarrhlrpconoressio^'kHz0dBm.r/pral/0.0r".rrdha'mor'.a_d02""3'dla. ori<br />

Equ va err noLrnose 85 dBT. 20 Fz-20 112. j {e€nreo<br />

Release gate ihresho d I variab e lrom 40lo+10d8<br />

Belease are gar.drode iTe.rlri-):0 05 dB/sFdo 2odEhF<br />


Switches: SLAVE CHANNEL lN/Out R ELEASE GATE lN/Oul<br />

Powe. FqJ.em.lrs 14VrFgulared.r60-A. 2rV r..eg rar.d.r 30-A<br />

Dimensions 5l4'h by 1 j :"w, card depth 9','<br />

No e rhe907r-srb€Lsed$rrha-ooe 903 con[ols r1e903,90/ co- brlar'o. ecompressor<br />

atack rate, release rate, ihreshold, compress ^1(r on ral o and oltputgar (see903 speciications).<br />

Th€ F-900 Powered Fnne accommodates eighl operatlonal and one spare module Ln lust 5'/i'olEck space Athome in thestudio<br />

yet tough enough to wjthsland the rLgo6 ol the iad il is also Aexible enoiqh to Let you riconnqure your systen quickly and easily just<br />

by changjngmodules Its healy duty power supply provides troubie fteeoperaiion Wide double sided gold platedcontact areas<br />

andbilurcated edged connectols ensure posjtjre conneclion between PC board and morherboard and pfuvjde ar extra measure ol<br />

relEbility ever when modules are plugged and unplugged ftequently The iactoryinstailed connector e jrinq ard busing eliminaies<br />

sold er co.n eclion s ro tle motherbo. rd H oo kups de made rhrough srandard prolessional barier srrLp connectors, which ar. eco<br />

nori cal.Iel]able and easy ta uie<br />

CD E thl operal onalmodues [l in]ust 5la"ofracl space Dtr l-leavy-duty power supply meanstrouble-lree operaiion flE Scresin lasreners hold modules<br />

in thelrameand 6.sure positve relenl on even on lhe road Dtr Bairerslripconnectorsarereiable and easy lo use trD Module connect ons and signal<br />

busing are on the motherboard, which e minales so derconnections Dtr Exaemdy rugged sreeland exrruded aumlnum construction sia.ds !p ro the<br />

Thisframe s a so availab e as the F900U ai unpowered version. Nore thatusing a sing e :! 15 V dc powersupply in p ace ol rhe 124 V supply spe.if ed<br />

wir reduc6 headroon ard LED briqhiness.<br />

Power requiemerrs: 100 120. 220. 24o v a.. 50160 Hz<br />

tl0%. e^ternalv switchableat rear oa.e<br />

Power.onqrmdi# an w:hc n.m n2<br />

Co.'€crors inpJ /oLlp"L o€rre FTinali pos er o rLoul aro<br />

npLl,6-pinJones fema e a24, tT5V<br />

Moduecapacity 8 o perational bays, 1 spar,A<br />

oowe cLppy c"-e'rcapdc'ry: r.0 A. - l5 V dc req-tar-d,<br />

,0.54. 124 V dc urreolraled -<br />

Sw tches/indrcators. i lumi;ared power swrrch<br />

Dimens ons:514'h by 19"w by 14'd<br />

dkx<br />

M enrs and spe.ii. 'ons<br />

e subje<br />

dbx and Ove! Easy are legsrered lrademalks of db* Inc,<br />

PLM and Infinity + are tradehalks of dbx lnc.<br />


MODEL<br />





l6 0x<br />

163<br />

RM-t 53<br />

154<br />

I6JA<br />

Monocompressor/limiter,selectable $420.00<br />

"over Easy" or "hard-knee, thteshold<br />

Mono compressor/limiter with $210.00<br />

Over Easy" action, one-knob control<br />

Two model l53s in rack-momt assembly $420.00<br />

Stereocompressor/limiterwith'tover $420.00<br />

Easy" action, one-knob control<br />

Compressor/limiter with "Over Ea5y" $570.00<br />

thrcshold, PEAKSTOP solt clipper,<br />

auto or manual attack/release rates<br />


F900 .. Powered lrame tor 900 Series modules t525.aa<br />

F9o0U Unpowered t.ame Ior 900 Series modules $400.00<br />

992 De-esser module $350.00<br />

903 Compressor/limite. module $310.00<br />

9a4 Noise-tate module $150.00<br />

9A5 Three-bandpararnetric-equalizermooule $370.00<br />

906 Flan6er+ module $750.00<br />

907 Stereo tated-compressor siave rnodule $290.00<br />

for use with the 903<br />

(941,942, and 4ii modules are compatible with the 900<br />


610 Computerized room equalizer;<br />

automatically EQs a .oom to llat<br />

$1,900.00 $t<br />

or Lser-choSen curYe<br />


500 Professionalsubha.monicsynlhesizei 5290,A0<br />

503 Professionai three-band $J10.00<br />

dynamic-rante expander<br />

3BX-R Remote control lor J03 $ r 69.00

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