Class notes - Princeton Theological Seminary

Class notes - Princeton Theological Seminary

Class notes - Princeton Theological Seminary


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our to be the man's daughfall<br />

1997<br />

day. On August 3, in from of Old First<br />

Church in San Francisco, thirty-five<br />

Presbyterians donned running shoes to<br />

carry-relay-fashion-a<br />

small, nine-inch<br />

wooden cross across the Golden Gate Bridge.<br />

That began a journey that took the cross to<br />

Presbyterian churches in Sausalito, Tibiron,<br />

San Rafael, San Anselmo,<br />

Terra Linda,<br />

Novato, Sama Rosa, and Windsor, from<br />

California's oldest Presbyterian congregation<br />

to ItS newest.<br />

People from three-year-olds<br />

carried the cross. When<br />

it arrived in<br />

to retirees<br />

Windsor for the chartering service, the<br />

church's oldest member<br />

Irene Neil) and its youngest<br />

(three-monthold<br />

Spencer Brady) escorted<br />

the sanctuary.<br />

(ninety-two-year-old<br />

the cross into<br />

Roger Hull, astride his bicycle, was also<br />

one of the cross-carriers.<br />

church<br />

Hull had helped found rhe Windsor<br />

seven years ago when the presbytery<br />

asked him to take a try at new church<br />

development.<br />

The pastor of Old First Church in<br />

San Francisco for ten years, he left in 1988,<br />

at what he terms his "dark night of the sou!."<br />

After traveling across the United<br />

spending<br />

States<br />

time in retreat centers and praying<br />

about where God was calling him, he returned<br />

to California, where Staten offered<br />

him time to think while working<br />

winery. He never left.<br />

Now, in addition<br />

at the<br />

to his work at Field<br />

Stone (where Staten refers to him as the<br />

"director of hospitality"), Hull is Windsor's<br />

parish associate pastor. Shaw welcomes<br />

help. She believes new church<br />

needs the gifts and commitment<br />

people as the church<br />

can muster.<br />

his<br />

development<br />

of as many<br />

"Last year there were only forty-one<br />

new churches in the 181 presbyteries of<br />

the Presbyterian Church USA," says Shaw.<br />

"Yet the only way we can reach people who<br />

need the hope of Jesus Christ is through<br />

new church development."<br />

Shaw has definite<br />

to begin a church.<br />

ideas about how<br />

Like ralking to people<br />

in grocery stores and gas stations<br />

and diners<br />

about Jesus Christ. "I remember being in<br />

a laundromat and beginning a conversation<br />

with an older man about<br />

God while we were<br />

waiting for our clothes to be done," she says.<br />

"He told me God had let him down. He<br />

was very bitter and wasn't interested<br />

church, and I listened to him."<br />

in the<br />

A few months later she got a phone call<br />

from a woman in Denver whom she didn't<br />

know. It turned<br />

rer, asking if Shaw were the woman<br />

minister<br />

in a laundromat.<br />

diagnosed<br />

who had met her father<br />

The man had been<br />

with lung cancer and had<br />

mentioned his conversation with<br />

Shaw to his daughter.<br />

to visit him the next day.<br />

Shaw went<br />

"I feel like I have the responsibility<br />

to share my faith," she says. "As<br />

a new church development pastor, I'm<br />

accountable<br />

presbytery<br />

to the Gospel and to my<br />

to tell the story of Christ,<br />

to bring people into the community<br />

of the church."<br />

Shaw has wanted<br />

to do new<br />

church development since seminary.<br />

She took several positions<br />

in Sacramento<br />

Presbytery<br />

before Redwoods<br />

in churches<br />

called her to the Windsor<br />

church in September of 1996.<br />

"I look at Windsor as part of<br />

a whole unbroken<br />

chain of churches,"<br />

she explains, "a chain that includes<br />

Thessalonica, Philippi, Corinth, Pine<br />

Srreet Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia,<br />

Old First in San Francisco,<br />

Windsor.<br />

and now<br />

The hope of our world is in Jesus<br />

Christ. The hope for our church<br />

is in beginning<br />

new churches."<br />

Windsor<br />

is a success story in a denomination<br />

that is closing more churches than<br />

it is opening.<br />

at our three chartering<br />

"We had a total of 675 people<br />

services [one for the<br />

congregation, Shaw's installation service, and<br />

the ordination and installation of officers]<br />

and have an average worship attendance of<br />

140," Shaw reports. In January twenty people<br />

will join the church<br />

first new member<br />

already baptized<br />

as part of Windsor's<br />

class, and Shaw has<br />

two children.<br />

All of this is happening<br />

in a building<br />

that was a Methodist church 100 years<br />

ago (old by California standards), then<br />

a community center, an antique shop,<br />

and a private home.<br />

Shaw likes having a community<br />

in the church's family tree.<br />

center<br />

"Community, connection is what the<br />

church is about," she says, "connecting people<br />

to Jesus Christ and to each other."<br />

Roger Hull agrees. He sees his work at<br />

Field Stone as a kind of ministry<br />

of evangelism.<br />

"I'm closer to being an evangelist in<br />

the tasting room than I was in the parish,"<br />

he muses. "People talk with me about their<br />

problems,<br />

their hopes and fears, their desire<br />

for community and connection. It's not typical<br />

evangelism,<br />

but it's sharing with people<br />

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The Windsor Presbyterian Church on its chartering<br />

day. The background graphics are from the label of<br />

Field Stone Winery's new communion wine, Convivio.<br />

who often have no relationship<br />

church<br />

with the<br />

as a place to find food and sustenance."<br />

A few wine-tasters<br />

the Windsor<br />

church.<br />

have even joined<br />

Staten is happy about Field Stone's connection<br />

with the church. He was a professor<br />

of religion and a college chaplain<br />

for almost<br />

fifteen years before he took over Field Stone's<br />

vineyards after his father-in-law's<br />

death in<br />

1979. With his PTS M.Div. and a Ph.D.<br />

in theology and philosophy<br />

of religion from<br />

rhe University of Chicago, he has always<br />

pondered theological questions, including<br />

how to integrate<br />

belief with experience.<br />

He also believes that one's faith should<br />

inform one's action and has committed to<br />

giving a percemage<br />

sale of Convivio to non-profit<br />

of the receipts from the<br />

organizations,<br />

including the Alliance Medical Cemer in<br />

Sonoma County. Alliance primarily serves<br />

members of the Hispanic community, who<br />

make up most of the area's vineyard workers.<br />

Staten's experience as a vintner has also given<br />

him an opportunity<br />

to offer the church<br />

something concrete to symbolize the sacredness<br />

he finds in the love of the land and the<br />

grapes. "It took me twenty years to come up<br />

with a communion<br />

wine," he laughs, "and<br />

that doesn't include all the years I thought<br />

about the theological meaning of communion.<br />

That's pretty fast for a Presbyterian."<br />

Staten is also sure that if Jeanie Shaw<br />

had been given the task, she would have<br />

done it in a year! I<br />

inSpire. 15

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