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What on earth is James White’s Problem?<br />

(I mean, would you buy a 2 nd hand car off this man?)<br />

…apart from arrogance, pride & a mouth that just won’t close (Prov 10v19, Ecc 5v3 etc.) this ‘man’ just<br />

keeps attacking the AV Bible (including Bible Believers all around the world) & saying that there are<br />

‘errors’ in it! Yet again like all LIARS, he NEVER ONCE ADMITS that the Holy Spirit has shown him the<br />

‘errors’ in the Authorized Version Bible! This guy is so full of himself (Gal 6v3) & thinks he is some sort<br />

of an ‘authority’ on ‘correcting’ the AV Bible that he is destroying the faith that weak Christians have in<br />

their Bibles! Do you think GOD is happy with James White? Neither do I! This Bible ‘corrector/rejector’<br />

will reap what he has sown & if he gets to Heaven (!?) he will certainly lose rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ! You<br />

may not like people like Sam Gipp & Peter Ruckman, but no-one can deny that these folk get you to TRUST & BELIEVE the<br />

Bible not question or doubt it! James White ‘thinks’ he is clever (Rom 1v22) but un<strong>for</strong>tunately not only is he being used as<br />

a tool <strong>for</strong> the Devil, he is totally deceived himself & can’t see it! My advice would be to simply DUMP HIM IMMEDIATELY<br />

& believe the AV Bible & what God said & wrote down; rather than follow a Bible ‘corrector’ who is walking BLINDLY, yet<br />

WILLINGLY IGNORANT, into God’s judgement! 2 Pet 2v1-3 But there were false prophets (James White!) also among the<br />

people, even as there shall be false teachers (James White!) among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,<br />

even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their<br />

(James White!) pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness<br />

shall they (James White!) with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth<br />

not, and their (James White!) damnation slumbereth not. White-wash is on very dangerous ground! People like<br />

Ruckman, Kinney & O’Reilly have answered all his queries & ‘problems’ regarding the AV already, but ‘Whitey-White-<br />

Wash’ just loves the sound of his own voice too much that he just won’t shut up & go & do the Lord’s work i.e. reaching<br />

the lost souls of this world with the Gospel… he would rather do the Devil’s work & ‘question’ God’s word… Yea, hath God<br />

said (Gen 3v1) James White is a MORON & so are YOU if you entertain this Bible ‘corrector’!!!<br />

Will Kinney writes… FINALLY we get down to what the Bible Agnostics REALLY believe. Every once in a while one of them<br />

comes out with what is the essence of their belief system regarding the Bible and the real reason they continually attack<br />

one Book in particular, the King James Holy Bible. One of our resident Bible agnostics and unbelievers in the Infallibility of<br />

the Bible (a real Book you can hold in your hands and read) by the name of Bobby Valentine posts what most of these guys<br />

really believe but are unwilling to come right out and state.<br />

Bobby Valentine 8:52pm Apr 6 - "God's infallible word was given in Hebrew and Greek. There is no such thing as an<br />

infallible translation. Not in English, Not in German, not in any language" There you have it, folks. A little bit of honesty<br />

about what he REALLY believes and why he has NO infallible Bible in any language <strong>NOW</strong>. Bobby V and folks like him who<br />

tell us "God's infallible word was given in Hebrew and Greek. There is no such thing as an infallible translation. Not in<br />

English, Not in German, not in any language", have never seen "God's infallible words" a day in their lives. There ARE NO<br />

originals, and he knows this, yet his "bold confession" is that God's infallible words WERE given, past tense verb, not ARE<br />

given. Bobby V has no infallible Hebrew and Greek text he believes either, and he also knows this to be true. So what<br />

does he recommend? He himself has told us that the Catholics are coming out with some really good bibles like the St.<br />

Joseph New American bible. And guess what. This modern day Catholic bible uses the SAME eclectic critical text (Nestle-<br />

Aland, UBS) <strong>for</strong> the New Testament that his other Vatican Versions use (the ESV, NIV, NASB, NET) and also rejects many of<br />

the inspired Hebrew readings in the same places as his also recommended ESV, NIV etc. What a shocker! ;-) BUT, Bobby V<br />

even tells us that not even his recommended Vatican Versions ARE the infallible words of God because in his mind "There<br />

is no such thing as an infallible translation."<br />

See Undeniable Proof the ESV, NIV, NASB, NET etc. are the new Vatican Versions -<br />

http://brandplucked.webs.com/realcatholicbibles.htm<br />

So, who or what is Bobby V's final authority? Well, you can bet on one thing <strong>for</strong> sure; it is NOT "the Bible". It's gonna be<br />

either his own mind and understanding subject to change at any moment, or the Pope or some other lying bible agnostic<br />

like James White. Men like James White speak out of both sides of their mouth. They will SAY they believe The Bible IS the<br />

infallible words of God, but when asked where we can get a copy of this infallible Bible they PROFESS to believe in, they<br />

get just a tad uncom<strong>for</strong>table and immediately try to change the subject, usually by dragging out their laundry list of<br />

alleged errors in our beloved King James Holy Bible - the ONLY Bible believed by thousands of redeemed children of God<br />

to be the complete, inspired and 100% historically true and doctrinally pure words of God in the English language. There<br />

is no middle ground in this issue of God's final written authority - the Holy Bible. Either you are a bible agnostic and an<br />

unbeliever in the Infallibility of the Bible like Bobby V, James White and a multitude of other modern day professing<br />

Christians, or you are a King James Bible believer with the true, infallible and preserved words of God you can actually hold<br />

in your hands, read and believe every word. You are either a Bible agnostic or a Bible believer. Which side are you on?<br />

One day of LIFE!<br />

Today the Lord has given you a day of LIFE: what have you done with it? 24 hours in a day: what have you done with the<br />

time that the Lord has given you? Have you tried to reach anyone with the Gospel? Has this been a wasted day?<br />


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