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302 Grazian et al: Galaxies in GOODS-South<br />

and facilities (Cowie et al. 2004; Mignoli et al.<br />

2005; Vanzella et al. 2005).<br />

A high-quality Multi-wavelength catalog<br />

(MWC) has been produced using this public<br />

dataset at the Astronomical Observatory of<br />

Rome (AOR), on the basis of our previous experience<br />

developed within K20 and HDFS surveys.<br />

The scientific motivations are manifold:<br />

first of all, the wide spatial and spectral coverage<br />

of the GOODS field ensures an ideal<br />

dataset to study the formation and evolution<br />

of galaxies through the analysis of Luminosity,<br />

Mass functions and clustering properties till<br />

the highest available redshifts (z ∼ 7). With<br />

the Spitzer data in the MIR, indeed, it is possible<br />

to investigate the rest frame K-band till<br />

z ∼ 3, which allows to derive precisely the<br />

stellar mass in galaxies. The GOODS survey<br />

is fundamental to understand the role of stars<br />

and AGN in the energetic output of galaxies.<br />

The large volume sampled is useful to lower<br />

down biases due to cosmic variance, but still<br />

not sufficient to eliminate them totally.<br />

Not least, the GOODS data represent an<br />

innovative challenge for detailed data analysis,<br />

due to the large amount and complexity<br />

of the imaging dataset. We have dedicated a<br />

combined effort for software developing and<br />

scientific analysis applied to a public dataset,<br />

with the aim to build an important expertise<br />

in the field of multi wavelength imaging surveys.<br />

GOODS is the prototype of future wide<br />

and deep surveys: it is an ideal dataset to test<br />

smart software tools dealing with data coming<br />

from different telescopes and of very dishomogeneous<br />

quality.<br />

2. The Data<br />

The GOODS southern pointing, located over<br />

the Chandra Deep Field South and encompassing<br />

the ACS Ultra Deep Field and the GMASS<br />

ESO Large Program (Galaxy Mass Assembly<br />

ultra-deep Spectroscopic Survey, PI Cimatti),<br />

has been the target of extensive observations<br />

with ESO telescopes, carried on in the spirit<br />

of public surveys. To date, the major effort has<br />

been devoted to deep imaging observations in<br />

the J, H and Ks bands with the VLT-ISAAC<br />

infrared imager. The final area covered by the<br />

Fig. 1. The ACS GOODS-S field with the ISAAC<br />

tiling made by ESO to cover in J and Ks the whole<br />

field. The cyan square marks the position of the<br />

ACS UDF. The red rectangle marks the position of<br />

the K20 survey. The four white quadrants show the<br />

actual coverage of VLT-VIMOS U band imaging;<br />

large gaps are visible, since the observing program<br />

is just started.<br />

Ks images approaches 135 arcmin 2 to a 1σ<br />

limiting depth of typically 25-26 mag/arcmin 2<br />

(AB), making it an unique combination of<br />

depth and size in the near–IR. We have included<br />

in our analysis the b, v, i and z ACS<br />

images, the Spitzer data provided by IRAC instrument<br />

(3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 µm) and publicly<br />

available U–band data from the 2.2ESO<br />

(U 35 and U 38 ) and VLT-VIMOS (U VIMOS ), as<br />

shown in Fig. 1. The complexity of these data<br />

is not trivial: the magnitude limits, the pixel<br />

size and the resolution of the various images<br />

are heterogeneous, going from 24 to 30 mag,<br />

from 0.03 to 0.6 arcsec/px and from 0.1 to 2.0<br />

arcsec, respectively. Indeed the ISAAC imaging<br />

has a different seeing from tile to tile, a further<br />

complication for the detailed photometric<br />

analysis of these data.<br />

Objects in the GOODS field have been detected<br />

in the z-band with the SExtractor soft-

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