MQM As A Terrorist Organization Since 1992 Part 4A of 4 - Sindhi ...

MQM As A Terrorist Organization Since 1992 Part 4A of 4 - Sindhi ...

MQM As A Terrorist Organization Since 1992 Part 4A of 4 - Sindhi ...


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.I YLJ L{ \JI IU I The Friday Times<br />

1'1'1 hc riNruon u r wcc<br />

I bir nqe utly 6u ir<br />

.|. *. lur y*. Somc<br />

intomod p@plc fcu violocc<br />

in tlE rsrclr, if tnc <strong>MQM</strong> frilr<br />

ro anEoi thc powc.ruugglc<br />

wi$in ielt. ln rirr om! ir<br />

m.y cv6 rW !o h(ieidrrinS<br />

iu om rupporcn ud prtroil,<br />

in ords o rcnml digcnr.<br />

l'{r Brdw lqbrl r}rc prcvhcid<br />

trurpon minirrq. hu<br />

cloly cxphiad hir ruignr.<br />

tion. [n lcran o Sirdi <strong>As</strong>mbly<br />

Spcrle urd Shdh Covcmor,<br />

wruch vac publ&lud by r<br />

Krrli dri.ly, Mr Brdr lryr<br />

hir r*igntum v[ obuncd<br />

udq duc,g md r3rwt tur<br />

vuhcs. Hc ould mr rcrirr ric<br />

prcttlc N hir lifc su n drn.<br />

!q, dE lcJH rtd.<br />

T}c lccrr w* rppscndy<br />

qlcn on Fb 2,5, five dryr rftc<br />

rJl lu{!flt MPA' hsdcd<br />

oYq dlir rcigrttjfit !o dc<br />

<strong>MQM</strong> Chrirnn But t}r. diJr.<br />

dadt v6i.m u bcin3 encr.<br />

didcd h prry rpokermm.<br />

'Mt 8ds h$ b.6 chutcd<br />

lor compuon ud rrtcd by<br />

puty',<br />

/thc rr),r Mr Tuiq Mh.<br />

mo4 r htq)sur foddd mh.<br />

irq.<br />

' Mt Bds lqbrl ir rle finr<br />

, pcron in UE <strong>MQM</strong> who hs<br />

' dlcd to livc hjr vdion Ovq<br />

thc<br />

,<br />

pu fcw yw. wo o[<br />

p6plc who wirhrd o grvc up<br />

. thqr'dutis'luvc bpcn rrckcd<br />

,<br />

frcn Orc orluu!rcn rnd<br />

prcicd <strong>of</strong>f to dtc Unlcd<br />

' Stuq. bst lhct hrvc rJl mru.<br />

- uincd @mplcE rrlqne rbour<br />

thc<br />

I rels which fqc€d r.hfl<br />

' io psr wid 0e pfty.<br />

,,] ',' . .,. . ; . :i. ' ,. !1 ,<br />

'il:il;:'""ffixlH;<br />

Diss.enters go on feCoid<br />

; -;;6'il,f iro* 'no ':'t" : " ' " ir ' ;' ' Y<br />

' wr r joiru wlg7' oda lwo dur .rriril.<br />

<strong>MQM</strong> hicruhyl 'rE<br />

ubll yrr"rr,r, prry hs noi o*, o, thc caniruion.r<br />

i joinl s533F f frq rut' hd in rhc pqron- rrp rcoi'- bca rblo o uphin rwry eirh hitrsctry, ud hg inrirod r<br />

' mcd nd Mr Arnir lorq hrvc nadcd hic iucmpLrcy *cio. ' -<br />

notc .grigi L{r lqht hir<br />

t L:.. I!!:s'd :r 'nc<br />

Ajrrq wu tEh r d€dicrr.d haaongly, rllc trtr{r q- @uqguq be|e rh6 'rd l.!s<br />

psly u cqaptq clsrd<br />

'<br />

rcrtd sd e mrc.d ro<br />

'Thcy vc<br />

rprtsy ,r"ory<br />

6outit o.r.ropnr ii"o tqr d6nl yi!h.<br />

to b. pq. Jm sa.<br />

rlrc prry dieriv< drt hu co. lirnn<br />

thc MeM il rbogr:; U* For crmplc, mtly<br />

'<br />

nc o( d' miDtq od luvc eortfl u&d to crJl hn Iu. srdig Ali l po.iurr<br />

rrvr<br />

iri*i*. Lo ,r. bi3<br />

w<br />

fur in Hydan.<br />

nivrr Kr Du:Jrmu" bccrus<br />

i fii*k:"-t"'<br />

<strong>of</strong> mmr n 0r rifl Jn srdiq h! brd rbour rr.lc <strong>of</strong> prbtic prcp<br />

j "'ilTffiio.,,**""ctA,.<br />

Il,,'"J"il.'Hrl:; il:"til,,",iffil,:"ro: ;3J"]H],T,.mg<br />

i :1 *l ud Arfq Alacd rponrucour d-rrru. Amrr 34.1...rpp1*rfy b dirmirlps rqc bcin3 rld o$.rr<br />

' vac rc' ordhrry workcn rn K.\u r comsd Md oml r{i lquel r'sigurion s r vd. to*.a*.y FEer. . Tl,c<br />

; lhr qfuitrtim. .Thqv com- ovq hj, coNrds wu ufthd. rd ourra. Durin8 I viJit<br />

mudcd powatut b rlte<br />

porrrronr $icre ro @nv(<br />

rogcrbrc. "Trtsv<br />

T{EhMd<br />

h& prrlcd hosp'ur b Mr'Arr.t Hwrrn Ho,-J;;;'l;;_.';,;<br />

, ud cnpycd lhc 6nfid6cc kcy rqld ln orgnirmt ri. mrl. recnriy, hc nd whocvq rg bcsc mug poiru <strong>of</strong> on,<br />

, ud brchng <strong>of</strong> tic Qrud '\lr imu' AII ..n. w ,.ica o ix foud involvcd in conpdon rauoe Alms( rll u. MeM<br />

! AluI HNu ir on l@rd for udq tlrcu cmcal sd drcv would b. ula ro u*. -I'h."c ouc,llory<br />

. rrlin3 dru nlffi u dmprc! hd wcrc fre o dcuc ,rrycd rw.y<br />

ro !s r"hffi ukcd tic inspccricn in, frn oc irqr+<br />

"*,<br />

ddugh rlr <strong>of</strong><br />

3<br />

<strong>of</strong> rincairy nd dirrplinc rdrr, whcrcvq rhcy d.dcd fit., . vdrlrE @mFin rc fcr- rhcrn brry r.\os bclurd rhc*<br />

: i;',l1liLlffiIl,i. ,.vrromrMqM,'rponr. r.'li:-r,-.ia-i-iiffJil lxr. so,. rcFs ry d!<br />

: I.::J*;H**:J ffiffi; -: ff<br />

i<br />

ro Hy&rrbrd .L,, *r," i*. are appaftfrly betng supptled $t sone olher ::J:.d<br />

t ,ht rr.lc" And !lro*<br />

,. y.v.!o b rq our<br />

'r'G<br />

dJffd. dkstdeas as\i.J| whkh iflrJu.deiome promtd<br />

ff€ LBo.n 16.l lodq' nent ;n ffi<strong>of</strong>lJffi<br />

|etnaki tn th. .+tW, But they<br />

.. bd orrur*n. tsui ,n31in- ;L<br />

Hir rwmcn. ,^r_-) ^ ,:-_-^_;:- '-'^4,,-,--::t,'"'." "-':- -':<br />

i a.rim *rr. +p*ii - . tained a low pm/ile so fat dcspile hautng alatr . YT.1M* dE h@'y rhd<br />

i 1+"r Tg. *i g hc war amoud ol controt ouer uiV ana oianit fJ:H*Sffi i:},i<br />

brck b Ksf hi. Triq lrwud<br />

6d h.ne chr6s, ftom Mo.<br />

l, ;;fflir".*.*hr3c<strong>of</strong>Hv' .d:r lcb.l, Amr Klu, rcfisd ro rrtt.bql rjE in. hrjireruiMovf,qrbMd.<br />

:; --i-q -i.*-.ld ud Ahq Ahnrd<br />

-o,<br />

,,*.<br />

uc rpgu' volvenat <strong>of</strong> hir mini:ur in rhid& Qrmi Movmor ig<br />

,: .h.;; ;;;;;, ffi :HlHij",RY,";iI<br />

*#,li:",<br />

,bu, rwh;i,*: ilo*fr;ffi.;iT"Til<br />

il bodi€! mhi:ttr, hs sincc c\cn includc rcmc F*; i;. m6s i, o! Jn rhib i:.ry, cici-urc<br />

a cmcd thc rcFr(lin <strong>of</strong> b.in! rtridr h{ r}Eb hs<br />

mils in rl,c ,r{bM. Bur r.,rey in! b hclp<br />

o "- crcffily ntds ,.ll-<br />

ric brginirruon nis txdr, uy dirgt.,<br />

hrvc syt<br />

mrin(rinod<br />

I<br />

bcrrrvca ua unpoti*J tiir.<br />

r lov Prcfilc rgeinrt r fcw indivi{d 4;ri.. oh!<strong>MQM</strong>cdchcr. ntirii li<br />

Demo (Visit http://www.pdfsplitmerger.com)<br />

j ri"H'rno,rneo.*po. l"t;,*::J;;i:;*il ffH.*,,Tffi;i;"r:f, 1ffi,:":o*i),;-;il.-<br />

ud<br />

:: $o^;"1T",:' orugr' r*o qr thc<br />

nf,,Itli.<br />

<strong>MQM</strong>'i .ii,r,' ,p*ut.ar rhn h;;; u it i, nor jut idorogicd<br />

l: ;i;"; "r *ri ,roi.",* btSSctr pockcu in Ksrchi. m&c $c nruonrlirs hrppy<br />

--<br />

by diffcrercq du'w ,r*"i-g<br />

Their rupponcn<br />

: ;;;;,t,,; ;r";",, ;;; ;::<br />

c sii hrve tccpins tt' r'lqv r-a*J in',. ro rip drcusi thc <strong>MQM</strong>, rid<br />

{h'llcn8ed rll <strong>MQM</strong><br />

,';<br />

lqdqt '";;;i;;'.;";;-";;:;;: 'ol'coininfishtins. 0Ecmint*..rrr.yo-ol<br />

crcqP(<br />

;i J" .i,,",r,<br />

Alur<br />

i.;';;r.<br />

Hwrin to vtrit T}c onc grning curqcy orgulr,iont in,-.t pou.<br />

i n,,j,.r,.,ir,.,;"';;.;J;; ii:ffi:j,:;1""',::i::::il,1r9.i,til,:,.;j iillif;ui,r*;;;;,;;;;,<br />

ing tn <strong>of</strong>fi6c il indicrlvc <strong>of</strong> thc <strong>of</strong> thc lcw dc'clorinmu r Lhc ro corv uD ro t]c C\f irdct-.

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