2011 Student Writing Awards Booklet - Santa Fe Community College

2011 Student Writing Awards Booklet - Santa Fe Community College

2011 Student Writing Awards Booklet - Santa Fe Community College


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end and invaded France through the Netherlands and Belgium (64).<br />

The fear driving us to build the wall on the United States and Mexico<br />

border harms us more than it helps us to be safe.Think about the wall that<br />

Israel has built on its border with Palestine.The result has not made Israel<br />

safer. It has caused more hostility between the two states.<br />

The Critical Thinking section of “The New World Reader” quotes<br />

Harold Hongju Koh, Our enemies in this war are out to destroy<br />

our society precisely because it is open, tolerant, pluralistic and<br />

democratic. In its place, they seek to promote one that is closed,<br />

vengeful, repressive and absolutist.To secure genuine victory, we<br />

must make sure that they fail, not just in their assault on our safety<br />

but also in their challenge to our most fundamental values (9).<br />

Koh is stating that terrorists are trying to destroy our principles and beliefs<br />

at our core.Watching the world stage play out one feels we may be losing<br />

this war because we are shifting in our values.<br />

After 9/11 our government began its war on terror.The problem<br />

was understanding this new type of warfare.We were ill prepared from the<br />

start.Those in charge of making the important decisions seem to have<br />

mixed messages. <strong>Fe</strong>ar lead us, for the first time in our history, to initiate a<br />

pre-emptive war.The facts that are coming out today sadly show that most<br />

of the reasons given were fabricated intelligence and misrepresented facts.<br />

As stated in “The Importance of Counterterrorism in the Twenty-First<br />

Century,” an article by Peter Pawlick, and Chuck Goodwin,“Attempting<br />

to connect Iraq with al-Qaeda and possession of weapons of mass destructions<br />

(WMD), the Bush Administration initiated a pre-emptive war.To<br />

date, no evidence has been found to support either claim” (2). This preemptive<br />

war has cost not just lives, but for America, the things that made<br />

us a country of high principle and honor.<br />

The views that the rest of the world have about how we have<br />

behaved after 9/11, give an idea of how fear drove the U.S to make poor<br />

choices. Our closest allies have questions about those choices that we<br />

made. The Week, in a paraphrase from the London Guardian, makes clear<br />

how our country has lost its creditability.“Bush’s real legacy, though, is<br />

how he eroded America’s principles.…..He’d like to be seen as a noble<br />

patriot, but he ‘profoundly ill-served America’ by authorizing torture, setting<br />

up secret prisons and an extra-legal gulag at Guantanamo Bay, and<br />

abandoning ‘the rule of law.’The damage he did to America’s image abroad<br />

will take a generation to repair”(5). One of the most important values that<br />

we as a country gave the world was that after World War II, we created the<br />

Geneva Conventions that protected prisoners of war from torture; now<br />

fear has made us think it permissible to torture. If we continue our present<br />

course we will have no real credibility in the rest of the world.We have<br />

become hypocrites, in what we say and what we do.<br />


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